A David A. Damari, O.D.
stereopsis, which was reported as “30 sec-
Jeannette Liu, O.D.
onds of arc/normal.” For the examination
Karen Bell Smith, O.D.
plaints, but her father was concerned be-
cause of decreased working distance at the
Abstract Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
now characterized as a mental disorder are
(ADHD) is one of the most studied, andmost controversial, of the mental health
even many adults. In addition, there is a
concerned about his daughter’s difficulty
disorders seen in children. Three cases are
sustaining attention during reading. presented which were, in hindsight,clearly misdiagnosed as ADHD when infact the individuals had easily treatable
five Caucasian males from ages 6 to 14 are
visual dysfunctions. ADHD is often
father maintained that she had been diag-
misdiagnosed and misunderstood by par-
tion1 and that even some preschoolers are
ents, teachers, eye care professionals,
her difficulty attending to nearpoint visual
family practitioners, and pediatricians. In
some other studies suggest that the condi-
fact, some mental health professionals
tion is still widely under-diagnosed.3 Be-
still disagree about the diagnostic criteriafor this disorder, especially in youngadults. However, almost all agree it is a le-gitimate disorder that, when diagnosed
dysfunctions, it is imperative that optome-
symptoms or her academic performance. and managed with a rigorous approach,
trists understand this disorder and the vi-
can be effectively treated. A complete vi-
dence of external or internal ocular dis-
sual evaluation by an eye care profes-
eases or pathology, nor a visual field or
sional trained in the thorough testing andCASE REPORTS diagnosis of eye movements, accommoda-
findings from BJ’s evaluation are listed in
tion, and binocular fusion is one criticalstep toward avoiding misdiagnosis.
presented to the resident (JL) at the South-
Key Words Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder(ADHD), vision disorders, diagnostic er-
year before, she had been prescribed spec-
rors, psychotropic drugs, interdisciplin-
tacles for simple hyperopic astigmatism.
of the resident and the father. The resident
degree of visual attention at that time. The
tion for ADHD was no longer appropriate.
record did not report any binocular or ac-
c o m m o d a t i v e t e s t i n g o t h e r t h a n
Table 1. Visual Findings of the Three Cases Case 1 pre-VT Case 2 pre-VT Distance VA (OD, OS, OU) Cover test (distance, near) Stereopsis Retinoscopy Subjective Distance phoria Near phoria BI at near
may have been the cause of inat-tentive behaviors at school that had
BO at near Accommodative amplitudes (minus lens method, OD/OS) Accommodative facility retinoscopy (vertical/ratio)
of having to re-read paragraphsfrequently, words running to-
was receiving B’s and C’s at the time of
gether, intermittent near and distance blur,
tive infacility and binocular instability.
well in school until her junior year in high
a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor)
be too costly, take too long, and has not
her grades dropped to B’s and C’s.
e a c h d a y , a s w e l l a s P e r i a c t i n
been scientifically proven to have any ef-
appetite stimulation to counteract the ap-
diseases or pathology nor a visual field or
thirteen office therapy visits, her symp-
grades were poorer in fourth grade, while
disorder of childhood.4 It has been found
he was on medication.) His health history
skills findings improved (see Table 1). She
Psychiatric Association’s (APA) Diag-
doctor. She then went to college and at a
of ocular diseases or pathology nor a vi-
nostic and Statistical Manual, 4th edition
sual field or pupillary dysfunction. On his
straight A’s in her first semester.
lows for “typing” of the disorder, with
three different expressions of the condi-
III,a the Wold Sentence Copy,a the Test of
tion: attention deficit hyperactivity disor-
was referred to the resident at SCO (KBS)
Auditory Perceptual Skills,b and the Test
for a visual perception evaluation because
of Visual Perceptual Skills,b although he
(ADHD-I), attention deficit hyperactivity
of school and parental concerns about fall-
ing grades over the previous two years. He
vaccination, a nutritive disorder, or a reac-
Table 2. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Clinical Criteria for Diagnosis of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
to be part of a spectrum of developmental
The person must show at least six of the symptoms in one or the other of the
disorders that includes pervasive develop-
categories for at least six months. If the person shows at least six symptoms in
each of the categories, then the combined type is considered the appropriate
Symptoms of Symptoms of inattention hyperactivity-impulsivity
characterized as signs of defects in execu-
Often fails to give close attention to details or Often fidgets with hands or feet or squirms in
tive functions. These executive functions
Often has difficulty sustaining attention in tasks Often leaves seat in classroom or in otheror play activities
situations in which remaining in seat is expected
Often does not seem to listen when spoken to Often runs about or climbs excessively in
situations in which it is inappropriate (in
adolescents or adults, may be limited tosubjective feelings of restlessness)
i n t e r n a l i z a t i o n o f s e l f - d i r e c t e dspeech;14
Often does not follow through on instructions Often has difficulty playing or engaging in leisureand fails to finish schoolwork, chores, or duties activities quietly
in the workplace (not due to oppositional
behavior or failure to understand instructions)
Often has difficulty organizing tasks and
Is often “on the go” or often acts as if “driven by a
others’ behaviors and learn how to pat-
Often avoids, dislikes, or is reluctant to engage Often talks excessively
in tasks that require sustained mental effort
Often loses things necessary for tasks or Often blurts out answers before questions have
activities (toys, school assignments, pencils, been completedbooks, tools, etc.)
fest many different behaviors which result
Is often easily distracted by extraneous stimuli
Often interrupts or intrudes on others (butts into
gressive and have an abnormal level ofemotion lability12 and intensity of actions
tivity disorder, combined type (ADHD-C).
the hallmarks is social difficulty. Because
they can’t control their emotions and don’t
make friends fairly easily, but they have
there must be evidence of clinically sig-
difficulty maintaining relationships. Al-
been shown that their social problems are
settings and often occur in most settings,
group settings and least likely to appear in
culty sitting still even during television
viewing. When they do sit still for a movie
that they do not attend as well as and cer-
tainly do not recall the story lines as well
this overall variability in the appearance
also been shown to delay visual-motor in-
tegration skills relative to their peers, in-
soning, chronic otitis media, fetal alco-
agnosed when there is the presence of at least
Diagnostic dilemmas
six symptoms of the disorder at a level that is
inappropriate for the person’s age.
academic and social life of a child, most
physical markers that have been connected
f o r e p r e s c r i p t i o n o f a s t i m u l a n t
tions and in most of the literature on the
bered that there are many other difficulties
that play a large role in the misdiagnosis
and the tricyclic antidepressants,27 have
been reported to cause blurred vision, im-
Differential diagnoses
frequently in children who appear to have
tions is also in much of the literature on
correctly diagnosed with the disorder. This
could be a direct effect of the medication on
(reading disorder), mathematics disorder,
commodative dysfunction. It is certainly a
have all been or have a strong potential to
relationship that requires further study.
ratings scales make almost no distinction
disorder is still poorly defined for pre-
health professionals who strongly believe
study), found that either medication ther-
h a v e e v e n m o r e p o t e n t i a l t o b e
in young adults and adults. These profes-
sionals believe that almost any sign of in-
over a 14-month period than either behav-
attention in college students or adults is
disorders and general health care profes-
nity care.28 However, a critical analysis of
sionals often assume that if audiological
has devised a new rating scale that is so
the study indicates that its design “predis-
and visual screenings in their offices are
posed the study in favor of a differentially
positive outcome for pharmacological rel-
ders. There is, for example, some concern
pelled to criticize it for its tendency to ig-
ative to behavioural treatment.” Never-
in the literature about the potential for
nore any other possible mental or physical
central auditory processing disorders to be
symptom patterns.19,22 This confusion has
phase of behavioral therapy and indeed af-
happened in part because the disorder has
ter the therapy visits had ended but during
the strong possibility that common visual
not been as well studied in adults and the
therapy.29 The debate still continues. Part
of the rationale is that it is widely accepted
viewing those criteria in order to make a
study reporting that a sample of children
symptoms of the disorder in the short term
is fairly well established but that the effi-
Management controversies
cacy of medication in the long term (lon-
the incidence in the general population.33
ADHD. It is generally conceded in the lit-
with convergence insufficiency score sig-
nificantly higher on one of the most popu-
Conners’ Rating Scale for Parents, than
in the long term.12 In fact, some studies
have indicated that even children without
specialist care, such as with a neurologist
pediatrician relies solely on this scale for
tion when taking a central nervous system
despite the fact that some studies indicate
stimulant,23 even if the investigators had
a strong tendency for primary care practi-
does not even discuss the role sensory im-
likely to pay for the long-term behavioral
placebo trials that are commonly used be-
Indications for further study
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Triamcinolone Acetonide (KenalogTM TriesenceTM TrivarisTM): Recommendations Anne M. Menke, R.N., Ph.D. OMIC Risk Manager PURPOSE OF RISK MANAGEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS OMIC regularly analyzes its claims experience to determine loss prevention measures that our insured ophthalmologists can take to reduce the likelihood of professional liability lawsuits. OMIC policyholders are not requir
Sandra Wood – copyright Respecting, navigating and negotiating the delicate interplay between the aspirations of carers and care-recipients Introduction • Thank you to our Hong Kong hosts, thank you for your welcome. I’m here to talk about respite. I’m speaking particularly about the respite program I work in, Southern Respite Service, in Victoria, Australia, and I want t