Microsoft word - newsletter - august september 2009
On a daily basis, each of us is bombarded by all types of influences – ranging from
the people we meet and socialize with to the negative and positive experiences we
did not plan for. Through it all, we need to extract the best from each experience so
that we can mature in our outlook on life, make the most profound difference in each
environment that we are involved in and leave behind some sort of legacy. I
encourage each of you to take the negative in your life and find a way to turn it into a
positive. In the timeless words of Mahatma Gandhi, “YOU be the difference you want
to see in the world !”. While you adopt this approach, surround yourself with
We thank God in this issue for the 1st birthday of The Infertility Support Network
(TISN) in South Africa. We stand amazed at what has transpired since TISN’s
humble beginning on 1st August 2008 of wanting to provide a support base for
couples that are faced with the challenge of infertility. Derrick and I are grateful to
God for opening doors to the media world who published many informative articles
on TISN in a variety of magazines and newspapers, thereby extending its borders of
influence beyond the city of Pretoria, the boundaries of South Africa into the
international arena. The weekday evening cellphone messages continue to
encourage those who receive it. Support group meetings have left people feeling
uplifted and marriages have been healed where signs of tension previously were
clearly visible. TISN is also registered now as a non-profit organization !
Thank you so much to everyone who has strengthened
us with their kind words of encouragement as well as
for your persistent prayer. We love and appreciate you
very much ! Derrick and Krishnee Kissoonduth
For the sheer joy of sleep when I am terribly tired
For the silent strength of humility when pride over takes me
For the justice of your laws when men are cruel
For the remedies of sickness when I am ill
For the simplicity of orderliness when I face confusion
For the assurance that you have made a plan especially for
me when I feel inadequate among my peers
For the joy of helping others when I see people in need
For the earthly evidences of your Will when I am trying to find out what life is
For the reality of your world when I stray too far into fantasy
For the rightness of reasonableness when I panic too quickly
For the fun that refreshes when everything gets too serious
For the renewal in moments of silence when I am dizzy from being busy in a
But most of all, thank you for your abiding presence that makes every day I
I believe in the sun, even when it is not shining
I believe in love, even when I am not feeling it
I believe in God, even when He is silent !
Infertility is not just a medical condition to be treated with fertility drugs,
surgery or in-vitro fertilization, but is often a crisis that profoundly affects
nearly every aspect of one’s personality and life. A thwarted desire to have
biological children may challenge one’s sexuality, social roles and self image
and may compound feelings of inadequacy, guilt, grief and loss of control.
Very rarely are the symptoms of this trauma treated. Even worse, infertility
treatment itself can compound psychosocial distress in ways that are rarely
A useful book to read is called “Men, Women and Infertility : Intervention and
Treatment Strategies” by Aline Zoldbrod. The final chapter of the book
presents a unique and compelling account of
rape; when a woman has repeatedly lain on
her back with her legs apart, exposed her
doctors and nurses and experienced genital
pain during the procedures, the subjective
experience of vulnerability and loss of control
over her genitalia can be quite like that of
Because the woman herself chose to undergo such procedures, she may
develop an image of taking herself or her sex organs in for repeated abuse.
The form of “self-rape” plausibly leads to dissociation from sensory
experiences, especially those involving genitalia and feelings of guilt for what
she has done to herself; it is no wonder, then, that many patients undergoing
infertility treatments develop sexual dysfunctions similar to those experienced
by rape victims. This analogy may be very helpful for patients to understand
their complicated and conflicting emotions, and for therapists to help patients
identify and resolve the feelings of guilt, anger, humiliation and withdrawal that
may accompany voluntary medical treatments.
Feedback received from infertility support groups has been that
gynaecologists should consider having a full-time psychologist on their staff to
provide counselling to patients that are challenged by infertility. TISN
acknowledges and applauds infertility specialists who have already made
counselling facilities/support available in their practice eg. Dr Richard Joubert
(Pretoria East Hospital). In motivating for such support, a comparison was
made to counselling support that is compulsory to patients who discover they
are HIV-positive or have contracted Aids. Please note that The Infertility
Support Network (TISN) has forwarded an official letter in this regard to the
Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA). We await a response
from the HPCSA and will keep you updated on progress in upcoming issues.
In celebration of “Women’s Day” on Sunday 9th August 2009, we would like to
honour four women (unsung heroes) who you consider to be making a
difference in life through their participation in the community to uplift the less
privileged, selflessly giving of themselves and/or their resources etc. Such
women don’t’ seek recognition for their efforts and very seldom receive any
verbal gratitude. Yet, like Mother Theresa, they deserve the Nobel Peace
In order for your nominee to stand in line to win one of four (4) R500 grocery
vouchers, forward your story by Monday 31st August 2009 to or The Infertility Support Network (TISN),
PO Box 66351, Woodhill, Pretoria, 0076. Motivate in detail why you feel she
deserves to be honoured as an extraordinary woman.
Please include the name and contact information of your nominee in your
letter. The winning entries will be published in the October / November 2009
newsletter but winners will be informed in the first week of September 2009.
Results of competition in the TISN June / July 2009 newsletter :
– What does the acronym “ICSI” stand for ?”
- Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection Congratulations to Lasantha Naidoo (Gauteng) and Beth Pretorius (Bloemfontein) who each won a R500 Woolworths cash voucher. The insert on egg donation in the previous
issue of this newsletter generated a great
deal of enquiries. To opt for donor eggs
if you do not ovulate, will raise many ethical
questions within an individual. Therefore,
counselling is essential if you decide to walk
It is important that a couple think the process through; the implications of a
child not being genetically from the woman in the relationship, possible
consequences years later etc. I would personally suggest over and above the
counselling that is provided via a donor egg agency, a couple should also
seek spiritual counselling so as to be at peace with their final decision.
Have you ever noticed what a difference passion
achievement. When you are passionate about
what you are doing, commitment naturally follows.
You don’t have to produce perseverance – it
sweeps over you like an ocean wave. Passion will keep you going when the
chips are down, the odds are high, the obstacles are many and the resources
When it comes to passion, there are 2 kinds of people : FIRE FIGHTERS
AND FIRE LIGHTERS … Stay away from the fire fighters and this is why :
Fire fighters focus on what’s wrong with an idea rather than what’s
Fire fighters possess a doubting spirit;
Fire fighters work behind the scenes to cause dissension;
Fire fighters love the words “Yes, but …”;
Fire fighters keep people with great potential from going to the top.
According to experts, fruit should be eaten on an empty stomach. If you eat fruit like that, it
will play a major role to detoxify your system, supplying you with a great deal of energy for
weight loss and other life activities. Let’s say you eat two slices of bread and then a slice of
fruit. The slice of fruit is ready to go straight through the stomach into the intestines but it is
prevented from doing so. In the meantime, the entire meal ferments (rots) and turns to acid.
The minute the fruit comes into contact with the food and digestive juices in the stomach, the
entire mass of food begins to spoil. You will feel bloated because the fruit cannot have its full
nutritious effect. Do yourself a favour and eat fruit either on an empty stomach or before you
Over the past few years, there seems to be an increase in the amount of couples that
have used fertility drugs to have biological children. Fertility specialists generally
refer a couple to the route of fertility treatment if either or both parties have a medical
problem that hinders normal conception after twelve consecutive months of
unprotected intercourse that does not result in pregnancy. The media has covered
stories of families having multiple births, when the couple might have initially wanted
just one child. The effectiveness of fertility drugs such as Clomiphene and
Bromocriptine are overshadowed by their many, and often very harmful, side effects.
Are fertility drugs worth the cost that possible side effects have ?
Multiple births occur in about 50% of cases, especially among women in their early
30’s or younger. In most cases, risk can be lowered through careful monitoring and
controlling dosages of medications. For IVF, if a high number of eggs are seen on
the ultrasound, doctors are able to remove them and place back two or three
embryos. Eggs can be frozen for use by the couple later on. If a couple opts to use
all eggs and embryos and if all embryos implant, the newborn babies have a high risk
of neurological complications if they survive. Multiple births are also risky because
they can result in the birth of sickly, premature babies. Premature babies face
serious complications, including lung problems and bleeding in the head, which can
cause long-term physical and mental impairment.
Fertility drugs are often fingered as a risk factor for ovarian cancer. There are
several factors that may increase a woman’s risk of ovarian cancer. One factor is
that an increased number of uninterrupted ovulations in a woman’s lifetime,
increases her chance of developing ovarian cancer. This may explain why events
that interrupt the constant cycle of ovulations, such as pregnancy, breastfeeding and
oral contraceptive use are associated with a decreased risk of ovarian cancer.
Another factor is that increased levels of certain hormones associated with ovulation,
such as human chorionic gonadotropin, increase
the risk of ovarian cancer. Perhaps the best
The New England Journal of Medicine
advice one can receive is to read the medical
information inside each package of fertility medication. In addition, ask the fertility
specialist administering the medication what the side-effects are of fertility medication
with its use. If one’s health is at stake, no question is insignificant !
Good health is a gift that flows from harmony. Problems occur when one of these
elements goes out of balance and causes a cascade of negative effects through the
body. Many naturopaths believe that the body’s health is dependent on the
regulating action of both the liver and kidney. These organs are the filter system of
the blood. Sometimes the human body shows signs of liver and kidney problems
long before pathological tests do. How do you know that your liver and kidney
Typical liver warning signs include : waking between 2-3am
without any reason, moodiness, tiredness, light headiness,
high cholesterol, weak resistance to illness, dry itchy skin,
red itchy eyes, bitter taste in the mouth, excessive thirst,
indigestion, constipation, piles, nausea, irritable bowel
syndrome, inexplicable pain on the right side of the body.
Typical signs of kidney problems include high blood pressure, sore joints and
muscles, pain on top of the head, behind the neck and along the spine, swollen eyes
after sleep, too little or slow urine flow, pain on the inside of the left leg, pain behind
the knees, eczema / fungus on the soles of the feet, burning/sweating/aching soles of
feet, athletes foot. Take care of your health – every part of the body is connected to
each other. A chain is only as strong as the weakest link !The Sunday Times – Lifestyle – 19 July 2009
NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION NUMBER (NPO 069-682) Pretoria, Republic of South Africa
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