Acetaminophen (Tylenol)
Acetaminophen reduces fever and relieves pain. Typical uses include fevers, immunizations, teething, earaches, bruises, headaches, etc.
Please notify us prior to using Tylenol for babies under 2 months of age. Acetaminophen is available in the following forms: Infant drops (80mg/0.8 ml) Children's liquid (160mg/5ml) Chewable tablets (80mg) Junior strength tablets (160mg) Rectal suppository (80mg, 120mg, 325mg)
Note: Tylenol suppositories can be used if the child is vomiting or is very resistant to taking medicine by mouth. The suppositories can be cut-up to get the proper dose.
Acetaminophen (Tylenol) Dosing Chart May give acetaminophen dose every 4 - 6 hours: Tylenol Junior Milligram Infant drops Children’s liquid Chewables 160mg each 80mg/0.8ml 160mg/5ml 80mg each ½ dropper (1.25 ml) ¾ dropper 9 – 11 lbs (1.875 ml) 1 dropper 12 – 17 lbs 1 ½ dropper 18 – 23 lbs (3.75 ml) 2 droppers 24 – 35 lbs 2 tablets 3 droppers 36 – 47 lbs 3 tablets 1 ½ tablet 48 – 59 lbs 4 tablets 2 tablets 60 - 71 lbs 5 tablets 2 ½ tablets (12.5 ml) 72 – 95 lbs 6 tablets 3 tablets Please remember to keep all medications out of your child’s reach at all times. Ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil)
Ibuprofen reduces fever, relieves pain, and fights inflammation. Typical uses include fevers, immunizations, teething, earaches, bruises, headache, sunburns, sore muscles, etc. We usually recommend that ibuprofen not be used in babies under 6 months of age.
Ibuprofen is available in the following forms: Infant drops (50mg/1.25ml) Children's liquid (100mg/5ml) Chewable tablets (50mg) Junior strength tablets (100mg) Ibuprofen (Motrin / Advil) Dosing Chart May give ibuprofen dose every 6 - 8 hours: Motrin Junior Milligram Infant drops Children's liquid Chewables 100mg each 50mg/1.25ml 100mg/5ml 50mg each 1 dropper 12 – 17 lbs (1.25 ml) 1 ½ dropper 18 – 23 lbs (1.875 ml) (3.75 ml) 2 droppers 24 – 35 lbs 2 tablets 3 droppers 36 – 47 lbs 3 tablets 1 ½ tablet (3.75 ml) 48 – 59 lbs 4 tablets 2 tablets 60 – 71 lbs 5 tablets 2 ½ tablets (12.5 ml) 72 – 95 lbs 6 tablets 3 tablets Please remember to keep all medications out of your child’s reach at all times.
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Information des Niedersächsischen LandesgesundheitsamtesVorgehen und Zuständigkeiten bei Läusebefall von Kindern und Erwachsenen in öffentlichen Einrichtungenlassenen Pedikulozide für die amtlich angeordnete Entlausung sind in der Entwesungsmittelliste gemäß § 18 IfSG aufgeführt; Gemäß § 34 Abs. 1 Infektionsschutzgesetz (IfSG) schließt ein die wichtigsten Wirkstoffe sind Pyr