Archive Library Essential Learning 800-729-9198 General Information
¾ The courses offered in the Essential Learning Archive Library are not
accredited and intended for informational purposes only.
¾ For members subscribing to the All-Inclusive Plan, these courses are
offered to you at no cost (except where indicated otherwise) by your
employer and will be added to your site upon request. Courses are available to you for as long as your employer subscribes to the Essential Learning Library. Organizations on the Basic or AIRS plans subscribe to a portion of the full library.
¾ Courses are accessed via the Internet. Course materials may be
printed out and read to visually impaired participants. Several courses are audio-accompanied. Please contact your employer or Essential Learning through the Customer Support link in the supervisor's site to inquire about available accommodations.
¾ A generic certificate of completion will be awarded after you pass a
web-based post-test with ≥ 80% score and complete the course evaluation.
¾ The Course Library provides the number of credit hours for each
course. Courses that are non-credit are labeled as such.
¾ Please contact Essential Learning’s Administrator of Continuing
Education by email at with questions or grievances.
EL Library Course Name Course Description Hours Accreditations
Adolescence and This course addresses the ways in which
working with adolescents to prevent and treat
alcohol use problems differs from work with
adults. The module also discusses how clinical practice with adolescents must be tailored to the specific characteristics of the target groups-adolescents differ markedly by ethnic, gender, social class, regional, and age characteristics.
increased stroke risk for heavy drinkers. Other
articles include Project Match; group and brief
interventions for depressed drinkers and smoking cessation programs for inpatients. Brown University Digest of Addiction Theory and Application June 2003
This course discusses the epidemiology data
Intimate Partner concerning the associations between alcohol
and intimate partner violence, for both victims
and perpetrators and the different explanatory theories and models addressing this association.
This course discusses the relationship between
alcohol consumption and road rage victims and
perpetrators. Other articles include a study of
effects of cannabis on information processing speed; CRF antagonists in the reduction of anxiety associated with alcohol withdrawal. Brown University Digest of Addiction Theory and Application November 2004
This course explores the factors important in the
Disorders in the lives of homelessness individuals and discusses
homelessness and alcohol use disorders interact and the prevalence of these co-occurring processes.
This course discusses alcohol and medication
misuse in older adults, signs, symptoms,
This course reviews a study of the effectiveness
of bupropion in smoking cessation for patients
with schizophrenia. Other articles include
familial vulnerability to schizophrenia and issues
related to smoking cessation among pregnant smokers and teens. Brown University Digest of Addiction Theory and Application February 2003
EL Library Course Name Course Description Hours Accreditations
This course explores the relationship between
case management and treatment outcomes in
veterans. Other articles include a study of
among Veterans individual drinking patterns and change over
time and a study that finds alcohol control policies deter underage drinking. Brown University Digest of Addiction Theory and Application April 2003
This course reviews the epidemiological data
surrounding co morbidity of alcohol and mental
assessment and diagnosis related to these co morbid phenomena.
This course explores the issue of contingency
management in substance abuse treatment.
Other information included related to the
Abuse Treatment effective of husband?s drinking on the wife and
research on gambling treatment effectiveness. Brown University Digest of Addiction Theory and Application February 2004.
This course examines issues and examples for
social workers and other clinicians engaged with
problems. It encourages the development of coordinated systems of care-systems that replicate a full array or continuum of options. Brown University Digest of Addiction Theory and Application May 2003
Denial and Help- This course reviews of study regarding denial
and help-seeking behavior among drinkers.
Other articles include a description of a staging
system that predicts treatment outcomes in methadone maintenance programs. Brown University Digest of Addiction Theory and Application May 2003
This course discusses the state of affairs in the
diagnosis and assessment of individuals with
alcohol use disorders and provides empirical
evidence for using state-of-the-art diagnostic and assessment devices with individuals experiencing alcohol use problems. EL Library Course Name Course Description Hours Accreditations
This course provides information on alcohol use
disorders as they relate to individuals with
disabilities. It describes the relationship between alcohol use disorders and co-occurring disabilities and discusses ways to improve treatment of alcohol use disorders for individuals with co-occurring disabilities.
This course discusses research regarding the
Associated with relationship between drug use and aggressive
behavior. Other articles include results of the
National Health Interview Surveys regarding drinking pattern in older adults; binge drinking in Latino youths; and alcoholics with psychiatric comorbidity. Brown University Digest of Addiction Theory and Application October 2004.
Epidemiology of This course presents basic knowledge
concerning the definition and description of
Problems in the alcohol use and alcohol-related problems, as
well as demographic characteristics and recent historical trends in alcohol use, abuse and dependence. The importance to social work practice of a relationship between level of alcohol consumption and health effects are addressed.
Ethnicity, Culture This course reviews the literature relating
alcohol issues to race, ethnicity, and culture and
the diverse patterns of alcohol use among
individuals from various racial, ethnic, and cultural groups-differences between and among groups, as well as effective alcohol intervention and prevention services.
This course reviews the bio-psycho-social
Natural History of perspective on alcohol disorders. The content is
also guided by a lifespan person-in-environment
perspective, relating the interactive nature of individual and social context influences on the course of any disorder. Integral to this discussion of etiology is an awareness of the complexity contributed by human diversity. EL Library Course Name Course Description Hours Accreditations
This course provides information on screening
Assessment and and intervention for gambling addiction. Also
covered in this issue is a report of a study of
naltrexone and CBT to reduce craving for alcohol and the effectiveness of substance abuse treatment for court-referred youth and risk of intentional injury with alcohol consumption. Brown University Digest of Addiction Theory and Application January 2004.
Heroin/Methadon This course discusses the research on
heroin/methadone treatment for addicts. Other
Resistant Heroin articles include research on the High rate of
excessive alcohol use found among court-referred batterers and events associated with relapse among alcoholics in recovery. Brown University Digest of Addiction Theory and Application October 2003
This course explores the psychosocial issues
relevant to immigrant and refugee populations
problems among immigrants and refugees.
Legal and Ethical This course delineates the special ethical and
legal concerns related to the treatment and
prevention of alcohol use disorders. It focuses
on the special issues that pertain to alcohol use
This course reviews depression associated with
Depression and substance abuse. It also includes articles
regarding smoking cessation and the psychiatric
population and Mobile Health Services impact on high risk patients. Brown University Digest of Addiction Theory and Application January 2003
Marijuana Users This course reviews a study of marijuana users
and increased risk for affect deregulation. Other
articles include information on women married
to alcoholics being at increased risk for SUDs and active cocaine users less likely to take HIV medications. Brown University Digest of Addiction Theory and Application March 2003
EL Library Course Name Course Description Hours Accreditations
Medication Plus This course reviews a study on the
effectiveness of medication and therapy for
injection drug users with dual diagnosis. Other
Depressed IDUs articles include research regarding
methamphetamine use by gender and treatment outcomes for youth in substance abuse programs. Brown University Digest of Addiction Theory and Application May 2004
This course describes the process of moving an
individual from assessment and diagnosis into
treatment intervention. The first section
discusses non-adherence and ways to enhance
client adherence. The second section addresses the empirical support for various types of alcohol treatment interventions.
This course discusses behavioral couples
therapy for substance abuse, rational, methods
and findings. It also discusses the clinical use
This course explores how drug abuse treatment
can affect the spread of HIV and hepatitis
infection. It also covers how abuse of opioid
drugs changes the brain and influences the course of opioid treatment; and discusses how retention of patients in treatment helps to determine program effectiveness.
This course outlines clinical guidelines for
integrating treatment of adolescents with
September 2003 psychiatric disorders. It also explains how a low-
cost incentive program can be as effective as more costly voucher programs in improving treatment participation.
Older Adults and This course discusses alcohol use and
dependence in older adults; the signs and
symptoms of alcohol problems in older adults
and intervention and treatment options.
Pharmacological This course reviews effectiveness of medication
on alcohol use disorders in patients with
psychiatric comorbidity. Other articles include
interventions and school-based interventions.
Brown University Digest of Addiction Theory and Application August 2004
EL Library Course Name Course Description Hours Accreditations
This course provides results of a study on
physician attitudes toward providing needles to
regarding Needle IV Drug users. Other articles include research
on the effectiveness of buprenorphine and the
relationship between alcohol dependence, mood disorder and suicide. Brown University Digest of Addiction Theory and Application December 2003
This course explores the issue of predicting
treatment outcomes among alcohol abusers.
Outcome among Other articles include a focus on teens, ethnicity
Alcohol Abusers and substance abuse and ethnic differences in
teenage drunk driving behavior and the effectiveness of case management in substance abuse patients with HIV. Brown University Digest of Addiction Theory and Application March 2004
relationship between cannabis and alcohol use
departments. An additional article reviews
relationship power dynamics and treatment behavior. Brown University Digest of Addiction Theory and Application July 2003
This course explores several frameworks for
and Dependence application to the prevention of alcohol use
disorders. Specific strategies that have been implemented and empirically tested are described.
This course reviews research on risk behavior
reduction in injection drug users. Other articles
include a comparison of impairment in stimulant
abusers and alcohol abusers and expectancies related to behavioral response to alcohol. Brown University Digest of Addiction Theory and Application September 2003
This newsletter covers the topics of Peer to
Peer Programs; Youth in the Justice System
and Complexities of Co-Occurring Disorders.
This course presents current "best practices" for
the screening of individuals for both at-risk and
Problems in the dependent alcohol use in general social work
EL Library Course Name Course Description Hours Accreditations
This course covers the culturally appropriate
definitions of the terms lesbian, gay, bisexual,
and transgendered, used to identify members of
the LGBT community; identifies the major limitations to current, empirical knowledge about alcohol use and problems within this population, and describes the prevalence and etiology of alcohol use within the gay and lesbian population as it is currently understood.
Sleep Problems This course discusses the persistence of sleep
problems in recovering alcoholics. Other articles
include an exploration of the efficacy of school-
based interventions; risk factors for children of drug-abusing fathers; and a discussion of the effectiveness of 12 Step Programs. Brown University Digest of Addiction Theory and Application November 2003
This course discusses the role of spirituality in
treatment centers. Other articles include
Approaches SA research about possible effectiveness of brief
interventions for hazardous drinking and individualized therapy improving outcomes for dependence. Brown University Digest of Addiction Theory and Application July 2004
understanding of steroid abuse and addiction
and associated health effects. It discusses the
nature and prevalence of anabolic steroid abuse in the United States. The course reviews health and behavioral consequences of steroid abuse and outlines preventive efforts as well as effective treatments. The course includes a glossary, extensive reference citations and informational resources.
This course reviews the relationship between
substance abuse and violence. Other articles
between SA and include research on the effectiveness of on-site
primary medical care for addiction outcomes and a study finds link between stress and alcohol abuse in alcoholics. Brown University Digest of Addiction Theory and Application August 2003
EL Library Course Name Course Description Hours Accreditations
Substance-using This course explores the use of long-term
Teens and Long- treatment in residential settings for adolescents.
term Residential Other articles include a report on a new study
examines link between alcohol use and suicidal behavior and the use of Olanzapine in the treatment of alcohol use disorders. Brown University Digest of Addiction Theory and Application September 2004
The Dangers of This course explores the dangers of steroids
and supplement use among athletes. Other
articles include a study of naltrexone use in
Supplement Use veterans and the relationship between alcohol
and cannabis use in teens. Also included is an article on the use of CAGE in college drinkers. Brown University Digest of Addiction Theory and Application April 2004
This course reviews two studies: the use of
Disulfiram and CBT effective for cocaine abuse
schizophrenia patients. Brown University Digest of Addiction Theory and Application June 2004
This course discusses an empirically based
understanding of the relationships between
women and alcohol. Its bio-psycho-social
perspective recognizes ways in which women's biology, psychology, and social worlds interact to affect their reactions to alcohol and to alcohol-related interventions.
This course includes the following articles:
Underused medications key to addiction relapse
polypharmacy continues to be widespread; Multiple drug overdose induces QTc prolongation. Brown University Psychopharmacology Update - October 2005
Pharmacology Algorithm-Driven This course discusses research showing that
algorithm-driven treatment improves short-term
Bipolar Disorder outcomes in bipolar disorder. Other articles
include report on a 20-year naturalistic study showing effectiveness of depression treatment; drug interactions in nortriptyline intoxication induced by terbinafine. EL Library Course Name Course Description Hours Accreditations
This course discusses chronic anticholinergic
usage effect on the worsening clinical course of
Alzheimer`s disease. Other articles include
serotonin syndrome occurring with risperidone/paroxetine therapy; research showing mood disorders inadequately diagnosed and treated in older adults.
Articles in this issue of the Brown University
antidepressant drug-drug interactions: Exploring
the controversy of clinical relevance, diazepam
risperidone for PTSD in abused women.
Pharmacology Antidepressants Articles in this issue of the Brown University
antidepressants and suicide: what are the risks?
Other articles include: Citalopram and measurement-based care credited with notable remission rates, and drug-drug Interactions: Amisulpride and clozapine.
This course looks at experts recommendations
about antipsychotic use in the elderly. Other
articles include new research findings that
spotlight Alzheimer`s disease, bipolar disorder and depression in older adults; and the serotonin syndrome in older adults.
Articles in this issue of the Brown University
aripiprazole for treating borderline personality
disorder, and first effectiveness study tests
treatments for refractory bipolar depression.
Pharmacology Aripiprazole Use This course reviews research on the
effectiveness of aripiprazole for treatment of
Bipolar Disorder acute mania in bipolar disorders. Other articles
include research on neurons mediating effect on antidepressants.
Pharmacology Atypicals Impact This course includes the following articles: Do
independent of weight gain; Bipolar disorder in
children and adolescents: treatment and diagnosis; CYP2D6 genotype may be linked to risperidone adverse drug reactions; Methylphenidate for adult ADHD. Brown University Psychopharmacology Update - April 2005
EL Library Course Name Course Description Hours Accreditations
Pharmacology Brain Activity and This course reviews a study of the use of PET
scans in older adult to aid in the treatment of
depression. Other articles include a discussion
of the Duke Somatic Treatment Algorithm for geriatric depression.
Pharmacology CATIE Phase 2 Articles in this issue of the Brown University
Tolerability Study Psychopharmacology Update include: CATIE
Phase 2 tolerability study results show high
treatment discontinuation rates, and landmark STAR*D study highlights value of augmentation, switching.
This course includes the following articles: CBT,
combination drug therapy showing promise for
depersonalization disorder; Experts discuss
Depersonalizatio benefits of CBT, SSRIs and augmentation n Disorder
strategies for OCD; No gender differences found in treatment response to sertraline. Brown University Psychopharmacology Update May 2005
cholinergic therapies for Alzheimer`s disease.
Other articles include a study that projects
Alzheimer`s disease in U.S. could triple by 2050; and the use of risperidone vs. olanzapine for psychosis in older patients.
This course discusses the effectiveness of
cholinesterase inhibitors in treating patients with
more severe Alzheimer`s. Other articles include
a review of the possible link between paroxetine
Management of standardization in the clinical management of
articles include information on how donepezil may help in management of comorbid schizophrenia and dementia; selegiline and increase risk of hypertension with dopamine; and research showing that venlafaxine and nortriptyline may be similar as treatments for depression in older adults.
Articles in this issue of the Brown University
Child & Adolescent Psychopharmacology
clozapine may not benefit from risperidone augmentation, case reports and cohort studies show possible link between SSRIs and bleeding events, and QT prolongation and psychotropic drugs. EL Library Course Name Course Description Hours Accreditations
This course discusses research about the
Metabolism and differences in clozapine metabolism and how
this may influence clinical response. Other
articles include research on St. John's Wort for somatoform disorders; research on Omega-3 fatty acid effectiveness for depression.
This course discusses prevention of depression
in medically ill older adults. Other articles
include research focusing on treatment of
dementia; drug-drug interactions: quetiapine`s potential to increase carbamazepine levels; and research showing that the need for treatment among older Americans will triple by 2020.
This course reviews the research findings on
DHEA`s effect on Alzheimer`s. Other articles
include donepezil`s possible linked to sleep
problems and greater use of hypnotics; research on the possible interaction with buspirone and antiretroviral agents; and somnambulism reported with SSRI`s in older adults.
This course discusses research that finds
divalproex to be effective in treating some forms
of aggression. Other articles include research
showing that topiramate may increase lithium levels in some patients; research on depression treatment for minority women.
This course explores the continuing debate
women. Other articles include research on phenytoin levels in the presence of fluorouracil in open-label trial for psychosis in the elderly; and safety of drugs in geriatric patients.
This course discusses the use of duloxetine that
has been approved and may offer treatment for
both pain and depression in the elderly. Other
articles include treating psychiatric aspects of Parkinson?s disease. EL Library Course Name Course Description Hours Accreditations
This course reviews research on efficacy of
Antidepressants antidepressants in older adults. Other articles
include a report on research regarding valproic
acid and hyperammonemia; Vascular disease and depression; and drinking patterns of older Americans.
Articles in this issue of the Brown University
Augmentation for Psychopharmacology Newsletter include: lithium
and T3 augmentation for major depression
produce modest results and slight differences, effects of pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy in late-life depression, and valproate and olanzapine.
evaluates long-term benefits of donepezil for
mild to moderate Alzheimer`s disease. Other
articles include research on lithium toxicity when adding a COX-2 inhibitor; and the use of ECT for AD patients.
Articles in this issue of the Brown University
Psychopharmacology Newsletter include: two or
Bipolar Disorder more combined drugs may be needed to treat
rapid-cycling bipolar disorder, pilot study explores riluzole as treatment for generalized anxiety disorder, and drug-induced interference of tricyclic antidepressant assays.
This course includes the following articles:
schizophrenia treatment; Folate deficiency in
schizophrenia is supplementation warranted; Possible interaction among quetiapine, doxepin and pantoprazole. Brown University Psychopharmacology Update - November 2005
Articles in this issue of the Brown University
Nalmefene may be a potential treatment option
maintenance paroxetine and psychotherapy in
elderly patients, and polypsychopharmacy: evaluating prevalence and concerns. EL Library Course Name Course Description Hours Accreditations
damage link reviewed, pharmacogenetics and
antidepressants, results of a study reviewing
Olanzapine vs. Haloperidol, New antidepressants in the pipeline, new innovations in drug delivery systems and treatment refractory OCD. Brown University Psychopharmacology Update January to March 2004
This course discusses research on pregabalin
Pipeline as Non- that shows promise as non-addictive anxiolytic.
Other articles include a discussion of deep brain
stimulation provide hope for intractable OCD; research on the efficacy of ziprasidone in acute mania.
Articles in this issue of the Brown University
MAOI transdermal patch available to treat major
depressive disorder in adults, and FDA advisory
committee recommends black box warning for
Pharmacology New Medications Topics covered in this Brown University
for Treatment of Psychopharmacology Update October-
November 2004 include new medications for
treatment of alcohol dependence, Review of Cymbalta for MDD, comparison of paroxetine and reboxetine for Panic Disorder and antipsychotics and suicidality.
Pharmacology Nocturnal Panic This Brown University Psychopharmacolgy
Update August 2005 includes the following
articles: Researchers examining what we do
and don`t know about nocturnal panic attacks; Study examines how amphetamines impact driving performance; SSRIs and digoxin: Data broadens possibility of toxicity. Brown University Psychopharmacology Update - August 2005
Pharmacology NSAIDS Use to This course reviews a new study that shows
NSAIDs do not slow progression of Alzheimer`s
disease. Other articles include research on
hormone therapy linked to increase in dementia
in elderly women; findings of a longer half-life of fluoxetine in elderly patients; ziprasidone used for mood and behavioral disturbances in older adults. EL Library Course Name Course Description Hours Accreditations
Pharmacology Olanzapine and This course discusses the increased risk of
hyperlipidemia with olanzapine use in older
Hyperlipidemia in adults. Other articles include a discussion of
Geriatric Patients combination therapy of risperidone and
fluvoxamine in older adults; testosterone therapy for late-onset depression; and a meta-analysis of benefits of Chls.
Articles in this issue of the Brown University
Acid Levels as a Psychopharmacology Newsletter include:
omega-3 fatty acid levels as a predictor of future
remission rates in third trial of patients with MDD, and Haloperidol pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics.
This course includes the following articles:
Osteoporosis drug, raloxifene, may lower risk
for cognitive impairment; Diagnosing and
managing benzodiazepine dependence. Brown University Psychopharmacology Update - June 2005
Pharmacology Overlap Between This course includes the following articles:
Experts exploring the overlap between OCD and
schizophrenia; Groundbreaking study finds
earlier than expected effects of antipsychotics. Brown University Psychopharmacology Update - July 2005
Pharmacology Pharmacogeneti This course includes the following articles:
Impact of Different Atypical Antipsychotics on
Cognitive Function in Schizophrenia; Quetiapine and Venlafaxine Intoxication; Risperidone and Childhood Abuse Related PTSD. Brown University Psychopharmacology Update - February 2005
Pharmacology Placebo Effects Articles in this issue of the Brown University
Psychopharmacology Newsletter include: what
is the evidence for placebo effects on insomnia?
Other articles include: groundbreaking meta-analysis weighs death risk of atypical antipsychotic use, and assessing the effect of milnacipran on the cytochrome P-450 enzyme. EL Library Course Name Course Description Hours Accreditations
polypharmacy for schizophrenia. Other articles
effectiveness in treating alcoholism; the use of Anticonvulsants and calcium channel blockers; and an update on HRT and dementia.
This course includes the following articles:
Prolactin and Antipsychotics: Examining the
Risks and how to Manage Them; Divalproex for
Comorbid Bipolar Disorder and Alcoholism; SSRI's and Tamoxifen Interaction; Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Clomipramine for OCD; Fluoxetine for Dysthymic Disorder in the Elderly. Brown University Psychopharmacology Update - March 2005
This course includes the following articles:
Elderly Patients Psychosis in Elderly Patients with Dementia -
Treatment Options; Are Prescription Stimulants
being Misused/Abused; Drug -drug interactions - St. John's Wort and imantinib mesylate; Nicotine and ADHD in Adolescents; Ethnicity and the Course of Tardive Dyskenesia. Brown University Psychopharmacology Update - January 2005
This course includes the following articles:
Quetiapine shows promise in treating acute
Bipolar Disorder bipolar depression; New algorithm available for
Bipolar I disorder more detailed information incorporated; No interaction found between paroxetine and alprazolam. Brown University Psychopharmacology Update - September 2005
This course reviews the results of a research
study on the use of sertraline and venlafaxine in
older adults. Other articles include a study of the
diagnosis of AD in the primary care setting; and a study on the use of benzodiazapines in the elderly.
Pharmacology Risk Factors for This course discusses the relationship between
increase risk of breast cancer and psychotropic
medication. Other articles include information on
how to differentiate benign from serious rash when prescribing lamotrigine; Drug-Drug Interactions: nefazodone may raise clozapine levels
EL Library Course Name Course Description Hours Accreditations
Pharmacology Risperidone and This course reviews two groundbreaking
randomized studies that assess efficacy of
Schizophrenia in risperidone and olanzapine in elders with
schizophrenia. Other articles include research on SSRIs related to syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone; and research assessing galantamine for dementia and reducing caregiver burden.
Sertraline treatment for severe PMDD, safety of
concurrent donepezil and Risperidone treatment, augmentation strategies for treating SSRI resistant depression, drug-drug interactions in treating depression and HIV, managing bipolar disorder in pregnant woman and diagnosing and treating postpartum-onset OCD.
This course looks at the research on Substance
P antagonists (SPAs): New class of drugs that
shows promise in treating depression. Other
articles include research focusing on safety and efficacy of drugs in elderly patients; research showing that clozapine helps reduce suicide attempts in schizophrenia
Articles in this issue of the Brown University
Psychopharmacology Newsletter include: SSRI,
Equally Effective tricyclic antidepressant equally effective for
postpartum depression, short-term risperidone
augmentation effective for resistant depression, and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
This course discusses guidelines for treatment
Benzodiazepines of panic disorder with SSRIs recommended but
benzodiazepines most often prescribed for
panic disorder. Other articles include information on newer anticonvulsants and their diverse roles in bipolar disorder; fluvoxamine and risperidone associated with possible NMS, serotonin syndrome. EL Library Course Name Course Description Hours Accreditations
effectiveness of thyroid hormone for treatment-
resistant affective disorders. Other articles
include research on the use of depo-provera to
treat sex offenders; efficacy of once-daily
atomoxetine; aripiprazole in treatment of Schizophrenia.
Depression and Psychopharmacology Update July- September
2004 include treating depressed patients who
have comorbid substance dependence, real world treatment of Borderline Disorder, the evolution of antidepressant medications, expert consensus on antipsychotic, diabetes and obesity, a comparison of mechanisms of action between escitalopram and citalopram and new research on olanzapine/fluoxetine therapy in treatment of psychotic depression.
This course includes the following: Evaluating
Depression with the risks for treating depression with SSRIs
during pregnancy; SSRIs and congenital heart
defects in infants; Lamotrigine concentrations may be changed by commonly used psychotropics. Brown University Psychopharmacology Update - December 2005
This course discusses the treatment challenges
depression. Other articles include a report on a
promising new agent that may reduce anxiety without sedation; the use of modafinil for short-term treatment of fatigue in MDD.
treatment of psychosis in Parkinson`s disease.
Other articles include depression in the elderly:
research exploring the link with physical symptoms; the use of olanzapine for psychosis in AD patients; and menopause`s effect on depression. EL Library Course Name Course Description Hours Accreditations
This course reviews recommended treatment
strategies and key clinical research findings for
children with ADHD and Disruptive Behavior
Disorders. This issue of The Brown University Child & Adolescent Behavior Letter, February 2004 also reviews the results and clinical implications of a recent federal study of drug use among teenagers.
This course reviews recent findings related to
Pharmacotherap use of medications in treatment of ADHD. This
issue of the Brown University Child &
Adolescent Behavior Letter, June 2004 also discusses the effects that parental conflict has on aggression in children and ways that Mental Health professionals can help to reduce youth exposure to secondhand smoke.
This course focuses on current research on
Autism Research Autism Spectrum Disorders and discusses the
challenges of identifying children with Autism early so that effective intervention can occur. This issue of The Brown University Child & Adolescent Behavior Letter, January 2004 also covers risk taking behavior in male adolescents.
Antidepressants Articles in this issue of The Brown University
Child & Adolescent Psychopharmacology
Update include: a new epidemiologic study
examines the risks between the relation of antidepressants and suicide. If approved, modafinil will add more choice for ADHD treatment.
Attachment Therapy that uses pain, intimidation
and emotional abuse for the purpose of changing children's behavior and emotions. The importance of parent education for intervening with parents thought to be utilizing Attachment Therapy and a review of case studies that illustrate the harmful nature of the parenting practices advocated by proponents are also discussed. This issue of the Brown University Child & Adolescent Behavior Letter, October 2004 also presents the results of research linking hyperactivity to food additives. EL Library Course Name Course Description Hours Accreditations
Bipolar Disorder Articles in this issue of the Brown University
Child & Adolescent Psychopharmacology
Newsletter include: bipolar disorder in very
young children, dearth of evidence supporting nonepileptic uses of antiepileptic medications, and clozapine versus Olanzapine for COS.
Articles in this issue of the Brown University
Child & Adolescent Psychopharmacology
CATIE compares old and new medications for schizophrenia treatmentCareful monitoring required in clozapinetreated children and adolescents
Topics covered include Pergolide and Tic
Psychopharmac Meridia and weight loss in teens, evaluating
clozapine in children, Modafanil and ADHD and the controversy surrounding medication coercion in schools.
Topics covered include real-world antipsychotic
prescribing practices, treatment problems
Psychopharmac associated with the use of Ziprasidone in
children with Autism, the risk of Pancreatitis
Jan-March 2003 associated with Valproate treatment in pediatric
patients and the use of medication to prevent suicide in teens.
Topics covered include pharmacological options
for treatment of disorders of aggression in
Psychopharmac youth, SAD remission rates, use of Abilify for
treatment of Conduct Disorder in children,
combination treatment with pediatric bipolar patients and a review of the literature related to Omega-3 fatty acids and psychiatric illness.
Topics covered include Divalproex use in
bipolar offspring, a review of a large study of the
Psychopharmac safety and efficacy of SSRI use in children,
pharmacological treatment options for ADHD,
risperidone for disruptive behavior disorders and SSRI's and suicide trends in youth. EL Library Course Name Course Description Hours Accreditations
Child and Family This course discusses a new developmentally
sensitive treatment mode for Pediatric Bipolar
Disorder that combines principles of family
focused therapy with cognitive behavioral
therapy and medication. This issue of the Brown University Child & Adolescent Behavior Letter, July 2004 also reviews issues related to gender variant children and presents a family centered model for assisting parents to work with their children to avoid stigma and improve quality of life.
Childhood-Onset This course provides an overview of the
symptoms and diagnosis of childhood-onset
schizophrenia. It discusses similarities and
differences with adult-onset schizophrenia as well as treatments and suspected causes.
This Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology
Update, April-June 2004 include prescription
drugs available to children via Internet,
Identifying and treating children at risk for bipolar disorder, effectiveness of stimulants for ADHD in preschoolers, changes in effectiveness of stimulant treatment for ADHD over time, use of chemical restraints in children and psychiatric drug patterns for inpatient pediatric patients.
This Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology
Update, February 2005 discusses the myths,
children with epilepsy and ADHD. It also describes emerging brain-based interventions for children and adolescents. Other topics include the summarization of the results of a research study that used mixed amphetamine salts to treat ADHD in bipolar disorder. EL Library Course Name Course Description Hours Accreditations
Chronic Obesity This course present the findings of research
related to chronic obesity and psychiatric
Psychopathology disorders in youth. Family factors, preventative
strategies and effective treatment programs are
discussed. Helping children deal with war and terrorism and the effectiveness of early intervention programs in preventing youth violence are also discussed in this issue of the Brown University Child & Adolescent Behavior Letter, May 2003.
This course discusses gender and age trends,
diagnostic overlap and comorbidity in Conduct
Disorder and Oppositional Defiant Disorder.
Defiant Disorder; Treatment strategies and directions for future Trends and
research are also reviewed. Recent research on
Inhalant use by children is also covered in this issue of the Brown University Child & Adolescent Behavior Letter, May 2004.
This course defines the concept and discusses
Executive Skills the importance of developing executive skills
and suggests effective strategies for working
with children and adolescents who have deficits in this area. This issue of the Brown University Child & Adolescent Behavior Letter, August 2004 also provides a comprehensive review of a pilot project designed to improve adolescent mental health screening.
Articles in this issue of the Brown University
Methylphenidate Child & Adolescent Psychopharmacology
Update include: discussion of the clinical
implications of the recently released results of
the Preschool ADHD Treatment Study (PATS), identification of two safeguards that researchers used to protect against inappropriate inclusion of preschool subjects and overly aggressive dosing of methylphenidate, and a discussion about the findings from the first study to assess antidepressant induced mania (AIM) in children with or at high risk for bipolar disorder (BD). EL Library Course Name Course Description Hours Accreditations
Articles in this issue of the Brown University
Child & Adolescent Psychopharmacology
Newsletter include: psychopharmacological
efficacy profiles: Divalproex for adolescent
conduct disorder, studies show atomoxetine effective, well-tolerated in young ADHD patients, and stimulants for driving performance in teens with ADHD.
Family Focused This course reviews the effectiveness of two
types of family intervention strategies targeted
at children living in homes with a depressed
parent. Methods utilized and the implications for
practitioners working with this population are discussed. This issue of The Brown University Child & Adolescent Behavior Letter November 2003 also presents outcomes from a large school based suicide prevention program and reviews body of research related to the mental health of juvenile delinquents.
FDA Advisory on Articles in this issue of The Brown University
Child & Adolescent Psychopharmacology
Update include: the FDA advisory committee
recommends black box warning for ADHD drugs, and the FDA advisory committee recommends stronger risk management program could slow prescribing of Accutane.
Future Directions This Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology
of the Treatment Update, January 2005 discusses the
directions of the treatment of eating disorder. It also describes the usefulness and effectiveness of ECT in adolescents. Other topics include the link between iron deficiency and ADHD.
This course provides an overview of Gender
Identity Disorder of Childhood, discusses the
onset of this disorder and practical clinical
implications. The Impact of Relationships on Teen Behavior is also covered in this Jan 2003 issue of The Brown University Child & Adolescent Behavior Letter. EL Library Course Name Course Description Hours Accreditations
This Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology
Update, July-Sept 2004 covers insomnia in
adolescents, results of a four year follow-up
study of children with bipolar disorder, methylphenidate use in children with MR and ADHD, clozapine for PTSD, IED and bipolar disorder, review of results from TADS study (treatment of adolescents with depression) and lithium continuation may not be beneficial for mania.
Articles in this issue of the Brown University
Child & Adolescent Psychopharmacology
Longer acting MPH increases compliance in Medicaid populationExpert discusses alternative treatment options for ADHD in children
Articles in this issue of the newsletter include:
long-term treatment with risperidone yields
benefits in treating disruptive behavior
disorders, the ADHD black box warning update,
atomoxetine for ADHD: comorbid ODD and risk
Medication Use This November 2004 Special Report from The
Brown University Child & Adolescent Behavior
Letter covers pharmacological intervention in
adolescents with Alcohol Use Disorders, discusses the controversy and findings that led to the Black Box Warning on SSRI's for children and reviews the results of several new studies on the use of Lithium, Risperidone and methylphenidate in children.
Articles in this issue of the Brown University
Child & Adolescent Psychopharmacology
Newsletter include: can melatonin improve
symptomsof pediatric sleep disorders and Fluoxetine shown to be beneficial in one-year study of anxiety disorders. EL Library Course Name Course Description Hours Accreditations
Methylphenidate This Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology
Update, July 2005 discusses the safety and
efficacy of methylphenidate transdermal system
for ADHD. Other topics include the pilot study showing the association between Accutane and changes in brain function that may be associated in depression; a recent study that suggests autism can be distinguished from other developmental disabilities as early as 24 months of age.
Ongoing Debate Articles in this issue of the Brown University
Child & Adolescent Psychopharmacology
Experts discuss complete review of published, unpublished data on SSRI use in children; evaluating the risks for treating depression with SSRIs during pregnancy
Pediatric Bipolar This Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology
pediatric bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, a
review of the PIER program for early intervention with schizophrenia, guidelines for ADHD and disruptive behavior disorders, depressed preschoolers and psychosocial distress, Hypothyroidism in children treated with Lithium, and Oxycontin abuse by adolescents.
Pharmacogeneti This Brown University Child and Adolescent
discusses pharmacogenetics and ADHD. It also
explains the prescribing patterns of psychiatric medications for children and adolescents. Other topics describe how abnormal head growth has been linked with autism.
This course discusses specific strategies for
Reducing Social preventing and reducing social aggression
including assertiveness training and peer
intervention. Summaries of research presented at the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP) related to treatment of children in a variety of settings are also covered in this issue of The Brown University Child & Adolescent Behavior Letter, December 2003. EL Library Course Name Course Description Hours Accreditations
Articles in this issue of the Brown University
Child & Adolescent Psychopharmacology
Newsletter include: problems with retention
stymie progress of adolescents in Buprenorphine treatment, iron deficiency as a risk factor for ADHD and Aripiprazole for borderline personality disorder in teens and adults.
This course discusses three psychosocial
Interventions for interventions that have proven effective in
treating ADHD; Parent training in behavioral
management, classroom-based behavior modification techniques and special education placements. The outcomes of mental health interventions for children and adolescents are also covered in this issue of the Brown University Child & Adolescent Behavior Letter, Feb. 2003.
This course reviews research related to the
effects of rap music on various types of
antisocial behavior in adolescents. Factors that
decrease antisocial behavior such as parental guidance are discussed and various experts share their view on the subject. This issue of The Brown University Child & Adolescent Behavior Letter, June 2003 also covers the use of the Child Welfare system for children and adolescents in need of mental health services.
Recognizing and This course reviews common depressive
symptoms in young children, ages 2-5, tools for
evaluation of depression within this population
and treatment approaches. Psychiatric Diagnosis in Children and the implications for treatment and funding are also covered in this issue of the Brown University Child & Adolescent Behavior Letter, March 2003. EL Library Course Name Course Description Hours Accreditations
School Centered This course provides a comprehensive review of
the epidemiology of mental health problems in
school age children, describes a three tier
approach for developing school based mental health programs and the challenges involved in the coordination of care among an interdisciplinary treatment team. This issue of the Brown University Child & Adolescent Behavior Letter, September 2004 also presents the results of a recent survey of 1,400 school-based mental health professionals.
This article summarizes a new study on the role
psychiatric disorders play in school refusal.
Environmental and psychosocial factors related
to this problem are also reviewed. The findings
and recommendations of a The New Freedom Commission on Mental Health related to early intervention and mental health programs in schools are also reviewed in this issue of The Brown University Child & Adolescent Behavior Letter, September 2003.
This course discusses types of self-injury in
adolescents, identifying potential self-injurers
and recommended treatment strategies. Alcohol
and drug use in girls with Eating Disorders is also covered in this issue of The Brown University Child & Adolescent Behavior Letter, March 2004.
This Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology
Update, Oct-Nov 2004 covers include an update
on the use of SSRI's in children, combination
therapy for OCD and a review of new research in treatment of ADHD.
Articles in this issue of the Brown University
Child & Adolescent Psychopharmacology
ADHD & Weight Update include: how stimulant treatment for
ADHD can retard rate of weight growth, the effects of midazolam on memory in pediatric surgery settings, and Risperidone in children, adolescents and adults with MR. EL Library Course Name Course Description Hours Accreditations
This Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology
Update, August 2005 discusses the recent
epidemiological study suggesting a relationship
between streptococcal infections in young children and onset of OCD, Tourettes and Tic Disorder. Other topics include Identifying the reperidones effect on three core symptoms of autism; Safety issues concerning antidepressant use in pediatric patients.
This course reviews recent research on the
Gateway Theory, the theory that marijuana use
Abuse; Research in young teens leads to use of harder drugs as
on the Gateway adults. The effectiveness of an enhanced DARE Theory and an
program in prevention of drug and alcohol use
Enhanced DARE in teens is also covered in this issue of the Program
Brown University Child & Adolescent Behavior Letter, April 2003.
This course reviews the literature on brain
Visual Electronic development and discusses potentially negative
effects of television, video games and other
electronic media on neurodevelopment. A real life case study is reviewed and strategies for preventing damage discussed. This issue of The Brown University Child & Adolescent Behavior Letter, July 2003 also covers an innovative, culturally sensitive case management program model for children with Severe Emotional Disorder.
Treating Anxiety Articles in this issue of the Brown University
& Depression in Child & Adolescent Psychopharmacology
Newsletter include: treating anxiety and
depression in children with cancer, how medication may be effective in treating hyperactivity in autism, and expert question and answer on cancer and depression.
This Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology
Bipolar Disorder Update, March 2005 discusses the controversy,
the diagnosis and the treatment of bipolar
disorder in children and adolescents. It also explains new treatment guidelines available for children and adolescents with bipolar disorder. Other topics describe comorbid conditions in children with bipolar disorder. EL Library Course Name Course Description Hours Accreditations
This Brown University Child & Adolescent
Psychopharmacology Update - October 2005
includes information on how essential fatty acid
supplements may benefit children with DCD. Other articles in this issue include atomoxetine examined for pediatric ADHD with comorbid depression or anxiety.
Trends in Youth This course reviews research related to teen
suicide and the use of SSRI`s. Other articles
continues about atypical antipsychotics and diabetes; research on new onset seizure with quetiapine and olanzapine; and PTSD improvements with paroxetine treatment.
This course defines temperament in children,
reviews findings related to the effect of
Temperament on temperament on behavior and interactions and
children's experiences at home and school. The increased risk of drug use in children with ADHD is also covered in this issue of The Brown University Child & Adolescent Behavior Letter, October 2003.
This course discusses key research findings
that lead to recent changes in label warnings
related to suicide and use of antidepressants in
children and adolescents. This issue of The
Brown University Child & Adolescent Behavior
Letter, April 2004 also covers school-based prevention programs to reduce drug use and research on preventing bullying in schools.
This Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology
Update, May 2005 discusses the safety and
long-term effects of using stimulants for children
with ADHD. It also describes protocol and safety concerns regarding using pediatric chemical restraints in the ER. Other topics explain how folinic acid treatment may be linked with neurologic improvements.
Articles in this issue of the Brown University
Child & Adolescent Psychopharmacology
Newsletter include: weighing the benefits of
omega-3 fatty acids for childhood depression,
recommendations to minimize endocrine and
metabolic adverse effects, and Citalopram studied for adolescent MDD. EL Library Course Name Course Description Hours Accreditations
This course discusses an educational support
program designed for children of addicted
Addicted Parents parents. It describes a new resource for
providing a structured support program to this population in schools and treatment programs. Recent findings related to drug safety in children and adolescents are also reviewed in this issue of The Brown University Child & Adolescent Behavior Letter, August 2003.
This Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology
Update, June 2005 discusses why ziprasidone
should be used with caution in children and
adolescents. It also describes the results of a study that used Lithium and divalproex as maintenance. Other topics explain why the FDA did not approve Risperdal to be marketed as a treatment for autism.
This course describes symptoms, causes, and
treatments, with information on depressive
disorders. It is intended as an introduction for
direct service staff new to the field.
This course is a basic introduction to the human
brain. It discusses how a healthy brain works,
how to keep it healthy and what happens when
the brain is diseased or dysfunctional.
This 2 credit hour course provides an overview
of the Inspector General's plan for 2006 and the
implications for behavioral health. Important elements of an organization's compliance program related to appropriate services and documentation is also discussed. Compliance issues regarding Medicaid reimbursement is a focal point of the course. **Audio/Video Required.
Employment and This course provides a conceptual framework,
various program approaches, resources and
regulations regarding supportive employment
services for the homeless mentally ill.
Evidence Based This course describes the concept and reviews
the history of evidenced based practices in the
EL Library Course Name Course Description Hours Accreditations
characteristics of social phobia, also called
social anxiety. It discusses the prevalence,
physical symptoms that often accompany the disease and possible physiological, genetic, biochemical and environmental causes. It reviews available treatments and other co-occurring illnesses.
Finding Ways to This study reviews the national effort that is
focusing on finding ways to prevent Alzheimer`s
pharmacotherapy of bipolar disorder in the elderly; and donepezil and muscle relaxants use in older adults.
First Depression This course reviews the results from First
findings that treatment of depression helps non-
mood symptoms in Alzheimer disease. Other articles include research that valsartan may raise lithium levels, and atypicals use in treating cognition problems in elderly.
This course explores factors expected to
influence the need, demand and availability of
mental health services in the near future
including short-term trends, key socioeconomic indicators and psychopharmacologic factors.
diagnosing and treating geriatric PTSD. Other
articles include a discussion of late-life insomnia
psychiatric and medical comorbidity; and the immune system and Alzheimer`s.
Identification and This course reviews the research regarding the
Attention Deficit evidence-based treatment of ADHD.
This course addresses the tragic and potentially
preventable public health problems of suicide
and attempted suicide in America. The course
discusses prevalence and risk factors by gender and age as well as prevention efforts and pharmacologic and psychosocial treatments. EL Library Course Name Course Description Hours Accreditations
This course discusses research on promising
treatments for geriatric depression, dementia
and Alzheimer`s disease. Other articles include
use of memantine plus donepezil for improvement of the cognitive and physical symptoms of AD.
This course discusses the use of psychotherapy
and medication treatment for both depression
and pain associated with arthritis. Other articles
include a discussion of how Clioquinol slows cognitive decline in patients with moderate to severe AD; the use of Venlafaxine, sertraline combination for depression; and Olanzapine vs. haloperidol in treatment of geriatric schizophrenia.
PTSD in People This course reviews the growing research about
the effects of trauma exposure on people with
severe mental illness including information on
risk factors, prevalence and assessment.
This course explains the Privacy Rule, a Federal
HIPAA From NIH regulation under the Health Insurance Portability
and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996, in the
research context. It provides a basic understanding of the Privacy Rule, which protects certain health information, and how it may affect health research. It also addresses how researchers may be affected when their research requires the use of an individual's identifiable health information.
This course explores the risks associated with
and Prescription the use of herbal remedies and prescription
medication in older adults. Other articles include
a discussion of drug intervention for behavioral symptoms of dementia; the safety of galantamine/risperidone therapy in AD patients; and the use of pharmacogenetics and antidepressants in older adults.
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DR. RICKY SEE & ASSOCIATES PEDIATRIC ORAL SEDATION INFORMATION AND CONSENT FORM Chloral Hydrate and Hydroxyzine(Atarax) are medications that can greatly minimize anxiety that may be associated with dental treatment. In a relaxed state, your child will usually still be able to communicate with the dentist while treatment is being performed. Even though it is safe, effective, and we