Pak J Physiol 2010;6(2) ISCHAEMIC HEART DISEASE AND GLYCAEMIC CONTROL IN TYPE-2 DIABETES MELLITUS BY QUESTIONNAIRE METHOD Yathish TR, Nachal Annamalai*, Vinutha Shankar* Department of Physiology, Hassan Institute of Medical Sciences, Hassan-Karnataka, India, *Department of Physiology, Sri Devaraj Urs Medical College, Tamaka, Kolar-563101, Karnataka, India Background: Various tests like Echocardiogram, Nuclear scan, Electron-beam computed tomography, Coronary angiography, and magnetic resonance angiography are available for diagnosis of ischemic heart disease (IHD). But most of these are expensive, invasive and cannot be afforded in developing countries. An attempt was made to study sensitivity, specificity, and predictive value of non-invasive technique like questionnaire method and compared with traditional clinical evaluation. This study compared diagnosis of angina made with the Rose Questionnaire to diagnosis by physician in type-2 diabetes mellitus and the effect of glycaemic control. Methods: A cross-sectional study was done from March 2005 to March 2006. Cases were collected from outpatients and inpatients visiting RL Jalappa hospital and SNR Hospital attached to Sri Devraj Urs Medical College Kolar, Karnataka, India. Glycosylated haemoglobin levels were estimated. Data on Rose questionnaire angina and physician diagnosed angina were collected and compared between groups of well controlled diabetics, poorly controlled diabetics and controls. The 12 lead Electrocardiogram was used to confirm the diagnosis. Results: The Rose questionnaire had 63.63% sensitivity, 97.5% specificity, 73% positive predictive value, and 96% negative predictive value. This study also showed the occurrence of IHD was higher in the poorly controlled diabetics (16.3%) as compared to well controlled diabetic patients (6%) and controls (5%) which were significant. Conclusions: The questionnaire diagnosis showed good sensitivity and high specificity as compared with diagnosis by physicians. The questionnaire method can be frequently used and incorporated in cardiovascular risk assessment and epidemiologic screening programs. Keywords: Ischemic heart disease, glycosylated haemoglobin, type-2 diabetes mellitus, Rose angina questionnaire INTRODUCTION
prevalent among the people of lower socioeconomic status because of negligence, illiteracy, poverty etc.
The Rose Questionnaire (RQ), also called as the London
Ischemic heart disease, especially Myocardial Infarction
School of Hygiene Cardiovascular Questionnaire, has
(MI) has reached enormous proportions striking more
been frequently used in epidemiologic research as a
and more young subjects especially in patients with
standard, unbiased and validated measure1 of the
diabetes mellitus. It will result in greatest health hazard
prevalence of angina in general population surveys since
which mankind has ever faced in coming years unless
its introduction in 1962. The RQ has been widely
we are able to reverse the trends by concentrated results
used in its original, modified forms, and in translation to
study the prevalence and natural history of ischemic
This study was designed to test the sensitivity
and specificity of questionnaire and to assess the relation
make population comparisons. There is no agreed ‘gold
between glycaemic control (assessed by glycosylated
standard’ which can be used to validate RQ measures of
detected by Rose Angina Questionnaire) so that the risk
factor can be identified earlier, prevented and treated.
Thallium scans and coronary angiography. Clearly without such a standard the terms ‘sensitivity’ and
‘specificity’ need to be used with caution. The
This study was a case- control study. The study group
Questionnaire was found to have 81% sensitivity and
comprised of 1200 subjects above 30 years of age
97% specificity when compared to clinical judgment.1–3
having Type-2 diabetes mellitus. The control group
comprised of 400 subjects above 30 years of age. Cases
metabolic endocrine disease affecting mankind. The
were collected from outpatients and inpatients visiting
incidence of disease is on a rise not only in developed
RL Jalappa Hospital and SNR Hospital attached to Sri
countries but also in developing countries. It is
Devraj Urs Medical College Kolar, Karnataka, India.
characterised by elevated fasting and postprandial blood
Subjects with history of hypertension, lung or
glucose level and variety of multisystem complications,
other cardiac disease, smoking and alcoholism, on any
mainly in the blood vessels of eye, kidney, nervous
drug affecting lipid levels of plasma were excluded from
system and integument. The complications are more
the study. All subjects were interviewed by means of a
Pak J Physiol 2010;6(2)
structured questionnaire for general demographic
aged 41–50 and 3.25% in those aged 51–60 years and
details, lifestyle, cardiovascular risk factors, history of
myocardial infarction, and symptoms of angina
Table-2 shows distribution of IHD in non
according to the Rose angina questionnaire after the
diabetics. The youngest subject in the control group is
clearance from ethical committee. The physicians’
aged 31 years and the oldest aged 69 years. The
interviews occupied 15–30 minutes each, as compared
prevalence of IHD was 0.5% in 31–40 year age group.
with about 3–5 minute for the questionnaire. Those who
This increased with age, and was 0.75% among those
fulfilled all the Rose criteria were classified as having
aged 41–50 and 1.75% in those aged 51–60 years and
Rose questionnaire angina (RQA). History was taken in
detail and general physical examination was done.
Table-3 shows IHD is higher in the poorly
controlled diabetics when compared to well-controlled
discomfort in the chest when walking uphill or hurrying
diabetics and normal healthy controls. It also shows the
and fulfilling all of the following criteria: (1) situated in
association of glycaemia with macro vascular
the sternum or the left anterior chest with or without left
circulation (i.e., coronary artery disease).
arm; (2) caused the subject to stop or slow down; (3)
Among 1,600 subjects, 154 (prevalence 9.6%)
went away when the subject stopped or slowed down;
had angina pain on exertion and rest and 1446 (90.4%)
and (4) was relieved within 10 minutes by rest. Possible
had no chest pain. Among 1,200 diabetics, 134 (11.2%)
MI was defined as having experienced a severe pain
had a classic symptom of ischemia. Whereas out of 400
across the front of the chest, lasting for half an hour or
controls, only 20 (5%) had ischemic symptoms. The
relative risk (RR) among diabetics was 2.23 (95%
Blood Samples was collected between 7 AM
confidence interval 1.6–2.8). The exposure rate of
to 8 AM after overnight fasting. Glycosylated
occurrence of ischemic heart disease in diabetics is 87%
haemoglobin was estimated by standard laboratory
and in non diabetics was 73%. Statistical association
method as an index of long-term glycaemic control (up
between the diabetics and occurrence of IHD was highly
to 3 months). Resting 12-lead ECG was recorded finally
to compare the diagnosis between questionnaire method
Table-4 shows the sensitivity and specificity of
and clinical method. A 12-lead ECG is used as the gold
Rose angina questionnaire. The number in table shows
standard for confirming the IHD. Probable IHD was
the actual positive and negative data confirmed by
defined as large Q and QS waves and possible IHD with
physician diagnosed angina (by clinical examination and
small Q and QS, ST depression, flattened or inverted T
ECG). The Rose diagnosis of angina had 63%
waves or complete left bundle branch block. Those who
sensitivity, 97% specificity, 92% positive predictive value, and 97% negative predictive value. The
fulfilled all these criteria were classified as having
percentage of false positives is 2.48% and false
negatives are 36%. The Rose Questionnaire has an
subjects were selected. They were grouped as study
acceptably high specificity and sensitivity.
group including poorly controlled diabetics (Group A:
Table-1: Distribution of IHD in different age group diabetics (using Rose Questionnaire)
1c levels >8.0%) and well controlled diabetics
Age (Years) IHD present IHD absent
1c levels <8.0%) based on their HbA1c
levels and controls (Group C). Rose Angina
questionnaire was used as a tool to detect Ischemic
Heart Disease. Analysis of data thus collected was
performed using SPSS version 8.0 for Windows.
Continuous variables are expressed as the Mean±SD
Table-2: distribution of IHD in different age
and qualitative data as percentages. Chi-square test of
group non-diabetics (using Rose Questionnaire)
association was carried out to evaluate the association of
Age (Years) IHD present IHD absent
IHD in different groups. The mean difference was taken
as significant at p<0.05. Conclusion was drawn based on
Table-1 shows the distribution of the subjects according
Table-3: Occurrence of IHD in different groups
to the age. The youngest subject in the study group is
(using Rose Angina Questionnaire) IHD present IHD absent Total
aged 32 years and the oldest aged 68 years. The
GROUP-A: HbA1C (10.32±4.87)
frequency of IHD was 1.25% in 31–40 year age group.
GROUP-B: HbA1C (6.61±1.33)
This increased with age, and was 2.41% among those
GROUP-C: HbA1C (5.62±1.65)
Pak J Physiol 2010;6(2) Table-4: Sensitivity and specificityof Rose Angina
prevalence of Rose angina increased with age from
about 1% to 12%, while the prevalence among women
Chest pain present Chest pain absent IHD Present IHD Absent
Age-adjusted prevalence rates of Rose angina
Positive Negative
were similar among black, white, and Mexican-
American women.6,7 Another study compared the Questionnaire to exercise thallium test evidence of
coronary artery disease. The Rose diagnosis of angina
Ischemic heart disease is still one of the leading causes
had 26% sensitivity, 79% specificity, 42% positive
of Myocardial infarction, with diabetes mellitus being
predictive value, and 65% negative predictive value.8
the major risk factor with an increased risk of
The finding of the present study is in conformity with
atherosclerosis either alone or in combination with
other major risk factors such as diet, smoking, body
Smith et al reported that prevalence of Rose
weight etc. It has been found that patients with type-2
angina was 7.0% in black women, 4.8% in white
diabetes mellitus suffer from dyslipidaemia which in
women, 5.0% in black men, and 5.7% in white men
turn leads to various vascular complications. The
(p=0.37). Blacks were more likely to report angina if
prevalence of ischemic heart disease in diabetics in
they felt they were not getting needed medical care.9
present study is 1.5–4.5% in comparison with similar
Reeder et al showed socio-demographic
studies and values. Ischemic heart disease was seen in
variation in the prevalence of cardiovascular disease in
poorly controlled diabetics (16.3%), well controlled
Saskatchewan. The results from the Saskatchewan Heart
diabetics (6%), and controls (5%). As compared to
Health Survey showed among men, the prevalence of
controls and well controlled diabetics, the occurrence
definite angina increased gradually with age from 1.7%
of IHD is significantly higher in poorly controlled
in the 18 to 34 year group, 3.8% in the 35–54 year group
diabetics (Chi-square test 13.13, p<0.001). Increased
to 4.8% in the 55–74 year group, while the prevalence
levels of glycosylation may be a contributory factor to
among women ranged from 2.5%, 4.0% to 7.1% in the
develop ischemic changes in diabetic patients.
Many others studied the sensitivity, specificity,
Lampe et al studied chest pain by
and predictive value of non-invasive testing like
questionnaire and prediction of major ischemic heart
questionnaire method and compared with traditional
disease events in men. In the whole cohort, the relative
clinical evaluation and invasive technique of vascular
risks (95% CI) of a major ischemic heart disease event
disease in a defined population. The findings of the
were 2.03 for angina only, 2.13 for possible myocardial
present study are in conformity with the earlier studies.
infarction only and 4.50 for angina plus possible
Rose questionnaire application to specific
myocardial infarction, compared to no chest pain.11
populations such as younger women, those after MI, self
administration, by mail has been examined. It has been
cardiovascular risk profile.12 The Rose angina
used in the Health Surveys for England and the 1984–
questionnaire has been extensively used in different
1986 Scottish Heart Health Study. Heyden et
cultural settings, but may not perform consistently in
al2, assessed variability in response to the questionnaire
different ethnic groups. The prevalence of possible Rose
and suggests that this variation is a reflection of the
angina and diagnosed angina in both South Asian and
natural history of the disease rather than unreliability of
European men was 18% and 8%, respectively.
the questionnaire. The Rose questionnaire had sensitivity
Sensitivity for a doctor’s diagnosis was 21% in South
of 81% and a specificity of 97% when compared to
Asian and 37% in European men.13,14 The findings of
the present study are in conformity with these studies.
Bodegard, and Murphy et al in a multivariate
physician opinion in assessment of angina pectoris in the
analysis reported that men with Rose angina had an
Beta-Blocker Heart Attack Trial in which post-
increased risk of cardiovascular death or hospitalisation
1.49 (1.33–1.66), myocardial infarction 1.63 (1.41–1.85)
were treated with propranolol and half with placebo.
or heart failure 1.54 (1.13–2.10) compared with men
The physician diagnosis of angina identified more
without angina. Angina in middle age substantially
patients who suffered a subsequent fatal or nonfatal
increases the risk of death, myocardial infarction, heart
failure and other cardiovascular events.15,16
Questionnaire angina were investigated in white women
essentially reversible, and the blood levels depend on
and men aged 30 years and above who participated in
both the life span of the red blood cell (average 120
the Lipid Research Clinics Program. Among men, the
days) and the blood Glucose concentration. The glycated haemoglobin concentration represents the
Pak J Physiol 2010;6(2)
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men in the lipid research clinics program prevalence study
weeks and offers a snapshot of the average blood sugar
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Mexican-American women and men prevalence and
Questionnaire into a Bahasa Melayu version and used it
correlates from the second national and Hispanic health and
cross-culturally, and to measure its inter-rater and intra-
rater reliability.18 Ugurlu et al, showed prevalence of
Cook DG, Shaper AG, Macfarlane W-Using the WHO (Rose)
angina, MI and doctor-diagnosed IHD were not different
Angina Questionnaire in Cardiovascular Epidemiology.
between Behcet’s syndrome patients and non-Behcet’s
International J Epidemiol 1989;18:607–13.
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Rose questionnaire angina in younger men and women: gender differences in the relationship to cardiovascular risk
be frequently used in epidemiologic research as a
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13. Fischbacher CM, Bhopal R, Unwin N, White M, Alberti
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Address for Correspondence: Dr. Yathish TR, Department of Physiology, Hassan Institute of Medical Sciences, Hassan-573201, Karnataka, India. Cell: +91-9448410163 Email:
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