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Today’s Therapist
International Trade Journal - Issue 43 Nov Dec 2006
The Bowen Technique Knock on effects of pain relief
The effects of sorting out one physical problem can often
have other happy consequences in a person’s state of health
13 April 2006: one week later, he came for his second Bowen
and well being. This was illustrated very well in the case of
treatment. He reported that the intervening week had been
Mr A., a 64-year-old retired farmer, who I treated recently.
‘brilliant’. He had had only one day with pain in his right
knee, for no obvious reason, and it was gone the next day.
History: arthritis diagnosed in spine in 1995 after a history of
He was no longer experiencing the burning pains and
back pain due to hard work and jarring jumps onto concrete.
cramping in his legs and was feeling as if he had a whole
April 1998: operation to relieve ‘gaspingly awful pain’ in
28 April 2006: because he was doing so well, the third
Bowen treatment took place after a fortnight’s break. He
Dec 2000: second operation for pain to try to relieve
reported that he had continued to be absolutely fine over the
‘awkward’ scar tissue from first operation.
fortnight. He had just experienced an occasional twinge
when standing up after sitting. He also reported stiffness in
2003: in hospital for 8 – 9 weeks with pain – doctors
his legs upon arising in the mornings but it wears off quickly
wouldn’t operate again, and he was put on epidural injection
as he moves about. Right knee still feels weak and he
as maintenance but this has ‘been awful’ since.
perceives it as cold, but this is now a minor irritation because
December 2005. His last epidural was apparently
improperly administered and they ‘touched a membrane’.
18 May 2006: after a break of three weeks, he reported that
The Hospital, clearly worried that something was amiss,
he has not been bad at all. He had only one day with any
rang him every day to see if he was all right, but he was not:
real pain, again in his right knee, and he couldn’t put any
he was sweating, was not mentally ‘with it’, wasn’t eating.
pressure on it for a day. He had run out of dihydrocodeine a
His wife rang the Pain Clinic to inform them. No treatment
week or so before and had decided to stay off of it. But he
or admission to hospital was offered to him. His reaction
feared that his right knee pain might have been because of
went on for 10 days before it cleared. He has not had any
coming off of it so suddenly, so he got some more and would
now try to come off of it very slowly, decreasing the amount
bit by bit. He also reported that he had completely come off
March 2006: he ‘fell in a heap’ with severe pain and a doctor
the oramorph, the diclofenac and the cocodamol and he had
did a house call. Diagnosed sciatica. He was sent to a
cut the nortriptyline from 6 per night to 3 per night.
physio and this eased the extreme pain a bit but he still felt
very uncomfortable and inflexible. Also, his right knee had
In addition to the greater mobility and freedom from
felt weak since his collapse. Also, his perception of his right
constant pain that Mr A has enjoyed, the effect of coming off
knee is that it is stone cold, although it feels warm to the
of all of his pain medication has been relief from long-
standing and very uncomfortable constipation. He is thrilled
with this unexpected bonus and, of course, it makes a big
6 April 06: came for first Bowen treatment. Chief complaint
was pain in both legs – burning sensation and cramp. Also
As I write, in October 2006, Mr A. continues to be free of his
Mr A. is on the following medications to control pain:
back and leg pain. He has been off the dihydrocodeine now
for some months and is fine without it. He enjoys Bowen
treatment for the relaxation it gives and for this reason, as
well as a preventive, he continues to have a treatment every
Janie Godfrey is a Bowen Technique practitioner in Frome and has
Seratide – morning & evening for asthma
Ramipril – 1x day for high blood pressure
Tamuloson Hydrochloride 1xday to stimulate urination
Immediately after his first Bowen treatment, he was amazed
how much looser he felt, much more flexible. As he stood
up after treatment, he leaned over to pull his shoes closer to
him, using his hand. Then he realised that he hadn’t done
that in a very long time as he would ‘normally’ have used his
CertECBS VTCT MBTER NHS Directory of Comp. Therapists
stick to move his shoes closer because he was too stiff and in
too much pain to actually bend over. But now, he had
actually leaned over automatically, without thinking, and it
hadn’t hurt him – he was astonished.
was some long seconds before she started fiddlingfurther with the equipment and it transpired thatthe major problem was with the scanner and notthe baby. Babies don’t have a tendency to freezeFor those of you that don’t already know, this willup and crash all that often as far as we know yet. probably be the last year that it’s just two of usIf there is an equivalent of Murphy’s law
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