The British Journal of Diabetes & Vascular Disease
a diabetes prevention study British Journal of Diabetes & Vascular Disease 2006 6: 230
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This appears to reflect lifestyle, pathophysiological circumstances
The Diabetes REduction Assessment with ramipril and intercurrent impositions. 'Pre-diabetes' is a risk factor for and rosiglitazone Medication (DREAM) study
early cardiovascular disease and emergent microvascular distur-
reported in September 2006. This international, multicentre, randomised, double blind, placebo
Several trials have shown that the progression of 'pre-dia-
controlled, 2-by-2 factorial prospective three-year study
betes' to diabetes can be deferred or possibly prevented by
examined the effect of rosiglitazone (8 mg/day) and/or
appropriate lifestyle modifications, especially increased exercise,
ramipril (15 mg/day) to prevent progression to type 2
weight loss and dietary prudence (table 1). Various oral antidia-
diabetes in 5,269 adults with impaired glucose tolerance
betic agents and weight-reducing agents will also reduce the
(IGT), impaired fasting glucose (IFG) or both. The
incidence of type 2 diabetes amongst individuals with 'pre-dia-
primary end point (incidence of diabetes or death) was
betes' (table 1), including preliminary evidence with a TZD.8
reduced by 60% on rosiglitazone (11.6% on
Additionally there is evidence that ACE inhibitors are associated
rosiglitazone vs. 26.0% on placebo, p<0.0001), and more
with a lower incidence of type 2 diabetes in high-risk individuals.9
subjects regained normoglycaemia on rosiglitazone
The Diabetes REduction Assessment with ramipril and rosigli-
(50.5%) than placebo (30.3%, p<0.0001). Ramipril did
tazone Medication (DREAM) study was undertaken to investi-
not alter the incidence of diabetes or death (18.1% on
gate whether the TZD antidiabetic agent rosiglitazone or the
ramipril vs. 19.5% on placebo) but more subjects
ACE inhibitor antihypertensive agent ramipril each alone, and in
regained normoglycaemia on ramipril (42.5%) than
combination, could alter the occurrence of diabetes in individu-
placebo (38.2%, p=0.001). There were no apparent interactions between ramipril and rosiglitazone. Although overall cardiovascular event rates were not significantly different between rosiglitazone and
The trial was multinational, prospective, ramdomised, double
placebo there was an increase in heart failure (0.5% on
blind and placebo controlled with a 2-by-2 factorial design (fig-
rosiglitazone vs. 0.1% on placebo, p<0.01) and more
ure 1).13 It included 191 centres in 21 countries in North and
oedema on rosiglitazone (6.8%) than placebo (4.9%,
South America, Europe, Australia and India. Participants
(n=5,269), were aged > 30 years and exhibited either IFG
Br J Diabetes Vasc Dis 2006;6:230–4
(> 6.1 – < 7.0 mmol/L) or IGT (2 h post-75 g OGTT, > 7.8 –< 11.1 mmol/L) or both, no previous history of diabetes (except
Key words: diabetes prevention, DREAM, rosiglitazone,
gestational) and no known cardiovascular disease. Baseline data
are noted in table 2. All individuals received a placebo run-in, anddiet and lifestyle advice were provided throughout the trial. Introduction
Randomisation to rosiglitazone (Avandia®, 8 mg daily) or ramipril
The development of type 2 diabetes is typically preceded by a
(Altace® [Tritace] 15 mg daily) or placebo were followed by twice
prodromal period of many years. During this time glycaemic con-
yearly visits with additional initial monitoring of ALT. Glycaemic
trol gradually deteriorates and individuals exhibit IGT, IFG or
status was assessed by HbA1C, FPG and OGTT, and a diagnosis
both.1-3 The condition is often referred to as 'pre-diabetes' and
of diabetes (FPG > 7.0 mmol/L or 2 h 75 g OGTT > 11.1 mmol/L)
about 6–12% of these individuals will progress to type 2 dia-
was required on two consecutive visits for confirmation.
betes each year.4,5 Some individuals can remain in a 'pre-diabet-
The primary outcome was a composite measure of incident
ic' state for decades and some may revert to normoglycaemia.6
diabetes or death, while the secondary outcomes includedregression to normoglycaemia, individual or composite cardio-vascular events (MI, stroke, cardiovascular death, revascularisa-tion procedure, confirmed heart failure, new angina) and renal or
Correspondence to: Dr Deane ConlonMediNews (Diabetes) Limited, Edgbaston House, 3 Duchess Place,
composite cardiorenal events with independent adjudication to
prespecified critera. The cardiorenal events will be reported at a
Tel: +44 (0)121 454 4114; Fax: +44 (0)121 454 1190
The study followed subjects for a median of three years and
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Abbreviations Figure 1. The 2-by-2 factorial design of DREAM Rosiglitazone Ramipril
Large trials examining the effect of diabetes prevention
strategies in subjects with IGT, IFG or both
Duration Strategy incidence of type 2 diabetes Key: IGT = impaired glucose tolerance; IFG = impaired fasting glucose
(10.6% vs. 25.0%), and the effect was similar irrespective of
gender, age, geographical region of study, or glycaemic status at
baseline (IGT, IFG or both). Rosiglitazone was more effective in
the overweight and obese and more individuals receiving rosigli-
tazone reverted to normoglycaemia (50.5% vs. 30.3% on place-
bo, p<0.0001). The median FPG was reduced by 0.5 mmol/L andthe 2 h 75 g OGTT plasma glucose by 1.6 mmol/L on rosiglita-
zone (p<0.0001 vs. placebo). Although the composite cardiovas-cular outcome was similar between the rosiglitazone and place-
bo groups there was a tendency for more cardiovascular events
in the rosiglitazone group. Cases of confirmed non-fatal heartfailure were higher on rosiglitazone (14 (0.5%) vs. 2 (0.1%) onplacebo, p<0.01) and peripheral oedema was commoner with
rosiglitazone (6.8% vs. 4.9% on placebo, p=0.003). Systolic and
data were analysed on an intention-to-treat with Cox's propor-
diastolic blood pressure were lower on rosiglitazone (by 1.7 and
tional hazard's model, Kaplan-Meier plots and Wilcoxon rank-
1.4 mmHg respectively) compared with placebo (p<0.0001).
Body weight gain was increased by 2.2 kg more on rosiglitazonethan placebo (p<0.0001). This was associated with increased hip
(but not waist) circumference. Interestingly, at one year rosiglita-
After three years 79.5% of subjects on rosiglitazone and 75.4%
zone reduced ALT 4.2 U/L more than placebo (p<0.0001).
on ramipril were taking assigned medication. The main reasonfor lack of continuation was that subjects declined to take med-
ication: 4.8% on rosiglitazone stopped due to oedema and
Ramipril did not alter the primary end point of diabetes incidence
9.7% on ramipril stopped due to cough. Overall drop-out was
or death (18.1% vs. 19.5% on placebo). The incidence of dia-
similar between groups. The primary end point data were avail-
betes was very similar in ramipril (17.1%) and placebo (18.5%)
able for 94% of participants at study end.
groups. However, normoglycaemia was achieved more often on
Data analyses did not find any evidence of interactions
ramipril (42.5% vs. 38.2% on placebo, p=0.001). The median
between rosiglitazone and ramipril for any of the outcomes.
FPG was not significantly altered, but the 2 h 75 g OGTT plasmaglucose was reduced by 0.3 mmol/L on ramipril (p=0.01 vs.
The primary end point (incidence of diabetes or death) was
The composite cardiovascular outcome was similar in the
reduced by rosiglitazone (11.6%) vs. placebo (26.0%) as shown
ramipril and placebo groups: systolic and diastolic blood pressure
in table 3. This was due to a decrease in the incidence of diabetes
were lower on ramipril (by 4.3 and 2.4 mmHg respectively) com-
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Key messages Rosiglitazone Ramipril
● Rosiglitazone reduced progression from IFG/IGT to type
● Rosiglitazone increased regression from IFG/IGT to
● Rosiglitazone increased the risk of heart failure
● Ramipril did not significantly alter progression of IGT/IFG
to type 2 diabetes but slightly increased regression to
Key: a Fasting plasma glucose < 6.1 mmol/L; * p=0.01; ** p=0.001; *** p=0.0001 versus respective placebo; CV = cardiovascular; MI = myocardial infarction
caemic status, not cardiovascular events, several parameters ofvascular risk were monitored. Blood pressure was reduced byrosiglitazone as noted in other studies, but a note of caution was
pared with placebo (p<0.001). Body weight was not altered by
struck by the increased incidence of heart failure for which an
ramipril but ALT was reduced at one year by 1.1 U/L more than
adequate explanation has still not emerged. The higher occur-
rence of oedema was not unexpected and was not attributed toheart failure.
While ramipril did not alter the progression to type 2 dia-
The DREAM study now places rosiglitazone amongst the phar-
betes, an increased number of subjects regained normogly-
macological agents shown to reduce progression from 'pre-dia-
caemia, as might be expected from the reduced occurrence of
betes' to type 2 diabetes (table 1). The effect of rosiglitazone
diabetes reported during several studies with ACE inhibitors.16
appears to be similar in magnitude to lifestyle modification and
This may be explained at least in part by recent evidence that
concurs with trials showing that troglitazone, and more recently
angiotensin II can reduce insulin sensitivity, and this is relieved by
pioglitazone, can reduce the incidence of type 2 diabetes in
inhibition of the renin-angiotensin system.16 A reduction in blood
women with prior gestational diabetes.14 The glycaemic efficacy
pressure without hypotension, and without any significant
of rosiglitazone was similar irrespective of whether participants
had IGT, IFG or both at the time of randomisation. There were no
Diet and lifestyle are universally endorsed as interventions for
apparent differences associated with gender, age or location –
individuals with 'pre-diabetes'. Pharmacological interventions
the latter offering an indication of overall ethnicity. Rosiglitazone
with metformin, acarbose, orlistat and TZDs are not presently
was more effective in those who were overweight and obese,
indicated for 'pre-diabetes' although trials have recorded that
potentially off-setting the increased vulnerability of these individ-
such interventions can reduce progression to type 2 diabetes.
uals to develop type 2 diabetes. Nevertheless, consistent with
However, the effectiveness of these agents in 'pre-diabetes' may
other studies, rosiglitazone promoted a modest weight gain,
be seen as encouraging for the early use of such therapies when
although this was associated with increased girth of the hips
diabetes emerges. The DREAM study shows that for every 1,000
people treated with rosiglitazone for about three years there will
Whether the rosiglitazone is acting to defer the onset or
be about four extra cases of heart failure, but 144 cases of type
mask the presence of type 2 diabetes will be tested during a drug
withdrawal and washout period which is ongoing. TZDs reduceinsulin resistance, which is a prominent feature of sub-diabetic
(as well as overt diabetic) levels of hyperglycaemia.15 There are
1. Unwin N, Shaw J, Zimmet P, Alberti KGMM. Impaired glucose tolerance
and impaired fasting glycaemia: the current status on definition and
also reports that TZDs can retard the deterioration of beta-cell
intervention. Diabetic Med 2002;19:708-23.
function that accompanies the onset and progression of type 2
2. DeFronzo RA. Pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes: metabolic and molecular
diabetes.15 Lipotoxicity and accumulation of excess lipid within
implications for identifying diabetes genes. Diabetes Rev 1997;5:177-269.
the liver are further factors that have been implicated in the
3. Ferrannini E, Gastaldelli A, Miyazaki Y et al. Beta-cell function in subjects
spanning the range from normal glucose tolerance to overt diabetes: a
pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes. Reduced ALT levels amongst
new analysis. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2005;90:493-500.
subjects receiving rosiglitazone are consonant with improved
4. Tuomilehto J, Lindstrom J, Eriksson JG et al. Prevention of type 2 diabetes
metabolic status, and provide further reassurance that this TZD
mellitus by changes in lifestyle among subjects with impaired glucose tol-
may potentially benefit hepatic status.
erance. N Engl J Med 2001;344:1343-50.
Although the DREAM study was powered to evaluate gly-
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5. Knowler WC, Barrett-Connor E, Fowler SE et al. Reduction in the inci-
dence of type 2 diabetes with lifestyle intervention or metformin. New Engl J Med 2002;346:393-403.
6. Zimmet P, Shaw J, Alberti KGMM. Preventing type 2 diabetes and the
dysmetabolic syndrome in the real world: a realistic view. Diabetic Med 2003;20:693-702.
7. The DECODE Study Group. Glucose tolerance and all-cause mortality. Cardiology Review 2001;18:28-32.
8. Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group. Prevention of type 2 dia-
betes with troglitazone in the Diabetes Prevention Program. Diabetes 2005;54:1150-6.
9. Yusuf S, Gerstein H, Hoogwerf B. Ramipril and the development of dia-
betes. JAMA 2001;285:1882-5.
10. The DREAM Trial Investigators. Effect of rosiglitazone on the frequency
of diabetes in patients with impaired glucose tolerance or impaired fast- ing glucose: a randomised controlled trial. Lancet 2006;368:1096-105.
11. The DREAM Trial Investigators. Effect of ramipril on the incidence of dia-
betes. N Engl J Med 2006;355:1551-62.
12. DREAM slides. (Accessed September 2006). 13. The DREAM Trial Investigators. Rationale, design and recruitment char-
acteristics of a large, simple international trial of diabetes prevention: the DREAM trial. Diabetologia 2004;47:1519-27.
14. Xiang AH, Peters RK, Kjos SL et al. Effect of pioglitazone on pancreatic
beta-cell function and diabetes risk in Hispanic women with prior gesta- tional diabetes. Diabetes 2006;55:517-22.
15 Yki-Jarvinen H. Thiazolidinediones. N Engl J Med 2004;351:1106-18. 16. Scheen AJ. Prevention of type 2 diabetes mellitus through inhibition of
the renin-angiotensin system. Drugs 2004;64:2537-65.
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