HEALTH RECORD FORM Student’s Name_________________________________________ Northern Illinois University, Lorado Taft Campus (815) 732-2111, extension 120 School_________________________________________________
My child will attend the Lorado Taft Field Campus from _______________________to___________________________
Date of Birth ______________ Age______ Weight _______ Male____ Female____ Home Phone____________________ Address___________________________________________________________________________________________
Name of Parent or Guardian__________________________________ Father’s work phone______________________
Guardian’s work phone_________________________ Mother’s work phone_____________________
Alternate Contact name and number ____________________________________________________________________ Our family physician is ___________________________________Physician’s phone____________________________ The answers to these questions will be kept confidential. The purpose of these questions is to provide our nurse with health and safety information about your child. IMPORTANT - Please fill in date of last TETANUS BOOSTER_________________________________________ 1. See back side of form if child has asthma, an epi-pen or doctor’s excuse from PE activities. 2. Is your child presently under a doctor's care? ____Yes
3. Medical information the Taft nurse should know about. (allergy, illness, physical disability, sleep walker, bedwetter, etc.) _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. SPECIAL DIET (vegetarian, diabetic, food allergies, etc.)__________________________________________________ 5. MEDICATIONS - I hereby give permission for my child to take medication at Lorado Taft Field Campus under the supervision of authorized personnel. All medication must be brought in a container appropriately labeled by a pharmacy or physician and clearly marked with the child's name and instructions for administering. IF YOUR CHILD IS PUT ON MEDICATION AFTER THE HEALTH FORM IS TURNED IN--SEND A NOTE WITH NAME, INSTRUCTIONS, AND PARENT SIGNATURE. New protocol requires a doctor’s signed medical note with exact dosages and time of day for any subcutaneous injections, intramuscular injections or nebulizer treatments. See back side of form.
PLEASE LIST Medication(s)
Directions for administering (specify am or pm)
Self-Administering Exception: Students with emergency-use inhalers and epi-pens must carry them at all times. “OVER THE COUNTER” Medications approved for student (please checkmark each type for approval): Acetaminophen (Tylenol) Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) Anti-itch cream Cough drops Benadryl allergy tabs **************************************************************************** I give permission to have my child treated by the Lorado Taft Campus nurse, or by a physician in case of an emergency.
Signature of parent or guardian______________________________________________ Date__________________ MEDICATIONS TO BE ADMINISTERED BY AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL SHOULD BE GIVEN TO THE TEACHER/COORDINATOR BEFORE DEPARTURE TO ENSURE SAFE ARRIVAL AT LORADO TAFT FIELD CAMPUS. SCHOOL MEDICATION AUTHORIZATION FORM OUTDOOR EDUCATION FIELD TRIP – LORADO TAFT FIELD CAMPUS IF child is EXCUSED from PE for any reason, YOUR PHYSICIAN NEEDS to fill out, sign this release. MD initials X Name ____________________________________ has my permission to participate in outdoor education any limitations must be listed below: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ASTHMA/INHALER SECTION
Medication/Inhaler ___________________________________________________Dosage _________________q_______________Hours Neb Treatment – Name/Medication _____________________________________Dosage__________________q_______________Hours ASTHMA ACTION PLAN Peak flow meter – My Personal Best =
Green Zone – Breathing is easy, can play, work without symptoms PEAK Flow Range 80%-100% of Personal Best
Medication/Nebulizer _________________________________ Dose ________________ Freq _____________ Hours __________________
Yellow Zone – Breathing easy, coughing or wheeze, chest tight, SOB PEAK Flow Range 50%-80% of Personal Best
Medication/Nebulizer _________________________________ Dose ________________ Freq _____________ Hours __________________
Red Zone – Medicine NOT working, nose open wide to breath, breathing is hard and fast, trouble walking and talking, ribs show IF SYMPTOMS DO NOT GET BETTER – CALL 911 PEAK Flow Range below 50%
Medication/Nebulizer _________________________________ Dose ________________ Freq _____________ Hours __________________
EPIPEN EMERGENCY PLAN SECTION Please note: each body system must be filled out Allergic to: Medication & Dosage: Epipen 0.3mg Epipen Jr. 0.15mg Twinject 0.3mg Twinject 0.15mg Benadryl 25mg 50mg po Treatment:
Mouth: Itching, tingling, or swel ing of lips, tongue, mouth
Skin: Hives, itchy rash, swelling of the face or extremities
Gut: Nausea, abdominal cramps, vomiting, diarrhea
Throat: Tightening of throat, hoarseness, hacking cough
Lung: Shortness of breath, repetitive coughing, wheezing
Heart: Thready pulse, low blood pressure, fainting, pale, blueness GIVE ____ EPIPEN ____ TWINJECT ____ BENADRYL
Other: ______________________________________________
If reaction is progressing (several of the above areas affected)
____ EPIPEN ____ TWINJECT ____ BENADRYL CALL 911, CALL PARENTS OTHER INJECTIONS: Please list below or send a separate physicians order. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________ _________________________________________ Physician Signature – Date Parent Signature – Date (only needed if IM [including Epi Pens, diabetic injections, growth hormones, etc.], SubQ, nebulizer treatment, excuse from PE or if your school requires it)
This is why I share Juice Plus+ with everyone I know, just to hear these stories of improved health, Thanks to JP+. Enjoy reading Lisa’s JUICE PLUS+ STORIES OF SUCCESS! Hi Lisa, Yes, Danielle and I are both up to two capsules of each per day and doing well! Without a doubt, we are feeling more energy, and you did reel me in at the perfect time! I lost about 7-8 pounds while I was i
Benjamin C. Blount, James L. Pirkle, John D. Osterloh, Liza Valentin-Blasini and Kathleen L. Caldwell doi:10.1289/ehp.9466 (available at Online 5 October 2006 National Institutes of Health U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Urinary Perchlorate and Thyroid Hormone Levels in Adolescent and Adult Men and Benjamin C. Blount1,2, James L. Pirkle1, John D.