Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazole Revisited Philip A. Masters, MD; Thomas A. O’Bryan, MD; John Zurlo, MD; Debra Q. Miller, MD; Nirmal Joshi, MDDuringthepast3decades,thecombinationoftrimethoprimandsulfamethoxazole
has occupied a central role in the treatment of various commonly encountered in-fections and has also been particularly useful for several specific clinical conditions. However, changing resistance patterns and the introduction of newer broad-
spectrum antibiotics have led to the need to carefully redefine the appropriate use of this agent inclinical practice. While trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole’s traditional role as empirical therapy forseveral infections has been modified by increasing resistance, it remains a highly useful alternativeto the new generation of expanded-spectrum agents if resistance patterns and other clinical vari-ables are carefully considered. It also seems to have an increasing role as a cost-effective pathogen-directed therapy with the potential to decrease or delay development of resistance to newer anti-biotics used for empirical treatment. In addition, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole continues to bethe drug of choice for several clinical indications.
folic acid and a necessary cofactor in the syn-
spectrum of in vitro antimicrobial suscep-
thesis of thymidine, purines, and bacterial
tibility and an improved toxicity profile
DNA (Figure). Sulfamethoxazole, a sul-
fonamide drug, is a structural analogue of
threat of development of resistant organ-
isms from selection pressure and the high
thesis of the intermediary dihydrofolic acid
cost of these drugs raise significant con-
from its precursors. Trimethoprim is a struc-
tural analogue of the pteridine portion of di-
hydrofolic acid that competitively inhibits
therapeutically equivalent in clinical prac-
quently, the production of tetrahydrofolic
tice. With a renewed interest in appropri-
acid from dihydrofolic acid. This sequen-
ate antibiotic use for common infections1
tial blockade of 2 enzymes in one pathway
results in an effective bactericidal action.
conscious health care, this article exam-
sulfamethoxazole to redefine its therapeu-
tic role in relation to newer antimicrobial
agents in the face of resistance trends and
late synthesis pathway produces in vitrosynergism,2-4 and it was postulated that
such synergy would occur in vivo. It wasalso hoped that the use of 2 agents in a
zole resulted from the recognition that bac-
teria are obligate folic acid synthesizers,
ergy has been questioned by studies5,6 of uri-
nary tract infections (UTIs) and respira-
tory tract infections in which trimethoprim
inhibit bacterial synthesis of tetrahydrofo-
alone seems to be as efficacious as the com-
lic acid, the physiologically active form of
bination product. In addition, emerging sul-fonamide resistance and the finding that theactivity of the trimethoprim component is
From the Divisions of General Internal Medicine (Drs Masters, O’Bryan, Miller, andJoshi) and Infectious Diseases (Dr Zurlo), The Pennsylvania State University College
the antibiotic7 call into question the pro-
2003 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
and the ability of the combinationproduct to potentially decrease the de-
velopment of resistance may be im-portant factors in determining the
preparations are manufactured in a1:5 fixed ratio of trimethoprim to
Folate synthesis pathway and sites of action of trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole.
sulfamethoxazole that results in peakserum concentrations of both drugs
t h e d o s a g e o f t r i m e t h o p r i m -
nal fluid, prostatic fluid, and bile.
in Table 1. Gastrointestinal
methoxazole is primarily metabo-lized in the liver, with approximately
munocompetent patients (Table 2).
2003 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. Table 1. Major Drug Interactions With Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazole
sociation with the drug at lower dosesused to treat routine infections, even
Medication Mechanism (Responsible Component) References
Increases the free serum methotrexate fraction
Increases the elimination half-life, increasing
Increases the elimination half-life, increasing
sulfonylureas, particularly in high doses, withincreased insulin output and, rarely,
Decreases renal tubular secretion of procainamide
and its active metabolite, N-acetylprocainamide,
Induces metabolism of contraceptive agents,
leading to decreased effectiveness (unclear)
Although trimethoprim inhibits di-hydrofolate reductase in bacteria, itis estimated that an approximately50 000 times increased concentra-
Table 2. Adverse Effects With Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazole in Immunocompetent Patients
hibit the human form of this en-zyme.43 Consequently, despite the
Reaction Estimated Frequency of Occurrence References
3%-4% (severe or life-threatening reactions rare)
May cause a mild (∼10%) elevation of the serum
creatinine level at standard doses withoutdecreasing the glomerular filtration rate
May lead to hyperkalemia at high doses and at
standard doses in patients with existing renal
failure or concurrent use of other medications
known to increase the serum potassium level
Rare, but occasionally severe; comparable to other
Uncommon; delirium and psychosis reported
cal disorders, including multipleforms of anemia, granulocytopenia,agranulocytosis, and thrombocyto-penia. These reactions have also
Dermatological Psychiatric
t r i m e t h o p r i m - s u l f a m e t h o x a -
Adverse Reactions in Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)–Infected Patients
and treatment of Pneumocystis cari-
2003 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
number of resistant E coli isolates
Urinary Tract Infections
ceae, including Escherichia coli, Kleb-siella pneumoniae, and Proteus mi-
tient factors favorable to the use of tri-
rabilis, accounting for its widespread
prim resistance in E coli isolates
ANTIMICROBIAL ACTIVITY AND CLINICAL USE Respiratory Tract Infections IN THE ERA OF EMERGING RESISTANCE Staphylococcus aureus and 7 genera of
Enterobacteriaceae, including E coli,
of H influenzae.79 It has also been a
laxis of recurrent otitis media.86,87 Un-
2003 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole.Strep-tococcus pyogenes is variably suscep-
Clinical Use in HIV-Infected Patients
resistance among Salmonella isolates
Treatment of Active Infections. Be-
penicillin-resistant strains of S pneu-
cally variable than with Shigella spe-
dence of infections due to Salmonellatyphi has been stable since the mid
H influenzae in the United States,
steadily.95 Multidrug-resistant S typhi
ternative in -lactam–allergicpatients
the treatment of enterotoxigenic Ecoli in the interior of Mexico,96 but
parts of the world.97 Yersinia entero-colitica,98 Vibrio cholerae,99 and
Aeromonas hydrophila100 are bacte-
bidity or in those 60 years or older.
role. Mutations in the P carinii dihy-
Skin-Associated Infections
Many isolates of S aureus and Staphy-lococcus epidermidis remain suscep-
protozoal parasites Isospora and Cy-GI Tract Infections Salmonella and Shigella species and
enterotoxigenic E coli were widely
2003 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. Prophylaxis. Trimethoprim-sulfa-
negative bacilli and for Listeria mono-
for selected indications in carefully as-
zole is frequently used to treat No-
mary prophylaxis for Toxoplasma gon-cardia infections,130 and is effica-
dii in HIV-infected patients). It con-
(Table 3) with a well-defined ad-
organ transplantation.121,122 It is alsocommonly used prophylactically inafebrile neutropenic individuals, al-
Table 3. Comparative Cost of Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazole vs Selected Antibiotics*
though the effectiveness of this prac-tice has been questioned.123 It is no
Antibiotic† Adult Dosing Cost, $‡
longer considered an acceptable em-pirical treatment for febrile pa-
m u n o c o m p r o m i s e d p a t i e n t s . Stenotrophomonas (Xanthomonas)
maltophilia is typically resistant to
organisms, including Burkholderia(Pseudomonas) cepacia, Acinetobac-
*Data from Red Book Updates.134†Generic drugs were used for comparison, if available. ter, and Alcaligenes, are frequently
‡Given for a 10-day course of therapy, based on the average wholesale price plus a $4 dispensing fee.
2003 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
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Le but est d’éviter de produire des techniciens de la médecine. Ce dernier doit développer une cosmogonie (= vision du monde) générale. Étude critique des sciences destinée à déterminer leurs origines logiques, leur valeur, leur portée pour la pensée et pour l’homme. Étude des sciences, approche philosophique et critique de la pertinence des connaissances, des recherches, des