
Discover Modular. Delivered Fast. Built to Last. A Greener Way to Build. START (Start Today And Rebuild Together) Haiti is a construction industry alliance between Associated Builders & Contractors (ABC) and the Modular Building Institute (MBI). START was formed to leverage the resources of the construction industry, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and government agencies to respond quickly and effi ciently with relief and rebuilding efforts following natural disasters. ABC and MBI member companies will provide relief in the form of facilities and supplies to the people of Haiti. By working with Volunteers of America (VoA), Architecture for Humanity (AfH), and government agencies to leverage our resources, our alliance will ensure clean and adequate facilities are in place for the people of Haiti in a timely and orderly manner. Initially, START will raise funds to acquire 12 modifi ed 8 x 20 containers for VoA to use in Haiti. VoA will keep six units and designate six units to AfH. These NGOs will use the containers fi rst as part of their base camp of operations, then later as transitional shelter for Haitian families.
Specs: This is a one trip container with a window on one end, and a screen/storm door and window on the other. The container also has metal studs, a 1/2 inch drywall with tape texture and paint, fi ve outlets, and two lights.
Sample contents of containers when shipped: • (1) metal double bunk bed with mattresses• (1) small A/C window unit• (1) fl oor fan• (1) 7,000 watt diesel generator• (1) small (dorm style) refrigerator• 50 lb. bags of rice (Sam’s Club, Costco, etc.)• 50 lb. bags of beans• Other non-perishable food items such as: protein bars, peanut butter, fl our, and powdered milk• Tarps (any size)• Canvas tents (5-10 person tents, not lightweight) As well as any of the following medical/hygiene supplies: • Vitamins – children and adult, prenatal and infant• Cold medicines-children and adult• Tylenol, Advil and comparable meds• Antibiotics• Anti-diarrhea medicines• Rehydration Packets- Pepcid, Tagamet• Benadryl for adults and children• Anti-diabetic medication• Antihypertensive medication• Nystatin Oral rinse• Antifungal cream• Cortisone Cream• Antibiotic ointment or cream• Eye drops• Lice treatment kits• Gauze pads, gauze rolls tape• Band-Aids, rubber gloves, blood pressure cuff• Stethoscope, glucometer strips• Tongue depressor• Small fl ash lights and batteries• Toothbrushes and toothpaste• Soap/shampoo• Cream and lotions Due to the devastating earthquake in Haiti, up to 3 million people are in need
of food, water, medical care, and housing. Volunteers of America Southeast is
working with people in Haiti to provide much needed supplies. You can help by
donating to this effort. One hundred percent of every dollar will go to providing
resources to the people in need. The START Alliance is asking that fi nancial
donations to support this effort be made directly to Volunteers of America
Southeast here: http://donate.voasoutheast.org/Default.aspx?TabId=4879 and
designate “START Haiti” as the gift.

Source: https://www.modular.org/marketing/documents/Haitiflyer.pdf

Microsoft word - ch11_public health.doc

EMP Report of Dibang Multipurpose Project CHAPTER 11 PUBLIC HEALTH DELIVERY SYSTEM 11.1 GENERAL The creation of a huge and an artificial water body will certainly change the micro-climate of the surrounding area, particularly raising the humidity levels. These changes are likely to reflect in creating conditions for human diseases directly and indirectly. Direct causes inclu


Medical best practices for the treatment of torture survivors Richard F. Mollica, M.D.* Introduction cological problems. A head injury might be-Accurate identification of torture survivors, come evident during the neurological review including a history of the torture experi-and the physical sequelae of a burn injury ences and injuries, is essential for the medi-will emerge during

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