
อนุทัต 54020372
2 6522 software 3 69 (computer near3 software) in ti * 4 168 "MEDICINE-" in DEM,DER Record 1 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Grades of Severity and the Validation of an Atopic Dermatitis Assessment Measure (ADAM). DE: *Children-; *Diagnostic-Tests; *Measurement-Techniques; *Medicine-; *Test-Validity DE: Foreign-Countries; Patients-; Test-Construction Record 2 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: The Kindness of Strangers: Kinds and Politics in Classification Systems. DE: *Classification-; *Medical-Research DE: Information-Management; Information-Retrieval; Information-Storage; Information-Systems; Medical-Libraries; Medical-Services; Medicine- Record 3 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Language and Medicine. DE: *Language-Research; *Language-Role; *Medicine-; *Physician-Patient-Relationship Record 4 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Referential Behavior in Scientific Writing: A Diachronic Study (1810-1995). DE: *Diachronic-Linguistics; *Discourse-Analysis; *English-; *Medicine-; *Scholarly-Journals; *Written-Language DE: Language-Patterns; Medical-Research; Statistical-Analysis Record 5 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: HMO Reform: Protecting Families from Managed-Care Denials. Family Review. DE: *Federal-Legislation; *Health-Insurance; *Health-Maintenance-Organizations DE: Family-Health; Health-Care-Costs; Medicine- Record 6 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Emotion and Memory: Children's Long-Term Remembering, Forgetting, and Suggestibility. DE: *Children-; *Emotional-Development; *Memory- DE: Attachment-Behavior; Long-Term-Memory; Medicine-; Parent-Child-Relationship Record 7 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Cessation of Long-term Naltrexone Administration: Longitudinal Follow-Ups. DE: *Behavior-Change; *Drug-Therapy; *Outcomes-of-Treatment; *Self-Injurious-Behavior; *Severe-Mental-Retardation DE: Adults-; Followup-Studies; Intervention-; Medicine- Record 8 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Using Analog Baselines To Assess the Effects of Naltrexone on Self-Injurious Behavior. DE: *Behavior-Change; *Drug-Therapy; *Outcomes-of-Treatment; *Self-Injurious-Behavior; *Severe-Mental- file:///D|/THESAU-S.TXT[25/6/2555 19:26:56] Retardation DE: Adults-; Females-; Intervention-; Medicine- Record 9 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Stimulant Medication Management of Students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: What Educators Need To Know. DE: *Attention-Deficit-Disorders; *Drug-Therapy; *Medicine-; *Outcomes-of-Treatment DE: Educational-Environment; Elementary-Secondary-Education; Hyperactivity- Record 10 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Medical Questions? Medline has Answers. DE: *Information-Services; *Medical-Services; *Online-Systems DE: Access-to-Information; Health-Services; Information-Networks; Information-Sources; Librarians-; Medical-Libraries; Medicine-; Online-Searching; Resource-Materials Record 11 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Health Professionals' Attitudes towards Evidence-Based Medicine and the Role of the Information Professional in Exploitation of the Research Evidence. DE: *Allied-Health-Personnel; *Attitudes-; *Information-Scientists; *Medical-Research DE: Access-to-Information; Information-Retrieval; Librarians-; Library-Services; Medicine-; Online-Searching; Relevance-Information-Retrieval; Role-; User-Needs-Information; User-Satisfaction-Information Record 12 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Education for Health Sciences Librarianship. DE: *Educational-Development; *Library-Education; *Library-Science; *Medical-Libraries DE: Accreditation-Institutions; Credentials-; Futures-of-Society; Health-; Higher-Education; Internship-Programs; Library-Associations; Library-Role; Medicine-; Professional-Continuing-Education Record 13 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Personality-Career Fit and Freshman Medical Career Aspirations: A Test of Holland's Theory. DE: *Attitude-Change; *Career-Choice; *College-Freshmen; *Medicine-; *Personality-Traits DE: Higher-Education; Personality-Theories Record 14 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Remarks on the Communicative Functions of Hedging in Popular Scientific and Specialist Research Articles on Medicine. DE: *English-for-Special-Purposes; *Journal-Articles; *Language-Patterns; *Medicine-; *Research-Reports; *Technical-Writing DE: Descriptive-Linguistics; Discourse-Analysis; Language-Research; Specialization- Record 15 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Reliability of the Matson Evaluation of Drug Side Effects Scale (MEDS). DE: *Drug-Therapy; *Interrater-Reliability; *Mental-Retardation; *Test-Reliability DE: Adults-; Drug-Use; Evaluation-Methods; Medicine-; Outcomes-of-Treatment Record 16 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 file:///D|/THESAU-S.TXT[25/6/2555 19:26:56] TI: Newton's Apple Teachers Guides. Seasons 9-10-11-12: A Collection of Lessons and Activities. DE: *Biological-Sciences; *Physical-Sciences; *Problem-Solving; *Science-and-Society; *Science-Education DE: Architecture-; Athletics-; Biology-; Chemistry-; Elementary-Secondary-Education; Geology-; Hands-on-Science; Medicine-; Physics-; Space-Sciences; Technology- Record 17 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: The Generalizability of Ratings of Item Relevance. DE: *Difficulty-Level; *Estimation-Mathematics; *Generalizability-Theory; *Licensing-Examinations-Professions; *Rating-Scales; *Test-Items DE: Certification-; Medicine- Record 18 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: An Overview of Medications Commonly Used To Treat Behavioral Disorders Associated with Autism, Tourette Syndrome, and Pervasive Developmental Disorders. DE: *Autism-; *Behavior-Disorders; *Drug-Therapy; *Learning-Disabilities; *Medicine-; *Outcomes-of-Treatment DE: Adolescents-; Children-; Emotional-Disturbances Record 19 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Exchanging Medical Information with Eastern Europe through the Internet. DE: *Information-Dissemination; *Internet-; *Medicine- DE: Communication-Research; Cultural-Influences; Foreign-Countries; Questionnaires- Record 20 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Social and Cultural Aspects of Infertility in Mozambique. DE: *Childlessness-; *Folk-Culture; *Medical-Services; *Medicine- DE: Emotional-Adjustment; Females-; Foreign-Countries; Foster-Care; Health-Education; Marital-Satisfaction; Sex-Role; Social-Influences Record 21 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Infertility in the Gambia: Traditional and Modern Health Care. DE: *Childlessness-; *Folk-Culture; *Medical-Services; *Medicine- DE: Emotional-Adjustment; Ethnicity-; Females-; Foreign-Countries; Foster-Care; Health-Education; Knowledge-Level; Marital-Satisfaction; Rural-Urban-Differences Record 22 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Choices and Motivations of Infertile Couples. DE: *Childlessness-; *Medical-Services; *Motivation- DE: Adoption-; Altruism-; Folk-Culture; Foster-Care; Medicine-; Pregnancy- Record 23 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Evaluation of a Medicine Information Training Program for Older People. DE: *Older-Adults; *Patient-Education; *Peer-Teaching DE: Adult-Education; Advocacy-; Foreign-Countries; Medicine-; Program-Evaluation; Role-Models Record 24 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Multimedia Communication: Quo Vadis? file:///D|/THESAU-S.TXT[25/6/2555 19:26:56] DE: *Computer-Mediated-Communication; *Medicine-; *Online-Systems; *Physician-Patient-Relationship; *Popular-Education; *World-Wide-Web DE: Futures-of-Society; Information-Networks; Information-Sources; Information-Technology; Interests-; Internet-; Science-and-Society Record 25 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Brief Report: Catatonia in Autistic Disorders. DE: *Autism-; *Clinical-Diagnosis; *Disability-Identification; *Drug-Therapy; *Mental-Disorders DE: Adolescents-; Behavior-Patterns; Case-Studies; Medicine-; Multiple-Disabilities; Outcomes-of-Treatment; Symptoms-Individual-Disorders Record 26 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Fluoxetine in Treatment of Adolescent Patients with Autism: A Longitudinal Open Trial. DE: *Autism-; *Behavior-Modification; *Drug-Therapy; *Emotional-Response; *Outcomes-of-Treatment; *Well-Being DE: Adolescents-; Behavior-Change; Case-Records; Medicine-; Young-Adults Record 27 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Comment on Vadney and Kraushaar's "Effect of Switching from Depakene to Generic Valproic Acid on Individuals with Mental Retardation". DE: *Drug-Therapy; *Epilepsy-; *Medicine-; *Mental-Retardation; *Outcomes-of-Treatment DE: Adults-; Children-; Incidence-; Physical-Health Record 28 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: A User-Centered Cooperative Information System for Medical Imaging Diagnosis. DE: *Computer-Mediated-Communication; *Computer-System-Design; *Cooperative-Programs; *Information-Systems; *Medicine- DE: Access-to-Information; Databases-; Feedback-; Information-Sources; Online-Systems Record 29 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: The Nazi Origins of Eduard Pernkopf's "Topographische Anatomie des Menschen:" The Biomedical Ethical Issues. DE: *Anatomy-; *Ethics-; *International-Crimes; *Medical-Research; *Nazism- DE: History-; Information-Sources; Medicine-; Reference-Materials Record 30 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Examining the Medical Profession through Musical Metaphors. DE: *Discographies-; *Medical-Education; *Medicine-; *Metaphors-; *Music- DE: Educational-Resources; Instructional-Design; Instructional-Materials; Motivation-Techniques; Teaching-Methods Record 31 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Neuroleptic-Induced Dementia Documented in Four Adults with Mental Retardation. DE: *Drug-Therapy; *Medicine-; *Mental-Disorders; *Mental-Retardation; *Outcomes-of-Treatment; *Termination-of-Treatment DE: Adults-; Case-Studies; Drug-Use; Mental-Health Record 32 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 file:///D|/THESAU-S.TXT[25/6/2555 19:26:56] TI: Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (81st, Baltimore, Maryland, August 5-8, 1998). Newspaper. DE: *Editors-; *Internet-; *Journalism-; *Mass-Media-Effects; *Newspapers- DE: Access-to-Information; Computer-Mediated-Communication; Content-Analysis; Environment-; Foreign-Countries; Information-Sources; Laws-; Mass-Media-Role; Mass-Media-Use; Media-Research; Medicine-; Ombudsmen- Record 33 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Traduction et langues de specialite: Approches theoriques et considerations pedagogiques (Translation and Specialty Languages: Theoretical Approaches and Pedagogic Considerations). DE: *Interpretive-Skills; *Language-Patterns; *Languages-for-Special-Purposes; *Second-Languages; *Translation-; *Vocabulary- DE: Business-Administration; Business-Communication; Classroom-Techniques; Dictionaries-; Discourse-Analysis; Educational-Strategies; Foreign-Countries; Higher-Education; Language-Usage; Literature-; Machine-Translation; Medicine-; Second-Language-Instruction; Structural-Analysis-Linguistics; Teacher-Education; Verbs-; Vocabulary-Development Record 34 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Improving Adherence to Medication Regimens for Children with Asthma and Its Effect on Clinical Outcome. DE: *Asthma-; *Compliance-Psychology; *Drug-Use; *Medicine-; *Reinforcement-; *Token-Economy DE: Children-; Program-Effectiveness Record 35 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Comprehensive School-Based Behavioral Assessment of the Effects of Methylphenidate. DE: *Academic-Achievement; *Attention-Deficit-Disorders; *Behavior-Change; *Hyperactivity-; *Interpersonal-Competence; *Medicine- DE: Classroom-Techniques; Drug-Use; Elementary-Education; Pharmacology-; Program-Effectiveness Record 36 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: An Evaluation of Methylphenidate as a Potential Establishing Operation for Some Common Classroom Reinforcers. DE: *Attention-Deficit-Disorders; *Behavior-Modification; *Drug-Use; *Hyperactivity-; *Medicine-; *Reinforcement- DE: Classroom-Techniques; Elementary-Education; Incentives-; Pharmacology-; Program-Effectiveness; Token-Economy Record 37 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: The Allied Health Professions in the Twenty-First Century. DE: *Allied-Health-Occupations; *Futures-of-Society; *Medicine- DE: Models- Record 38 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Let's Play Doctor: Medical Rounds in Ancient Greece. DE: *Etiology-; *Medicine-; *Role-Playing; *Science-History DE: Biology-; Foreign-Countries; Physicians-; Science-Instruction; Secondary-Education; Teaching-Methods; World-Views file:///D|/THESAU-S.TXT[25/6/2555 19:26:56] Record 39 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Concept Similarity and Conceptual Information Alteration via English-to-Chinese and Chinese-to-English Translation of Medical Article Titles. DE: *Chinese-; *English-; *Information-Transfer; *Language-; *Medical-Research; *Translation- DE: Journal-Articles; Medicine-; Scholarly-Journals Record 40 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Bibliometric Indicators of University Research Performance in Flanders. DE: *Bibliometrics-; *Faculty-Evaluation; *Research-Universities; *Scientific-Research DE: College-Faculty; Foreign-Countries; Higher-Education; Longitudinal-Studies; Medicine-; Pharmacology- Record 41 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Issues in Behavioral Treatment of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. DE: *Attention-Deficit-Disorders; *Behavior-Modification; *Hyperactivity- DE: Children-; Intervention-; Medicine-; Outcomes-of-Treatment Record 42 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Delivering an Alternative Medicine Resource to the User's Desktop via World Wide Web. DE: *Database-Design; *Information-Services; *Medicine-; *World-Wide-Web DE: Design-Preferences; Document-Delivery; Information-Dissemination; Information-Sources; Online-Systems; User-Needs-Information Record 43 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Paroxetine Treatment of Aggression and Self-Injury in Persons with Mental Retardation. DE: *Aggression-; *Behavior-Disorders; *Medicine-; *Mental-Retardation; *Self-Injurious-Behavior; *Severity-of-Disability DE: Adults-; Antisocial-Behavior; Incidence-; Outcomes-of-Treatment Record 44 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Behavior Disorders in Persons with Mental Retardation Receiving Antipsychotic Medication. DE: *Behavior-Disorders; *Drug-Therapy; *Medicine-; *Mental-Retardation; *Severity-of-Disability DE: Adults-; Foreign-Countries; Incidence-; Predictor-Variables; Psychosis- Record 45 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Strong Medicine--Chemistry at the Pharmacy. Hands-on Science Activities for Grades 7-12. Science in Our World, Volume Two. DE: *Chemistry-; *Consumer-Education; *Hands-on-Science; *Science-Activities DE: Chemical-Analysis; Educational-Strategies; General-Science; Medicine-; Partnerships-in-Education; Relevance-Education; Science-Curriculum; Science-Education; Secondary-Education; Teaching-Guides Record 46 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Kill Them Before They Grow. Misdiagnosis of African American Boys in American Classrooms. DE: *Black-Students; *Disadvantaged-Youth; *Learning-Disabilities; *Males-; *Special-Education; *Student-Placement DE: Behavior-Problems; Black-Culture; Diagnostic-Tests; Educational-Diagnosis; Elementary-Secondary-Education; Labeling-of-Persons; Medicine-; Parent-Role; Public-Schools; Racial-Discrimination file:///D|/THESAU-S.TXT[25/6/2555 19:26:56] Record 47 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: On Two Hearts and Other Coronary Reflections. DE: *Biology-; *Heart-Disorders; *Medical-Research; *Medicine- DE: Biochemistry-; Cardiovascular-System; Health-Related-Fitness Record 48 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Xenotransplants: A Bioethical Issue for Students. DE: *Biochemistry-; *Biology-; *Ethics- DE: Genetics-; Higher-Education; Learning-Strategies; Medicine-; Models-; Molecular-Biology Record 49 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Educating Healthcare Ethics Committees: The Evaluation Results. DE: *Bioethics-; *Codes-of-Ethics; *Health-Personnel; *Professional-Training DE: Demonstration-Programs; Health-Services; Higher-Education; Hospitals-; Instructional-Materials; Medicine-; Moral-Values; Nursing-; Physician-Patient-Relationship; Standards- Record 50 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Autism. Decade of the Brain. DE: *Autism-; *Clinical-Diagnosis; *Educational-Strategies; *Etiology-; *Intervention-; *Symptoms-Individual-Disorders DE: Adolescents-; Adults-; Behavior-Modification; Children-; Coping-; Disability-Identification; Elementary-Secondary-Education; Individualized-Education-Programs; Infants-; Interpersonal-Competence; Medicine-; Mental-Retardation; Seizures- Record 51 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: The Electronic Classroom: A Handbook for Education in the Electronic Environment. DE: *Distance-Education; *Electronic-Classrooms; *Electronic-Libraries; *Online-Systems; *Science-Instruction; *Telecourses- DE: Biology-; Chemistry-; Classroom-Design; Classroom-Environment; Classroom-Techniques; Computer-Assisted-Instruction; Computer-Uses-in-Education; Corporate-Education; Educational-Equipment; Electronic-Mail; Elementary-Secondary-Education; Ethics-; Formative-Evaluation; Interactive-Television; Interactive-Video; Internet-; Legal-Education-Professions; Literary-Criticism; Medicine-; Military-Training; Music-Education; Nursing-Education; Physics-; Postsecondary-Education; Team-Teaching; Telecommunications- Record 52 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Teaching Medicine as a Profession in the Service of Healing. DE: *Ethical-Instruction; *Medical-Education; *Medicine-; *Physicians-; *Standards- DE: Educational-Objectives; Educational-Philosophy; Higher-Education; Intellectual-Development; Moral-Values; Professional-Associations; Professional-Education Record 53 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Confusion in the Ranks. DE: *Biology-; *Ethics-; *Laboratory-Animals; *Medical-Research DE: Attitudes-; Elementary-Secondary-Education; Higher-Education; Laboratory-Procedures; Medicine-; Science-Education; Scientific-Methodology; Social-Action file:///D|/THESAU-S.TXT[25/6/2555 19:26:56] Record 54 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: A Human-Centered Approach to Medical Informatics for Medical Students, Residents, and Practicing Clinicians. DE: *Graduate-Medical-Education; *Information-Science; *Medical-Education; *Medicine-; *Physicians- DE: Clinical-Teaching-Health-Professions; Curriculum-Design; Higher-Education; Human-Factors-Engineering; Information-Technology; Professional-Education Record 55 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Reporting of Medication Regimen in Applied Studies of Persons with Mental Retardation and ADHD. DE: *Attention-Deficit-Disorders; *Drug-Therapy; *Exceptional-Child-Research; *Journal-Articles; *Medicine-; *Mental-Retardation DE: Adults-; Children- Record 56 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Problemes et methodes de la lexicographie quebecoise (Problems and Methods of Quebec Lexicography). DE: *French-; *Lexicography-; *Research-Methodology; *Research-Problems; *Sociocultural-Patterns DE: Contrastive-Linguistics; Definitions-; Dictionaries-; English-; Foreign-Countries; Ideology-; Language-Research; Language-Usage; Language-Variation; Languages-for-Special-Purposes; Linguistic-Borrowing; Medicine-; Newspapers-; Semantics-; Sociolinguistics-; Translation- Record 57 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Health and Medicine. DE: *Health-; *Health-Services; *Information-Sources; *Internet-; *Medicine-; *Reference-Materials DE: Directories-; Information-Retrieval; Information-Seeking; Physical-Health; Reference-Services Record 58 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Administration of Medication by Unlicensed Assistive Personnel to Persons with Mental Retardation or Developmental Disabilities. DE: *Medicine-; *Mental-Retardation; *Nurse-Practitioners; *Nurses-Aides; *Professional-Training; *Staff-Role DE: Intervention-; Medical-Services Record 59 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Depth of Information Processing and Memory for Medical Facts. DE: *Clinical-Experience; *Educational-Theories; *Learning-Processes; *Medical-Education; *Relevance-Information-Retrieval DE: Active-Learning; Epistemology-; Foreign-Countries; Health-; Higher-Education; Learning-Strategies; Medical-Students; Medicine-; Memorization- Record 60 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Community-Based Curriculum Development: What Does It Really Mean? DE: *Curriculum-Development; *Educational-Change; *Educational-Philosophy; *Medical-Education DE: Educational-Objectives; Educational-Principles; Epistemology-; Experiential-Learning; Foreign-Countries; Health-; Higher-Education; Holistic-Approach; Medicine- Record 61 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Clinical Anatomy and Anatomical Skills: An Innovative Course. DE: *Anatomy-; *Premedical-Students; *Problem-Solving; *Undergraduate-Students file:///D|/THESAU-S.TXT[25/6/2555 19:26:56] DE: Biological-Sciences; Foreign-Countries; Health-; Higher-Education; Human-Body; Medicine- Record 62 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Medicinal Plants. DE: *Medicine-; *Plants-Botany DE: Higher-Education Record 63 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: An Ecological Approach to the On-Line Assessment of Problem-Solving Paths: Principles and Applications. DE: *Educational-Assessment; *Instructional-Systems; *Multimedia-Instruction; *Online-Systems; *Student-Evaluation DE: Case-Studies; Critical-Thinking; Dentistry-; Educational-Principles; Measures-Individuals; Medicine-; Problem-Solving Record 64 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: A Constructivist Approach To Teaching Transplantation Technology in Science. DE: *Educational-Strategies; *Ethics-; *Medicine-; *Student-Centered-Curriculum DE: Constructivism-Learning; Foreign-Countries; Science-Activities; Secondary-Education; Teaching-Methods Record 65 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Structurally Based Therapeutic Evaluation: A Therapeutic and Practical Approach to Teaching Medicinal Chemistry. DE: *Chemistry-; *Drug-Therapy; *Medicine-; *Outcomes-of-Treatment; *Pharmaceutical-Education; *Problem-Solving DE: Allied-Health-Occupations-Education; Case-Studies; Educational-Strategies; Evaluation-Criteria; Higher-Education; Professional-Education Record 66 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Wilderness Medicine Newsletter, 1993. DE: *Accident-Prevention; *Diseases-; *First-Aid; *Injuries-; *Medical-Services; *Outdoor-Activities; *Wilderness- DE: Higher-Education; Medicine-; Rescue-; Risk-; Safety-; Training- Record 67 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: A National Survey of Personnel Standards under P.L. 99-457. Information Bulletin #36. DE: *Certification-; *Disabilities-; *Early-Intervention; *State-Standards DE: Audiology-; Change-Strategies; Competency-Based-Teacher-Education; Educational-Legislation; Federal-Legislation; Infants-; Medicine-; National-Surveys; Nursing-; Nutrition-; Occupational-Therapy; Physical-Therapy; Preschool-Education; Psychology-; Qualifications-; Social-Work; Special-Education; Speech-Language-Pathology; Teacher-Certification; Toddlers- Record 68 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Maritime Medicine. DE: *Diseases-; *Medicine-; *Occupational-Safety-and-Health; *Seafarers-; *United-States-History; *Work-Environment DE: Maritime-Education; Medical-Services; Occupational-Diseases; Physical-Health; Primary-Health-Care; Sailing-; Secondary-Education; Social-History file:///D|/THESAU-S.TXT[25/6/2555 19:26:56] Record 69 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: "The Tending Act": An Interview with Richard Selzer. DE: *Creative-Writing; *Writing-Processes DE: Essays-; Higher-Education; Interviews-; Medicine-; Physician-Patient-Relationship; Short-Stories; Smoking-; Writing-Apprehension; Writing-Difficulties Record 70 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Who Dispenses Pharmaceuticals to Children at School? DE: *Drug-Therapy; *Medicine-; *School-Health-Services DE: Elementary-School-Students; Elementary-Secondary-Education; Private-Schools; Public-Schools; School-Personnel; Secondary-School-Students; Sex-Differences; Socioeconomic-Status; Special-Needs-Students Record 71 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Evaluation of Natural Compounds for Antimicrobial Activity in the Introductory Microbiology Laboratory. DE: *Folk-Culture; *Medicine-; *Plants-Botany; *Science-Experiments DE: Biology-; Higher-Education; Microbiology- Record 72 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Reference Communication: Commonalities in the Worlds of Medicine and Librarianship. DE: *Communication-Problems; *Interpersonal-Communication; *Reference-Services; *Verbal-Communication DE: Comparative-Analysis; Librarian-Attitudes; Library-Science; Medical-Evaluation; Medicine-; Physician-Patient-Relationship; Recall-Psychology; User-Satisfaction-Information Record 73 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Fiche pratique: Des proverbes en pagaille; Debat filme; Faire un journal televise; Du bon usage d'un medicament (Practical Ideas: Proverbs in a Muddle; Filmed Debate; To Make a Televised Journal; Good Use of a Medicine). DE: *French-; *Persuasive-Discourse; *Proverbs-; *Second-Languages; *Technical-Writing DE: Broadcast-Television; Class-Activities; Classroom-Techniques; Communicative-Competence-Languages; Debate-; Language-Usage; Languages-for-Special-Purposes; Medicine-; Pharmacology-; Reading-Comprehension; Role-Playing; Second-Language-Instruction Record 74 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Health Status and Satisfaction with Health Care: Results from the Medical Outcomes Study. DE: *Chronic-Illness; *Health-Services; *Medical-Care-Evaluation; *Outcomes-of-Treatment; *Physical-Health; *Satisfaction- DE: Adjustment-to-Environment; Depression-Psychology; Health-; Medical-Evaluation; Medical-Services; Medicine-; Patients- Record 75 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Obtaining Information Accurately and Quickly: Are Structured Abstracts More Efficient? DE: *Abstracts-; *Information-Retrieval; *Information-Seeking DE: Cognitive-Processes; Databases-; Electronic-Text; Information-Sources; Medicine-; Printed-Materials; Scholarly-Journals; Use-Studies; Users-Information Record 76 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: A Successful University-School District Partnership to Help San Francisco's K-12 Students Learn About Science file:///D|/THESAU-S.TXT[25/6/2555 19:26:56] and Medicine. DE: *Allied-Health-Occupations-Education; *Career-Awareness; *College-School-Cooperation; *Medical-Education; *Medicine-; *Science-Education DE: Elementary-Secondary-Education; Higher-Education; Inservice-Teacher-Education; Professional-Education; Program-Descriptions Record 77 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: The Handbook of Psychiatric Drug Therapy for Children and Adolescents. DE: *Drug-Therapy; *Medicine-; *Pharmacology-; *Pharmacy-; *Psychiatry- DE: Adolescents-; Children-; Elementary-Secondary-Education; Reference-Materials Record 78 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Biomaterials: An Introduction for Librarians. DE: *Online-Searching DE: Biological-Sciences; Engineering-; Interdisciplinary-Approach; Librarians-; Medicine-; Physical-Sciences; Professional-Associations; Quality-of-Life; World-Wide-Web Record 79 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Normal versus Pathological Aging: Knowledge of Family Practice Residents. DE: *Aging-Individuals; *Clinical-Diagnosis; *Geriatrics-; *Gerontology-; *Medical-Education DE: Age-; Aging-Education; Educational-Gerontology; Identification-; Knowledge-Level; Medicine-; Older-Adults; Pathology- Record 80 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Symposium: Teaching Medical Geography. DE: *Educational-Innovation; *Environmental-Education; *Geography-; *Health-Education; *Interdisciplinary-Approach; *Science-and-Society DE: Biological-Influences; Curriculum-Development; Data-Interpretation; Educational-Change; Environmental-Influences; Epidemiology-; Higher-Education; Instructional-Innovation; Medicine-; Social-Problems; Social-Science-Research; Statistical-Analysis; Teaching-Methods Record 81 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Reaping the Benefits of Medical Information Systems. DE: *Hospitals-; *Information-Systems; *Medical-Services; *Medicine-; *Physicians- DE: Change-Agents; Change-Strategies; Cost-Effectiveness; Efficiency-; Information-Technology; Information-Utilization; Medical-Research; Organizational-Climate Record 82 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment of Late-Life Anxiety Disorders. DE: *Anxiety-; *Behavior-Modification; *Cognitive-Restructuring; *Emotional-Problems DE: Case-Studies; Conference-Papers; Counseling-; Health-; Health-Promotion; Health-Services; Medicine-; Mental-Health; Older-Adults; Psychological-Patterns; Therapy- Record 83 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Soap Bubble Coalescing as a Model to Illustrate the Formation of a Diatomic Molecule. DE: *Biotechnology-; *Hospitals-; *Physics- DE: Chemistry-; Demonstrations-Science; Higher-Education; Medicine-; Models-; Secondary-Education file:///D|/THESAU-S.TXT[25/6/2555 19:26:56] Record 84 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Imaging the Working Brain. DE: *Biotechnology-; *Hospitals-; *Physics-; *Radiology- DE: Higher-Education; Medicine-; Secondary-Education Record 85 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Nuclear Medicine: Diagnosis and Therapy. DE: *Medicine-; *Physics-; *Radiology- DE: Chemistry-; Higher-Education; History-; Hospitals-; Secondary-Education Record 86 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Probing the Body with Doppler Ultrasound. DE: *Biomedical-Equipment; *Biotechnology-; *Hospitals-; *Physics- DE: Higher-Education; Medicine-; Radiology-; Secondary-Education Record 87 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Spectroscopy. DE: *Biotechnology-; *Hospitals-; *Physics-; *Radiology- DE: Higher-Education; Medicine-; Secondary-Education Record 88 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Patient Radiation Doses from Diagnostic Radiology. DE: *Biotechnology-; *Hospitals-; *Physics-; *Radiology- DE: Higher-Education; Medicine-; Secondary-Education Record 89 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Medical Imaging. DE: *Biomedical-Equipment; *Biotechnology-; *Hospitals-; *Physics- DE: Higher-Education; Medicine-; Secondary-Education Record 90 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Outstanding Science Trade Books for Children for 1996. DE: *Childrens-Literature DE: Biographies-; Ecology-; Elementary-Education; Elementary-School-Science; Engineering-; Environment-; Fiction-; Medicine-; Paleontology-; Technology- Record 91 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Narrowing the Gap Between the Rhetoric and the Reality of Medical Ethics. DE: *Ethical-Instruction; *Ethics-; *Legal-Problems; *Medical-Education; *Medicine-; *Physician-Patient-Relationship DE: Higher-Education; Interprofessional-Relationship; Medical-Services; Models-; Patients-; Professional-Autonomy; Professional-Education Record 92 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 file:///D|/THESAU-S.TXT[25/6/2555 19:26:56] TI: Knowledge Development and Restructuring in the Domain of Medicine: The Role of Theory and Practice. DE: *Experience-; *Medical-Students; *Physicians-; *Professional-Development; *Theory-Practice-Relationship DE: Foreign-Countries; Knowledge-Level; Medicine- Record 93 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Pharmaka and Chemistry--Old Ideas Meet New. DE: *Etymology-; *Science-History; *Teaching-Methods DE: Chemistry-; Educational-Strategies; Higher-Education; Medicine-; Pharmacology-; Science-Instruction; Science-Interests Record 94 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Women Write Science: The Case of Hannah Longshore. DE: *Females-; *Medicine-; *Sciences-; *Writing-Composition DE: Feminism-; Higher-Education; United-States-History Record 95 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: A Data-Generated Basis for Medical Ethics Education: Categorizing Issues Experienced by Students during Clinical Training. DE: *Clinical-Experience; *Controversial-Issues-Course-Content; *Ethics-; *Medical-Education; *Medicine-; *Student-Attitudes DE: Classification-; Ethical-Instruction; Higher-Education; Intervention-; Medical-Students; Professional-Education; Surveys-; Values- Record 96 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Encounters with the Human Heart: An Interview with John Stone. DE: *Medicine-; *Poetry- DE: Essays-; Higher-Education; Humanities-; Interdisciplinary-Approach; Interviews-; Sciences- Record 97 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: The Effects of Cancer and Cancer Treatment: What Teachers Should Know. DE: *Cancer-; *Public-Speaking; *Special-Health-Problems; *Student-Attitudes; *Student-Needs DE: Classroom-Environment; Higher-Education; Medicine-; Physical-Health; Undergraduate-Students Record 98 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Full-Text Databases in Medicine. DE: *Full-Text-Databases; *Medicine- DE: Higher-Education; Literature-Reviews; Medical-Research; Online-Systems; Online-Vendors; Relevance-Information-Retrieval; Scholarly-Journals; Search-Strategies Record 99 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: The Medical Literature as a Resource for Health Care Practice. DE: *Information-Retrieval; *Medicine- DE: Access-to-Information; Computer-Software; Foreign-Countries; Higher-Education; Medical-Research; Online-Systems; Scholarly-Journals; Search-Strategies; User-Needs-Information Record 100 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 file:///D|/THESAU-S.TXT[25/6/2555 19:26:56] TI: Medical History in the Undergraduate Medical Curriculum. DE: *Educational-History; *History-Instruction; *Medical-Education; *Medicine- DE: Annotated-Bibliographies; Course-Content; Curriculum-Design; Higher-Education; Information-Sources; Medical-School-Faculty; Professional-Education; Teacher-Qualifications Record 101 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Concept Mapping for the Development of Medical Curricula. DE: *Interdisciplinary-Approach; *Medicine-; *Science-Curriculum; *Science-Instruction DE: Curriculum-Development; Higher-Education; Problem-Solving; Science-Education Record 102 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Dene Schoolchildren Benefit from Traditional Knowledge. DE: *American-Indian-Culture; *Culturally-Relevant-Education; *Curriculum-Development; *Medicine-; *School-Community-Relationship DE: Action-Research; Elementary-Secondary-Education; Environmental-Education Record 103 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Speaking Practice in the Medical English Classroom: Bridging the Gap between Medical English and the Everyday World. DE: *Classroom-Techniques; *English-Second-Language; *English-for-Special-Purposes; *Medicine-; *Second-Language-Instruction DE: Communication-Skills; Higher-Education; Postsecondary-Education; Second-Language-Learning; Teacher-Student-Relationship; Teaching-Methods Record 104 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Training Physicians To Care for Older Americans: Progress, Obstacles, and Future Directions. DE: *Geriatrics-; *Medical-Services; *Medicine-; *Physicians- DE: Aging-Individuals; Educational-Gerontology; Gerontology-; Graduate-Medical-Education; Graduate-Medical-Students; Health-Personnel; Higher-Education; Leadership-; Older-Adults Record 105 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Postmodern Bioethics through Literature. DE: *Decision-Making; *Ethics-; *Hermeneutics-; *Medicine- DE: Environmental-Education; Interpretive-Skills; Medical-Education; Philosophy- Record 106 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Health & Hygiene in the Workplace. DE: *Adult-Literacy; *Health-Education; *Hygiene-; *Literacy-Education DE: Adult-Basic-Education; Learning-Activities; Learning-Modules; Medicine-; Occupational-Safety-and-Health; On-the-Job-Training; Physical-Health; Sanitation-; Workshops- Record 107 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Garden of Wisdom. DE: *Botany-; *Medicine- DE: Elementary-Secondary-Education; Environmental-Education; Indigenous-Populations Record 108 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 file:///D|/THESAU-S.TXT[25/6/2555 19:26:56] TI: Science and Public Policy: Uses and Control of Knowledge. Public Issues Series. DE: *Public-Policy; *Science-and-Society; *Scientific-and-Technical-Information; *Scientific-Enterprise; *Scientists- DE: Citizenship-Responsibility; Curriculum-Enrichment; History-Instruction; Information-Dissemination; Medical-Research; Medicine-; Moral-Values; Nuclear-Physics; Science-History; Secondary-Education; Teaching-Guides; Teaching-Methods Record 109 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Report of the AAP Task Force on Minority Children's Access to Pediatric Care. DE: *Child-Health; *Minority-Group-Children; *Pediatrics-; *Socioeconomic-Influences DE: Health-Conditions; Health-Education; Health-Needs; Health-Personnel; Health-Promotion; Health-Services; Medical-Care-Evaluation; Medicine- Record 110 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: NIH Looks at the Implausible and the Inexplicable. DE: *Medicine-; *Research-Methodology DE: Elementary-Secondary-Education; Environmental-Education; Financial-Support; Public-Policy; Scientific-Research Record 111 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: AIDS as Metaphor. DE: *Acquired-Immune-Deficiency-Syndrome; *Communicable-Diseases; *Homosexuality-; *Public-Opinion; *Social-Science-Research; *Sociocultural-Patterns DE: Anthropology-; Disease-Control; Higher-Education; Medicine-; Policy-Formation; Political-Science; Public-Health; Public-Policy; Trend-Analysis Record 112 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Medical Art Therapy: Defining a Field. DE: *Art-Therapy; *Medicine- DE: Cancer-; Child-Health; Childrens-Art; Creative-Expression; Diseases-; Helping-Relationship; Painting-Visual-Arts; Patients-; Therapeutic-Environment; Therapeutic-Recreation; Therapists- Record 113 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Developing a BI Program for Medical Resources on Internet. DE: *Computer-Networks; *Information-Networks; *Information-Sources; *Library-Instruction; *Medicine- DE: Access-to-Information; Course-Descriptions; Electronic-Mail; Evaluation-Methods; Higher-Education; Library-Services; Medical-Libraries; Online-Searching Record 114 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Reference Sources in Science, Engineering, Medicine, and Agriculture. DE: *Agriculture-; *Citations-References; *Engineering-; *Medicine-; *Sciences- DE: Annotated-Bibliographies; Higher-Education; Resource-Materials; Science-Education; Secondary-Education Record 115 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Relevance and Retrieval Evaluation: Perspectives from Medicine. DE: *Evaluation-Methods; *Information-Retrieval; *Medicine-; *Relevance-Information-Retrieval file:///D|/THESAU-S.TXT[25/6/2555 19:26:56] DE: Medical-Research; Models-; Research-Needs; Scientific-and-Technical-Information; Users-Information; Validity- Record 116 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Awards for University Teachers and Research Workers 1994-96. ACU Awards Series. DE: *Faculty-Fellowships; *Program-Descriptions DE: Art-; College-Faculty; Financial-Support; Foreign-Countries; Grants-; Higher-Education; Medicine-; Research-; Sciences-; Social-Sciences; Technology-; Veterinary-Medicine Record 117 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Virtual Reality. DE: *Computer-Simulation; *Information-Technology DE: Bibliographic-Records; Business-; Computer-Graphics; Futures-of-Society; Information-Science; Library-Automation; Literature-Reviews; Medicine-; Robotics-; Science-and-Society; Technological-Advancement Record 118 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Science at the Ethical Frontier: Best Sci-Tech Books of 1993. DE: *Ethics-; *Scientific-and-Technical-Information DE: Animals-; Annotated-Bibliographies; Astronomy-; Biographies-; Books-; Chemistry-; Earth-Science; Evolution-; Library-Collection-Development; Mathematics-; Medicine-; Paleontology-; Philosophy-; Physics-; Psychology- Record 119 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Virtual Reality: An Overview. DE: *Computer-Oriented-Programs; *Information-Technology; *Man-Machine-Systems DE: Archaeology-; Costs-; Futures-of-Society; Medicine-; Optics-; Problems-; Research-and-Development Record 120 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: African Americans in Science, Mathematics, Medicine, and Invention, Curriculum Guide. A Multicultural Curriculum. DE: *Blacks-; *Mathematicians-; *Medicine-; *Scientists-; *United-States-History DE: Audiovisual-Aids; Black-History; Economic-Factors; Elementary-Education; Instructional-Materials; Inventions-; Mathematics-; Middle-Schools; Multicultural-Education; Physicians-; Resource-Materials; Sciences-; Videotape-Recordings Record 121 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Mathematics and Medical Indexes: A Life-Saving Connection. DE: *Allied-Health-Personnel; *Indexes-; *Mathematical-Applications; *Mathematics-Instruction DE: Mathematics-Education; Medical-Vocabulary; Medicine-; Predictor-Variables; Secondary-Education Record 122 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Medical Text and Historical Context: Research Issues and Methods in History and Technical Communication. DE: *Medicine-; *Research-Methodology; *Structural-Analysis-Linguistics; *Textbook-Content DE: Higher-Education; History-; Medical-Case-Histories; Technical-Writing; Textbook-Research Record 123 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Actes des 6e Journees de linguistique (1992) (Proceedings of the Sixth Linguistics Conference, 1992). file:///D|/THESAU-S.TXT[25/6/2555 19:26:56] DE: *French-; *Language-Patterns; *Language-Planning; *Language-Tests; *Semantics-; *Translation- DE: Folk-Culture; Foreign-Countries; Language-Fluency; Language-Research; Linguistic-Theory; Machine-Translation; Medicine-; Phonology-; Poetry-; Regional-Dialects; Second-Languages; Syntax-; Verbal-Tests Record 124 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: A Selected List of Fellowship and Other Support Opportunities for Advanced Education for United States Citizens and Foreign Nationals. DE: *Eligibility-; *Fellowships-; *Graduate-Study; *Philanthropic-Foundations; *Student-Financial-Aid DE: Behavioral-Sciences; Biological-Sciences; Citizenship-; Engineering-Education; Ethnic-Groups; Females-; Financial-Support; Foreign-Nationals; Higher-Education; Humanities-; Institutional-Characteristics; Mathematics-Education; Medicine-; Minority-Groups; Organizations-Groups; Physical-Sciences; Place-of-Residence; Professional-Education; Program-Descriptions; Research-Projects; Science-Education; Social-Sciences; Undergraduate-Study; Womens-Education Record 125 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Expertise in Auditing: Case Representation Differences between Economy Students, Novice, Intermediate and Expert Auditors. DE: *Accountants-; *Case-Studies; *Financial-Audits; *Graduate-Students; *Recall-Psychology; *Undergraduate-Students DE: Accounting-; Comparative-Analysis; Economics-; Evaluation-Methods; Foreign-Countries; Higher-Education; Medicine-; Research-Methodology Record 126 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Maternal and Child Health Research Program: Active Projects FY 1990 and FY 1991. DE: *Child-Health; *Congenital-Impairments; *Perinatal-Influences; *Pregnancy-; *Research-Projects DE: Epidemiology-; Federal-Aid; Federal-Programs; Financial-Support; Health-Services; Infants-; Medicine-; Prenatal-Influences; Psychology-; Research-and-Development; Toddlers-; Young-Children Record 127 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Update. Beyond Alexis St. Martin: Contemporary Techniques for Studying the Functioning of the Gastrointestinal Tract. DE: *Anatomy-; *Biology-; *Physiology-; *Research-Methodology; *Science-Instruction DE: Higher-Education; Medical-Research; Medicine-; Science-Activities; Science-Education Record 128 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Arab Contributions to Civilization. ADC Issues #6. DE: *Arabs-; *Cultural-Influences; *Historiography-; *Islamic-Culture; *World-History DE: Arabic-; Architecture-; Area-Studies; Astronomy-; Elementary-Secondary-Education; Geography-; Higher-Education; Language-; Manuscript-Writing-Handlettering; Mathematics-; Medicine-; Multicultural-Education; Navigation-; Philosophy-; Western-Civilization Record 129 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: A Clinical Experience for Pharmacy Students in a Skilled Nursing Facility. DE: *Clinical-Experience; *Geriatrics-; *Interdisciplinary-Approach; *Nursing-Homes; *Pharmaceutical-Education; *Team-Teaching DE: Dentistry-; Field-Experience-Programs; Higher-Education; Medicine-; Nursing-; Older-Adults; Pharmacy-; Professional-Education; Program-Descriptions; Social-Sciences file:///D|/THESAU-S.TXT[25/6/2555 19:26:56] Record 130 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Bibliography of Health Issues Affecting North American Indians, Eskimos, and Aleuts: 1950-1988. DE: *Alaska-Natives; *American-Indian-Education; *American-Indians; *Diseases-; *Health-; *Medicine- DE: Canada-Natives; Delivery-Systems; Elementary-Secondary-Education; Health-Education; Health-Programs; Health-Services; Higher-Education; Medical-Education; Nutrition- Record 131 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Wilderness Medicine Newsletter, 1992. DE: *Accident-Prevention; *Diseases-; *First-Aid; *Injuries-; *Medical-Services; *Outdoor-Activities DE: Medicine-; Outdoor-Education; Program-Descriptions Record 132 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Virtual Reality in the Classroom. DE: *Computer-Assisted-Instruction DE: Computer-Assisted-Design; Courseware-; Futures-of-Society; Medicine-; Microcomputers- Record 133 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Outstanding Science Trade Books for Children in 1990. DE: *Animals-; *Annotated-Bibliographies; *Books-; *Childrens-Literature; *Reading-Materials; *Science-Instruction DE: Archaeology-; Biological-Sciences; Book-Reviews; Conservation-Environment; Earth-Science; Elementary-Education; Environment-; Instructional-Materials; Mathematics-; Medicine-; Physics-; Science-Education; Science-Materials; Space-Sciences; Technology- Record 134 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Healthy Games and Teasers. An INMED Activity Book. DE: *American-Indian-Education; *Health-Education; *Human-Body; *Learning-Activities DE: American-Indian-Reservations; Career-Awareness; Health-Occupations; Medicine-; Secondary-Education Record 135 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: A Graphic Procedure for Studying Differential Item Functioning. DE: *Diagnostic-Tests; *Educational-Research; *Graphs-; *Item-Bias; *Psychometrics-; *Research-Methodology DE: Cardiovascular-System; Certification-; Licensing-Examinations-Professions; Logarithms-; Medicine- Record 136 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Consistency between Peer Reviewers for a Clinical Specialty Journal. DE: *Anesthesiology-; *Interrater-Reliability; *Medicine-; *Peer-Evaluation; *Scholarly-Journals; *Scientific-Research DE: Writing-for-Publication Record 137 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: History of Medicine: A Reference Guide. DE: *History-; *Medicine-; *Social-History DE: Annotated-Bibliographies; Biographies-; Books-; Databases-; Organizations-Groups; Periodicals-; Reference-Materials file:///D|/THESAU-S.TXT[25/6/2555 19:26:56] Record 138 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: The Evolution of Medical Research Writing from 1735 to 1985: The Case of the "Edinburgh Medical Journal." DE: *Applied-Linguistics; *Medical-Research; *Scholarly-Journals; *Structural-Analysis-Linguistics DE: Epistemology-; Foreign-Countries; Medicine-; Rhetoric-; Trend-Analysis; Written-Language Record 139 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Societal Responsibility and the Profession. DE: *Medicine-; *Physicians-; *Social-Responsibility DE: Citizen-Participation; Professional-Occupations Record 140 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Biotechnology: Education. DE: *Biology-; *Biotechnology-; *Information-Sources; *Science-Education DE: Agriculture-; Citations-References; College-Science; Higher-Education; Medicine-; Microbiology-; Science-and-Society; Secondary-Education; Secondary-School-Science Record 141 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Best Science and Technology Reference Books for Young People. DE: *Annotated-Bibliographies; *Elementary-Secondary-Education; *Science-Education; *Sciences-; *Technology- DE: Astronomy-; Biology-; Books-; Chemistry-; Computer-Science; Earth-Science; Engineering-; Mathematics-; Medicine-; Physics-; Reference-Materials Record 142 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Expository Writing in Chinese. International Studies, East Asian Language Texts, No. 5. DE: *Chinese-; *Essays-; *Expository-Writing; *Letters-Correspondence; *Second-Languages; *Writing-Composition DE: Advanced-Courses; Art-Criticism; Grammar-; Higher-Education; Language-Styles; Languages-for-Special-Purposes; Literary-Criticism; Medicine-; Travel-; Writing-Instruction Record 143 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Applied Linguistics in Society. Papers from the Annual Meeting of the British Association for Applied Linguistics (20th, Nottingham, England, United Kingdom, September 1987). British Studies in Applied Linguistics, 3. DE: *Applied-Linguistics; *Intercultural-Communication; *Language-Research; *Language-Role; *Linguistic-Theory DE: Classroom-Techniques; Dialog-Journals; English-Second-Language; Foreign-Countries; Instructional-Effectiveness; Interpreters-; Interpretive-Skills; Listening-Comprehension; Medicine-; Physician-Patient-Relationship; Physicians-; Second-Language-Instruction; Student-Placement; Theory-Practice-Relationship; Translation-; Vocabulary- Record 144 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Some Structural Changes That Might Facilitate the Development of Behavioral Medicine. DE: *Behavioral-Sciences; *Medicine-; *Organizational-Change DE: Medical-Schools Record 145 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Role of Behavior Theory in Behavioral Medicine. file:///D|/THESAU-S.TXT[25/6/2555 19:26:56] DE: *Behavioral-Science-Research; *Behavioral-Sciences; *Behaviorism-; *Medicine-; *Theories- Record 146 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: The First American Cocaine Epidemic. DE: *Cocaine-; *Drug-Addiction; *Medicine-; *Pharmacology-; *United-States-History DE: Black-Community; Crime-; Drug-Use; Ethnic-Groups; Government-Role; Heroin-; Sociocultural-Patterns Record 147 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Virtual Reality and Cyberspace: From Science Fiction to Science Fact. DE: *Computer-Oriented-Programs; *Computer-Simulation; *Computer-System-Design; *Research-and-Development DE: Computer-Assisted-Design; Computer-Peripherals; Foreign-Countries; Futures-of-Society; Medicine-; Military-Training; Postsecondary-Education; Recreational-Activities; Space-Exploration; Teleconferencing- Record 148 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Medications Used by Students with Visual and Hearing Impairments: Implications for Teachers. DE: *Drug-Therapy; *Drug-Use; *Hearing-Impairments; *Pharmacology-; *Visual-Impairments DE: Elementary-Secondary-Education; Medicine-; Sedatives-; Special-Health-Problems; Stimulants- Record 149 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Some Bodily and Medical Correlates of Mathematical Giftedness and Commensurate Levels of Socioeconomic Status. DE: *Academically-Gifted; *High-School-Students; *Mathematics-Skills; *Physical-Health; *Socioeconomic-Status; *Well-Being DE: Comparative-Analysis; Correlation-; Family-Environment; Females-; Grade-10; High-Schools; Males-; Medicine-; Sex-Differences Record 150 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Toward a Socioecological Conception of Health. DE: *Environmental-Influences; *Holistic-Approach; *Social-Influences DE: Educational-Theories; Health-Care-Costs; Health-Promotion; Health-Services; Higher-Education; Interdisciplinary-Approach; Medicine-; Physical-Education Record 151 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Collaboration between Nurses and Physicians: No Longer a Choice. DE: *Change-Strategies; *Interprofessional-Relationship; *Nurses-; *Physicians-; *Role-Perception DE: Cooperation-; Higher-Education; Medical-Education; Medicine-; Professional-Education Record 152 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Learning a New Script: An Exploration of Sociolinguistic Competence. DE: *Communicative-Competence-Languages; *English-Second-Language; *Hmong-People; *Physician-Patient-Relationship; *Sociolinguistics- DE: Cognitive-Psychology; Cultural-Differences; Interviews-; Medicine-; Second-Language-Learning Record 153 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: SHRIF, a General-Purpose System for Heuristic Retrieval of Information and Facts, Applied to Medical file:///D|/THESAU-S.TXT[25/6/2555 19:26:56] Knowledge Processing. DE: *Computer-System-Design; *Heuristics-; *Information-Retrieval; *Language-Processing DE: Artificial-Intelligence; Man-Machine-Systems; Medicine-; Search-Strategies; Semantics-; Syntax- Record 154 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Managing Change in a Medical Context: Guidelines for Action. DE: *Management-Systems; *Medicine-; *Organizational-Change DE: Change-; Change-Agents; Change-Strategies; Foreign-Countries; Guidelines-; Higher-Education; Medical-Schools; Medical-Services; Resistance-to-Change Record 155 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Student Career Introduction Program. Program Year 1986-87. Annual Report. DE: *Career-Exploration; *Economic-Development; *On-the-Job-Training; *School-Business-Relationship DE: Accounting-; Architecture-; Computer-Science; Engineering-; Females-; High-Schools; Law-Enforcement; Medicine-; Minority-Groups; School-Holding-Power; Vocational-Followup Record 156 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Continuing Professional Education and the Discipline Reviews. DE: *Engineering-; *Lawyers-; *Mathematics-Teachers; *Medicine-; *Professional-Continuing-Education; *Science-Teachers DE: Delivery-Systems; Foreign-Countries; Higher-Education; Professional-Education Record 157 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Competency-Based Standards: A Boon for Continuing Professional Education? DE: *Competency-Based-Education; *Professional-Continuing-Education; *Professional-Occupations; *Standards- DE: Competence-; Job-Performance; Lawyers-; Medicine-; Nursing-; Pharmacy- Record 158 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: M.D.-Ph.D. Training at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, 1962-1991. DE: *Doctoral-Programs; *Medical-Education; *Medical-Research; *Physicians- DE: Graduate-Surveys; Higher-Education; Medical-Schools; Medicine-; Researchers- Record 159 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Counseling Psychology and Health Applications. DE: *Health-Occupations; *Health-Promotion DE: Counselor-Role; Cultural-Differences; Diseases-; Individual-Differences; Interpersonal-Competence; Medicine-; Physician-Patient-Relationship; Systems-Approach Record 160 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Medical Education, Accreditation and the Nation's Health. Reflections of an Atypical Dean. DE: *Accreditation-Institutions; *Medical-Education; *Medicine-; *Teaching-Hospitals DE: Accrediting-Agencies; Curriculum-Development; Educational-Finance; Ethics-; Higher-Education; Hospitals-; Institutions-; Opinions-; Universities- Record 161 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Asthma: Guidelines of Care for Children with Special Health Care Needs. file:///D|/THESAU-S.TXT[25/6/2555 19:26:56] DE: *Asthma-; *Health-Needs; *Health-Services; *Special-Health-Problems DE: Adolescents-; Child-Development; Children-; Chronic-Illness; Developmental-Stages; Drug-Therapy; Family-Programs; Human-Services; Infants-; Interdisciplinary-Approach; Medicine-; Recordkeeping-; Resources-; Symptoms-Individual-Disorders; Vocabulary-; Young-Adults; Young-Children Record 162 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Broadening Participation in Science, Technology and Medicine: Proceedings of the Annual Technological Literacy Conference (6th, Washington, D.C., February 1-3, 1991). DE: *College-Science; *Educational-Opportunities; *Elementary-School-Science; *Science-and-Society; *Secondary-School-Science DE: Adult-Education; Educational-Technology; Elementary-Secondary-Education; Environment-; Equal-Opportunities-Jobs; Ethics-; Females-; Health-; Higher-Education; International-Education; Medicine-; Minority-Groups; Moral-Values; Science-Curriculum; Science-Education; Scientific-Literacy; Social-Problems; Technological-Literacy Record 163 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Living with AIDS: Part II. DE: *Acquired-Immune-Deficiency-Syndrome; *Health-Education; *Public-Health DE: Chronic-Illness; Communicable-Diseases; Disease-Control; Foreign-Countries; Global-Approach; Health-Needs; Medicine-; Physical-Health; Public-Policy; Sexuality- Record 164 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Evaluating Currency of the Medical Sciences Collection Available on Public Library Shelves. DE: *Evaluation-Criteria; *Library-Collections; *Medicine-; *Public-Libraries DE: Data-Collection; Evaluation-Methods; Library-Materials; Library-Research Record 165 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Ethical Principles Contained in Currently Professed Medical Oaths. DE: *Codes-of-Ethics; *Humanism-; *Medical-Schools; *Medicine-; *Physician-Patient-Relationship; *Physicians- DE: Higher-Education; Medical-Education; National-Surveys; Personal-Autonomy; Professional-Education Record 166 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: The Order of Professionalization: An Empirical Analysis. DE: *Medicine-; *Professional-Education; *Professional-Occupations DE: Models-; Tables-Data Record 167 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: The Newest Biology. Elementary School Children Elaborate on the Standard Texts. DE: *Biology-; *Elementary-School-Science; *Misconceptions- DE: Diseases-; Elementary-Education; Genetics-; Human-Body; Medicine-; Metabolism-; Microbiology-; Science-Education Record 168 of 168 - The ERIC Database 1992-1999/09 TI: Perspectives on Imaging: Advanced Applications. Introduction and Overview. DE: *Information-Science; *Information-Technology DE: Futures-of-Society; Medicine-; Technological-Advancement; Visual-Arts file:///D|/THESAU-S.TXT[25/6/2555 19:26:56]

Source: http://seashore.buu.ac.th/~54020372/245103/week03/THESAU-S-54020372.pdf


Terms of Reference for IFF eCommerce Working Groups Introduction The IFF Executive from time to time provides a mandate to the eCommerce Committee for the areas of focus it is to undertake. To address this work, the eCommerce Committee forms individual working groups. It is important that these groups interpret the mandate accurately and seek outcomes in accordance with the expectation

Effective microorganisms for controlling ticks in cattle

Effective Microorganisms for Controlling Ticks in Cattle Barramansense Faculty, Barru Mansa RJ, Brazil Abstract A study was conducted in 1994 to determine the effect of Effective Microorganisms (EM) on controlling ticks ( Boophilus microplus Canestrini, 1887) in cattle. Three lots of 15-month old crossbred animals (five animals per lot) were sprayed six times from October to December

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