The report goes on to say that chiropractors “allied
themselves with the Red Cross initially in order to
maintain access to the facility, but they were able to offer
The April 19, 2004 issue of the Journal of
a specific skill, which even if not planned for in advance,
Vertebral Subluxation Research provides us with an
seemed useful to those who already had access.”
interesting article on the emergency response of
chiropractors and the ensuing coordination efforts
with government agencies in New York and
Washington, DC after the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
In the afternoon after the attacks, New York area
The June 2004 issue of the Journal of the American
chiropractors began showing up at the scene as the
Medical Association reports that nearly 11 million
recovery process got underway. Initially, the
women who have had their cervix removed are still
chiropractors had to talk their way past security
getting a Pap smear screening test to see if they
barricades and set up their adjusting tables wherever they
could, often in the streets around Ground Zero. Similar
Study author Brenda Sirovich of Dartmouth Medical
efforts were also underway in Washington, DC.
School in Hanover, New Hampshire says it’s possible
Eventually, through the efforts of the New York
“that women who have had a total hysterectomy [in
Chiropractic Council and the International Chiropractors
which the cervix is removed] are not aware that they are
Association (ICA) an alliance with the American Red
no longer at risk for cervical cancer.” Remarkably she
Cross allowed full access credentials to the chiropractic
goes on to say the unnecessary testing may be the patients
volunteers. The NY Council and the ICA established a
fault since “they may simply be so enthusiastic about
huge network of chiropractors known as the Chiropractic
cancer screening that they continue to have Pap smears
Relief Effort at Ground Zero and the Pentagon.
regardless of the usefulness of the test.”
How successful were the efforts? In New York, at the
She does admit “it is also possible that physicians are
five official sites manned around the clock, 1,500
largely responsible for continuing cervical cancer
chiropractors donated $1.5 million in services by
adjusting up to 500 people per day during the formal
In 1996 a U.S. task force on preventative health
chiropractic relief effort beginning September 28, 2001
recommended that Pap smear screening to test for cancer
through May 30, 2002 when all Ground Zero work was
of the cervix be discontinued in women who have had
The Red Cross evaluation of the effort concluded “the
most ‘successful’ volunteers…were those who were able
to work with minimal supervision by official emergency
workers. Far from requiring supervision, the chiropractor
required only space in which to work and some pallets on which to place his [adjusting table]. In other words, the
incorporation of these volunteers into the response
required little or no effort on the part of emergency managers…” This Newsletter Compliments of: Timothy Knight, DC 90 Lowell St., Arlington (781) 641-2510 100 Fessenden St., Newton (617) 965-2510
having a positive attitude toward handwashing after
patient contact and easy access to a sink.
In a related editorial, Dr. Robert A Weinstein of Rush
In a letter to the June 2004 issue of the British
Medical College in Chicago says, “after more than 150
journal The Lancet the consumer advocate group
years of prodding, cajoling, educating, observing, and
Public Citizen called for a ban of the cholesterol
surveying physicians, hand hygiene adherence rates
drug Crestor, claiming that the drug causes life-
remain disgracefully low. We must change the rules so
threatening side effects. Crestor was approved for
that health care workers expect to be observed (when
use in the United States in August 2003.
washing their hands) and given direct, immediate
All of the cholesterol drugs known as statins carry a
feedback until the behavior or role models becomes
risk of muscle damage but Crestor has a higher risk and
can also damage the kidneys. Public Citizen spokesman
Commentary: That doctors would have to be stood
Dr. Sidney Wolfe says, “everywhere you turn there are
over and watched like a five year-old to make sure they
ads for Crestor and there is no question that those ads
wash their hands after coming into contact with a patient
help to sell drugs, but what patients have not known and
before seeing the next one makes us feel like we just want
what I think a lot of doctors have not known is that the
Not surprisingly, the company that makes Crestor
claims the drug has been tested and is comparable to other
13 million people are currently taking statins and sales
The June 2004 Archives of Surgery reports that
of statin drugs now total $14 billion a year.
having breast cancer tissue biopsied with a needle
seems to increase the chance that the disease will
spread to the lymph nodes in the armpit known as sentinel nodes.
The research was done by Dr. Nora Hansen of the
A report in the July 6, 2004 issue of the Annals of
John Wayne Cancer Institute at Saint John’s Health
Internal Medicine discusses why doctors still are not
Center in Santa Monica, California. She studied 663
following hospital handwashing guidelines.
women with proven breast cancer. About half of the
In the study, adherence to handwashing guidelines
cancers were biopsied with a needle while the remainder
averaged 57%. Internists had the highest rate of
had the tumor removed and then checked for cancer cells.
adherence at 87% and anesthesiologists had the lowest at
Women who had the needle biopsy were 50% more
likely to have cancer in the sentinel nodes.
The reasons doctors gave for not washing their hands
The researchers felt that this was “due in part to the
included having a busy work schedule and being in a
mechanical disruption of the tumor by the needle.”
technical specialty like surgery or anesthesiology.
The reasons doctors stuck with the guidelines included
being watched, setting a role model for their colleagues,
This Newsletter Compliments of:Timothy Knight, DC 90 Lowell St., Arlington (781) 641-2510 100 Fessenden St., Newton (617) 965-2510
Copyright 2004, In Touch P.O. Box 2353 Peachtree City, GA 30269 770-487-5612
Revista Bíblica Año 41 - 1979 Págs. 75-89 [75] y EXPRESIÓN EUCARÍSTICA de la RELIGIÓN Toda la trama societaria en la que el hombre recibe pautas y modelos ya desde su nacimiento suele constituirse en un enrejado inflexible que no sólo condiciona sino hasta violenta la existencia humana. De todas las manifestaciones -que pueden considerarse como supraestructuras con respecto a un mundo de
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