Patient Name: ______________________________________Date of Birth:_________________________________ I. CIRCLE APPROPRIATE ANSWER (Leave blank if you do not understand the question) 1. Yes / No
Is your general health good? If NO, explain:____________________________________________________________________
Has there been a change in your health within the last year? If YES, explain: __________________________________________________________________
Have you gone to the hospital or emergency room or had a serious illness in the last three years? If YES, explain:___________________________________________________________________
Are you being treated by a physician now? If YES, explain: __________________________________________________________________ Date of last medical exam:____________________ Reason for exam: _______________________
Have you had problems with prior dental treatment? If YES, explain: Date of last dental exam:______________________ Name of last treating dentist:_______________
Are you in pain now? If YES, explain: ___________________________________________________________________
II. HAVE YOU EXPERIENCED ANY OF THE FOLLOWING? (Please circle Yes or No for each) Yes / No Chest pain (angina) III. HAVE YOU HAD OR DO YOU HAVE ANY OF THE FOLLOWING? (Please circle Yes or No for each) Yes / No Heart disease
Yes / No Family history of heart disease Yes / No Surgeries
Yes / No Stomach problems or ulcers Yes / No Family history of diabetes Yes / No Hepatitis Yes / No Heart defects
Yes / No Emphysema or lung disease Yes / No Liver disease
Yes / No Kidney or bladder disease Yes / No Eye disease
(Novocain or Xylocaine) Others:______________________________________________________________________________________________ V. ARE YOU TAKING OR HAVE YOU TAKEN ANY OF THE FOLLOWING IN THE LAST THREE MONTHS? (Please circle Yes or No for each) Yes / No Recreational drugs
Yes / No Over-the-counter medicines Yes / No Alcohol
Yes / No Bisphosphonate (Fosamax) Yes / No Aspirin
Please list:____________________________________________________________________________________________ VI. WOMEN ONLY (Please circle Yes or No for each) Yes / No Are you or could you be pregnant? If YES, what month?____________________________________________ Yes / No Are you nursing? Yes / No Are you taking birth control pills? VII. ALL PATIENTS (Please circle Yes or No for each) Yes / No Do you have or have you had any other diseases or medical problems NOT listed on this form? If YES, please explain: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Yes / No Have you ever been pre-medicated for dental treatment? If YES, why:_____________________________________ Yes / No Have you ever taken Fen-Phen? If YES, when: _______________________________________________________ Yes / No Is there any issue or condition that you would like to discuss with the dentist in private? The practice of dentistry involves treating the whole person. If the dentist determines that there may be a potentially medically- compromised situation, medical consultation may be needed prior to commencement of dental treatment. I authorize the dentist to contact my physician.
Patient’s Signature: _________________________________________________ Date:_______________________________ Physician’s Name: _________________________________________________Phone Number: ________________________ I certify that I have read and understand this form. To the best of my knowledge, I have answered every question completelyand accurately. I will inform my dentist of any change in my health and/or medication. Further, I will not hold my dentist, or any other member of his/her staff, responsible for any errors or omissions that I may have made in the completion of this form. ________________________________________________________ __________________________ Signature of Patient (Parent or Guardian)
Kent Mountain Centre Visit - November 2010 Equipment List There follows a list of personal items that you will require during the trip: Large suitcase (preferred) or rucksack. This is never used for activities. The large suitcase is preferred because it acts as extra 'drawer' space under the bunks. Pyjamas/nightwear. Wash kit. This can be very basic and need only
The Road Back - How to Get Off Drugs Safely, Amara Nicholas Publishing, James L. Harper, AmaraNicholas Publishing, 2005, 097703450X, 9780977034505, . This Workbook is a step by stepprogram for persons wishing to withdrawl from Drugs with Little to No Side-Effects. Blaming the Brain The Truth About Drugs and Mental Health, Elliot Valenstein, Feb 1, 2002,Medical, 304 pages. In Blaming the Brain Ell