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Prog complet

26–29 June • World Trade & Convention Centre
COS and Affiliated Societies
Annual Meeting & Exhibition 2003
Scientific Program
Day 2 / Jour 2 Friday, June 27 / Vendredi 27 juin
Canadian Retina and Vitreous Society /
Société canadienne de la rétine et du vitré

Objectives: The presentations are largely of a clinical research nature. The participants will have the opportu-
nity to review and discuss novel medical and surgical techniques and applications to help determine when and
how they might be included in their clinical practice.
Objectifs : L’exposé consiste surtout en une recherche clinique. Les participants auront l’occasion de revoir les
nouvelles techniques et applications médicales et chirurgicales et d’examiner ensemble quand et comment ils
pourraient les inclure dans leur pratique clinique.
Guest / Invitée :Johanna M. Seddon, Boston, Massachusetts Medical Retina I / Soins thérapeutiques
de la rétine I
Session chair / Présidence :
Arif Samad
1030 Clinical–biochemical correlations in Oguchi’s disease
1050 Discussion
1100 Abstract A-1
Mutant frizzled-4 (FZD4) causes autosomal dominant familial exudative vitreoretinopathy with vari-
able intrafamilial phenotype
J. Robitaille,* M.L.E. MacDonald,
A. Kaykas, L. Sheldahl, M.-P. Dube,
D.L. Guernsey, B. Zheng, L.S. Siebert,
A. Hoskin-Mott, M.J. Beis, S.N. Pimstone, B.S. Shastry, R.T. Moon, M.R. Hayden,
Y.P. Goldberg, M.E. Samuels

1107 Abstract A-2
The effect of docosahexaenoic acid supplementation on macular function in a patient with a muta-
tion in ELOVL4
I.M. MacDonald,* M. Hébert, R.J. Yau,
S. Flynn, J. Jumpsen, M. Suh,
M.T. Clandinin

1114 Abstract A-3
Changes in multifocal electroretinography amplitude, but not timing, secondary to chloroquine and
hydroxychloroquine toxicity
A. Bhargava,* S.G. Coupland, P.J. Kertes, B.C. Leonard
1121 Discussion
1130 Abstract A-4
Five-year outcomes of the Canadian proton radiation therapy experience K.E. Paton, L.A. Wittenberg*
1137 Abstract A-5
Neovascular glaucoma following proton beam radiation therapy: risk factors, monitoring and treat-
ment strategies
K.E. Paton,* L.A. Wittenberg
1144 Abstract A-6
Bilateral exudative retinal detachment as initial presentation of sympathetic ophthalmia
C.W. Chang,* M.D.J. Greve, B.J. Hinz
1151 Discussion
Lunch / Déjeuner
Surgical Retina / Soins chirurgicaux de la rétine
Session chair / Présidence :Peter J. Kertes 1330 Retinal detachment in developing countries
1350 Discussion
1400 Abstract A-7
Posterior vitreous detachment: Is the 6-week follow-up necessary?
First prize, COS/Coherent-AMT Award for Excellence in Ophthalmic Research / Premier prix d’excel-
lence SCO/Coherent-AMT en recherche ophtalmique
K. Hasanee,* S. Sharma
1407 Abstract A-8
The new 25-gauge sutureless vitrectomy: outcomes and complications
M.-J. Fredette,* Y. Tardif, B. Cinq-Mars
1414 Abstract A-9
Massive peripapillary choroidal neovascularization: an indication for submacular surgery
P.J. Kertes
1421 Discussion
1430 Abstract A-10
Visual outcome of epiretinal membrane surgery with trypan blue
M. Perrier,* M. Sébag
1437 Abstract A-11
Outcome of macular hole surgery using trypan blue to facilitate delamination of the internal limiting
M. Perrier,* M. Sébag
1444 The etiology of macular detachment in an optic nerve pit/coloboma
1451 Discussion
Break / Pause
Medical Retina II / Soins thérapeutiques de la rétine II
Session chair / Présidence :Murray J. Erasmus 1550 Discussion
1600 Abstract A-12
Can multifocal electroretinography be used to follow patients with age-related macular degeneration
after photodynamic therapy and predict the need for retreatment?
M.-J. Fredette,* H. Shekavat, G. Lalonde, B. Cinq-Mars, Y. Tardif, M. Malenfant,
M. Hébert

1607 Abstract A-13
Does photodynamic therapy retreatment affect electroretinal function?
S.G. Coupland,* B.C. Leonard, P.J. Kertes
1614 Abstract A-14
Off-label uses of photodynamic therapy
R. Varma,* M.J. Erasmus, K. Colleaux
1621 Discussion
1630 Abstract A-15
Evaluation of active and clinically resolved central serous chorioretinopathy with multifocal elec-
L.A. Wittenberg,* D. Maberley
1637 Abstract A-16
Micropulsed diode laser treatment for chronic idiopathic central serous chorioretinopathy
F. Ali,* N. Armogan, J. Freudenthal
1644 Abstract A-17
Focal laser treatment of retinal angiomatous proliferations guided by high-speed indocyanine green
T.M. Johnson,* B.M. Glaser
1651 Discussion

Source: http://www.cos-sco.ca/annualmeeting/halifax2003/program/pdf-programs/05-crvs.pdf


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