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Methylprednisolone Sodium
Succinate for Injection USP

Methylprednisolone Sodium Succinate (meth-il pred-NIS-o-lone sode-ium SUX-in-ate)

What is in this leaflet

Before you are given
Tell your doctor or pharmacist if
you are breast-feeding or plan to
When you must not be
given it
You should not be given
Methylprednisolone Injection if
you have an allergy to
methylprednisolone or any of the
ingredients listed at the end of
this leaflet.
Tell your doctor or pharmacist if
you have or have had any
If you have any concerns about
medical conditions, especially
this medicine, ask your doctor or
the following:
Keep this leaflet in a safe place.
You should not be given
methylprednisolone if you are
currently suffering from a very
severe infection or septic shock.
Injection is used for
If you are not sure whether you
should be given
Methylprednisolone Injection,
talk to your doctor or
Before you are given it
Tell your doctor or pharmacist if
you have allergies to:
If you have not told your doctor
or pharmacist about any of the
above, tell them before you are
given Methylprednisolone
Taking other medicines
E:\Reg & Med Info\PI & CMI\Approved PI & CMI\Approved CMI\methylprednisolone cmi.doc Tell your doctor or pharmacist if
you are taking or using any other
medicines, including any that
you buy without a prescription
If you are being given
If you are scheduled to have any
from your pharmacy,
Methylprednisolone Injection for
laboratory tests (e.g. blood or
supermarket or health food
more than a few days the dose
urine tests), tell the doctor that
should be gradually decreased
you are being given
before it is stopped.
Methylprednisolone Injection.
Tell your doctor that you are
being given Methylprednisolone
Injection, before you have any
vaccinations, inoculations or
Things to be careful of
Be careful driving or operating
machinery until you know how
Methylprednisolone Injection
affects you.
While you are being
Things you must do
Injection is given
Side effects
Tell any other doctors, dentists,
and pharmacists who are
Tell your doctor or pharmacist as
treating you that you are being
soon as possible if you do not
given Methylprednisolone
feel well while you are being
given Methylprednisolone
How much is given
If you are about to be started on
any new medicine, tell your
doctor, dentist or pharmacist
that you are being given
Methylprednisolone Injection.
If you plan to have surgery that
needs a general anaesthetic, tell
your doctor or dentist that you
are being given
Methylprednisolone Injection.
How it is given
Ask your doctor or pharmacist to
If you become pregnant while
answer any questions you may
you are being given
Methylprednisolone Injection, tell
your doctor or pharmacist.
You should try to avoid catching
a cold or other infections.
E:\Reg & Med Info\PI & CMI\Approved PI & CMI\Approved CMI\methylprednisolone cmi.doc Storage
Tell your doctor or pharmacist if
you notice any of the following
and they worry you:
Product description
What it looks like
Tell your doctor or pharmacist
immediately if you notice any of
the following:
Methylprednisolone Injection is
safe for use in babies and
children, however prolonged
courses (months or longer) may
cause slowing of growth.
Other side effects not listed
above may occur in some
patients. Tell your doctor or
pharmacist if you notice
anything that is making you feel
Do not be alarmed by this list of
possible side effects.
You may not experience any of
After using

E:\Reg & Med Info\PI & CMI\Approved PI & CMI\Approved CMI\methylprednisolone cmi.doc


Perhospuutarha on perhosia houkutteleva puutarha-alue, jonne perhoset poikkeavat ruokailemaan

Perhospuutarha Perhospuutarha on perhosia houkutteleva puutarha-alue, jonne perhoset poikkeavat ruokailemaan. Monet perhoslajit ovat vähentyneeharvinaistuessa, koska yleensä juurkukkaset houkuttelevat perhosia. Perhospuutarhoilla voidaan auttaa uhanalaisten perhoslajien säilymistä. Perhoset viihtyvät parhaiten puutarhassa, jonka kasvillisuus on runsasta. Perhosten ruokavalion tärkeä o


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