CURRICULUM VITAE MARCEL L. CORSTJENS Address: INSEAD Boulevard de Constance F-77305 Fontainebleau Cedex France Date of Birth: 02 September 1949 Nationality: Belgian Civil Status: Married, two children GRADUATE EDUCATION AND PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYMENT 1975-78 Ph D Business Administration (Marketing), UC Berkeley. First Prize, Doctoral Dissertation Competition,
Assistant Professor, INSEAD, Fontainebleau
Associate Professor, INSEAD, Fontaineb leau
Visiting Associate Professor, Cornell University
Visiting Professor, Stanford University
Unilever Chaired Professor of Marketing, INSEAD
PUBLICATIONS Books Marketing Strategy in the Pharmaceutical Industry, Chapman and Hall, London, New York, 1991. Storewars: the Battle for Mind Space and Shelf Space, (with J. Corstjens), J. Wiley, London , New York, first edition 1995, second edition (updated and revised) 1999, translated in French, Japanese, Russian, Portuguese and Spanish. Refereed Journal Articles ‘Human Information Processing: A Model Building Approach’, Economisch en Sociaal Tijdschrift, July 1978, pp 667-690. (with C. Beckers) ‘Retail Patronage Models: An Empirical Testing of Specification and Trip Heterogeneity Issues’, Proceedings of the sixth International Research Seminar in Marketing, Senanque, 1979, J. Leonardi (ed), June 1979, pp 19-37. (with R. Angelmar) ‘Determinants of Channel transportation costs: A cross-sectional analysis’, 1979 Educators’ Conference Proceedings, American Marketing Association series, No 44, 1979, K. Monroe (ed), pp 489-494. (with R. Angelmar) ‘Channel Optimization in Complex Marketing Systems’, Management Science, Vol 25, No 10, October 1979, pp 1014-1025. (with P. Doyle) ‘Signals of Vulnerability in Agency-Clients Relations’, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 44, No 4, 1980, pp 18-23 (with P. Doyle and P. Michell) ‘Evaluating the Profitability of Advertising for Heavily Advertised Brands: An Empirical Study’, European Journal of Operations Research, Vol 8, No 3, June 1981, pp 249-255. ( with P. Doyle)
‘A Model for Optimizing Retail Space Allocation’, Management Science, July 1981, pp 822-833. ( with P. Doyle) Reprinted in Darden W. and R. Lusch, Patronage Behavior and Retail Management, North Holland, New York, 1983, Chapter 5, pp 57-69. ‘Optimal Strategic Business Units Portfolio Analysis’, Management Science, Volume 28, October 1982, pp 141-160. ( with D. Weinstein) ‘Conjoint Analysis : a Comparative Analysis of Specification tests for the Utility Function’, Management Science, Volume 29, No 12, December 1983, pp 1393-1413. (with D. Gautschi) ‘Optimal Growth Strategies for Service Organisations’, Journal of Business, Vol 56, No 3, July 1983, pp 389-405. ( with P. Doyle) ‘Formal Choice Models in Marketing’, Marketing Science, Vol 2, No 1, Winter 1983, pp 19-56. (with D. Gautschi) ‘Joint production in Distribution: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis’, in Productivity and Efficiency in Distribution Systems, D. Gautschi (ed), North Holland Publishing Company,, New York, 1983, chapter 9, pp 155-167 . (with D. Gautschi) ‘ A Dynamic Model for strategically Allocating retail Space’, Journal of the Operations Research Society, Vol 34, No 10, October 1983,pp 943-951. ( with P. Doyle) ‘Is there a Kink in your Advertising’, Journal of Advertising Research, July 1984, pp 27-36. (with A. Aykac and D. Gautschi) ‘A Decision Support System for Manufacturers’ Large Scale Systems Journal, January 1985, pp 124-135. (with J. Arnold, P. Baker and M. Singh) ‘Application of Generalized Geometric Programming to Marketing Problems’, Journal of Marketing, Winter 1985, pp 137-144. (with P. Doyle) ‘Mark-Opt- A negotiation Tool for Manufacturers and Retailers’, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, August 1985, pp 483-495. (with M. Singh and J. Bhondi)
‘International Strategy in Distribution’, Singapore Marketing Review, April 1988, pp 215-223. (with P. Doyle) ‘A Hybrid Knowledge Based System for Allocating Retail Space and for other Allocation Problems’, Interfaces, September-October 1988, pp 13-22 (with M. Singh and R. Cook). ‘Estimation Uncertainty and Optimal Advertising Decisions’, Management Science, January 1989, pp 42-50. ( with A. Aykac, D. Gautschi and I. Horowitz) ‘Evaluating Alternative Retail Repositioning Strategies’, Marketing Science, Vol 8, no 2, Spring 1989, pp 170-180. (with P. Doyle) ‘Entry Encouragement’, Marketing Letters, Vol 1, No 3, 1990, pp 221-228. (with C. Matutes and D. Neven) ‘Creating Customer Value: A recipe for the Proactive Firm’, Pharmaceutical Executive, February 1995, pp 62-68 (with E. Demeire) ‘Retail Competition in the Fast Moving Consumer Goods Industry: The case of France and the UK’, European Management Journal, Vol 13, No 4, December 1995. ( with J. Corstjens and R. Lal) Extensively discussed in Progressive Grocer (November 1995) and in The Economist, December 1995.
‘From Managing Pills to Managing Brands’, Harvard Business Review, March-April 2000, pp 20-22. (with M. Carpenter)
‘Building Store Loyalty through Store Brands’, Journal of Marketing Research, Volume 37, Issue 3,May 2000, pp 281-291. (with R. Lal)
‘A Rose by any other Name’, Harvard Business Review, Vol 81, No 3, March 2003, pp 29-33. (with J. Corstjens)
‘Optimal Marketing’, Harvard Business Review, Vol 81, No 10, October 2003, pp 114-121. (with J. Merrihue)
‘New Product Success in the Pharmaceutical Industry’, Economics of Innovation and Technology Management, Vol 14, No 4, June 2005, pp 319-331. (with E. Demeire and I. Horowitz)
‘A comparative Performance Analysis of Manufacturers and Retailers in the Grocery Industry’, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, May 2008, vol. 15, p.224-236 (with R. Steele)
Working Papers
‘Performance of Family Firms: Evidence from US and European Firms and Investors’, September 2008. (with U. Peyer and L.Vanderheyden)
‘Financial Risk and Return across the Supply Chain: Do retailers provide higher returns than their suppliers? December 2008 (with L. Vanderheyden)
‘Living in the Past or Predicting the Future? Managing History and Intuition to Optimize your Marketing Investment.’, April 2008. (with J. Merrihue)
PEDAGOGICAL MATERIALS Software Development MARKPACK: A Decision Support Package for Marketing Decision Making , 1987. (with D. Gautschi) STRATPHARM: A Marketing Simulation for the Pharmaceutical Industry, 1988. (with E. Demeire) STORWARS: A Marketing Simulation for the Consumer Goods Industry, 1990. ELEXIR: A Business strategy Simulation for the pharmaceutical Industry, 1996. (with E. Demeire) PHValue: A Decision Support system for developing Marketing Strategy, 1999. (with E. Demeire) ALLOCATOR: A Decision Support System for optimal Resource Allocation and Portfolio Management, 2003. (wit h E. Demeire) IMPLEMENTOR: A Decision Support System for Implementing Marketing Strategy, 2006. (with E. Demeire) Cases CUP-A-SOUP: A case study on the marketing implementation of Unilever’s ‘Cup-A-Soup’ brand. XENICAL: A case study on the development of Marketing Strategy for Roche’s anti-obesity product Xenical. HERCEPTIN: A case study on Defensive Marketing Strategy for Roche’s Herceptin product (Breast cancer) TYKERB: A case study on Entry Marketing Strategy for GSK’s Tykerb product (Breastcancer) OTHER PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES
Creator and Director (1990-2005) of the INSEAD senior executive program for the FMCG industry.
Developer and Director of company specific programs at INSEAD for Cadbury-Schweppes, GIB (now Carrefour), Ciba-Geigy, Novartis , Roche , Schering Plough, AnheuserBush Inbev, and Unilever.
Founder and Director (1995-2006) of Cubiculum Ltd (a consulting company)
Frequent keynote speaker at conferences and company events.
Consulting activities in consumer goods and pharmaceutical industry for many large multinationals including Roche, Novartis, Schering-Plough, Sanofi-Synthelabo, Rhone-Poulenc, Sandoz, Philip Morris, MetroAG, Ahold, Unilever, Heineken, Diageo, Sara Lee, Cadbury Scweppes
Currently he is not a member of a Corporate Body of any of the Group Jerónimo
Martins companies. He does not hold any shares of Jerónimo Martins SGPS, S.A.
Relation among taste-related compounds (phenolics and caffeine)and sensory profile of erva-mate (Ilex paraguariensis)Nivia Maria Streit a,*, Luisa Helena Rychecki Hecktheuer a, Marta Weber do Canto a,Carlos Augusto Mallmann b, Letı´cia Streck a, Thaylise Vey Parodi a, Liana Pedrolo Canterle aa Departamento de Tecnologia e Cieˆncia dos Alimentos, Centro de Cieˆncias Rurais, Universida
RAAO • El tabaco como factor. El tabaco como factor de riesgo de fracaso enun implante *Harby Andres Mendez Neira, **Alejandra María Nieto Rodriguez La disposición de las fibras en la mucosa periimplan-The fibers disposition on periimplantar mucosetar la hace más susceptible a la contaminación pormakes that more susceptible to contamination byperiodontopatógenos comparada con