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The Miriam Hospital

Interventional Radiology Procedure

Your procedure ____________________________________________________________________
is scheduled at The Miriam Hospital with Dr.__________________
On: Date: ________________.
If you have left the office without a date for your procedure, cal Diane at The Miriam Hospital,
Interventional Radiology (401) 793-4429 to schedule a procedure date and time.
Before Procedure
- Notify our staff if you normal y require antibiotics for procedures so that our physicians can give you a prescription for medication that you may require. - Please inform our staff if you take Coumadin, Aspirin, NSAIDs (Ibuprofen, Motrin, Advil, Naprosyn, Aleve, Indomethacin) or other blood thinning medication. These medications may need to be discontinued prior to your procedure. - If you have had changes to medications, new allergies or a new medical condition has developed since you were last seen in our office, please make the staff aware of these changes. - If your doctor requests blood or other laboratory work to be drawn prior to your procedure, please have these results faxed to both The Miriam Hospital Interventional Radiology fax (401)
793-7203 and Rhode Island Vascular Institute fax (401) 454-6828
Day of Procedure

- DO NOT EAT OR DRINK ANYTHING after midnight the day before your procedure.
- Take al your usual medications the day of your procedure with a sip of water. If you take medications for diabetes, these may need to be adjusted since you wil not be eating; please ask our staff to advise which diabetic medications to take. - Shower the morning of your procedure with antibacterial soap (Such as Dial). - Complete the patient medical history and medication sheet supplied to you and bring it with you - If you have x-rays that pertain to your medical procedure, please bring them with you the day of - Since you may be sedated for your procedure, you wil need someone to drive you to and from the hospital the day of the procedure. If you are admitted to the hospital, you wil need someone to drive you home the day you are discharged. In both cases, there should be a responsible adult at home with you for 24 hours to monitor your care.
Directions to The Miriam Hospital

164 Summit Avenue, Providence, Rhode Island, 02905
Heading North on Interstate 95:
Traveling north on I-95, take exit 25 “North Main Street”. Take 1st of the two sub-exits (before bus station) to the traffic light. Make a left on North Main Street. Take the 2nd right on to 5th Street. Make a left on Summit Avenue. The main hospital entrance is on the left. Heading South on Interstate 95:
Traveling south on I-95, take exit 25 “North Main Street”. Go left off the exit & follow straight through traffic light. At 1st stop sign, make a left. At the next traffic light, make a left on North Main Street. Take the 2nd right on to 5th Street. Make a left on Summit Avenue. The main hospital entrance is on the left. From Route I-195 West:
Take I-195 West which merges with I-95 in Providence. Approaching the north-south split, bear right onto I-95 North then immediately get into the left-hand lane and follow I-95 North to exit 25, then follow directions above. From Route 146 South:
Take Branch Avenue exit and bear left at the light. Follow Branch Avenue to North Main Street. Take a left on North Main Street. After 2 lights, make a right onto 5th Street. Make a left on Summit Street. The hospital main entrance is on the left.
Where to Park

Public parking is available in the Summit Avenue lot across the street from the main entrance. 2-
hour parking is also available on the side-streets surrounding the hospital.
Where to Go at The Miriam Hospital

- Enter the main entrance of the Miriam Hospital and register at Patient Registration in the main - The registration personnel wil direct you to a waiting area where you wil be cal ed for by Prep
Feel free to call the office if you have any questions at: (401) 421-1924

The Miriam hospital Monday–Friday 8:00AM- 4:00PM: (401) 793-7421

If your question is of an urgent nature not during business hours please call
(401) 793-2500 and have the Interventional Radiology Resident on-call paged.


Declaración Universal de Derechos HumanosDeclaración Universal de Derechos Humanos Adoptada y proclamada por la Asamblea General en su resolución 217 A (III), de Considerando que la libertad, la justicia y la paz en el mundo tienen por base el reconocimiento de la dignidad intrínseca y de los derechos iguales e inalienables de todos los miembros de la familia humana, Considerando que el des

Impaginato completo

Rivista Italiana di Ossigeno-Ozonoterapia 1: 149-153, 2002 A Novel Therapeutic Option for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia Department of Surgery and Biomedical Engineering and *Department of Physiology, University of Siena; Italy Key words: chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, ozone therapy SUMMARY - The aetiology of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and fibromyalgia remains o

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