HEALTH HISTORY Have you ever had any of the following diseases or medical problems? (Please read thoroughly and circle “Yes” or “No”.) Yes No Heart Attack/Stroke Yes No Cancer/Chemotherapy Yes No Heart Murmur/Rheumatic Fever Yes No HIV+/AIDS Yes No Heart Surgery/Pacemaker Yes No Shingles Yes No Heart Valve (Artificial) Yes No Kidney Problems Yes No Chronic Hepatitis Yes No Sinus Problems Yes No Anemia Yes No Fever Blisters Yes No High/Low Blood Pressure Yes No Psychiatric Care Yes No Severe Headaches Yes No Diabetes Yes No Epilepsy/Seizures/Fainting Spells Yes No Tuberculosis (TB) Yes No Drug/Alcohol Abuse Yes No Sickle Cell Disease Yes No Hemophilia/Abnormal Bleeding Yes No Joint Prosthesis (Hips, Other) Yes No Root Canal Treatment Yes No Blood Transfusion
Have you ever experienced any serious medical conditions not listed above?
If yes, please list: _____________________________________________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Are you currently under the care of any physician?
If yes, please explain: _________________________________________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Are you presently taking any drugs prescribed by a physician or dentist?
If yes, please list: _____________________________________________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Have you ever taken Bisphosphonates?
□ Yes □ No
(Fosamax, Fosamax Plus D, Zometa, Didronel, Reclast, Boniva, Actonel, Aclasta, Aredia, Atelvia, Skelid)
Are you allergic to the following drugs? Yes No Penicillin Yes No Aspirin Yes No Erythromycin Yes No Tetracycline Yes No Dental Anesthetics Yes No Codeine
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Are you allergic to bleach?
□ Yes □ No
Are you allergic to LATEX?
□ Yes □ No
□ Yes □ No
If yes, please list: _____________________________________________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Are you required to take antibiotics prior to dental treatment for artificial joints or heart defects? Our office is committed to meeting or exceeding the standards of infection control mandated by OSHA, the CDC and the ADA. WARNING: Birth control pills may be rendered ineffective by antibiotics. Signature: ____________________________________________________ Date: ___________________________________
Textverständnis Bitte bearbeiten Sie die Texte im eigenen Interesse erst nach Aufforderung! Text: Morbus Parkinson Der Morbus Parkinson (Schüttellähmung) ist eine der häufigsten neurologischen Erkrankungen und tritt verstärkt bei Personen ab 60 Jahren auf. Die Krankheit entsteht, weil in der Substantia nigra (schwarze Substanz = Kerngebiet im Gehirn) melaninhaltige Neurone (N