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Microsoft word - gadaleta procedures text.doc
The Need for Surgery
For many individuals who are morbidly obese, defined as being 100 pounds or more
overweight, surgery is the only method that helps to control weight successfully. Most
diet plans have proven ineffective. Weight loss surgery promotes weight loss by
decreasing food intake and promoting proper food selection. The surgeons at NSSS are
experienced in different weight loss surgeries, which will be discussed in detail. The type
of surgery best for you will be determined by your personal weight loss goals as well as
the opinion of your surgeon. After you have carefully researched the options available to
you, and after you have had a consult with your doctor a decision can be made as to what
surgery will benefit you the most. Following is an outline of the different surgeries, to
Whether or not your surgery will be done open or laparoscopically will be determined,
ultimately, by your surgeon. The dynamics of the surgery are still the same, it is just the
technique of how it is done that is different. There are different risks and benefits to each
technique that are summarized in the first paragraph.
It is important you understand that if you and your surgeon decide the laparoscopic
technique is a good choice for you, the operation may indeed become an open procedure
if certain complications occur. Please make proper arrangements to prepare yourself for
Open Roux-en-Y Bypass Surgery
The Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass requires the construction of a small pouch that holds
about ¼ cup of solid food, or about 2 ounces of beverage or other fluid. The small pouch
is constructed with 4 rows of staples; a special connection is then made directly into the
small intestine where digestion begins. This surgery is done through an abdominal
incision between your navel and rib cage. The surgeon will perform the surgery through
this incision and close you up using internal stitches. Staples will be used on the outside
of the incision. The staples will be removed approximately 1 week later at the time of
Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass
If your surgery is done laparoscopically, small holes are created in your abdomen, (they
are called TROCAR sites), instruments are then put through the holes, air is put into the
stomach, for better visualization, and the surgery is done with special instruments. When
the operation is completed, you will have the small Trocar holes in your abdomen. You
will have a 2-4 day hospital stay and 4-6 week recovery period at home.
The Lap-Band is a device that is placed around the stomach laparoscopically. A few
small incisions are made in the abdominal wall and narrow, hollow tubes are inserted.
Surgical instruments are then passed through the tubes, the surgeon can see inside the
abdomen by using a small camera that also goes through the tubes. The picture the
camera takes is shown on a monitor that is like a TV screen. A small tunnel is made
The band has a locking part which securely holds the band in a circle around the stomach.
With this type of surgery you should feel little pain, have fewer wound complications and
After you have been eating solid foods for at least 4 weeks, you and and your surgeon can
determine if you need a band adjustment. If you need or desire more food restriction, the
saline ring will be inflated through the part that is attached to the band. If after the band is
adjusted you need less restriction, you may also have the band deflated.
The Lap-Band can easily be removed if necessary, although at this time there are no
known reasons to suggest the band should be removed or replaced at some point unless a
complication occurs or you do not lose weight. If the band is removed the stomach
Benefits of Weight Loss Surgery
The operation you will have can only work with your commitment to change your
lifestyle, particularly with regard to diet and exercise. The surgery can make it easier to
change your behavior to more positive ones.
• 90% of Gastric Bypass patients lose 50-80% of their excess body weight
• 90% of Lap-Banding patients lose 40-60% if their excess body weight.
• Most people with hypertension (high blood pressure), and/or diabetes no
• Return of normal periods for young women with abnormal or absent
• Males will have greater and improved sexual function.
• Improved sleep by reducing period of sleep apnea.
• Slowing of disabling effects of arthritis.
• Enhanced appearance, physical and mental outlook.
Preparing for Your Surgery
Before undergoing this surgery, we encourage you to take these important steps to ensure
that you are in the best possible health. Exercise, elimination of unhealthy habits, and
decreasing your caloric intake are the main tasks of preoperative preparation. Any type of
exercise, especially fast walking, will improve your heart and lungs, making breathing
easier during recovery. Please check with your physician before starting any vigorous
exercise program. If you smoke, QUIT. Smoking is often as dangerous to health as
obesity. Much more dangerous for someone who is obese. For improved breathing and
lung function after the surgery, we urge you to stop smoking at least six weeks before the
Reducing your food intake is also highly recommended. First, it gives you a head start on
losing weight, and it helps prepare you for the dietary restrictions and lifestyle
modifications after your surgery. If you drink soda or beer heavily, you must prove to
yourself that you can control this habit before surgery. Compulsive eaters who cannot
control snacking on high sugar foods, high caloric liquids, or junk-type foods should
become actively involved with a counselor to support group before surgery for additional
help. Please call (516) 482-8657 and we will help you find the appropriate assistance.
It is also important to contact other patients who have had surgery and speak directly to
them about their surgical experience. A list of patients will be provided to you at your
first visit with the physician. We also offer both preoperative and postoperative support
group meetings to all of our patients and encourage everyone to participate. Staying
involved with other patients with help keep you on track and give you an opportunity to
Risks of Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery
Any surgical procedure has risks that should be discussed in detail with your surgeon.
Some of the risks associated with this procedure include:
Risks of Laparoscopic Banding
• The band can spontaneously deflate because of leakage. That leakage can
come from the band, the reservoir, or the tubing that connects them.
• The stoma (stomach outlet) can be blocked.
• The band can erode into the stomach.
Your surgeon is experienced in performing this type of operation for obesity. He will go
over these aspects in detail with you prior to the surgery. Please do not hesitate to ask
Initial Office Visit
During your first visit, the doctor will discuss all the aspects of the surgery with you. The
discussion will focus on the risks, benefits and alternatives of surgery as well as what to
expect after surgery. The surgeon can also assist you in deciding which weight loss
surgery is best suited for you. It is important you thoroughly educate yourself about the
different weight loss surgical options available before deciding which one is best for you.
The surgeon will take a complete medical history and perform a thorough physical
examination, and you will be weighed. You will be sent for further tests which may
include an abdominal ultrasound, blood and urine tests, nutritional counseling,
psychological evaluation and appointments with other medical specialists.
Once all the results are available, we will pre-authorize the surgery and schedule you for
a pre-surgical test visit prior to the operation. At the PST appointment, you will be given
instructions for preparing for the surgery. You will also need to see your surgeon one
more time before surgery to go over all of your test results, sign your consent forms and
go over the final details of your surgery.
Pre-Surgical Testing (PST) Visit
A presurgical testing appointment is made at the time your surgery scheduled. This
appointment is one week prior to your surgery. The testing is required by the hospital and
testing must be done there. The results will be forwarded to your primary physican so you
Medical Clearance Visit
After your pre-surgical testing and before your surgery, you must see your primary care
physican for medical clearance. If you do not have a primary care physician, we can
assist you in finding one. At this visit, your doctor will examine you to be sure you are
able to undergo anesthesia and surgery. The doctor will write your letter of medical
clearance and send it over to the hospital. Please make your appointment with your
doctor when you know the date of your surgery and pre-surgical testing. You cannot have
surgery without a letter of medical clearance.
Day of Surgery
On the morning of your procedure, please arrive at “Same day admission” two hours
before your scheduled surgery. You will fill out further forms and be examined by a
registered nurse. Here you will change into your surgical gown. An intravevous line will
be inserted into your arm and you will be wheeled by stretcher to an operating room
nearby. Your family may wait in the surgical waiting room to confer with the surgeon
The surgery will take approximately two to three hours and is done while your are under
general anesthesia. If necessary, your gallbladder may also be removed during the
After Surgery
After the operation you are brought to the recovery room where you will awaken and be
closely observed by highly trained registered nurses and other health team members.
Your intravenous line will remain in place. Your blood pressure, pulse and temperatue
will be frequently monitored. You will be wearing compression stockings that were put
on during surgery to help improve blood circulation in the legs. They are removed when
you are up and about. Pain control will be provided by an epidural catheter that will be
started while you are in the operating room. As an alternative, you may be placed on
Feeling somewhat confused and afraid is normal. There will be three to five people
caring for you, and several machines nearby. This is also normal and should give you no
cause for alarm. You will remain in the recovery area for approximately three hours or
overnight if medically necessary. A family member will be able to visit you briefly
Recovery in the Hospital
You will be in the hospital two to five days, depending on which surgery you have. A
very important part of your immediate postoperative care involves moving, walking,
coughing and deep breathing. Coughing and deep breathing are necessary to clear the
lungs of mucus that normally develops after anesthesia.
Keeping Your Lungs In Shape
• Following the directions below for coughing and deep breathing will help
• Take three deep breaths, breathing in through your nose and out through
• Hold a pillow tightly against your chest. It helps ease the pain from your
• Cough as hard and forcefully as possible. There is no chance your incision
Repeat this three times at least every two hours, beginning immediately after your
operation and continuing until you leave the hospital. You will be given an “incentive
spirometer” in the hospital. This will assist you with the above exercises to clear your
lungs. The nurses will provide you will specific instructions on how to use the
spirometer. Performing these exercises is vitally important for a rapid recovery. Failure to
do them may result in pneumonia and a longer hospital stay.
Walking to a Rapid Recovery
No matter what your state of health, walking is one of the best exercises. It helps expand
your lungs and provides good blood circulation to your legs. It is an easy way to help
regain your strength and build stamina as you begin your new lifestyle.
How to Get out of Bed with an Abdominal Incision
We know that you will have some pain following your operation, but you will need to get
out of bed as soon as your doctor permits. By following the instructions below, you will
minimize your pain as you learn the best way to get out of bed. Take your pain
medication before getting out of bed. This may cause weakness, dizziness and
drowsiness, it is important to have assistance from the medical staff.
• Pull yourself up in the bed as far as possible. Bend your knees, dig in your
heels and work your way up, using the side rails or mattress for support.
• Raise the head of the bed as far as possible.
• Roll over to whatever side is most comfortable for you.
• Push up with the elbow that is against the bed and at the same time lower
your legs to the floor. This should be done in one smooth motion.
• Hold your incision your free hand. It helps ease the incisional pain.
• Never get out of bed quickly. You may become dizzy or weak. Sit on the
side of the bed for a few minutes to allow proper blood circulation. Do not
get out of bed the first time without assistance. Call for help when you
• You may only be out of bed for approximately 15 minutes at a time for the
first few days after surgery. You must be out of bed at least three times a
day, increasing the frequency as your condition improves.
• While some discomfort is expected upon getting out of bed the first few
times, undue pain or anxiety may be signs of a complication. Always
follow the instructions of the doctors and nurses and quickly report any
Going Home
When you get home it is important that you remember the following:
• Take it easy. Remember that you had major surgery, so you must give
your body time to Heal. Increase your daily activities each day as
tolerated. Move around as much as you can, without straining yourself.
• Follow the recommended diet given to you. It is recommended you have
all of the necessary supplements and special food ready upon arriving
• You may shower. Let the water run over your incision, but do not scrub it.
Keep your incision clean to prevent infection.
If you have any questions or concerns, call the office and/or other patients immediately.
NEVER wait to call the office if you think you are having a medical complication.
Office visits will be scheduled before each new phase of your recuperaton. Your first
visit to the office after surgery will be one week after discharge from the hospital. You
will come in once every few weeks thereafter for a few months, decreasing to every few
months until your condition stabilizes. An annual complete workup will be necessary for
the rest of your life. These visits are necessary to monitor your weight loss and general
Side Effects of Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass
Certain side effects can develop either shortly after the operation or over a long period of
time. Proper medication, a well balanced diet and exercise can usually correct these
• Hair loss - This temporary condition is due to nutritional imbalance. This
• Intolerance to cold - This is most likely due to the loss of “insulation”
• Iron deficiency anemia - Caused by poor nutrition, small meals and
intolerance to some meats. Treatment is increased intake of iron
containing foods such as dark, green, leafy vegetables, red meat, liver,
dried fruits and nuts. You may also need to take iron supplements.
• Vitamin deficiencies - Thiamine is a common deficiency and can be
treated with supplements. Vitamin B12 deficiency is also not uncommon.
If you become severely low in B12 you may need shots and/or an oral
• Constipation - Caused by lack of dietary fiber/roughage and/or inadequate
fluid intake. This can be made worse by iron supplements.
• Heartburn - Can be caused by drinking or eating acidic foods such as
citrus fruits, onions and tomatoes. This can be treated with antacids.
• Gas formation - Can be caused by eating/drinking gas-forming foods, such
as cabbage, beans, broccoli, onions, carbonated beverages and sipping
liquids through a straw. Anti-gas medications may be helpful.
• Incisional pain - Treat with acetaminophen (Tylenol).
Side Effects of Lap-Banding
The are some side effects which may occur with the Lap-Band, some may be avoided
with proper diet and exercise, others you may have no control over. These may include:
• Gastrointestinal complications: Ulceration, gastritis, heartburn, gas bloat
or dysphagia, dehydration or constipation.
• The band can spontaneously deflate because of leakage. That leakage can
come from the band, the reservoir, or the tubing that connects them.
• The stoma (stomach outlet) can be blocked.
• The band can erode into the stomach.
It is important to avoid any medications that contain alcohol, aspirin and/or ibuprofen,
such as Alka Seltzer, Indocin, Motrin, Advil, etc. These medications an cause stomach
irritation, ulcers and bleeding problems. It is also important to avoid pills that cannot be
crushed, unless approved by your surgeon.
Post-operative Diet
You will need to follow a special diet after your surgery. You will need to follow the diet
designed for the weight loss surgery you had. The dietary guidelines will be given to you
by a Dietician who you will need to see preoperatively. It is critical you follow these
guidelines. The dietican has designed the diet to best fit your nutritional needs post
operatively. Non-compliance can lead to serious malnutrition and general poor health.
Below are basic rules for eating, drinking and exercise that will help you get the best
• Stop eating as soon as you feel full.
• Drink enough fluids during the day, in between meals.
• Exercise at least 30 minutes per day. Take your multi-vitamins daily.
Any weight loss surgery may cause malnutrition and or malabsorption which may lead to
some vitamin/mineral deficiencies. Most common are: B12, iron and protein deficiencies.
It is critical you see your physician for scheduled follow-up visits. At each visit your
general health, diet, exercise regime, medications and/or vitamin/mineral supplements
will be reviewed. This is also the time you speak with the surgeon about any problems
which may be related to your surgery. If you are having problems related to the weight
loss surgery, you will be able to discuss them with your doctor. You will also be sent for
If you do not come in for your check-ups you will be putting your health at great risk. If
you move and it is impossible for you to go to your surgeon office, you should find
another physician who will be able to properly care for you.
Your weight loss will also be monitored, so that you can reach your desired weight loss
goal. If needed you may need or want to see the diatician to re-evaluate your diet, to
ensure a good weight loss as well as proper nutrition.
Palabras pronunciadas por Don José Federico de Carvajal Pérez, Patrono de la Fundación Miguel Ángel Blanco, Nos encontramos ante una nueva edición del Premio a la Convivencia de Miguel Ángel Blanco, instituido por la Fundación Miguel Ángel Blanco creada a raíz del vil asesinato que lugar el 12 de julio de 1997. Ese asesinato, por la crueldad despiadada que representa, sobrecogió
Hashimoto-Thyreoiditis Autorin: Dipl.-Päd. Nicole Rolfsmeier Datum: 04. November 2005 (aktualisiert 16. Dezember 2013) Vorbemerkung Die Hashimoto-Thyreoiditis gilt al gemein als harmlose Bagatel erkrankung, die keine oder kaum Beschwerden verursacht und die beobachtet, aber nicht unbedingt behandelt werden muss. Oft ist sie tatsächlich nur ein Zufal sbefund bei einer umfangreicheren Ro