. linking consumers with health care news and information
Questions Are The Answer: Get More Involved With Your Health Care
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Agency for Healthcare Research andQuality (AHRQ) and the Advertising Council have launched a national advertising campaignto encourage all patients and caregivers to become more active in their health care by askingquestions. The ‘‘Questions Are the Answer’’ campaign directs consumers to call (800) 931-2470 orvisit the website www.ahrq.gov/questionsaretheanswer to obtain tips on how to help preventmedical mistakes and become partners in their health care.The AHRQ website provides resources such as public service announcements, videos, tools,and checklists for patients to help support their safe interaction with the health care system. Itincludes a ‘‘Question Builder’’ tool that allows consumers to generate a customized list of questionsthey can bring when they meet with their health care providers. Following are samples from theAHRQ website.Choose Quality Care THE BIG TEN: BASIC QUESTIONS TO ASK
ensure you get high-quality health care is to
The most important thing you can do to improve your
take an active role in making decisions about
health care is to take an active role in your care. You
your care. Talk to your clinician about what
can enhance the quality, safety, and effectiveness of
your health care by asking questions about your care,
your diagnosis, your treatment, and any medications
prescribed for you. Start now, by using this list of 10basic questions.
is a publication of the Michigan Consumer Health Care Coalition with
1. What is the test for? 2. How many times have you done this?
W.K. Kellogg Foundation, and the Metro Health Foundation. Getting Diagnostic Tests 3. When will I get the results?
Clinicians order blood tests, x-rays, and
4. Why do I need this surgery? 5. Are there any alternatives to surgery?
problems. Not sure why a test was ordered
Pennsylvania Suite 202 Lansing, MI 48912 Phone: (517) 487-5436 Fax: (517) 371-4546
6. What are the possible complications?
or how it will help you? Ask your provider:
Michigan Consumer Health Care Coalition 7. Which hospital do you use? 8. How do you spell the name of that drug? 9. Are there any side effects?
the Michigan League for Human Services, supported by the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan Foundation,
How many times have you performedthe test?
10. Will this medicine interact with medicines
What kind of information will the testprovide?
Talk to your clinician. Research shows that patients
who have a good relationship with their clinicians
Is this test the only way to find out thatinformation?
receive better care and are happier with the care they
receive. Tell your clinician about your health history,
vol. 7 no. 2
symptoms, medications, and any allergies you have. Page 2 . linking consumers with health care news and information
What do I need to do to prepare for the test?
How long will it take to get the results, and howwill I get them?
Why doesn’t somebody just ask?
There has been much discussion of late about the
Congressional majority’s proposal requiring the federal
Track Down Your Test Results
government to negotiate prices for Part D prescription
If your health care provider orders a test, get the results.
drugs used by the 30 million-plus participating Medicare
Don’t assume the results are fine if you do not get them
beneficiaries—as they do for drugs the government
when expected. Call your health care provider and ask for
purchases for veterans and federal workers.
your results. Ask what the results mean for your care, and
A bill was passed in the U.S. House but stalled in the
use that information to talk with your provider and make
Senate, where sufficient votes (60) for the proposal
couldn’t be corralled to prevent a filibuster.
Along the way, the debate focused on whether any real
When You’re Presented with a Surgical
money could be saved for the federal coffers through
negotiations—some said ‘‘a lot,’’ others maintained ‘‘notmuch,’’ still others said the private plans administering the
Are you facing surgery? You’re not alone. More than 15
Medicare drug benefit were getting big discounts, better
million Americans have surgery each year. Most surgeries
are not emergencies and are considered ‘‘elective’’surgery. This means that you have time to learn about
Lobbying to defeat the proposal has been intense—by
your surgery to be sure it is the best treatment for you.
drug benefits management companies and PhRMA, the
Take an active role in your health care by talking with
your provider about any recommended surgery.
We, the consumers, are left with a couple of big
questions: If the drug manufacturers are already giving big
Understand what will happen if surgery is
discounts to Part D private insurers, why would they care
if the private plans or the federal government were on the
What kind of surgery do I need and are there
The federal Medicare program is paying for a large
percentage of Part D drugs with tax dollars—it must be,
What are the benefits and risks of the surgery?
unless one believes that a $30/month premium pays foradministrative costs plus the drugs the average senior
What will happen if I wait or don't have this
takes. Given this, why can’t the government just ask what
the private companies are paying for the drugs and com-
pare those prices to their negotiated outlays for veterans
What will happen after the surgery and how long
Or call Families USA for their January ‘07 price
comparison of drug costs in Medicare Plan D versus VAprices. (See The Health Care Happenings for Families
How much experience do you have doing this
The stakes are too high and the medications too impor-
tant for murky facts surrounding the competitive cost in
addition to the game being played with public money and
How successful is this surgery for most patients?
participants’ lives. It’s about time to just ask. Beverley McDonald, Chair
Will my health insurance cover the surgery?
Michigan Consumer Health Care Coalition
. linking consumers with health care news and information
Medication Errors Happen
but you must take the medicinecorrectly to see the benefits. Follow Your Treatment Plan Take Your Medications Safely
What should I do if I forget totake my medicine?
Build Your Question List
pharmacist. Create a personalized list of
taking is printed in such small type that
questions that you can take with you.
prescription? ASK:
diagnosis? ASK:
The side effects and what foods,drinks, or activities to avoid
my disease or condition, andwhat does it mean in plainEnglish?
What is my prognosis (outlookfor the future)?
We Invite You to Become a Subscriber.
An offer to stay on top of health care issues. A one-year subscription
to the Consumer Connection is available for $20, add 6 percent sales
tax, or send a copy of your IRS 501(c)(3) designation letter. To subscribe,
else in my family might get thesame condition?
contact Jackie Benson, Michigan League for Human Services, 1115 South Pennsylvania Avenue, Suite 202, Lansing, MI 48912.
E-mail: jbenson@michleagueforhumansvs.org
Michigan Consumer Health Care Coalition Page 4 . linking consumers with health care news and information
How soon do I need to make adecision about treatment?
Source: Questions Are the Answer. Agency for
Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville,
Are you choosing a health plan? ASK:
Does this health plan provide thebenefits and services I need?
The Health Care Happenings…
Does this health plan offer theclinicians and hospitals I want?
A Look at How Medicare RX Drug Dollars Are Spent Families USA reports key findings on the costs of drugs most pre- scribed for seniors: the difference between VA-negotiated prices and private Medicare Part D plans
price paid by a Part D plan is$763.56, or 205 percent
Does this clinician have thebackground and training I need?
lowest Part D plan and the lowestDeliver High Prices, contact Families
Does the hospital meet nationalquality standards?
plans were paying between$1,148.40 and $1,333.20 a
Michigan Consumer Health Care Coalition
. linking consumers with health care news and information
State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) Background The State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) is a federal/state partnership, created in 1997, that provides healthcare coverage to low and moderate-income children under age 19. Since SCHIP was adopted in 1997, the country has reduced the uninsured rate of low-income children by one third—even as the number of uninsured adults has risen.
SCHIP is a block grant, not an entitlement, with capped funding and a state matching requirement. In other words,
Congress sets the overall limit on annual funding levels and SCHIP is jointly funded by the federal government and bythe states. Michigan’s SCHIP Program
Children’s Health First Act is an ambi-
nation’s children. It is the first of many
What is the status of SCHIP
(about $3,600/year for a single person). and MIChild funding?
gress will reauthorize SCHIP in 2007. SCHIP in Michigan We want to hear from you—
Please contact us in care of Carol Barish,
Michigan Consumer Health Care Coalition March 2007 Michigan League for Human Services
1115 South Pennsylvania Avenue, Suite 202
Page 6 . linking consumers with health care news and information
the uninsured children who are currently eligible for
Medicaid funds to cover these children and pregnant
SCHIP and Medicaid, and support the growing num-
women if they have not lived in the country for at
ber of states that are eager to cover more children.
Protect existing state flexibility. Some policymakers
Allow states the option to cover pregnant women.
in Congress have suggested new eligibility restrictions
SCHIP should include an explicit option, along with
on SCHIP along with a reduced match for certain
new funding, to cover pregnant women. Although
populations covered in SCHIP. No one who is
states currently have some avenues for covering
currently covered should lose coverage because of
unnecessarily complicated and leave women with
reauthorization. There are more than 46 million
uninsured Americans today—SCHIP reauthorization is
Reject new funding for SCHIP that is financed by cuts
an opportunity to move forwards, not backwards.
in Medicaid. Since SCHIP stands on the shoulders of
Congress should permit states the continued flexibility
Medicaid, cuts in Medicaid to finance SCHIP would
to operate programs that meet their states’ needs.
weaken rather than strengthen children’s health care
Allow states the option to cover legal immigrant
children and pregnant women. States should be able to
For more information, please contact the Michigan
provide SCHIP and Medicaid to lawfully present
League for Human Services at 517.487.5436 or visit
immigrant children and pregnant women without
regard to how long they have lived in the country. Currently states are barred from using SCHIP or
Members of the Michigan Consumer Health Care Coalition:
American Association of University Women in Michigan Ø Citizens for Better Care
Community Choice Michigan Ø International Union, United Auto Workers, Social Security Department
League of Women Voters of Michigan Ø Michigan Consumer Federation Ø Michigan Jewish Conference
Michigan League for Human Services Ø Michigan Council for Maternal and Child Health
Michigan Parkinson Foundation Ø Michigan Primary Care Association Ø MichUHCAN
MPRO Michigan’s Quality Improvement Organization Ø National Association of Social Workers, Michigan Chapter
National Association of the Physically Handicapped, Michigan Chapter
National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence of Michigan Ø Older Women’s League, Michigan Chapter
Planned Parenthood Affiliates of Michigan Ø Service Employees International Union Ø Consumers-at-Large
Important Information for Your Upcoming Flexible Spending Account (FSA) Enrollment As you may have heard, there is new legislation going into effect on January 1, 2011 which impacts healthcare FSAs. Here’s what’s happening. Certain over-the-counter items will require a prescription* to be considered an eligible FSA expense. The information below is important for you to know a
Jim Dotson RICK KILLIAN RUSSELL MEDIA BOISE, IDAHO Printed in the United States of America. All rights reserved under International Copyright Law. Contents and/or cover may not be reproduced in whole or in part in any form without the express written Published in Boise, Idaho by Russell Media Manuscript prepared by Rick Killian, Killian Creative, Boulder, Colorado. All Scripture