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To help us read your answers, please write as clearly as possible with a black pen and
complete the questionnaire by putting a cross in the appropriate box(es)
Study of Nutrition and Health
OR putting numbers in the appropriate box(es)
We would like you to answer every question.
If you are uncertain please do the best you can. If you have any queries you can telephone us (01865) 289611 or email us queries@epic-oxford.org If your name and/or your address has changed or is incorrect, please give the correct details below: If you have an email address, would you be prepared for the study organisers to contact you about this study in the future? If yes, please write down your email address: PLEASE COMPLETE USING A BLACK PEN IF POSSIBLE 1. What is your 5. Do you eat any dairy products? Yes date of birth? (including milk, cheese, butter, yoghurt)If no, how old were you when 2. What is today's date? 6. Do you eat any eggs? (including eggs in cakes and other baked foods)3. Do you eat any meat? If yes, how many eggs (including bacon, poultry, game, meat pies, sausages)
do you eat eachweek?put '0' if eaten less than once a weekIf yes, how many times a week If no, how old were you when (remember bacon for breakfast and meat in sandwiches)If no, how old were you when 7. What type of milk do you use most often? 4. Do you eat any fish? If yes, how many times a month do you eat the following? put '0' if eaten less than once a monthHow much milk do you drink each day, including milk with tea, coffee, cereals, etc.? If no, how old were you when EPIC in Oxford is supported by Cancer Research UK, the Medical Research Council, the World Health Organization, and the European Commission.Cancer Research UK is a registered charity No. 10894648. What type of spread do you normally use on bread, 15. Do you smoke cigars? crispbreads, etc. ? 16. Do you smoke a pipe? 17. Do you currently have a paid job? If yes, we would like to know the type and amount of physical
activity involved in your work. Please put a cross in the appropriate boxSedentary occupation you spend most of your time sitting (such as in an office) Which type of bread do you normally eat? Standing or walking occupation you spend most of your time standing or walking, but your workdoes not require intense physical effort (e.g. shop assistant, hairdresser, guard)Manual work this involves some physical effort including handling of heavy objects and use of tools (e.g. plumber, electrician, carpenter)10. What type of breakfast cereal do you normally eat? Heavy manual work this involves very vigorous physical activity including handling veryheavy objects (e.g. bricklayer, construction worker)18. How do you normally travel to work? 11. How often do you eat the following foods? 19. How would you describe your normal walking pace? 20. In a typical week during the past year, how many hours did you spend per week on each of the following activities? put '0' if none
Walking, including to work,shopping and during leisure time
12. How often do you eat the following soya foods? Once or 21. In a typical week during the past 12 months, did you 13. How much alcohol do you drink each week? practise any activity vigorously enough to cause sweating or a faster heart beat? If yes, for how many hours per week in total did you 22. What is your weight now? QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR LIFESTYLE 14. Have you ever smoked cigarettes? Yes 23. Compared with two years ago, has your weight changed?
Yes, lost weight through dieting/exercise
24. What are your present waist and hip measurements? 29. Have you had a hip replacement? if yes, in what year? 30. Have you had a knee replacement? if yes, in what year? 31. Has your doctor ever told you that you had any of the 25. Has your height decreased since you were 20 years following? 26. What is your marital status? QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR HEALTH 27. Do you regularly take any vitamins, minerals or other supplements? If yes, do you take: (you can cross more than one box) 28. Have you taken any medications for most of the last If yes, was it: (you can cross more than one box)
Other significant illnesses or operations, excluding hysterectomy - see Q.42Please give details, including year first diagnosed.32. In the last ten years, have you had any broken/fractured 38. Have you ever taken Hormone Yes Replacement Therapy ( HRT)? bones? Yes, once If yes, at what age did If yes, please indicate which bones Are you currently taking HRT? Yes If yes, what brand of HRT are you currently using? If you no longer take HRT, at what age did you stop? 33. How would you describe your health now? 39. During the last six years, have you had any children? QUESTIONS FOR MEN ONLY If yes, please enter the year(s) of birth and sex below: 34. Have you had a vasectomy? If yes, at what age? 35. Have you had a PSA (prostate specific antigen) test? If yes, at what age? 40. Are you currently pregnant? QUESTIONS FOR WOMEN ONLY 35. Have you been through your menopause? 41. Have you ever had a son born with either of the following conditions?
Not sure because of irregular periods, taking HRT etc.
Yes - If yes, how old were you when 42. Have you had a hysterectomy 36. How many natural periods have you had in the (womb removed)? last 12 months? (put '0' if none) Do not count bleeding while takingIf yes, at what age? 37. Have you ever taken the 43. Have you had an operation to remove one or both contraceptive pill? ovaries? If yes, at what age did If yes, were one or both ovaries removed? 44. Have you ever had breast screening by Are you currently taking the contraceptive pill? mammography (x-ray)? If yes, is it the "mini pill"? If yes, how many times When did you last have a breast screen? (please enter year) If no, at what age did you stop? THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR HELP Please return this questionnaire in the pre-paid envelope We guarantee that all information will be treated with absolute confidentiality and will only be used for medical research
Please make sure to complete the form to the best of your ability. Answering that you’re “not sure” is better than leaving a question blank. We may need to contact you by phone if questions are left blank or we are uncertain about your answers. Thank you! DATE FORM COMPLETED: _________________ A. DEMOGRAPHIC INFORMATION . 1. PATIENT NAME Date of Birth (Month/Day/Year) ___
Malaria A disease of the developing world Introduction There were an estimated 350-500 mil ion cases of malaria worldwide in 2009. An estimated 655,000 people died from malaria in 2010, a 18% decrease from the 781,000 who died in 2009, accounting for 2.23% of deaths worldwide. 90% of malaria deaths occur in sub-Saharan Africa, with the majority of deaths being young children. Plasmodium fa