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Section 15100

SECTION 23 05 16 - EXPANSION FITTINGS AND LOOPS FOR HVAC PIPING PART 1 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section, and all sections of Division 23. Flexible Pre-Fabricated expansion loops. Related Sections: The following Sections contain requirements that relate to this Section: Section 23 05 00 - “Common Work Results for HVAC.” Section 23 05 29 - “Hangers and Supports for HVAC Piping and Equipment”: Product and installation requirements for piping hangers and supports. Section 23 05 48 - “Vibration and Seismic Controls for HVAC Piping and Equipment”: Product and installation requirements for vibration isolators used in piping systems. Section 23 05 53 - “Identification for HVAC Piping and Equipment.” Section 23 07 00 - “HVAC Insulation.” Section 23 05 03 - “Pipes and Tubes for HVAC Piping and Equipment.” Section 23 05 23 - “General Duty Valves for HVAC Piping.” Section 23 21 23 - “Hydronic Pumps.” REFERENCES (Unless otherwise noted, references apply to “latest editions.”) ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) ASME B16.20, “Metallic Gaskets for Pipe Flanges- Ring-Joint, Spiral-Wound, and Jacketed,” 2007. ASME Section IX - Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code - Welding and Brazing Qualifications. ASME B16.21, “Nonmetallic Flay Gaskets for Pipe Flanges,” 2005. ASME B31.9, “Building Services Piping,” 2004. AWS D1.1, “Structural Welding Code- Steel,” 2008. ANSI/AWS B2.1, “Standard Specification for Welding Procedure and Performance Qualification,” 2005. ANSI/AWS D10.12, “Guide for Welding Mild Steel Pipe,” January, 2000. Expansion Fittings And Loops For Hvac Piping ANSI/AWWA C111, “Rubber-Gasket Joints for Ductile-Iron Pressure Pipe and Fittings,” 2007. IMC (International Mechanical Code), 2006 Provide structural work and equipment required for expansion and contraction of piping. Verify anchors, guides, and expansion joints and adequately protect all systems. General: Submit each item in this Section according to the Conditions of the Contract and Division 01 Specification Sections. Shop Drawings: Indicate layout of piping systems, including flexible connectors, expansion joints, expansion compensators, loops, offsets and swing joints. Flexible Pipe Connectors: Indicate maximum temperature and pressure rating, face-to-face length, live length, hose wall thickness, hose convolutions per foot and per assembly, fundamental frequency of assembly, braid structure, and total number of wires in braid. Expansion Joints: Indicate maximum temperature and pressure rating, and maximum expansion compensation. Design Data: Indicate criteria and show calculations. Submit sizing methods and calculations. Manufacturer's Installation Instructions: Submit special procedures. Manufacturer's Certificate: Certify products meet or exceed specified requirements. Manufacturer’s Field Reports: Indicate results of inspection by manufacturer’s representative. Project Record Documents: Record actual locations of flexible pipe connectors, expansion joints, anchors, and guides. Maintenance data to be included in the operation and maintenance manual specified in Division 01. Include detailed manufacturer's instructions on servicing, disassembling, and adjusting. Perform Work in accordance with ASME B31.9 code for installation of piping systems and ASME Section IX for welding materials and procedures. Perform Work in accordance with all applicable codes and standards. Manufacturer: Company specializing in manufacturing Products specified in this section Expansion Fittings And Loops For Hvac Piping Installer: Company specializing in performing work of this section with minimum 5 years experience. Accept expansion joints on site in factory packing with shipping bars and positioning devices intact. Inspect for damage. Protect equipment from exposure by leaving factory coverings, pipe end protection, and packaging in place until installation. Flexible pipe connectors shall be equal to those manufactured by the Metraflex Corporation and shall be designed for a working pressure of not less than 150 psig with a bursting pressure of not less than 300 psig when handling water at a temperature of 250°F. The flexible pipe connectors shall be made of a corrosion resistant material, such as bronze or stainless steel with a braided wire cover. Flexible connectors shall be long enough to compensate for the following offset misalignments in piping: Rubber-Sphere Packless-Type Pipe Expansion Joints as manufactured by Metraflex, Keflex, or Vibration Mountings: Single-sphere type, fabric-reinforced butyl rubber with full-faced integral flanges, external control rods, and internal reinforcing. Include steel retaining rings drilled to match flange bolt holes over entire surface of flanges. Pressure rating is 175 psig (1200 kPa) minimum at 240°F (116° C) minimum. Rubber-Sphere Packless-Type Pipe Expansion Joints as manufactured by Metraflex, Keflex, or Vibration Mountings: Double-sphere type, fabric-reinforced butyl rubber with full-faced integral flanges, external control rods, and internal reinforcing. Include steel retaining rings drilled to match flange bolt holes over entire surface of flanges. Pressure rating is 175 psig (1200 kPa) minimum at 240°F (116° C) minimum. Capability: Absorb 200 percent of maximum piping expansion between anchors. Metal-Bellows Packless-Type Pipe Expansion Joints as manufactured by Adsco, Metraflex, or Keflex, Inc.: Pressure rated for 175 psig (1200 kPa) minimum; conform to the standards of Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association, Inc. (EJMA); with end fittings and external tie rods for limiting maximum travel. Features include the following: a. Copper Piping Systems: 2-ply phosphor-bronze bellows and brass Expansion Fittings And Loops For Hvac Piping Steel Piping Systems: 2-ply stainless-steel bellows and carbon-steel shrouds. Externally Pressurized Expansion Joint: Expansion joints shall be of the packless, externally pressurized type. Pressure rated for 150psi @ 700 F or 300psi @ 700°F. Movement capabilities shall be 4”, 6”, or 8” axial movement, as required. Shall be of welded construction with multiple ply stainless steel bellows, heavy gauge steel shroud, integral guide rings, and internal liner. System line pressure shall be external to the bellows to minimize squirm. Double end joints shall have anchor base to act as intermediate anchor. All joints shall be provided with drain connection and lifting lug. All materials of construction, pressure ratings, and end fittings shall be appropriate for the application. Guiding and anchoring shall be per EJMA recommendations and guideline. Expansion joints shall be “MetraGator” as manufactured by The Metraflex Company, or an approved equal. Expansion-Compensator Packless-Type Pipe Expansion Joints as manufactured by Adsco, Metraflex, or Keflex, Inc.: Pressure rated for 60 psig (414 kPa) minimum for low-pressure systems and for 175 psig (1200 kPa) minimum for high-pressure systems. Include 2-ply phosphor bronze bellows, brass shrouds, and end fittings for copper piping systems and 2-ply stainless-steel bellows, carbon-steel shrouds, and end fittings for steel piping systems. Include internal guides, antitorque device, and removable end clip for proper positioning. Steel Pipe Expansion Compensator: Expansion compensators shall be of the packless, externally pressurized type. Pressure rating of 175psi @ 750°F. Axial movements shall be of rated for system compression and system extension. Compensators shall be all welded construction, male pipe thread (HPT) weld end (HPW) or flanged (HPF) end connections. Constructed of multiple ply stainless steel bellows, carbon steel shroud, integral guide rings, and internal liner (threaded compensators to have anti-torque device). System line pressure shall be external to the bellows to minimize squirm. All materials of construction, pressure ratings, and end fittings shall be appropriate for the application. Guiding and anchoring shall be per EJMA recommendations and guidelines. Expansion compensators shall be model “HP2” as manufactured by The Metraflex Company, or an approved equal. Copper Expansion Compensator: Expansion compensators shall be of the packless, externally pressurized type. Pressure rating of 150psi @ 400°F. Axial movements shall be rated for system compression and system extension. All welded construction with female copper tube seat ends, multiple ply stainless steel bellows, stainless steel shroud, integral guide rings, and internal liner. System line pressure shall be external to the bellows to minimize squirm. Double end joints shall be constructed of two single units and a coupling. Anchor base may be provided to act as intermediate anchor. All materials of construction and pressure ratings shall be appropriate for the application. Guiding and anchoring shall be of EJMA recommendations and guidelines. Expansion compensators shall be model “HPFF” as manufactured by The Metraflex Company, or an acceptable comparable product. Structural Steel: ASTM A36/A36M, steel plates, shapes, and bars, black and galvanized. Bolts and Nuts: ASME B18.10, or ASTM A183, steel, hex-head, track bolts and nuts. Washers: ASTM F844, steel, plain, flat washers. Powder-Actuated Fasteners: Attachments with pull-out and shear capacities appropriate Expansion Fittings And Loops For Hvac Piping for supported loads and building materials where used. Concrete: Portland-cement mix, 3000 psi (20.7 Mpa): Coarse Aggregate: ASTM C33, crushed gravel. Grout: ASTM C 1107, Grade B, non-shrink, nonmetallic: Characteristics include post-hardening volume-adjusting dry hydraulic-cement-type grout that is non-staining, noncorrosive, nongaseous and is recommended for both interior and exterior applications. Design Mix: 5000 psi (34.5 MPa), 28-day compressive strength. Packaging: Premixed and factory-packaged. Systems greater than 70°F operating temperature: Provide Erico (formerly known as Michigan) Model No. 650, or an acceptable comparable product. Systems less than 70°F operating temperature: Provide Erico (formerly known as Michigan) Model No. 651, or an acceptable comparable product. Style IV – Pipe Alignment Guide (Spider Type): Primary and intermediate guides shall be of the radial type employing a heavy wall guide cylinder with weld down or bolt down anchor base. A two section guide spider, having 1/8” maximum diametrical clearance with guide cylinder inside diameter, bolted or welded tight to the carrier pipe which slides through the guide cylinder I.D. Cylinder shall be of sufficient size to clear pipe insulation and long enough to prevent over travel of the spider. Pipe alignment guides shall be style “PGIV” as manufactured by The Metraflex Company, or an acceptable comparable product. Expansion Fittings And Loops For Hvac Piping Steel Shapes and Plates: ASTM A 36/A 36M. Bolts and Nuts: ASME B18.10 or ASTM A 183, steel, hex head. Washers: ASTM F 844, steel, plain, flat washers. Mechanical Fasteners: Insert-wedge-type stud with expansion plug anchor for use in hardened Portland cement concrete, and tension and shear capacities appropriate for application. Stud: Threaded, zinc-coated carbon steel. Chemical Fasteners: Insert-type-stud bonding system anchor for use with hardened Portland cement concrete, and tension and shear capacities appropriate for application. Bonding Material: ASTM C 881, Type IV, Grade 3, 2-component epoxy resin suitable for surface temperature of hardened concrete where fastener is to be installed. Stud: ASTM A 307, zinc-coated carbon steel with continuous thread on stud, unless otherwise indicated. Concrete: Portland cement mix, 3000 psi minimum. Refer to Division 3 Section “Cast-in-Place Concrete” for formwork, reinforcement, and concrete. Grout: Refer to Division 23 Section 23 05 00 - “Common Work Results for HVAC.” Metraloop® – Flexible Expansion Loop (thermal applications): Provide flexible expansion loops of size and type noted on drawings. Flexible loops shall consist of two flexible sections of hose and braid, two 90° elbows, and a 180° return assembled in such a way that the piping does not change direction, but maintains its course along a single axis. Flexible loops shall have a factory supplied, center support nut located at the bottom of the 180°return, and a drain/air release plug. Flexible loops shall impart no thrust loads to system support anchors or building structure. Loops shall be installed in a neutral, pre-compressed or pre-extended condition as required for the application. For steam service, loops must be installed with flexible legs horizontal to prevent condensate buildup. Install and guide per manufacturer’s recommendations. Materials of construction and end fitting type shall be consistent with pipe material and equipment/pipe connection fittings. For natural gas service, connectors shall be A.G.A. certified. Flexible expansion loops shall be “Metraloop®” as manufactured by The Metraflex Company®, Chicago, IL or an acceptable comparable product. Expansion Fittings And Loops For Hvac Piping Install pipe expansion joints according to manufacturer's written instructions. Align expansion joints to avoid end-loading and torsional stress. Fabricated-type Pipe Expansion Compensation Installation: Install pipe expansion loops cold-sprung in tension or compression as required to absorb 50 percent of total compression or tension that will be produced during anticipated change in temperature. Connect risers to mains with at least 5 pipe fittings including tee in main. Connect risers to terminal units with at least 4 pipe fittings including tee in riser. Install pipe alignment guides on piping that adjoins pipe expansion joints. Install pipe alignment guides on piping that adjoins pipe expansion loops. Install pipe alignment guides on piping elsewhere as indicated. Secure pipe alignment guides to building substrate. Install pipe anchors at proper locations to prevent stresses from exceeding those permitted by ASME B31.9, and to prevent transfer of loading and stresses to connected equipment. Fabricate and install anchors by welding steel shapes, plates, and bars to piping and to structure. Comply with ASME B31.9 and with AWS D1.1. Construct concrete pipe anchors of poured-in-place concrete of dimensions indicated, include embedded fasteners. Where pipe expansion joints are indicated, install pipe guides according to expansion unit manufacturer's written instructions to control movement to compensators. Pipe Anchor Spacings: Where not otherwise indicated, install pipe anchors at ends of principal pipe runs, at intermediate points in pipe runs between expansion loops and bends. Preset anchors as required to accommodate both expansion and contraction of piping. Use grout to form flat bearing surfaces for pipe expansion joints, pipe alignment guides, and pipe anchors that are installed on or in concrete. Fabricate expansion loops as indicted on contract documents, and elsewhere as required for adequate control of thermal expansion of installed piping system(s). Subject loops to cold springing which shall absorb 50% of the total expansion between hot and cold conditions. Provide pipe anchors and pipe alignment guides as required to properly anchor and guide piping in relationship to the expansion loops. Certified Manufacturer’s Installation Report: Prepare a certified report covering installation of pipe expansion joints, pipe alignment guides, and pipe anchors. Expansion Fittings And Loops For Hvac Piping

Source: ftp://ftp.teiconst.com/Magnolia%20Center/Specifications/Specifications/23%20-%20Heating,%20Ventilating,%20and%20Air%20Conditioning/230516%20-%20Expansion%20Fittings%20and%20Loops%20for%20HVAC%20Piping.pdf


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