
ACETIC AC/RICINOLEIC/OXYQUINOL 0.921-0.7% Prices on this list are subject to change without notice. Up to date prices for a particular drug may be found using the price look up tool found along DRUG NAME (DOSE)
Prices on this list are subject to change without notice. Up to date prices for a particular drug may be found using the price look up tool found along DRUG NAME (DOSE)
METHYLDOPA/HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE 250MG-15MG METOPROLOL/HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE 50 MG-25MG BROMPHENIRA/PSEUDOEPHED/CODEIN 1.3-10-6.3 BROMPHENIRAMIN/PE/CODEINE PHOS 4-7.5-10/5 BROMPHENIRAMIN/PE/DEXTROMETHOR 2-5-10MG/5 BROMPHENIRAMIN/PE/DEXTROMETHOR 2-7.5-15/5 MTH/ME BLUE/SALICY/NA PHOS/HYO 120-0.12MG Prices on this list are subject to change without notice. Up to date prices for a particular drug may be found using the price look up tool found along DRUG NAME (DOSE)
MTH/ME BLUE/SALICY/NA PHOS/HYO 81.6-.12MG MTH/ME BLUE/SALICY/NA PHOS/HYO 81.6-.12MG NEEDLES, SAFETY HUBER, DISP. 22GX3/4" NEOMYCIN/POLYMYXN B/GRAMICIDIN 1.75MG-10K Prices on this list are subject to change without notice. Up to date prices for a particular drug may be found using the price look up tool found along DRUG NAME (DOSE)
NORGESTIMATE-ETHINYL ESTRADIOL 0.25-0.035 NORGESTIMATE-ETHINYL ESTRADIOL 7DAYSX3 28 Prices on this list are subject to change without notice. Up to date prices for a particular drug may be found using the price look up tool found along DRUG NAME (DOSE)
PEG 3350/NA SULF,BICARB,CL/KCL 236-22.74G PEG 3350/NA SULF,BICARB,CL/KCL 240-22.72G Prices on this list are subject to change without notice. Up to date prices for a particular drug may be found using the price look up tool found along DRUG NAME (DOSE)
PERPHENAZINE/AMITRIPTYLINE HCL 4 MG-25 MG PHENOBARB/HYOSCY/ATROPINE/SCOP 16.2MG/5ML PHENYLEPH/ACETAMINOP/P-TLOX/CP 40-325-8MG PHENYLEPHRINE/CARBETAPENTAN/GG 8-30-200/5 PHENYLEPHRINE/HYDROCODONE/DPHA 5-3.5-12.5 DEXTROMETHORPHAN/PHENYLEPHRINE 5-2.5MG/ML Prices on this list are subject to change without notice. Up to date prices for a particular drug may be found using the price look up tool found along DRUG NAME (DOSE)
P-NAT VIT/IRON,CARB/DOSS/CA/FA 90-1-600MG PNV COMB 22/IRON CB/FA/DSS/DHA 90-1-250MG PNV COMB 45/IRON CB/FA/DSS/DHA 90-1-250MG PNV NO10/IRON FUM&P/FA/OMEGA-3 30-1-310.1 PNV W-CA NO.37/IRON/FA/OMEGA-3 27-1-330MG PNV#16/IRON FUM & PS/FA/OM-3 35-1-200MG PNV19/IRON B-G HCL-P/FA/OMEGA3 29-1-400MG PNV19/IRON B-G SU CH-P/FA/OM-3 29-1-400MG PNV2/IRON B-G SUC-P/FA/OMEGA-3 29-1-250MG PNV22/IRON CBN&GLUC/FA/DSS/DHA 27-1-50MG PNV38/IRON CBN&GLUC/FA/DSS/DHA 35-1-50MG PNV39/IRON FUMARATE/FA/DSS/DHA 30-1.24-55 PNV48/IRON NA FEREDETAT/FA/OM3 30-1-440MG PNV53/IRON B-G HCL-P/FA/OMEGA3 29-1-400MG PNV53/IRON B-G SUC-P/FA/OMEGA3 29-1-400MG PNV54/IRON B-G HCL-P/FA/OMEGA3 29-1-430MG PNV54/IRON B-G SUC-P/FA/OMEGA3 29-1-430MG PNV55/IRON B-G HCL-P/FA/OMEGA3 29-1-430MG PNV55/IRON B-G SU CH-P/FA/OM-3 29-1-430MG D-METHORPHAN HB/PE/CHLORPHENIR 15-6-2MG/5 D-METHORPHAN HB/PE/CHLORPHENIR 3-1.5-1/ML D-METHORPHAN HB/PE/CHLORPHENIR 3-2-1MG/ML Prices on this list are subject to change without notice. Up to date prices for a particular drug may be found using the price look up tool found along DRUG NAME (DOSE)
PRENAT VIT COMB.10/IRON/FA/DHA 65-1-250MG E AC SUCC/FA/VIT BCOMP&C/ZN/SE 35 U-2.5MG E AC SUCC/FA/VIT BCOMP&C/ZN/SE 35 U-5.5MG Prices on this list are subject to change without notice. Up to date prices for a particular drug may be found using the price look up tool found along DRUG NAME (DOSE)
PROPOXYPHENE HCL/ACETAMINOPHEN 65MG-650MG ESTROGEN,ESTER/ME-TESTOSTERONE 0.625-1.25 ESTROGEN,ESTER/ME-TESTOSTERONE 1.25-2.5MG PSEUDOEPHEDRINE/CPM/METHSCOPOL 90-8-2.5MG ETHYNODIOL D-ETHINYL ESTRADIOL 1 MG-35MCG ETHYNODIOL D-ETHINYL ESTRADIOL 1 MG-50MCG Prices on this list are subject to change without notice. Up to date prices for a particular drug may be found using the price look up tool found along DRUG NAME (DOSE)
FERROUS SULFATE/VIT BCOMP&C 105-500MG SAL-AMIDE/ACETAMIN/P-TLOX/CAFF 250-325-20 FOLIC ACID/VIT BCOMP&C/CU/ZNOX 5-1.5-25MG Prices on this list are subject to change without notice. Up to date prices for a particular drug may be found using the price look up tool found along DRUG NAME (DOSE)
SOD PROPIONATE/INOSI/AA14/UREA 0.50-0.83% SOD/POT/K & SOD CIT/C AC/SUCRO 500-550/5 GUAIFEN/D-METHORPHAN HB/PE/BPM 50-5-5-2/5 GUAIFENESIN/CARBETAPENTANE CIT 100-20MG/5 GUAIFENESIN/CARBETAPENTANE CIT 600MG-60MG GUAIFENESIN/D-METHORPHAN HB/PE 1000-60-40 GUAIFENESIN/D-METHORPHAN HB/PE 1200-30-30 Prices on this list are subject to change without notice. Up to date prices for a particular drug may be found using the price look up tool found along DRUG NAME (DOSE)
GUAIFENESIN/PHENYLEPHRINE/HCOD 100-10-2/5 GUAIFENESIN/PHENYLEPHRINE/HCOD 100-15-5/5 GUAIFENESIN/PHENYLEPHRINE/HCOD 225-10-2.5 HC/PRAMOX HCL/CL-XYLENOL/WATER 10-10-1/ML HC/PRAMOXINE HCL/CHLOROXYLENOL 10-10-1/ML HC/PRAMOXINE/CHLOROXYLENOL/BAK 10-10-1/ML HYDRALAZINE/HYDROCHLOROTHIAZID 25 MG-25MG Prices on this list are subject to change without notice. Up to date prices for a particular drug may be found using the price look up tool found along DRUG NAME (DOSE)
TRIAMTERENE/HYDROCHLOROTHIAZID 75 MG-50MG IRON AG&FUM/C/FA/MV CMB11/CA-T 151-200-1 IRON ASPGLY&PS CMPLX/C/CA/SUC 150-50-50 IRON ASPGLY&PS/C/B12/FA/CA/SUC 150-25-1 IRON ASPGLY/C/B12/FA/CA-TH/SUC 70-150-1MG IRON BG&PS/VIT C/B12/FA/CA THR 150-60-1 IRON FUM & AG/C/B12/FA/CA/SUCC 151-60-1MG IRON FUM & P/FA/VIT B & C NO.9 125MG-1MG IRON FUM & PS CMP/FA/VIT C/B3 125-1-40-3 IRON, CARBONYL/FA/C/B-6/B12/ZN 150-1.25MG ISOMETHEPTENE/ACETAMINOPH/CAFF 65-325-100 VIT B CMPLX #9/IRON/FA/VIT C&E 100-1-60MG Prices on this list are subject to change without notice. Up to date prices for a particular drug may be found using the price look up tool found along DRUG NAME (DOSE)
Prices on this list are subject to change without notice. Up to date prices for a particular drug may be found using the price look up tool found along

Source: https://www.medcareusa.com/brandcontentprovider/HIIQUOTE/MP/Drugs_up_to_50.pdf


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