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Control Program Funding:FY2013 State Funding for
D Thumbs down for Louisiana for having the
third lowest cigarette tax in the country at 36
Percentage of CDC Recommended Level: 17.3%
*Includes tobacco prevention and cessation funding provided
to states from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
NRT Nasal Spray, NRT Inhaler, Varenicline
and U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
(Chantix) and Bupropion (Zyban)Counseling: Covers phone counseling
Barriers to Coverage: Minimal co-payments
required, use of counseling required to get
medications and other barriers that restrict
Counseling: All health plans cover individual
Casinos/Gaming Establishments: Restricted
Barriers to Coverage: Barriers to coverage vary
Recreational/Cultural Facilities: Prohibited
recommends an investment of $10.53/smoker
Citation: LA REV. STAT. ANN. §§ 40:1300.251 to
coverage of tobacco cessation treatments
*Barriers to coverage could include: Limits on duration, annual
or lifetime limits on quit attempts, requiring prior authorization,
requiring co-payments, requiring using one or more cessation
treatments before using others and/or requiring the use of
The American Lung Association in Louisiana works with partners in the
ana to advance policies proven to reduce tobacco use, including passing
comprehensive smokefree laws at the local and state
level, and increasing Louisiana’s tobacco taxes.
Unfortunately, Louisiana currently has the third lowest cigarette tax in the country.
Smoking Attributable Lung Cancer Deaths:
During the 2012 legislative session, we saw a variety
Smoking Attributable Respiratory Disease Deaths: 1,404
of tobacco-related bills filed by House and Senate
Adult smoking rate is taken from CDC’s 2011 Behavioral Risk Factor Sur-
members. A bill was introduced in both houses that
veillance System. High school smoking rate is taken from the 2011 Youth
would repeal the prohibition of smoking discrimi-
Risk Behavioral Surveillance System. Middle school smoking rate is taken
nation in the workplace. Other bills were filed that
Health impact information is taken from the Smoking Attributable Mortality,
would prohibit outdoor smoking within 25 feet of
Morbidity and Economic Costs (SAMMEC) software. Smoking attributable
certain exterior locations of state buildings and also a
deaths reflect average annual estimates for the period 2000-2004 and
are calculated for persons aged 35 years and older. They do not take into
similar bill was introduced that would prohibit out-
account deaths from burns or secondhand smoke. Respiratory diseases
include pneumonia, influenza, bronchitis, emphysema and chronic airway
door smoking within 25 feet of certain exterior loca-
obstruction. The estimated economic impact of smoking is based on
tions of buildings and other enclosed areas in which
smoking-attributable health care expenditures in 2004 and the average
annual productivity losses for the period 2000-2004.
smoking is prohibited currently. This bill would have re-opened Louisiana’s current law prohibiting
smoking in restaurants and most workplaces. A bill
was also filed that would prohibit tobacco licensees from accepting food stamps as payment for tobacco
2325 Severn Avenue, Suite 8Metairie, LA 70001-6918
All these bills failed to pass during the legislative session. State funding for tobacco prevention and
cessation programs in Louisiana comes mostly from
tobacco tax revenues with a small amount from an-nual Master Settlement Agreement payments. The amount was lower this fiscal year (fiscal year 2013) at $7.2 million than in fiscal year 2012 at $9 million. However, both amounts are far below what the Cen-ters for Disease Control and Prevention recommends should be spent on tobacco prevention and cessation programs in Louisiana.
In 2013, the American Lung Association in Louisi-ana alongside our other tobacco control partners, will push for an increase in the state’s woefully low tobacco tax as well as strengthening state and local smokefree laws to include bar and casino worker protections from secondhand smoke.
American Lung Association State of Tobacco Control 2013
SUMMER 2003 NEWSLETTER OF THE MASSA o CHUSETTS CHAPTER AMERICAN A uCADEMY OF PEDIATRICS PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Birth Defects Forms to Fill Out Pediatric Council T here have been many coding and pro- probably flag a practice for a chart audit. health plans in Massachusetts. The fol-lowing is a brief summary of some of the Membership Committee As of September 1, 2003, BCBS
ARTÍCULO ORIGINAL Eficacia del Blue-Cap y Viusid en el tratamiento de la Dermatitis Atópica Lisbet Rodríguez de Armas;* María del Carmen Seijas Sende;** Ramón Daniel Simón;*** Alfredo Abreu Daniel;**** Miguel E Marín Díaz***** * Especialista de I Grado en Medicina General Integral. Hospital Clínico Quirúrgico " Manuel Fajardo ". La Habana, Cuba. ** Especialista de