Optimum health clinic

Thermology resulting in a TH-1, TH-1F, TH-2, or TH-2F is a benign rating. The
following nutritional protocol for optimum breast health and as always if on any
medication consult your doctor before taking any supplement:
1. A diet high in fiber and low in saturated animal fats is preferred. 2. Eat lots of fresh, organic fruits and vegetables and their juices. 3. Eat organic whole grains, nuts, seeds, beans and legumes. 4. Animal protein with no antibiotics or hormones that are fed vegetables. 5. The fats in dairy products store fat-soluble chemicals so make sure it is organic. 6. Drink purified water to flush out the kidneys and hydrate the lymphatic system. 7. Avoid foods you are allergic or sensitive too.
1. Support the thyroid function using trace minerals including iodine found in wild (not farmed) seafood and sea vegetables or taken as a supplement. 2. If your report indicates hormonal fluctuation you may want to have a hormone panel to evaluate your progesterone and estrogen levels and supplement only with bio-identical hormones. 3. Take a natural multi vitamin and mineral supplement with: calcium, magnesium, B complex, especially folic acid, B6, A and E. 4. Take essential fatty acids found in borage or evening primrose oils. These should also be taken along with a digestive enzyme that includes lipase to assure absorption of these fat-soluble vitamins (note: all oil based vitamins should be refrigerated so they don’t go rancid).
SUPPORT THE IMMUNE SYSTEM: The liver is an essential part of the immune
system. If it is overloaded with chemicals and a toxic diet or environmental pollution, it
cannot do its job of filtering out malformed cells such as cancer. The liver, lungs,
kidneys, skin and colon are all part of the eliminatory system. Keeping them functioning
correctly relieves the burden placed on the immune system. Colon Hydrotherapy is
recommended to keep the bowels clean and healthy.
Detox-factors from Tyler Labs supports both phases I and II of the liver’s function and is
recommended if exposure to chemicals or substance abuse is a factor.
If you have taken synthetic hormones such as birth control pills, fertility drugs, hormone
replacement therapy or had recent composite dental fillings then Calcium d’ Glucarate is
recommended. This product boosts phase II of the liver function and eliminate excessive
estrogen. The recommended dosage is 1,500 mg daily, one month for each year hormones
were taken. Recancostat is a patented formula to make reduce L’glutathione, bio-
712 D Street, Suite L San Rafael, CA 94901 All rights reserve Internationally 8-2007 available. Also IP6 with Inositol to make abnormal cell growth like DCIS, normalize as
well as increase natural killer cell production.
For those with fibro-adenoma cysts, caffeine has methylated xanthenes, which blocks
fibronase a necessary enzymes to break down fibrous material. Caffeinated products like
coffee, cola and chocolate should be avoided. Indolplex is also recommended for those
with fibro-adenoma cysts as it helps the pathways of estrogens including xeno-estrogens
(estrogen mimicking toxins) from converting to estrone, which in excess can cause
abnormal cell growth and neo-angeogenisis (a new blood supply that develops to feed
tumor growth). This product is also recommended for those who are taking synthetic
hormones such as birth control pills or synthetic hormone replacement therapy for
postmenopausal women.
HERBS AND TREATMENT: Use squaw vine, mullein and red clover, ginger tea or
Jason Winters tea to aid to detox the lymphatic system. Place caster oil heat packs on
congested lymphatic glands or on the fibro-cystic breast for 2-hour periods. Performance
of colon cleansing, daily lymphatic massage or dry brush massage speeds up the
detoxification process. Avoid wearing a bra for more than 18 hours a day. If you do need
to wear one, take it off when coming home, and massage the lymphatic system
surrounding the breast. Don’t drink water stored in plastic containers that have been
exposed to heat (in a hot car) as this releases xeno-estrogen (estrogen-mimicking toxins)
that cause breast cancer. Use only safe cosmetic and cleaning products as a reference: Dr.
Epstein’s “Safe Shoppers Bible”. Visit: www.healthybreasts.info .
To order Integrative Therapeutics™ Products call (877) 628-3477 Pin # ITI 5568
Calcium D-Glucarate (with food is okay) For: TH-1, TH-2 or TH-3, 1 cap TID*
Indolplex (with food is okay) For: TH-1, TH-2 or TH-3, 1 cap BID*
Protective Breast Formula For: TH-1, TH-2 or TH-3, 1 cap TID*
Recancostat 400 (no food with 10 oz H20) For: TH-1, TH-2 or TH-3, 1 cap BID*
Cellular Forte (IP6 with Inositol) For: TH-1, TH-2 or TH-3 1 cap BID
After receiving your Thermography report:

1. Call the clinic where you were screened to schedule a free consultation to
review your results.
2. Order any products that are recommended in your protocol from the clinic
where you were screened.
712 D Street, Suite L San Rafael, CA 94901 All rights reserve Internationally 8-2007

Source: http://www.optimumhealthclinic.info/files/NutritionalProtocolforTH-1-TH-2.pdf


Die Historiker-Nummer des SAT ist erschienen! SAT: Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde Nr. 1/2014, Verlag Hans Huber, Hogrefe AG Bern. Aus urheberrechtlichen Gründen können die Texte nicht verlinkt werden. S. Häsler, J. Dängeli: Eligius, Schutzpatron der Tierärztinnen und Tierärzte Der Heilige Eligius wurde im 13. Jahrhundert Schutzpatron der Hufschmiede und Tierärzte. Eine erste Erwäh

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