British Journal of Dermatology 2004; 150: 186–194.
Minoxidil: mechanisms of action on hair growth
A . G . M E S S E N G E R A N D J . R U N D E G R E N *
Department of Dermatology, Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield S10 2JF, U.K. *Pharmacia Consumer Healthcare, Box 941, SE-251 09 Helsinborg, Sweden
We have known for over 30 years that minoxidil stimulates hair growth, yet our understanding ofits mechanism of action on the hair follicle is very limited. In animal studies, topical minoxidilshortens telogen, causing premature entry of resting hair follicles into anagen, and it probably has asimilar action in humans. Minoxidil may also cause prolongation of anagen and increases hairfollicle size. Orally administered minoxidil lowers blood pressure by relaxing vascular smoothmuscle through the action of its sulphated metabolite, minoxidil sulphate, as an opener of sarco-lemmal KATP channels. There is some evidence that the stimulatory effect of minoxidil on hairgrowth is also due to the opening of potassium channels by minoxidil sulphate, but this idea hasbeen difficult to prove and to date there has been no clear demonstration that KATP channels areexpressed in the hair follicle. A number of in vitro effects of minoxidil have been described inmonocultures of various skin and hair follicle cell types including stimulation of cell proliferation,inhibition of collagen synthesis, and stimulation of vascular endothelial growth factor and pros-taglandin synthesis. Some or all of these effects may be relevant to hair growth, but the applicationof results obtained in cell culture studies to the complex biology of the hair follicle is uncertain. Inthis article we review the current state of knowledge on the mode of action of minoxidil on hairgrowth and indicate lines of future research.
Key words: androgenetic alopecia, hair, minoxidil
Minoxidil was introduced in the early 1970s as a
stimulates hair growth. Nevertheless, understanding
treatment for hypertension. Hypertrichosis was a
minoxidil’s mechanism of action is important, both
common side-effect in those taking minoxidil tablets1,2
from the point of view of developing more effective
and included the regrowth of hair in male balding.3
treatments for hair loss disorders and for the insights
This led to the development of a topical formulation of
it may give into the biology of hair growth. In this
minoxidil for the treatment of androgenetic alopecia in
article we review what is known about the pharma-
men and subsequently in women. The 2% product was
cology of minoxidil, with particular reference to its
first marketed for hair regrowth in men in 1986 in the
action on hair growth, and suggest directions for
United States and the 5% product became available in
Despite much research over 20 years we still have
Response of the hair follicle to minoxidil
only a limited understanding of how minoxidil
There are a number of ways in which a drug maystimulate hair growth; it may increase the lineargrowth rate of hair, increase the diameter of the hair
Correspondence: A.G.Messenger. E-mail:
fibre, alter the hair cycle, either shortening telogen orprolonging anagen, or act through a combination of
Conflicts of interest: Dr Messenger is a dermatologist and has been a
these effects. Present evidence suggests that minoxidil
consultant for Pharmacia and other pharmaceutical companies with
acts mainly on the hair cycle; it may also increase hair
an interest in the field of hair growth. Dr Rundegren is an employee ofPharmacia.
Ó 2004 British Association of Dermatologists
Mori and Uno4 studied the effect of topical application
of minoxidil on spontaneous hair cycles in the rat frombirth to 80 days of age. Minoxidil had no effect on the
duration of anagen, but telogen was shortened. Thetelogen phase of the third cycle lasted approximately
re-entered anagen after only 1–2 days in telogen in
minoxidil-treated animals. The same shortening oftelogen by minoxidil treatment was also seen in the
fourth cycle. The effect of minoxidil on hair growth hasbeen studied extensively in the stump-tailed macaque,
a primate that develops postadolescent scalp hair loss
closely resembling human androgenetic alopecia. Top-
ical minoxidil prevents the development of scalp hairloss in periadolescent macaques and promotes re-growth of hair in balding animals. Histological studies
showed that treatment with minoxidil causes an
increase in the proportion of follicles in anagen, a
reduction in telogen follicles, and an increase in hair
Little is known of the effect of minoxidil on normal
human hair growth and studies have been limitedmainly to the response of androgenetic alopecia to
topical minoxidil. In male pattern balding (male
androgenetic alopecia) there is a gradual reduction in
the duration of anagen and a prolongation of the latent
period of the hair cycle (the time between shedding of
Figure 1. Results of two clinical trials of minoxidil topical solution in
the telogen hair and the onset of the next anagen).6
the treatment of male androgenetic alopecia using different methods
Hair follicles also become miniaturized.7 There is some
for measuring the response. Both methods show a rapid increase
controversy over whether female androgenetic alopecia
in hair growth which has reached a plateau by 12–16 weeks.
is the same entity as male balding. Nevertheless, the
(A) Comparison of mean percentage change in interval hair weightper square centimetre for three treatment groups: 5% minoxidil, 2%
follicular changes are very similar,8,9 if not identical,
minoxidil and placebo. Vertical line at 96 weeks indicates cessation of
although prolongation of the latent period has not yet
treatment. Adapted from Price et al.65 (B) Mean change from baseline
been demonstrated in women. Clinical trials of topical
in nonvellus hair counts (per square centimetre) in men treated with
minoxidil in male and female hair loss all show a
5% minoxidil solution (TMS), 2% minoxidil and placebo. From Olsenet al.66
remarkably rapid increase in hair growth, measured byhair counts or hair weight. The increase is evidentwithin 6–8 weeks of starting treatment and has
limbs. The increased length of hair at these sites
generally peaked by 12–16 weeks (Fig. 1). It seems
suggests that minoxidil also prolongs the duration of
improbable that a response of this rapidity can be
accounted for by reversal of follicular miniaturization,
The results of histological studies in humans are less
and a more likely explanation is that minoxidil triggers
conclusive than in the macaque. Abell10 found a trend
follicles in the latent part of telogen into anagen. The
towards an increase in anagen ⁄ telogen ratios after
hypertrichosis that develops in humans taking minoxi-
12 months of minoxidil treatment in balding men, but
dil orally, and occasionally following topical use, may
the main change was an increase in mean hair
affect the forehead as well as other sites such as the
diameter. This was most apparent at 4 months and
Ó 2004 British Association of Dermatologists, British Journal of Dermatology, 150, 186–194
A . G . M E S S E N G E R A N D J . R U N D E G R E N
mean diameter had declined at 12 months. He sugges-
channels (KATP channels), and its relaxant effect on
ted this might be due to later recruitment of small
vascular smooth muscle is mediated through this
diameter hairs into anagen. Headington and Novak11
mechanism.24,25 KATP channels are heteromultimers
reported that minoxidil treatment caused hypertrophy
composed of a small subunit that belongs to the inwardly
of follicles but, although there was an increase in mean
rectifying potassium channel superfamily (KIR6.1 or
hair diameter in minoxidil-treated balding men after
KIR6.2), and a large sulphonylurea receptor (SUR1,
12 weeks, a similar increase occurred in control
SUR2A or SUR2B) that binds sulphonylureas and ATP
subjects. Care should be taken in interpreting change
and belongs to the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) super-
in mean hair diameters. This does not necessarily imply
family.26 SUR1 ⁄ KIR6.2 KATP channels are found in
that individual hair follicles become larger, as an
pancreatic and neuronal tissue, whereas SUR2A ⁄ KIR6.2
increase in mean diameter may also occur through
and SUR2B ⁄ KIR6.1 (or KIR6.2) form the cardiac and
preferential recruitment of large diameter hairs in a
vascular smooth muscle KATP channels, respectively.
Potassium channel openers act through binding to thesulphonylurea receptor moiety.26
ATP channels are widely distributed in a variety of
tissue and cell types, including cells of the heart,
The antihypertensive activity of minoxidil is due to
pancreas, vascular smooth muscle and the central
rapid relaxation of vascular smooth muscle by its
nervous system, where they couple intracellular meta-
sulphated metabolite, minoxidil sulphate.12,13 The
bolic changes to the electrical activity of the plasma
conversion of minoxidil to minoxidil sulphate is cata-
membrane.27 These potassium channels sense the
lysed by sulphotransferase enzymes. Minoxidil sulpho-
metabolic state of the cell—channel opening is inhib-
transferase activity was initially demonstrated in rat
ited by ATP when energy levels are high and is
liver12 and has since been found in human liver,14
activated when energy stores are depleted.28 The
platelets15 and epidermal keratinocytes,16 as well as in
consequence of KATP status depends on the cell and
mouse vibrissae follicles,17 rat pelage and vibrissae
tissue type. For example, in pancreatic b cells, KATP
follicles and rat epidermal keratinocytes.18,19 In scalp
channels are involved in regulating insulin secretion.
skin of stumptail macaques, sulphotransferase activity
In vascular smooth muscle cells the vasodilating action
is largely localized in the hair follicle.20 In rat pelage
of potassium channel openers is due to membrane
and vibrissae follicles, immunoreactivity for minoxidil
hyperpolarization and a reduction in Ca2+ influx,
sulphotransferase was seen in the outer root sheath.18
which reduces the electrical excitability of the cell. It
Five human cytosolic sulphotransferase genes have
has also been suggested that potassium channel
been discovered to date. They encode three classes of
activity is required for early-stage cell proliferation by
enzymes responsible for sulphating phenols and cate-
G1 progression of the cell cycle.29 Minoxidil was shown
cholamines, oestrogens and hydroxysteroids.21 In hu-
to increase DNA synthesis, whereas glibenclamide
man liver extracts, sulphation of minoxidil is catalysed
suppressed DNA synthesis in rat primary hepatocyte
by at least four sulphotransferases. Biochemical evi-
cultures.30 Hepatocyte potassium currents were aug-
dence for minoxidil sulphation by two phenol sulpho-
mented by minoxidil and attenuated by glibenclamide.
transferases has been found in human scalp skin22 andDooley21 reported finding mRNA expression for four
sulphotransferases in human epidermal keratinocytes.
There are interindividual variations in scalp sulpho-transferase activity and this correlates with the level in
Several lines of evidence, from clinical observations,
platelets.22 In a clinical setting, scalp sulphotransferase
animal studies and in vitro experiments, suggest that
activity was higher in men who responded to minoxidil
the promotion of hair growth by minoxidil is related in
compared with those who did not respond.23
some way to its action as a potassium channel opener(Table 1).
Minoxidil sulphate is a potassium channel opener
Minoxidil sulphate is one of several chemically unrelateddrugs which cause opening of plasma membrane
In addition to minoxidil, the potassium channel open-
ers diazoxide31,32 and pinacidil33 cause hypertrichosis
Ó 2004 British Association of Dermatologists, British Journal of Dermatology, 150, 186–194
Table 1. Does minoxidil act on hair growth via potassium channels?
hair growth in this model by opening potassium
channels, but attempts to verify this idea have been
1. Chemically unrelated potassium channel openers stimulate
unsuccessful. The broad-spectrum ion channel blocker
tetraethylammonium chloride and the KATP channel
a. in humans (minoxidil, diazoxide, pinacidil)
blockers, glyburide and tolbutamide, failed to inhibit
b. in macaques (minoxidil, cromakalin, P-1075)
2. Chemically unrelated potassium channel openers stimulate
minoxidil stimulation of cultured vibrissae follicles at
thymidine and ⁄ or cysteine uptake by mouse vibrissae follicle
doses that were not themselves toxic.34 To test whether
in vitro (minoxidil, pinacidil, cromakalin, nicorandil,
minoxidil opened ion channels, vibrissae follicles were
labelled with 86Rb+, an ion with specificity for potas-
3. Stimulation of 3T3 fibroblast proliferation by minoxidil
in vitro inhibited by potassium channel antagonists
sium channels similar to K+. In this model, the
potassium channel opener pinacidil increased efflux of
1. Stimulation of thymidine ⁄ cysteine uptake by minoxidil
Human hair follicle organ culture has been used
in cultured mouse vibrissa follicles not blocked by potassiumchannel antagonists.
extensively in hair biology but there is only a single
2. 86Rb efflux in vibrissae follicle cultures not increased
published report describing increased uptake of thymi-
dine by cultured human hair follicles in response to
3. KATP channels not demonstrated in cultured hair follicle cells
minoxidil.38 Minoxidil causes premature entry of folli-
cles into anagen, and probably prolongs anagen andincreases hair follicle size. Of these effects only the
in humans. Buhl et al.34 tested the effect of topical
prolongation of anagen is possibly modelled by hair
application of minoxidil and three other potassium
follicle organ culture and even here the alteration in
channel openers on scalp hair growth in balding
follicle survival in vitro is measured in days rather than
macaques. Minoxidil, cromakalin and P-1075 (a
the weeks or months achieved in vivo. The rather mixed
pinacidil analogue) all stimulated hair growth over a
responses of cultured follicles to minoxidil may there-
20-week treatment period. A fourth potassium channel
fore be due to insensitivity or inapplicability of the
opener, RP-49,356, was not effective.
model. However, minoxidil does prolong survival ofcultured follicles that would otherwise undergo rapiddegeneration in vitro, albeit at concentrations which
are unlikely to be achieved in vivo. This effect appears to
Buhl et al.35 carried out a series of experiments on
be mediated by the sulphated metabolite and there is
minoxidil action using cultured mouse vibrissae fol-
circumstantial but, as yet, unconfirmed evidence that it
licles. In 3-day cultures, 1 mmol L)1 minoxidil pre-
involves opening of potassium channels.
served follicular morphology, whereas follicles culturedin the absence of minoxidil degenerated rapidly. Folli-
cles cultured in 0Æ5–5 mmol L)1 minoxidil grew longerthan controls and showed higher levels of uptake of
Sanders et al. showed that the stimulatory effect of
radiolabelled cysteine, amino acids and thymidine. This
minoxidil on the growth of 3T3 fibroblasts is inhibited
effect appears to be mediated by minoxidil sulphate.
by pharmacological blockade of potassium channels.39
The same results were obtained using approximately
As yet, however, there is no clear evidence that KATP
100-fold lower concentrations of minoxidil sulphate
channels are expressed in cells of hair follicle deriv-
and the response of cultured follicles to minoxidil, but
ation. Nakaya et al. looked for potassium channels in
not minoxidil sulphate, was blocked by diethylcarbam-
cultured hair follicle outer root sheath and dermal
azine and chlorate, agents which interfere with sul-
papilla cells using the patch-clamp technique.40 They
phation.17 The potassium channels openers pinacidil,
identified large and small conductance calcium-activ-
cromakalin, nicorandil and P-1075 also stimulated
ated potassium channels in cell membranes. These
uptake of radiolabelled cysteine in cultured vibrissae
channels were not blocked by ATP or glibenclamide (a
follicles, although diazoxide did not.36 Harmon et al.37
specific KATP channel blocker) and neither minoxidil
also reported that minoxidil, pinacidil, cromakalin and
sulphate nor pinacidil increased efflux of 86Rb, sug-
diazoxide increased uptake of thymidine in a dose-
gesting the absence of KATP channels. However, the
dependent fashion in 4-day cultures of mouse vibrissae
same group has recently reported that human dermal
follicles. These studies imply that minoxidil stimulates
papilla cells express mRNA for the sulphonylurea
Ó 2004 British Association of Dermatologists, British Journal of Dermatology, 150, 186–194
A . G . M E S S E N G E R A N D J . R U N D E G R E N
receptor SUR2B,41 the same sulphonylurea receptor
Boyera et al.44 studied the effect of minoxidil on human
expressed in vascular smooth muscle cells.
keratinocytes of epidermal and hair follicle origin using arange of different culture conditions and proliferativemarkers. They found that micromolar concentrations of
minoxidil stimulated proliferation in both cell types and
Whatever the mechanism whereby minoxidil modu-
in all culture conditions, whereas millimolar concentra-
lates hair growth, there must be a primary effect on cell
tions inhibited cell growth. In cells cultured from the
function (Table 2). The hair follicle is a complex
stumptail macaque, minoxidil stimulated thymidine
structure comprising epithelial, dermal, pigment and
uptake by follicular keratinocytes but not by epidermal
immune cells, and a perifollicular vasculature and
keratinocytes.45 O’Keefe and Payne46 also failed to show
neural network. Interactions between these cells are
a stimulatory response to minoxidil in cultured human
involved in regulating epithelial growth and differenti-
epidermal keratinocytes, although Baden and Kubilus47
ation and the hair cycle. Several of these cell types have
reported that minoxidil prolonged the time after conflu-
been used in isolation to study minoxidil action, but
ence that keratinocytes could be subcultured.
attempts to localize minoxidil or a minoxidil metabolite
Studies using fibroblasts have yielded similarly vari-
binding to a specific cell population within the hair
able results. Murad and Pinnell48 reported that high
follicle have been unsuccessful.42 Uptake studies in
concentrations of minoxidil inhibited growth of human
mouse vibrissae follicles showed that minoxidil and
skin fibroblasts. On the other hand, thymidine uptake
minoxidil sulphate concentrated in melanocytes and
was increased in macaque follicular fibroblasts cultured
pigmented epithelial cells in the suprapapillary region of
in micromolar concentrations of minoxidil, but not in
the follicle. However, this was probably due to nonspe-
nonfollicular fibroblasts.45 Sanders et al.39 proposed
cific binding to melanin as there was no evidence of
that the variable results of cell culture experiments may
minoxidil binding in nonpigmented follicles yet pig-
be explained by the potassium channel-blocking activity
mented and nonpigmented follicles showed a similar
of aminoglycoside antibiotics, routinely incorporated
into cell culture media. Minoxidil stimulated growth ofNIH 3T3 fibroblasts cultured in the absence of amino-glycosides but not in their presence, and the prolifera-
tive response of 3T3 cells to minoxidil was prevented by
Several studies have examined the effect of minoxidil
the potassium channel blockers tolbutamide and tetra-
on cell proliferation in vitro. A variety of cell types have
ethylammonium. In cultured human keratinocytes,
been used including epidermal keratinocytes, hair
aminoglycoside antibiotics partly suppressed the prolif-
follicle keratinocytes and skin fibroblasts from humans,
erative response to minoxidil but did not abolish it.44
mice and macaques. In some studies, established
The variations in the cell types and experimental
keratinocyte and fibroblast cell lines have been used.
protocols used mean that it is difficult to compare the
The results have been variable and, to some extent,
results from these studies. On balance, they suggest
that minoxidil can have a stimulatory effect on cellgrowth at clinically relevant concentrations, or delay
Table 2. Effects of minoxidil on cell function
cell senescence, and there is limited evidence that this is
mediated by its action as a potassium channel opener.
of cells in culture. In different studiesminoxidil has been reported to inhibitor stimulate growth of epithelial and
fibroblast cell types. Delays senescencein keratinocyte cultures.
Two groups have studied the effect of minoxidil on
collagen synthesis. Murad and Pinnell48 showed that
minoxidil suppressed activity of the enzyme lysyl
hydroxylase in human skin fibroblast cultures at
concentrations down to 25 lmol L)1, leading to pro-
duction of a collagen deficient in hydroxylysine.49 This
appeared to be specific for lysyl hydroxylase as the
activity of prolyl hydroxylase, which shares the same
VEGF, vascular endothelial growth factor.
substrates and cofactors as lysyl hydroxylase, was
Ó 2004 British Association of Dermatologists, British Journal of Dermatology, 150, 186–194
unaffected. Minoxidil (0Æ5 mmol L)1) also suppressed
hair follicle diameter induced by subcutaneous capsules
collagen synthesis by rat vibrissae dermal papilla cells,
filled with testosterone. However, significant inhibition
both in monolayer cultures and in cells grown in
was seen following topical application of 5% progester-
collagen gels.50 The concentrations of minoxidil used in
one. The effect of minoxidil on human hair growth is
these studies were quite high and the relevance of the
not confined to androgen-dependent hair follicles and
these findings are consistent with the conclusion thatminoxidil does not act through androgen pathways. However, Sato et al.58 reported that minoxidil stimu-
lates 17b-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (17b-HSD) in
The prostaglandin PGH2 is formed from arachidonate
cultured human dermal papilla cells and also has a
by the action of a cyclooxygenase (COX), also known as
small stimulatory effect on 5a-reductase activity. 17b-
prostaglandin endoperoxide synthase (PGHS). PGH2 is
HSD catalyses the interconversion of testosterone and
the substrate for subsequent enzymatic modifications
androstenedione and may therefore increase or reduce
leading to the prostaglandins (PGD2, PGE2, PGF2a),
androgen responses. A high concentration of minoxidil
prostacyclin (PGI2) and thromboxane A2. There are two
(0Æ5 mmol L)1) was used in this study and the rele-
isoforms of PGHS, a widely distributed constitutive form
vance of the results to hair growth in vivo is unclear.
PGHS-1, and an inducible form PGHS-2. The PGHS-1isoform has been immunolocalized to the dermal papilla
of human hair follicles during anagen and catagen.51Immunostaining for PGHS-2 was also seen in the
The idea that minoxidil stimulates hair growth by
dermal papilla but staining was weaker than that for
increasing cutaneous blood flow has been the subject
PGHS-1 and was present only in anagen follicles.
of two studies giving contradictory results. Wester
Minoxidil (AC50 ¼ 80 lmol L)1) stimulated the activ-
et al.59 studied the effect of topical minoxidil (1%, 3%,
ity of purified ovine PGHS-1 in vitro and increased
5%) on blood flow in balding scalp using laser Doppler
production of PGE2 in cultured human dermal papilla
velocimetry (LDV) and photopulse plethymography.
cells and mouse fibroblasts. Lachgar et al.50 also found
Both methods showed an increase in skin blood flow
that minoxidil (12 lmol L)1) stimulated PGE2 produc-
following application of minoxidil that was statistically
tion by cultured dermal papilla cells, in this case derived
significant with the 5% solution. On the other hand,
from rat vibrissae, as well as production of leukotriene
Bunker and Dowd,60 also using LDV, failed to find any
B4. They also found that minoxidil inhibited prostacy-
change in skin blood flow following application of 3%
clin synthesis by dermal papilla cells (measured as
minoxidil topical solution to the scalp in 10 balding men,
6-keto-prostaglandin F1a), as had an earlier study using
whereas all but one showed an increase in blood flow
bovine endothelial cells.52 Prostanoids have many
after applying the vasodilator 0Æ1% hexyl nicotinate. The
biological functions in different tissues, acting through
difference in results may have been due to the higher
specific G protein-coupled receptors53 and, in some
concentration of minoxidil used in the first study
cases, via nuclear receptors.54 We do not know whether
although, as Bunker and Dowd point out, 3% minoxidil
prostanoids have a physiological role in regulating hair
topical solution is clinically effective. Sakita et al.61
growth, although, latanoprost, a topical synthetic
studied the effect of minoxidil topical solution on the hair
PGF2a analogue used in the treatment of glaucoma,
follicle vasculature in the rat using transmission electron
causes hypertrichosis of the eyelashes.55 Topical treat-
microscopy. In minoxidil-treated animals there was no
ment with latanoprost also stimulates hair regrowth on
difference in the total area of follicular capillaries
the scalp in balding stumptail macaques.56
compared with controls but there was an increase incapillary fenestrations. The authors suggested that theincrease in fenestrations may be due to vascular endot-
helial growth factor (VEGF) (see below), but the func-
Nuck et al.57 studied the antiandrogenic potential of
tional significance of this observation was not discussed.
minoxidil on androgen-dependent cutaneous structuresof the flank organ of female golden Syrian hamsters.
Neither 1% nor 5% minoxidil topical solution applied toone flank for 3 weeks prevented the androgen-depend-
VEGF has a central role in promoting angiogenesis as
ent growth of the pigmented spot, sebaceous glands or
well as influencing diverse cell functions including cell
Ó 2004 British Association of Dermatologists, British Journal of Dermatology, 150, 186–194
A . G . M E S S E N G E R A N D J . R U N D E G R E N
survival, proliferation and the generation of nitric oxide
interpreted with care. First, the relationship between
and prostacyclin.62 The perifollicular capillary network
the complexities of hair growth and the behaviour of a
is coupled to the hair cycle, increasing during anagen
single cell type cultured in a Petri dish is uncertain.
and then regressing during catagen and telogen. Yano
Second, the concentrations of minoxidil used have
et al.63 found that capillary proliferation during anagen
often exceeded those to which the hair follicle is likely
was temporally and spatially associated with expression
to be exposed in vivo. Blood levels in subjects taking
of VEGF in the outer root sheath of murine hair follicles.
minoxidil orally are in the upper nanomolar ⁄ low
Transgenic overexpression of VEGF in the outer root
micromolar range (20–2000 ng mL)1) and are lower
sheath increased perifollicular vascularization and led to
still in those using minoxidil topically ( 2 ng mL)1).
accelerated hair growth following depilation and the
Third, the minoxidil target cell population in the hair
growth of larger hairs. This effect was prevented by
follicle is unknown. Nevertheless, the stimulation of
systemic administration of a VEGF antibody. Lachgar
VEGF and prostaglandin synthesis by minoxidil in
et al.64 found that the expression of VEGF mRNA and
dermal papilla cells provides an attractive and logical
protein in cultured human dermal papilla cells was
starting point for future studies and is backed up by
stimulated by minoxidil in a dose-dependent fashion. A
evidence from other sources. We need to know more
fivefold increase in VEGF protein occurred in extracts of
about the signalling mechanisms responsible for these
cells incubated with 12 lmol L)1 minoxidil, and there
effects—do they involve conventional potassium chan-
was a similar increase in mRNA expression. A possible
nel physiology or a novel mechanism as suggested by Li
mechanism for minoxidil stimulation of VEGF has been
et al.?41 Are KATP channels operating in the regulation
proposed by Li et al. from experiments on cultured
of normal hair growth or the development of andro-
dermal papilla cells.41 They found that adenosine also
genetic alopecia and, if so, what is their subtype
increases VEGF release and the VEGF response to
composition and cellular and subcellular distribution?
minoxidil was prevented by pharmacological blockade
Why is minoxidil important? Although the benefits
of A1 and A2 adenosine receptors. mRNAs for the A1,
in androgenetic alopecia have been demonstrated in
A2A and A2B adenosine receptors, as well as the
clinical trials, there is perhaps a tendency to dismiss the
sulphonylurea receptor SUR2B, were detected by the
significance of minoxidil. Yet, it remains the only
reverse transcriptase–polymerase chain reaction. The
medical treatment of proven efficacy when used topic-
authors suggested that binding of minoxidil to SUR2B
ally and is the only treatment approved for hair loss in
promotes secretion of ATP, which is rapidly converted to
women. Minoxidil affects hair cycling, causing prema-
adenosine and activates adenosine signalling pathways.
ture termination of telogen and probably prolonginganagen. Understanding how minoxidil exerts theseeffects may lead not only to better treatments for hair
loss but also will increase our understanding of the
The emergence of topical minoxidil for the treatment of
mechanisms responsible for controlling the hair cycle.
androgenetic alopecia in the early 1980s led to therealization that hair loss is potentially treatable and
ushered in a new era in hair research. The series ofexperiments by Buhl and others on cultured vibrissae
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resolved and this idea must be viewed as unproven. A
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growth, such as the effects on cell growth and
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senescence and the stimulation of VEGF and prosta-
cycles. Br J Dermatol 1995; 132: 86–93.
glandin synthesis. Others, such as the effects on
7 Whiting DA. Diagnostic and predictive value of horizontal sec-
collagen synthesis, are more difficult to explain. Viewed
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in isolation, the results of cell culture studies must be
alopecia. J Am Acad Dermatol 1993; 28: 755–63.
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Sicherheitsdatenblatt gemäß 1907/2006/EG, Artikel 31 ABSCHNITT 1: Bezeichnung des Stoffs bzw. des Gemischs und des Unternehmens · Erstellungsdatum/Erstausgabe: 01.02.2012 · 1.1 Produktidentifikator · Handelsname: IBK 2012 · 1.2 Relevante identifizierte Verwendungen des Stoffs oder Gemischs und Verwendungen, von denen abgeraten wird keine Daten verfügb
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