Thank you, it's cool. Used for the first time because only then was the right drug. Very revealing detail: ordered Express shipping to get the order within 3 hours because didn't know how to get the order faster The drug is authentic exactly. Consistent with the stated prices the Staff is knowledgeable.
Craig l
Craig Black
18 Kay Court, Monroe, NJ 08831 908-578-7736
GREY HEALTHCARE GROUP, New York, NY (2005–2007) Group Copy Supervisor Account: OMNARIS (allergic rhinitis) NOESIS (part of CommonHealth), Morristown, NJ (2001–2005) Copy Supervisor Accounts: BETASERON (multiple sclerosis), ELIDEL US (eczema), ELIDEL Global Sr. Copywriter Account: ELIDEL US Copywriter Accounts: CEFTIN (sinusitis/acute otitis media), ELIDEL US, ZANAFLEX (spasticity) TORRE LAZUR, Parsippany, NJ (1998–2001) Copywriter Accounts: AMPLICOR (PCR test), PEGASYS (hepatitis C), pegylation (Pegasys) Jr. Copywriter Accounts: ACIPHEX (acid reflux), ARAVA (rheumatoid arthritis), PEGASYS, pegylation
HARRISON WILSON & ASSOCIATES, Parsippany, NJ (1997–1998) Jr. Copywriter Accounts: COMBIPATCH (hormone-replacement therapy), EXELON (Alzheimer’s disease), LESCOL (cholesterol), LIFESCAN (blood-glucose meters), OXANDRIN (disease-related weight loss) GLOUCESTER COUNTY TIMES, Woodbury, NJ (1996–1997) Staff Writer: Covered news in 6 Gloucester County municipalities and statewide EDUCATION
Bachelor of Arts in English (Concentration in Journalism) University of Delaware, Newark, DE Continuing Education School of Visual Arts, New York, NY
Copywriting Concepting Creative Direction
ARTÍCULO DE REVISIÓN Dimensión económica del sobrepeso y la obesidad como problemas de salud pública The economical dimension of obesity as a public health problem José Félix García-Rodríguez,(1) Anai García-Fariñas,(2) Gustavo Adolfo Rodríguez-León,(3) Ana María Gálvez-González.(4) los países de la región.2 Si bien los términos sobrepeso yobe
Hey! We just landed… …exposed to tuberculosis! The infected international traveler was detained at Detroit Metropolitan Airport (DTW) by US Customs and Border Protection officers from the US Department of Homeland Security and CDC Quarantine Station staff in Detroit (a division of Global Migration and Quarantine). He was placed in isolation at Oakwood Annapolis Hospital (Oakwood) in Wes