DRUGS IN PREGNANCY DRUGS IN PREGNANCY MOTHERISK ROUNDS Fetal Safety of Letrozole and Clomiphene Citrate for Ovulation Induction Rachel Forman, MD, FRCSC,1 Simmerpal Gill, MSc,2 Myla Moretti, MSc,2 Togas Tulandi, MD CM,3 Gideon Koren, MD, FRCPC,2 Robert Casper, MD, FRCSC1 1Toronto Centre for Advancing Reproduction Technology, Toronto ON 2Motherisk Program, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto ON 3Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, McGill University, Montreal QC
estrogen secretion is restored (after clearance of letrozole).8
J Obstet Gynaecol Can 2007;29(8):668–671
In its ability to induce ovulation, letrozole compares favour-ably to clomiphene citrate, which has been the first linetreatment for ovulatory disorders for more than 40 years,
and it has emerged as an alternative to CC for ovulationinduction. The clinical outcome of early pregnancies
Letrozoleisathird-generationselectivearomataseinhibi- achieved through the use of letrozole for ovulation induc-
tor that blocks the rate-limiting step in the production
tion or controlled ovarian hyperstimulation for intrauterine
of estrogen from androstenedione and testosterone sub-
insemination was reported in 2005 in a cohort study.9 The
strates. Letrozole is approved in Canada for use in the treat-
outcomes of pregnancies achieved through letrozole and
ment of postmenopausal women with breast cancer.1
other ovarian stimulation regimens (CC) were compared
Letrozole has no significant active metabolites. It is com-
with a control group composed of women who had con-
pletely absorbed after oral administration and has a mean
ceived spontaneously. Pregnancies conceived after use of
terminal half-life of approximately 45 hours (range
letrozole were associated with rates of miscarriage and
30–60 hours). It is cleared from the systemic circulation
ectopic pregnancy that were comparable to rates associated
with all other pregnancies, including spontaneous concep-
In the late 1990s, aromatase inhibitors, including letrozole,
tions. Letrozole use was associated with a significantly
began to be used to induce ovulation by being administered
lower multiple gestation rate than use of CC.9 It seems
in the early part of the menstrual cycle.2–4 Estrogen produc-
unlikely that there would be significant exposure of the
tion from all sources is blocked by inhibiting aromatization,
embryo to letrozole, as the short half-life of letrozole and
releasing the hypothalamic-pituitary axis from estrogenic
the timing of administration in the early follicular phase
negative feedback and resulting in increased gonadotropin
should result in clearance of the drug before implantation
secretion and ovarian follicular stimulation.5,6 In the ovary,
aromatase inhibitors increase follicular sensitivity to FSH,as there is an accumulation of intraovarian androgens.7
Concern was raised at the 2005 Annual Meeting of theAmerican Society for Reproductive Medicine about the
At the level of the endometrium, estrogen receptors may be
safety of the fetus in mothers who used letrozole.10 One
upregulated, resulting in rapid endometrial growth once
hundred fifty babies from 130 pregnancies conceived afterthe use of letrozole were compared with 36 000 babies con-
Key Words: Letrozole, clomiphene citrate, pregnancy,
ceived spontaneously and born to women at low risk in a
community hospital. Although there was no difference inthe overall rate of congenital anomalies between the two
Fetal Safety of Letrozole and Clomiphene Citrate for Ovulation Induction
Table 1. Comparing the effects on pregnancy outcomes of letrozole and clomiphene citrate with controls
*data from multiple births (i.e., twins, triplets) are excluded from each group (Motherisk controls, letrozole and CC) in this analysis.
HSingleton only dataIP < 0.05 compared with Motherisk controls
groups, the authors reported that the incidence of cardiac
Technology. The data recorded were maternal age at birth,
and bone anomalies was higher in the letrozole group than
gender of offspring, gestational age at birth, birth weight,
in the control group. There were numerous concerns
and congenital malformations. Each woman in the letrozole
regarding the methodology of this study: the small size of
group was matched by age with a control from the
the letrozole group, the choice of a control group that
Motherisk database. All Motherisk controls conceived
would have a lower risk of pregnancy complications and
spontaneously. In each group, data were analyzed with and
congenital malformations than an infertile population, and
without exclusion of multiples, and centiles for birthweight
the under-representation of congenital anomalies in the
adjusted for GA were calculated for all available data using
control group (noting that any babies identified as abnormal
on prenatal ultrasound would be delivered at a tertiary carehospital rather than a community hospital). Statistical Analysis
The present study was designed to compare the risks to the
Data were analyzed using GraphPad InStat 3.05 (GraphPad
fetus of letrozole and CC and to compare them with the
Software Inc, San Diego, CA). The Kolmogorov and
risks to the fetus in the general obstetrical population. The
Smirnov method was used to test the normality of data dis-
primary objective was to compare the malformation rates in
tribution, specifically for maternal age, gestational age, and
the offspring of women who conceived using letrozole,
for birth weight including and excluding multiple births. If
women who conceived spontaneously (age-matched con-
the data passed the normality test, then a one-way ANOVA
trols), and women who conceived using CC (dis-
was conducted; if not, then the Kruskal-Wallis one way
ease-matched controls). The secondary objective was to
ANOVA on Ranks test (a nonparametric ANOVA) was
compare other pregnancy outcomes (birth weight and ges-
used for analysis. For any statistically significant differences
tational age at birth) among the three groups.
found in these data, Dunn’s Multiple Comparison test wasused. The chi-square test was used to compare time of
delivery and incidence of malformations between groups. Unpaired t tests were used to compare the mean centiles
We reviewed the records of women who had delivered after
using either letrozole or CC for ovulation induction duringtreatment at the McGill Reproductive Centre in Montreal
or the Toronto Centre for Advanced Reproductive
In this retrospective multicentre study, we analyzed datafrom 94 women who conceived using letrozole, 242 women
who conceived using CC, and 94 women who conceived
spontaneously. In the letrozole group, 112 babies were born
(including 14 sets of twins and 2 sets of triplets). In the CC
group, 271 babies were born (including 27 sets of twins and
2 sets of triplets). There were no multiple births in the group
who conceived spontaneously (Motherisk control group). When the letrozole group was compared with the CC and
the Motherisk control group, there were no statistically sig-
Table 2. comparing the birthweight adjusted for
nificant differences in the median maternal age at time of
gestational age between letrozole, disease-matched
delivery (33 years), GA at birth (38.5, 39, and 38.4 weeks,
(CC), and age-matched (Motherisk) controls*
respectively), or the rate of malformations (0%, 3.2%, and
2.6%, respectively) (Table 1). The median birth weight of
babies in the letrozole group was not significantly differentfrom that of babies in the Motherisk control group, either
when multiples were included in the letrozole group (3220
vs. 3320 g) or when multiples were excluded (3538 vs. 3391 g).
In contrast, the median birth weight of all babies born to
women who conceived using CC was significantly reduced
compared to the controls (3240 vs. 3320 g, P < 0.01).
Further analysis was performed to determine if there were
*Data from multiple births (i.e., twins, triplets) are excluded from each group
differences between groups in median birth weight adjusted
(Motherisk controls, letrozole, and CC) in this analysis
for GA and with multiples excluded. Mean centiles for
HData for gestational age and/or birthweight were not available for all women
babies in the letrozole group did not differ significantly
I P < 0.05 compared with Motherisk controls
from the controls (54.8 vs. 61.7, P > 0.05), and the meancentiles for babies in the CC group were lower (37.2,P < 0.0001) (Table 2).
control for possible effects of litter of origin on male sexualfunction. DISCUSSION
Because CC has been used for ovulation induction for more
The present matched control study provides evidence that
than 40 years, there is significantly more published informa-
letrozole is not a human teratogen. Instead, it suggests that
tion on congenital anomaly rates in human and animal off-
use of CC may result in small for gestational age infants. A
spring following use of CC than use of letrozole. In human
pregnancies conceived after use of CC for induction of ovu-
addressed some of the methodological issues in the 2005
lation, the reported overall rates of major or minor malfor-
American Society for Reproductive Medicine abstract.10
mations have not been significantly different from those
This new study included a much larger number of women
observed in spontaneously conceived pregnancies.14,15 An
who had used letrozole to conceive. In addition, the popu-
association between maternal use of CC and coarctation of
lations being compared were both composed of patients
the aorta (odds ratio 4.5; 99% CI 1.0–19.9) was observed in
with infertility. The study did not find any increase in the
a case–control study that included 126 children. This asso-
rates of major malformations in babies conceived after
ciation was not seen in a subsequent case–control study of
letrozole treatment.12 The present study provides support
83 infants with conotruncal cardiac defects.16 A possible
for these findings. We identified no major congenital mal-
association between the use of CC for ovulation induction
formations in the letrozole group, and the number of major
and an increased incidence of neural tube defects in the off-
malformations in the CC group was not statistically signifi-
spring has been debated in the literature. Proponents of the
cantly different from those in the Motherisk control group.
association do agree, however, that any increased risk asso-
Aside from the retrospective Canadian study described
ciated with CC is not large.17 A small number of reports
above,12 there are no published reports of congenital anom-
have described an association between use of CC or other
alies in human offspring delivered after the use of letrozole.
agents that may alter hormone levels in early pregnancy and
When letrozole was given to pregnant rats at 1% of the dose
an increased incidence of neuroendocrine tumours, includ-
used in humans for ovulation induction, fetal anomalies
ing neuroblastoma.18–20 In other reports acardic twins have
involving the kidney and ureter, and incomplete skeletal
been reported twice in pregnancies when CC was used for
ossification were seen. Treatment of pregnant rats with
ovulation induction.12 The risk of craniosynostosis was
letrozole 1 mg/kg/day on gestation days 21 and 22 resulted
increased in a small population of infants whose mothers
in altered sexual function in male offspring.13 Although
had used CC for ovulation induction,21,22 although the
these male offspring underwent puberty at the normal age
authors of these reports indicated that the results were not
and had normal body and testicular weights, there was a
24% decrease in rates of pregnancy when they were mated
Our present comparison of the outcome of babies con-
with normal females. Sexual activity was reduced and there
ceived after the use of letrozole with matched controls con-
was a mild decrease in testicular spermatid number. The
ceived after use of CC and a control group of babies whose
conclusions of this study are limited, however, by failure to
mothers conceived spontaneously found that the birth
Fetal Safety of Letrozole and Clomiphene Citrate for Ovulation Induction
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