
now an open secret that this ‘resolve’ more illusory. Not only the litigation is ally takes around 20 yearsin getting one single case decided. As a result of thisthe present justice deliv- ery system is beyond themeans of the common courts of law for gettingjustice. Masses shy away to go to the courts for gettingjustice and rather prefer to THE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT
through the mechanism of arbitra-tion. Consumer Protection Act system of administration of justice.
facts and nature of disputeunder the application, Every Award of the
Permanent Lok Adalat
made either on merit or
in terms of a settlement
agreement shall be final
and binding on all the
parties thereto and on
persons claiming under
them. Every Award of the
Permanent Lok Adalat
shall be deemed to be a
decree of a civil court.
(7) Where the parties fail to reach at an Adalat shall, if the dispute doesnot relate to any offence, decide deemed to be a decree of a civil court.
is not required to pay any court fee.
justice delivery system is efficacious.
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India has opened its first overseas office at Dubai, UAE. This officewould focus on providing services to members and students, both existing as well as prospective, trade andindustry in Dubai and Gulf region and would perform following functions: ● To foster the process of building the brand image of the profession in the Gulf region, in particular and inter- ● To undertake professional development activities thereby increasing the professional opportunities to the members by exploring/pursuing new/existing areas.
● To carry out placement services to the members seeking career opportunities in the Gulf region.
● To popularize the Chartered Accountancy course and also impart theoretical training by conducting oral coaching classes to PE (Course I) and PE (Course II) registered students.
● To conduct Continuing Professional Education programs for the benefit of the members in this region.
● Other activities/functions including sale of publications of the Institute, handling of matters relating to admission of new members/students, collection of membership fee etc.
Mr. Shabbir Ahmad, Executive Officer has been posted as incharge of this office and can be contacted from Saturdayto Wednesday, from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm and on Thursday from 9.00 am to 1.00 pm. The Contact details are as under: Office : 971-4-3672250, Mobile: 971-50-8843710, Fax: 971-4-3672739, THE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT

Source: http://www.icaiejournal.org/Journal/948_2004_12.pdf


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