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Press release
ESA Dräger Prize in Anaesthesia and Intensive
Care Medicine awarded for sepsis research

Lübeck – The 2013 ESA Dräger Prize in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care
Medicine has been awarded to a work group headed by Dr. Jaimin M.
Patel, School of Clinical & Experimental Medicine at the University of
Birmingham, United Kingdom. The European Society of Anesthesiology
(ESA) awarded the EUR 10,000 prize for the study entitled “Randomized
double-blind placebo-controlled trial of 40 mg/day of atorvastatin in
reducing the severity of sepsis in ward patients (ASEPSIS Trial)”.1 The
prize money was donated by Dräger, an international leader in the fields
of medical and safety technology.
Professor Andreas Hoeft, Research Committee Chairman at the ESA, presented the prize during the opening ceremony of Euroanesthesia 2013 together with Michael Wilkening, Vice President and Head of Customer Area OR, Hospital Segment at Dräger. “We chose to recognize this experimental study because it reveals interesting new possibilities for treating sepsis ,” said Statins are drugs routinely used to prevent heart attacks and strokes. The researchers at the University of Birmingham pursued a new approach and investigated whether statins could also be effective in treating sepsis and prevent the development of a serious form of the disease associated with the failure of at least one organ. Sepsis patients who had not been pre-treated with statins were administered 40 mg of atorvastatin per day. The result: In Corporate Communications: Melanie Kamann these patients, the statin was able to lessen the impact of sepsis when compared to the placebo group and prevent organ failure. “The findings could be a starting point for additional studies on sepsis treatment,” commented Wilkening on the award-winning research project. “We Drägerwerk AG & Co. KGaA Patel JM, Snaith C, Thickett DR, Linhartova L, Melody T, Hawkey P, Barnett AH, Jones A, Hong 23558 Lübeck, Germany T, Cooke MW, Perkins GD and Gao F. Critical Care 2012 16:R231. Published online 12/11/2012: 2 Sepsis, commonly referred to as “blood poisoning,” is a life-threatening reaction by the body to a local infection. Press release
are delighted to give the ESA Dräger Prize to a scientific publication that is of high clinical relevance to critical care.” ESA Dräger Prize in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine
The ESA Dräger Prize in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine is awarded annually to a research team in the fields of anesthesia or intensive care medicine in order to foster team spirit and cooperation between clinical care and industry in scientific research. In 2013, the ESA awarded the prize for the seventh time as part of the Euroanaesthesia congress. Dräger. Technology for Life®
Dräger is an internationally active company in the fields of medical and safety technology. Our products protect, support and save lives. Founded in 1889, Dräger generated global net sales of around EUR 2.37 billion in 2012. The Lübeck-based company is represented in more than 190 countries and employs around 12,500 people worldwide. Further information is available at Investor Relations, Thomas Fischler, Tel.: +49 451 882 2685, E-Mail: Corporate Communications: Melanie Kamann Tel. +49 451 882-3998 Trade press: Mirja Kaupmann Tel. +49 451 882-2587 Drägerwerk AG & Co. KGaA Moislinger Allee 53–55 23558 Lübeck, Germany


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