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Aisb newsletter marzo 2013
Newsletter – Edizione del 15 marzo 2013
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A. EVENTI ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [1]. "AFRICA-IFRIQIYA. CULTURES OF TRANSITION IN NORTH AFRICA BETWEEN LATE ANTIQUITY AND EARLY MIDDLE AGES" (ROMA, 28.02.-02.03.2013) Da: Aisbnews ( "AFRICA-IFRIQIYA. Cultures of Transition in North Africa between Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages" (Roma, Museo Nazionale Romano-Terme di Diocleziano, 28.2.-2.3.2013) organised by Ralf BOCKMANN (Deutsches Archaeologisches Institut, Rom) - Anna LEONE (Durham University) - Philipp VON RUMMEL (Deutsches Archaeologisches Institut, Rom) THURSDAY, 28TH FEBRUARY 17:30 Welcome Address 18:00 Jonathan CONANT (Brown University, USA), "The Forgotten Transition: North Africa between Byzantium and Islam" FRIDAY, 1ST MARCH Session 1: Historical Context -- Chair: Ralf BOCKMANN (Deutsches Archaeologisches Institut, Rom) 09:00 Richard MILES (University of Sydney, Australia), "Justinian and Religious Change in Post-Conquest Africa" 09:40 Walter KAEGI (University of Chicago, USA), "Seventh-Century North Africa: Military and Political Convergences and Divergences" 10:20 Mohammed BEN ABBES (Universite' de Tunis), "De la ville byzantine a' la ville medievale en Afrique du Nord: y a-t-il une transition?" Session 2: Centres of Power -- Chair: Anna LEONE (Durham University) 11:20 Ralf BOCKMANN (Deutsches Archaeologisches Institut, Rom), "Propaganda and Practicality - On the Transition of Power Centres" 12:00 Fathi BAHRI (INP, Tunisie), "L'urbanisme de Kairouan: recherche geo-archeologique" 12:40 Hafed ABDOULI (Misurata University, Libya), "Le deplacement de la capitale de la Tripolitaine a' la ville d'Oea entre l'Antiquite' tardive et le Haut Moyen Age: de Oea a' Tripoli comment et quand?" 13:20 Youssef AIBECHE (Universite' de Setif, Algerie), "De Sitifis a' Zabi: changement ou glissement de la capitale de la sitifienne" Session 3: The Materiality of Transition -- Chair: Maria Vittoria FONTANA (Universita' di Roma La Sapienza) 15:00 Michel BONIFAY (CNRS, Centre Camille Jullian, France), "Marqueurs ceramiques de l'Afrique Byzantine Tardive" 15:40 Corisande FENWICK (Stanford University, USA), "Archaeology and Empire: the Transformation of Urban Space in Early Medieval North
Africa" 16:20 Susan STEVENS (Randolph College, Virginia, USA), "Continuity and Change. From Late Byzantine Towns to Early Medieval Settlements on the East Coast of Tunisia" After the last paper on Friday, there is the possibility to join David MATTINGLY's Jerome Lecture on "Africa in the Roman Empire: Urban Identities and Urban Trajectories", 6pm, American Academy in Rome (Via Angelo Masina, 5) SATURDAY, 2ND MARCH Session 4: Tunisia I -- Chair: Cinzia VISMARA (Universita' di Cassino) 09:00 Taher GHALIA (Tunis), "Topographie chretienne de la basse vallee de la Mejerda" 09:40 Fethi BEJAOUI (INP, Tunisie), "Eglises rurales des hautes Steppes" 10:20 Francois BARATTE (Universite' Paris-Sorbonne), "L'evolution d'Ammaedara a' l'epoque byzantine jusqu'aux invasions arabes, a' la lumiere des dernieres fouilles" (titre provisoire) Session 5: Tunisia II -- Chair: Philipp VON RUMMEL (Deutsches Archaologisches Institut, Rom) 11:20 Moustapha KHANOUSSI (INP, Tunisie), "La ville de Gafsa (Tunisie) aux 7e et 8e siecles, une ville byzantine?" 12:00 Marco MILANESE (Universita' di Sassari), "Tra l'eta' bizantina e l'epoca islamica nella Proconsolare. La transizione nelle citta' e il caso di Uchi Maius" 12:40 Moheddine CHAOUALI (INP, Tunisie), "Bulla Regia dans l'Antiquita' tardive a' la lumiere des nouvelles decouvertes" Session 6: Tunisia III -- Chair: Lisa FENTRESS (Associazione Internazionale di Archeologia Classica, Roma) 14:20 Chokri TOUIHRI (Tunis), "Evolution du paysage urbain dans le Haut Tell entre l'Antiquite' Tardive et le Haut Moyen Age. Approche archeologique de quelques exemples (Tunisie)" 15:00 Philipp VON RUMMEL (Deutsches Archaeologisches Institut, Rom), "Chimtou Medievale: premiers resultats des travaux Tuniso-Allemands en cours" Session 7: Libya -- Chair: David MATTINGLY (University of Leicester, UK) 16:00 Moftah HADDAD (Department of Antiquities, Libya), "Investigation of the Late Antiquity Archaeological Landscape of the Gebel Tarhuna, Libya: GIS application" 16:40 Anna LEONE (Durham University, UK), "Marbles and Spolia in Libya: Urban and Rural Churches" 17:20 Enrico CIRELLI (Universita' di Bologna), "Early Medieval Tripolitania: Pottery and Settlement" 18:00 Chris WICKHAM (University of Oxford, UK), Conclusions of the conference ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [2]. "LE STORIE DELL'ARTE. CONVERSAZIONI AL MUSEO DIOCESANO DI TERNI" (TERNI, 17.03-28.04.2013)
Da: Francesco Gangemi ( "LE STORIE DELL'ARTE. Conversazioni al Museo Diocesano di Terni", a cura di Francesco Gangemi Domenica 17 marzo, ore 17 Prof. Corrado FRATINI (Universita' degli Studi di Perugia), "Il recupero dell'identita' diocesana a Terni e la nascita di una scuola pittorica locale (XIII-XIV secolo)" Sabato 23 marzo, ore 17 Prof. Alessandro TADDEI (Universita' degli Studi di Bologna), "Un'arte in crisi. L'iconoclastia a Bisanzio, dalla venerazione alla distruzione delle immagini" Domenica 14 aprile, ore 17 Dott. Alessandro COSMA (Galleria Nazionale d'arte antica in Palazzo Corsini, Roma), "Indovina chi viene a cena? Dettagli inattesi e ospiti inconsueti nei Cenacoli del Rinascimento" Domenica 28 aprile, ore 17 Prof.ssa Manuela GIANANDREA (Sapienza Universita' di Roma), "L'enigma del Clitunno. Alla scoperta di un monumento misterioso (con una nuova scoperta sulla pittura altomedievale a Roma)" INFO: ISTESS - Istituto di Studi Teologici e Storico-Sociali Via del Leone, 12 - Terni - Tel. 0744 424786 - Diocesi di Terni - Narni - Amelia Museo Diocesano e Capitolare -- Via XI Febbraio, 4 (ingresso) - Terni ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [3]. "SANTA MARIA ANTIQUA: THE SISTINE CHAPEL OF THE ROMAN FORUM IN CONTEXT" (ROMA, 04-06.12.2013): CALL FOR PAPERS (DEADLINE: 12.04.2013) Da: Vera von Falkenhausen ( "SANTA MARIA ANTIQUA: THE SISTINE CHAPEL OF THE ROMAN FORUM IN CONTEXT" Via Gramsci, 61, 00197 Rome, Italy December 4-6, 2013 Between 1900 and 1914 Giacomo Boni and the Soprintendenza Archeologica
di Roma exposed and excavated the church complex of S Maria Antiqua, which was partially abandoned in the 9th century and later completely buried. In 1902, Gordon Rushforth, first Director of the British School at Rome, published one of the earliest definitive papers on the site. In 2000, these two organisations organised the Conference "Santa Maria Antiqua al Foro Romano cento anni dopo" to mark the centenary of the exposure of the site. In 2013, they are again sponsoring jointly, with others, a conference to consider further advances in research on this unique church and also to consider the additional information gained during the restorations now nearing completion. The conference will include a visit to the site (which is not yet routinely accessible). Following the recommendations of the 2000 conference, the 2013 conference will focus on placing the S Maria Antiqua complex in the context of its surroundings (the Forum, the Palatine and the wider Byzantine and Early Medieval world). It was Gordon Rushforth who first pointed out that the inscriptions on the four scrolls held by the church fathers in the apse came from the Acts of the Lateran Synod of 649 and the reasons for this link will be explored further. In addition there will be sessions dealing with the establishment of a church on the site, incubation, the cult of medical saints and changing social and political concerns within Rome and the Byzantine Empire during the life of the complex. The additional insights and interpretations of the decorations made possible by the ongoing restorations will also be central to the conference. Confirmed speakers: Peter Wiseman (Reading University) -- Henry Hurst (University of Cambridge) -- John Osborne (Carleton University, Canada) -- David Knipp (Freiburg University) -- Giuseppe Morganti (Soprintendenza Archeologica di Roma) -- Werner Matthias Schmid (Freelance Conservator, Rome) -- Richard Price (Heythrop College, University of London) -- Katy Cubitt (York University) -- Eileen Rubery (Courtauld Institute of Art, University of London) -- Manuela Gianandrea (Sapienza University of Rome) -- Robert Coates-Stephens (British School at Rome) REGISTRATION: There is no charge for attendance at the Conference, but space in the lecture theatre is limited and so early registration is recommended. Registration is also essential to secure a place on the planned visit to the complex of S Maria Antiqua. The Form for Registration (FORM ONE) should be returned to by November 16 2013 whether or not you are offering a paper to ensure a place at the Conference and on the visit to S Maria Antiqua. PROPOSALS FOR PAPERS: Titles of proposed papers (20 min.) plus an abstract of no more than 250 words should be sent to on the accompanying Form for submission of an Abstract (FORM TWO) by April 12, 2013. We hope to contact those
whose papers have been accepted by June 16, 2013. ACCOMMODATION: Those requiring local hotel accommodation must make their own bookings. FURTHER INFORMATION: The Conference Secretariat can be contacted at Visit the British School at Rome website for updated details of the conference. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [4]. "LA RIVOLUZIONE DEI CLASSICI. COME I CODICI DELLA BIBLIOTECA MARCIANA HANNO TRASFORMATO L'EUROPA" (VENEZIA, 19.04.2013) Da: Aisbnews ( "LA RIVOLUZIONE DEI CLASSICI. Come i codici della Biblioteca Marciana hanno trasformato l'Europa" (Venezia, 19 aprile 2013) Incontro organizzato da: Universita' di Venezia Ca' Foscari -- Associazione Italiana di Cultura Classica, Venezia -- Citta' di Venezia VENEZIA, 19 aprile 2013: Teatro Goldoni, ore 9.30-12.30 - Stefano MARTINELLI TEMPESTA, "Il Cardinale Bessarione e il ritorno dei classici greci in Occidente" - Amneris ROSELLI, "Ippocrate nel tempo (Marc. gr. 269)" - Vladimiro VALERIO, "Tolomeo e le sue mappe (Marc. gr. 388 e 516)" - Filippomaria PONTANI, "Omero e le navi (Marc. gr. 454)" Biblioteca Marciana, ore 13.00-15.00 Una visita ai manoscritti greci della Biblioteca Marciana (ingresso libero) Teatro di Santa Margherita, ore 16.30-19.00 - Filippo RONCONI, "I mille libri di Fozio (Marc. gr. 450)" - Francesco VALERIO, "Un monaco e gli epigrammi (Marc. gr. 481)" - Fabio PAGANI, "Platone nel '400 (Marc. gr. 184, 187, 188)" - Silvia TESSARI, "Musica bizantina in Marciana (Marc. gr. II, 141)" Informazioni e prenotazioni: Teatro Goldoni, Teatro di Santa Margherita: ingresso libero con prenotazione obbligatoria. Biblioteca Marciana: ingresso libero.
WEB: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [5]. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE "SHAPING AUTHORITY" (LEUVEN, 05-06.12.2013): CALL FOR PAPERS (DEADLINE: 20.04.2013) Da: Aisbnews ( "SHAPING AUTHORITY: How did a person become an authority in Antiquity, the Middle Ages and the Renaissance?" INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE (LEUVEN, 05-06.12.2013) The cultural and religious history from Antiquity through the Renaissance may be read through the lens of the rise and demise of auctoritates. Throughout this long period of about two millennia, many historical persons have been considered as exceptionally authoritative. Obviously, this authority derived from their personal achievements. But one does not become an authority on one's own. In many cases, the way an authority's achievements were received and disseminated by their contemporaries and later generations, was the determining factor in the construction of their authority. We will focus on the latter aspect: what are the mechanisms and strategies by which participants in intellectual life at large have shaped the authority of historical persons? On what basis, why and how were some persons singled out above their peers as exceptional auctoritates and by which processes did this continue (or discontinue) over time? What imposed geographical or other limits on the development and expansion of a person's auctoritas? Which circumstances led to the disintegration of the authority of persons previously considered to be authoritative? We invite interdisciplinary and innovative scholarly case studies that document these processes. They may focus on one (group of) source(s) to analyse its contribution to shaping the authority of a historical person or they may take a longue duree perspective on the rise (and demise) of a person's auctoritas. Thematic clusters one can think of may include (1) Biography, historiography and hagiography as grounds for authority; (2) The role played by manuscript transmission and production; (3) The contribution of non-textual sources; (4) Biblical characters as authorities. Papers are invited from fields as diverse as philosophy, classical studies, Oriental and Byzantine studies, history, theology and religion, art history, manuscript studies and hagiography. The papers selected for presentation at the conference will preferably be case studies which contain the following elements in some combination: (1) Presentation and analysis of the sources and their context; (2) Analysis of the strategies for the "making of authority"; (3) Description of the long term success (or failure) of these enterprises.
SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE: Pieter De Leemans - Sylvain Delcomminette - Russell Friedman - Peter Gemeinhardt - Michele Goyens - Johan Leemans - Brigitte Meijns - Jan Papy - Gert Partoens - Stefan Schorn - Steven Vanderputten - Peter Van Deun - Gerd Van Riel ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: Johan Leemans - Brigitte Meijns - Gerd Van Riel - Shari Boodts - Marleen Reynders KEYNOTE LECTURE: Prof. John Van Engen - (Notre Dame Indiana USA) REGISTRATION: Registration is required before 29 November 2013 CONTACT: Papers may be given in English, French of German and should be twenty minutes long. To submit a proposal, please send an abstract of your paper and a brief curriculum vitae (max one pag. each) by e-mail to before 20 April 2013. The publication of selected papers is planned in a volume to be included in the peer-reviewed LECTIO Series (Brepols Publishers). Detailed information about the conference on ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [6]. "CAPPADOCIA IN CONTEXT": INTENSIVE GRADUATE SUMMER WORKSHOP (17.06-05.07.2013): APPLICATION (DEADLINE: 30.04.2013) Da: Aisbnews ( "CAPPADOCIA IN CONTEXT" INTENSIVE GRADUATE SUMMER WORKSHOP BY KOC UNIVERSITY OIP AND RCAC DATE: 17 June 2013-05 July 2013 Do you want to explore the rich artistic and cultural heritage of Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Cappadocia? Within the region's spectacular volcanic landscape are dozens of rock-cut settlements, including hundreds of painted, rock-cut churches, chapels, monasteries, houses, villages, towns, fortresses and underground cities. The program will start up in Istanbul, ancient capital of Byzantium, with lectures and field trips lead by program faculty and Koc University Graduate School of Social Sciences and Humanities students. After first three days in Istanbul, the group will travel to Cappadocia. Through a program in Cappadocia that combines lectures, guided site visits, thematic explorations and seminar presentations, the workshop will explore ways to read the landscapes and its monuments, as well as ways to write a regional history based on the close analysis of sites and monuments. Prof. Robert Ousterhout
(University of Pennsylvania) and Dr. Tolga Uyar (PhD. University of Paris I), with the contribution of some esteemed faculty members from Koc University, will present Cappadocia through a combination of lectures, seminar discussions, site visits and field trips. A camera, sturdy walking shoes and a taste of exploration are essential! In order to maintain an intimate setting and provide maximum exposure opportunities, the program has a limited capacity of 14 students. Scholarships and financial aid are available. Please refer to "Scholarships and Financial Aid" section. Application deadline 30 April 2013. All instructions will be in English; reading skills in French highly recommended. This program is only open to graduate level students. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [7]. "CIRCOLAZIONE DI TESTI E SCAMBI CULTURALI IN TERRA D'OTRANTO TRA TARDOANTICO E MEDIOEVO" (LECCE, 24.05.2013) Da: Francesco G. Giannachi ( "Circolazione di testi e scambi culturali in Terra d'Otranto tra Tardoantico e Medioevo" Lecce, 24 maggio 2013 Aula Ferrari - Palazzo Codacci Pisanelli Piazzetta Angelo Rizzo 09.00 Saluto delle autorita' 09.30 Sever VOICU (Roma), "Giovanni Crisostomo nei manoscritti di Terra d'Otranto" 10.00 Veronique SOMERS (Louvain-la-Neuve/Paris), "Gregoire de Nazianze en Terre d'Otrante" 10.30 Alessandro CAPONE (Lecce), "Basilio di Cesarea e Gregorio di Nissa in Terra d'Otranto" Discussione 11.30 pausa 12.00 Daniele ARNESANO (Lecce), "Giorgio di Ruffano, intellettuale e copista del secolo XV" 12.30 Onofrio VOX (Lecce), "Sulla retorica nei poeti bizantini di Terra d'Otranto del sec. XIII" Discussione 13.30 pausa pranzo 15.00 Francesco G. GIANNACHI (Belluno), "Il codice Barb. gr. 102 dallo schedografo bizantino al maestro rinascimentale" 15.30 Luigi SILVANO (Roma), "Schedografia bizantina in Terra d'Otranto: appunti su alcune sillogi di fine XIII sec." 16.00 Claudio SCHIANO (Bari), "Tradizione e produzione di dialoghi antigiudaici nel Salento medievale"
Discussione 16.45 Pausa 17.00 Marienza BENEDETTO (Bari), "Rabbini e filosofia in Terra d'Otranto: la posizione di Isaiah di Trani" 17.30 Fabrizio LELLI (Lecce), "L'influenza lessicale greca sulla produzione letteraria degli ebrei salentini" Discussione e conclusioni INFO: Dr. Francesco G. Giannachi, PhD. Universita' del Salento - Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici Via V.M. Stampacchia, 45 - 73100 LECCE - ITALY Tel. +39 0832 29 4604 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [8]. III COLOQUIO ARS MEDIAEVALIS: "IMAGENES EN ACCION: ACTOS Y ACTUACIONES DE LAS IMAGENES EN LA EDAD MEDIA" (AGUILAR DE CAMPOO [PALENCIA], 04-06.10.2013): CALL FOR PAPERS (DEADLINE: 30.06.2013) Da: Equipo TEMPLA ( Con enorme placer os adjuntamos el programa del III coloquio Ars Mediaevalis (Aguilar de Campoo [Espana], 4-6 octubre 2013) dedicado a examinar las plurales capacidades de accion y actuacion que desempenaron las imagenes en la Edad Media. Esta convocatoria cientifica esta' abierta a recepcion de comunicaciones que aporten avances significativos sobre este argumento central de las "imagenes agentes", que constituye uno de los mas prometedores temas de debate historiografico en la actualidad. III COLOQUIO ARS MEDIAEVALIS: "IMAGENES EN ACCION: ACTOS Y ACTUACIONES DE LAS IMAGENES EN LA EDAD MEDIA" Aguilar de Campoo (Palencia), 4-6 de octubre de 2013 DIRECTORES: Gerardo Boto Varela (Universidad de Girona) -- Alejandro Garcia Aviles (Universidad de Murcia) -- (TEMPLA - Taller de Estudios Medievales) PRESENTACION Despues de haber celebrado en 2011 un coloquio que examino' los procesos mentales desarrollados en y con las imagenes en la Edad Media y otro en 2012 que investigo' diferentes problematicas en torno al empleo de las imagenes como acicates de la fe durante los mismo siglos, este III Coloquio Ars Mediaevalis se plantea como el cierre de un triptico que ha diseccionado valores ideologicos y capacidades comunicativas de los expositores visuales. En esta edicion se
analizaran, en particular, las capacidades y las virtudes de las imagenes medievales para actuar, para ser literalmente agentes. En la reciente historiografia en torno a las imagenes, los terminos agencia, performatividad, agentividad, etc. apuntan, desde diferentes perspectivas metodologicas, al analisis de la interaccion de la imagen con su contexto, al concepto de la imagen como productora de significados, que contribuye a la configuracion de la realidad. Se recupera asi su caracter heuristico: la capacidad de la imagen de suscitar argumentos historiograficos y contribuir a resolverlos. Se trata de ir mas alla' de una concepcion iconografica de la imagen, anclada en la interpretacion de lo visual como correlato de lo expresado por discursos textuales. En el III Coloquio Ars mediaevalis se trataran aspectos relacionados con el poder de las imagenes y con su eficacia para comunicar y persuadir. Se examinara' tambien su lugar en el contexto liturgico, su interaccion con la trama social en la que se insertan, etc. Asi, se ubicara' el analisis de la experiencia de las imagenes medievales en el contexto de las actuales tendencias metodologicas de la Historia del Arte. PROGRAMA Viernes, 4 de octubre (Espacio Cultural "La Compasion") Gerardo BOTO: Presidencia de sesion 09.15 h.: Recepcion de participantes y entrega del material 09.45 h.: Presentacion e inauguracion del Coloquio 10.00 h.: Ponencia marco: Herbert KESSLER (Johns Hopkins University), "Images and Eye Movement" [Conferencia traducida] 11.00 h.: Descanso 11.30 h.: Rocio SANCHEZ AMEIJEIRAS (Universidad de Santiago de Compostela), "Sobre la estetica del movimiento en la poetica de lo visionario: de Laon a Compostela" 12.30 h.: Debate de la sesion Sesion de tarde Marc SUREDA: Presidencia de sesion 16.00 h.: Francesca ESPANOL BERTRAN (Universidad de Barcelona), "El milagro y su instrumento iconico. La fortuna de las imagenes sagradas en el ambito peninsular" 17.00 h.: Comunicaciones 18.00 h.: Debate 18.20 h.: Descanso 18.45 h.: Mesa Redonda (Moderador: Alejandro GARCIA AVILES): "La experiencia de las imagenes en la Edad Media" Sabado, 5 de octubre (Monasterio de San Zoilo) Vincent DEBIAIS: Presidencia de sesion 08.30 h.: Salida en autobus hacia Carrion de los Condes 09.30 h.: Michele BACCI (Universitaet Freiburg, Suiza), "Imagenes sagradas, injertos organicos y simulacion de corporeidad en la Edad Media" 10.30 h.: Jean-Marie SANSTERRE (Universite' Libre de Bruxelles),
"L'image activee par son prototype celeste: au nord des Alpes et des Pyrenees, Xe-XVe siecle" [Conferencia traducida] 11.30 h.: Debate 12.00 h.: Descanso 12.30 h.: Comunicaciones 13.30 h.: Debate 16.00 h.: Visita a las iglesias de Santiago de Carrion de los Condes, Santa Maria la Blanca de Villalcazar de Sirga y San Martin de Fromista Domingo, 6 de octubre (Monasterio de Santa Maria la Real) Alejandro GARCIA AVILES: Presidencia de Sesion 09.00 h.: Eric PALAZZO (CESCM-Univ. Poitiers-IUF), "Las imagenes en accion en el ritual bautismal" 10.00 h.: Vincent DEBIAIS (CESCM-Univ. Poitiers-CNRS), "Mostrar, significar, desvelar. El acto de representar en las inscripciones romanicas" 11.00 h.: Debate 11.20 h.: Descanso 11.40 h.: Comunicacion 12.00 h.: Horst BREDEKAMP (Institut fuer Kunst - Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin), "Talking Artist's Inscriptions in 11th and 12th Century Spain, France and Italy" [Conferencia traducida] 13.00 h.: Debate 13.15 h.: Jose' Luis HERNANDO GARRIDO, Sintesis y perspectivas del Coloquio Ars Mediaevalis 13.45 h.: Clausura y entrega de certificados a los asistentes COMUNICACIONES: Este coloquio constituye una convocatoria abierta a aquellos investigadores que deseen presentar los resultados de sus analisis en esta materia. Los interesados deberan enviar un resumen del contenido de su comunicacion, con una extension maxima de 2 paginas DIN A4, a espacio sencillo, ademas de una breve seleccion de las referencias bibliograficas fundamentales en las que se apoyara' su discurso. Todo ello se enviara' a la siguiente direccion de correo electronico: El plazo para la recepcion de los resumenes finalizara' el 30 de junio y se informara' sobre la aceptacion o no de la comunicacion antes del 15 de julio. En el caso de las admitidas se hara' saber, igualmente, el tiempo disponible para su exposicion en publico (tramite obligatorio), la extension requerida para su publicacion en las y las normas de edicion. El texto definitivo sera' entregado a los organizadores el mismo dia de su lectura. LUGAR DE CELEBRACION: Las sesiones tendran lugar en el Espacio Cultural "La Compasion" (C/ Modesto Lafuente, s/n), en el monasterio de Santa Maria la Real y en el monasterio de San Zoilo de Carrion de los Condes. INFORMACION Y ENVIO DE INSCRIPCIONES Secretaria de cursos y seminarios: Fundacion Sta. M.a la Real, Avda. Ronda, 1-3, 34800-Aguilar de Campoo (Palencia) -- Tel. 979 125 000
Fax: 979 125 68 (De lunes a viernes: 08.00 h. a 15.00 h) Correo electronico: Internet: // // TEMPLA. Taller d'Estudis Medievals Institut de Recerca Historica -- Universitat de Girona Placa Ferrater Mora, 1 -- 17071 Girona (Spain) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [9]. ISLALS FIRST BIENNIAL CONFERENCE: "LATE LITERATURE IN THE SIXTH CENTURY, EAST AND WEST" (BROWN UNIVERSITY, PROVIDENCE, 31.10-02.11.2013): CALL FOR PAPERS (DEADLINE: 01.08.2013) Da: Vera von Falkenhausen ( CALL FOR PAPERS: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR LATE ANTIQUE LITERARY STUDIES (ISLALS) FIRST BIENNIAL CONFERENCE: "LATE LITERATURE IN THE SIXTH CENTURY, EAST AND WEST" (October 31/November 1-2, 2013, Brown University, Providence, USA) Organized by David Bright, Scott McGill and Joseph Pucci [, under construction] Building on the synergy of the bicoastal conference held at Rice and at Brown in 2011, David Bright, Scott McGill, and Joe Pucci founded the International Society for Late Antique Literary Studies (ISLALS) in early 2012 as a venue for sharing our collective work on later literary studies, east and west. We intend the category of "literature" to be capacious, encompassing Christian and secular texts, as well as traditionally high and low forms. As part of the process of sharing our work, we envision a conference (at least) every other year and are happy now to announce the First Biennial Conference of ISLALS, to be held on the campus of Brown University on October 31/ November 1-2, 2013 (Thursday-Saturday, inclusive). The theme of the conference is "Late Literature in the Sixth Century, East and West". A rich body of literary texts survives from this seminal century that touches on nearly every genre. We invite explorations of these texts from multiple perspectives and especially seek papers that focus on the Greek east or that take cognizance of the interplay of east and west. Papers that consider the influence of sixth-century texts are also welcome. If you would like to participate, please send an abstract of your
paper via email attachment to the organizing committee by August 1, 2013:,, Papers will be twenty minutes in length, with ten minutes of questioning/discussion to follow. We hope for a program of around 20 papers. ISLALS requires no dues and there is no registration fee for the conference. ISLALS will provide refreshments during the conference (morning continental breakfast and morning and afternoon breaks). ISLALS will also host a closing banquet for all conference participants. All other meals as well as lodging and travel will be the responsibility of participants. At the conclusion of the conference, we will hold a round-table discussion on the shape and governance of ISLALS and the dates, locations, and topics of future meetings. Please send queries about the conference to Queries about ISLALS may be sent to any member of the organizing committee.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- B. NOTIZIE DI PUBBLICAZIONI ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [1]. "SCRITTURA E LIBRO NEL MONDO GRECO-BIZANTINO. ATTI DEL CORSO, RAVELLO, VILLA RUFOLO, 6-9 NOVEMBRE 2007" (2012) Da: Aisbnews ( "SCRITTURA E LIBRO NEL MONDO GRECO-BIZANTINO. Atti del corso, Ravello, Villa Rufolo, 6-9 Novembre 2007" a cura di Carla CASETTI BRACH Ravello, Centro Universitario Europeo per i Beni Culturali, [2012] (Il futuro del Passato, 4; Appendice a "Territori della Cultura", n. 10) 216 p.: ill. color. -- ISSN 2280-9376 Alfonso ANDRIA, Prefazione, p. 5 -- Carlo Maria MAZZUCCHI, "Il mondo bizantino e i suoi manoscritti", p. 7 -- Cesare PASINI, "Incroci di culture in due manoscritti ambrosiani (G 88 sup. e L 120 sup.)", p. 17 -- Santo LUCA', "Il libro bizantino e postbizantino nell'Italia meridionale", p. 25 -- Francesco D'AIUTO, "Libro, scrittura e miniatura fra Bisanzio e il Caucaso: qualche riflessione", p. 77 -- Edoardo CRISCI, "Il libro greco tra tarda antichita' e alto medioevo bizantino: materiali, tipologie, scritture", p. 109 -- Francois DEROCHE, "La rivoluzione della carta dall'Oriente all'Occidente: tecniche di fabbricazione", p. 155 -- Marino ZORZI, "Il libro greco dopo la caduta di Costantinopoli", p. 167 -- Konstantinos CHOULIS, "La legatura dei manoscritti greci nel periodo bizantino e post-bizantino. L'origine, la storia, le tecniche di manifattura", p. 181 -- Franca ARDUINI, "Fondi greci manoscritti e a stampa della Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana", p. 207. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [2]. "BIZANTINI, LONGOBARDI E ARABI IN PUGLIA NELL'ALTO MEDIOEVO" (SAVELLETRI DI FASANO, 03-06.11.2011)" (2012) Da: Aisbnews ( "BIZANTINI, LONGOBARDI E ARABI IN PUGLIA NELL'ALTO MEDIOEVO. Atti del XX Congresso internazionale di studio sull'alto medioevo (Savelletri di Fasano, 3-6 novembre 2011)". Spoleto, Fondazione Centro italiano di studi sull'alto medioevo, 2012. ISBN 978-88-7988-582-9
INDICE: Cosimo Damiano FONSECA, "Civilta' a contatto: la Puglia nell'alto medioevo", p. 1 -- Giuliano VOLPE, "Per una geografia insediativa ed economica della Puglia tardoantica", p. 27 -- Paul ARTHUR, "Per una carta archeologica della Puglia altomedievale: questioni di formulazione ed interpretazione", p. 59 -- Pietro DALENA, "Il sistema viario della Puglia dal tardo antico all'alto medioevo (secc. V-X)", p. 87 -- Angelica DEGASPERI, "Circolazione monetaria nel Salento altomedievale (VI-VIII secolo)", p. 105 -- Jean-Marie MARTIN, "Il popolamento e la civilta' rupestre in Puglia nell'alto medioevo", p. 147 -- Giorgio OTRANTO, "Agiografia e origini del cristianesimo in Puglia", p. 163 -- Vera VON FALKENHAUSEN, "Le istituzioni bizantine in Puglia nell'alto medioevo", p. 185 -- Claudio AZZARA, "Il papato e la Puglia in eta' longobarda", p. 211 -- Pasquale CORSI, "Il Gargano nell'alto medioevo: popolamento e quadri territoriali", p. 227 -- Vito LORE', "I gastaldi nella Puglia longobarda", p. 249 -- Francesco PANARELLI, "Potere e monachesimo. Ceti dirigenti e mondo monastico in Puglia nell'alto medioevo", p. 275 -- Cesare COLAFEMMINA (+), "Inni sinagogali e usi penitenziali nella Puglia ebraica dei secoli IX-X. Il caso di Oria", p. 297 -- Eugenio SUSI, "L'apparitio di San Michele", p. 317 -- Amalia GALDI, "Vescovi, santi e poteri politici nella Puglia settentrionale (secoli IX-XI)", p. 341 -- Ada CAMPIONE, "La vita di Sabino, vescovo di Canosa: un exemplum di agiografia longobarda", p. 365 -- Emore PAOLI, "Tradizioni agiografiche pugliesi tra Oriente e Occidente: il caso di San Barsanufio", p. 405 -- Annick PETERS-CUSTOT, "La vita di San Nicola di Trani, o la sintesi della santita' nell'XI secolo", p. 433 -- Francesco STELLA, "Poesia latina della Puglia altomedievale: sondaggi intertestuali e rapporti interculturali in epigrafi, agiografie e nei 'gesta Roberti Wiscardi' ", p. 455 -- Santo LUCA', "Scritture e libri in Terra d'Otranto fra XI e XII secolo", p. 487 -- Pasquale CORDASCO, "I documenti latini: caratteri, scrittori, funzioni", p. 549 -- Marco D'AGOSTINO - Paola DEGNI, "Cultura grafica nei documenti greci della Puglia nell'alto medioevo", p. 573 -- Antonio Enrico FELLE, "La documentazione epigrafica latina nella Puglia altomedievale. Stato dell'arte, metodi, prospettive", p. 605 -- Gioia BERTELLI, "La cultura artistica in Puglia centro-settentrionale tra IV e VIII secolo: modelli occidentali, orientali, autoctoni", p. 631 -- Marina FALLA CASTELFRANCHI, "La cultura artistica longobarda e bizantina in Terra d'Otranto (secoli VI-XI)", p. 667 -- Lucinia SPECIALE, "Il libro decorato nella Puglia dell'alto medioevo. Qualche novita' e qualche riflessione", p. 685.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C. NOTIZIE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [1]. CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY: MEDIEVAL MANUSCRIPTS SPECIALIST, DEPARTMENT OF MANUSCRIPTS AND UNIVERSITY ARCHIVES (SPECIAL COLLECTIONS DIVISION) (DEADLINE: 18.03.2013) Da: Frederick Lauritzen ( Cambridge University Library Medieval Manuscripts Specialist, Department of Manuscripts and University Archives (Special Collections Division) Grade: 7 Salary Range: GBP 27,854 - GBP 36,298 p.a This is an exciting opportunity for a highly motivated and proactive individual to work at the heart of one of the world's major research libraries with an outstanding collection of western medieval manuscripts. The successful candidate will lead the development of high quality reader-focussed services to support scholarship on the manuscripts, promoting them to the research community at local, national and international level. He/she will deal with all aspects of the care and administration of medieval manuscripts and will be outward-looking in developing innovative digital services alongside traditional methods to support the University in its teaching, learning and research and to make the medieval manuscripts accessible to the widest possible audience. He/she will have the necessary skills and enthusiasm to exploit the opportunities created by the Cambridge Digital Library ( and to take a leading part in planning and implementing a new online catalogue of medieval manuscripts. Informal enquiries are welcomed by Dr Patrick Zutshi, Keeper of Manuscripts and University Archives (tel: 01223 333149; Further details can be downloaded from or are available from the Librarian's Office, Cambridge University Library, West Road, Cambridge, CB3 9DR, tel: 01223 747413; email: Applications, in the form of a completed CHRIS/6 form (, a covering letter, curriculum vitae and contact details for three professional referees should be sent to the University Librarian either by post to Cambridge University Library, West Road, Cambridge CB3 9DR or electronically to (but not both) by 5pm on the closing date. Interviews are expected to take place in mid-April. Closing Date: Monday 18 March 2013.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [2]. BRITISH LIBRARY: CURATOR OF CLASSICAL AND BYZANTINE STUDIES (DEADLINE: 07.04.2013) Da: Frederick Lauritzen ( Curator of Classical and Byzantine Studies Ref S&C00387 Location London, St Pancras Position Type Fixed Term Specialism Curators, Conservation and Reading Room 3 year fixed term contract Salary scale: GBP 31,076 to GBP 35,202 per annum Hours: Full time, 36 hours per week The British Library holds an outstanding collection of manuscripts and printed works relating to the Classical and Byzantine world. As curator, you will use innovative and traditional ways of interpreting and presenting these collections through online resources and engagement with academic and general users. You will also manage the third phase of the Greek Manuscripts Digitisation Project. With a post-graduate degree, or equivalent, in a relevant subject, you will have extensive experience of research in Classical and/or Byzantine Studies. Strong knowledge of Ancient Greek and Latin, excellent written and oral communication skills in English, and the ability to promote the collections to a wide range of audiences are essential. To help transform research on and engagement with these collections, please visit Closing date: 7th April 2013 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [3]. HILL MUSEUM AND MANUSCRIPT LIBRARY (HMML, COLLEGEVILLE, MINNESOTA): HECKMAN RESEARCH STIPENDS (DEADLINE: 15.04.2013) Da: Aisbnews ( HECKMAN RESEARCH STIPENDS Hill Museum and Manuscript Library Saint John's University -- Collegeville, Minnesota 56321
PURPOSE: For research at the Library. ELIGIBILITY: Graduate students or scholars who are within three years of completing a terminal master's or doctoral degree. DURATION: Two weeks to six months. AMOUNTS: Variable up to 2,000 USD. DEADLINES: Twice a year. April 15 for research conducted from July 1-December 31. November 15 for research conducted from January 1-June 30. APPLICATION: Submit a letter of application, c.v., a one-page description of the research project including proposed length of stay, an explanation of how the Library's resources will enable you to advance your project, and a confidential letter of recommendation from your advisor, thesis director, mentor, or, in the case of postdoctoral candidates, a colleague who is a good judge of your work. SEND: All inquiries and materials to The Committee on Research, Hill Museum and Manuscript Library, 2835 Abbey Plaza, Box 7300, Saint John's University, Collegeville, MN 56321-7300 or directed to, or fax (320) 363-3222. The Hill Museum and Manuscript Library houses extensive resources for the study of manuscripts and archives. Almost 130,000 manuscripts are available on microfilm and in digital format. HMML has microfilmed extensively in Austria, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Malta, and Ethiopia, and is currently digitizing manuscripts in Lebanon, Turkey, Iraq, India, Malta and Italy. Consult the Library's website for further information, including an electronic inventory of its collections (OLIVER) and a growing database of manuscript and book images (Vivarium). INFO: Phone: 320-363-2741 -- Fax: 320-363-3222 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [4]. HILL MUSEUM AND MANUSCRIPT LIBRARY (HMML, COLLEGEVILLE, MINNESOTA): NICKY B. CARPENTER FELLOWSHIP IN MANUSCRIPT STUDIES (DEADLINE: 15.04.2013) Da: Aisbnews ( NICKY B. CARPENTER FELLOWSHIP IN MANUSCRIPT STUDIES The Hill Museum and Manuscript Library (HMML) announces the establishment of the Nicky B. Carpenter Fellowship in Manuscript Studies, to be awarded annually for study beginning July 1, 2013. The Fellowship was established by Nicky B. Carpenter of Wayzata, Minnesota, a Lifetime Member and former chair of the HMML Board of
Overseers. The purpose of the Fellowship is to support residencies at HMML for research by senior scholars using the digital or microfilm manuscript collections at HMML. (Graduate students and recent postdoctoral scholars should apply for the Heckman Stipends or the Swenson Family Fellowship for Eastern Christian Manuscript Studies). The award is 5000 USD in support of a residency of at least two weeks. Funds may be applied toward travel to and from Collegeville, housing and meals at Saint John's University, and costs related to duplication of HMML's microfilm or digital resources. The Fellowship may be supplemented by other sources of funding but may not be held simultaneously with another HMML fellowship. Holders of the Fellowship must wait at least two years before applying again. Applications: Applications must be submitted by April 15, 2013 for residency between July 1, 2013 and June 30, 2014. Applicants should prepare the following materials: - Letter of application indicating the title of their project, length of the proposed residency at HMML, and its projected dates. - Updated curriculum vitae. - Description of the project to be pursued, with an explanation of how HMML's resources are essential to successful completion of the project. - Applicants are advised to be as specific as possible about which resources will be needed. Maximum length: 1000 words. - A letter of recommendation to be sent directly to HMML by a scholar with knowledge of both the applicant and the subject area of the project. Please send all materials as email attachments to:, with "Carpenter Fellowship" in the subject line. Questions about the Fellowship may be sent to the same address. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [5]. HILL MUSEUM AND MANUSCRIPT LIBRARY (HMML, COLLEGEVILLE, MINNESOTA): SWENSON FAMILY FELLOWSHIPS IN EASTERN CHRISTIAN MANUSCRIPT STUDIES FOR JUNIOR SCHOLARS (DEADLINE: 15.04.2013) Da: Aisbnews ( SWENSON FAMILY FELLOWSHIPS IN EASTERN CHRISTIAN MANUSCRIPT STUDIES FOR JUNIOR SCHOLARS The Hill Museum and Manuscript Library (HMML) announces the
establishment of the Swenson Family Fellowship in Eastern Christian Manuscript Studies, to be awarded semi-annually for study beginning July 1, 2013. The Fellowship was established by Dr. Gregory T. and Jeannette Swenson, with their son Nicholas Swenson. The purpose of the Fellowship is to support residencies at HMML for graduate students or postdoctoral scholars with demonstrated expertise in the languages and cultures of Eastern Christianity. Awardees must be undertaking research on some aspect of Eastern Christian studies requiring use of the digital or microfilm manuscript collections at HMML. The program is specifically designed to aid new scholars in establishing themselves through research focused on manuscripts available through HMML. Postdoctoral scholars are understood to be those who at the time of application are within three years of being awarded a doctoral degree. Awards will range from USD 2500-5000, based on project proposal and length of residency (two to six weeks). Funds may be applied toward travel to and from Collegeville, housing and meals at Saint John's University, and costs related to duplication of HMML's microfilm or digital resources. The Fellowship may be supplemented by other sources of funding but may not be held simultaneously with another HMML fellowship. Holders of the Fellowship must wait at least two years before applying again. At its discretion, HMML may choose to award more than one fellowship per cycle. APPLICATIONS: Applications must be submitted by April 15 for residencies between July and December of the same year, or by November 15 for residencies between January and June of the following year. Applicants should prepare the following materials: - Letter of application indicating: 1) the title of their project; 2) length of the proposed residency at HMML and its projected dates; 3) mount requested (up to USD 5000). - Updated curriculum vitae. - Description of the project to be pursued, with an explanation of how HMML's resources are essential to successful completion of the project. Applicants are advised to be as specific as possible about which resources will be needed. Maximum length: 1000 words. - A confidential letter of recommendation to be sent directly to HMML by their advisor, thesis director, mentor, or, in the case of postdoctoral candidates, a colleague who is a good judge of their work. Please send all materials as email attachments to:, with "Swenson Family Fellowship" in the subject line. Questions about the Fellowship may be sent to the same address. INFO: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[6]. HILL MUSEUM AND MANUSCRIPT LIBRARY (HMML, COLLEGEVILLE, MINNESOTA): GRANTS AVAILABLE FOR CATALOGING WORK IN ITS EASTERN CHRISTIAN COLLECTIONS Da: Aisbnews ( The Hill Museum and Manuscript Library (HMML) announces grants available for cataloging work in its eastern Christian collections in Arabic/Garshuni, Armenian, Old Church Slavonic, and Syriac. These grants are funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. Many of these collections are greatly understudied and catalogers thus have prime opportunities for new and further research, as well as the satisfaction of making a contribution to our knowledge of the literature and of manuscript traditions. The grants support full-time cataloging work for periods of one to six months, and are renewable. The work may be done anywhere; residence at HMML is not expected. Catalogers will be expected to prepare text-level records for, ideally, 75 manuscripts per month (with these numbers adjusted for genres with multiple texts per manuscript, such as hagiography and homilies). A sample record may be viewed here ( A brief report summarizing completed work (numbers, notable finds, etc.) will be sent twice a month to HMML's lead cataloger of eastern Christian manuscripts, Adam McCollum. Completed records will be submitted on a monthly basis. The grants offer a stipend of USD 2500/month, with the added benefit of copies of two digitized manuscripts from HMML's collections each month at no cost, which may be used for personal research. Those who wish to apply for a cataloging grant may send their CV and a cover letter to Adam McCollum (, to whom also any informal enquiries may be sent. INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [7]. APPLICATIONS IN A RESEARCH TRAINING GROUP (GRADUATE SCHOOL) AT JOHANNES GUTENBERG UNIVERSITY MAINZ ON "EARLY CONCEPTS OF MAN AND NATURE: UNIVERSAL, LOCAL, BORROWED" (DEADLINE: 31.05.2013) Da: Vera von Falkenhausen ( The Faculty 07 -- History and Cultural Studies -- invites applications in a new interdisciplinary Research Training Group (Graduate School) funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz on "Early Concepts of Man and Nature: Universal, Local, Borrowed" for:
6 Promotionsstellen (Stellenanteil 65%) fuer eine/n wissenschaftliche/n Mitarbeiter/in (Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L), Kenn-Nr.: 0713-07-wiss-sd, tenable for a maximum of 36 months, starting on October 1, 2013. The disciplines cooperating in this programme are Egyptology, Ancient Near Eastern Studies, Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, Graeco-Roman Archaeology, Classical Philology (Greek and Latin), BYZANTINE STUDIES, Middle High German und Medical History. Our research and training programme will focus on the development of concepts and ideas about man and nature in the ancient Near East, North-East Africa, and Europe, based on written evidence, material culture, and iconography, in the following four areas: 1) Cosmogony and Primary Elements; 2) Nature: Natural Phenomena, Forces, and Catastrophes; 3) Flora, Fauna, and Landscape; 4) Man's Body in Sickness and in Health. All topics for PhD theses will come from one of these areas and will fall within one of the disciplines mentioned earlier. You are welcome to submit your own proposal for a PhD thesis, or we will try and identify a suitable topic during the application process. REQUIREMENTS: Applicants must hold a diploma or master's degree (or equivalent) with excellent results in one of the philological or archaeological disciplines mentioned, complying with the regulations for doctoral study in Fachbereich (Faculty) 05 or 07 of Johannes Gutenberg University and a doctorate at Johannes Gutenberg University ( In addition to academic excellence we expect applicants to play an active role within the programme of our Research Training Group and to be open for interdisciplinary exchange. This includes continuous presence at Johannes Gutenberg University during the whole course of the programme. PhD candidates will be offered a wide choice of courses for further education including a stay abroad (max. four weeks, with extra finance provided). Detailed information regarding our programme for research and training and the staff involved with our graduate school may be found on our homepage ( More details regarding application and the selection of candidates can be found on the homepage of our graduate school. A member of staff in your discipline may also be contacted if you have a specific question. Disabled applicants with adequate qualification will be given preferential treatment. The Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz endeavors to increase to number of women employed in academic institutions and therefore openly invites applications from female researchers. Please submit your complete application in electronic form (pdf) only no later than 31 May, 2013, noon, to the Research Training Group
Spokesperson, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Tanja Pommerening ( Your application (by e-mail only) will include (as pdf): Application Form (to be downloaded from our homepage), a complete transcript of records, starting with the last report obtained before entering university (Abitur or equivalent as applicable), Curriculum vitae, Research activities, resume' of your graduate thesis (3 pages), two letters of reference from members of academic staff allowing us to judge your abilities (to be sent under separate cover to the address given below, mentioning the applicant's name; please supply name and e-mail address of the staff who have agreed to support your application), letter of motivation, optional: outline for a PhD thesis in one of the areas of the Research Trainig Group mentioned above, explaining the status quaestionis, approach and methods to be used, work schedule. INFO: E-Mail: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [8]. ANNOUNCEMENT OF 1 DOCTORAL AND 1 POST-DOCTORAL FELLOWSHIPS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF LOUVAIN IN THE FIELD OF COMPARATIVE MEDIEVAL ENCYCLOPAEDISM (DEADLINE: 15.06.2013) Da: Aisbnews ( Dear colleagues and friends, As part of our current research project in the field of comparative medieval encyclopaedism, we are pleased to announce the availability of 2 fellowships (1 doctoral and 1 post-doctoral) to highly qualified young scholars. The research project "Speculum Arabicum: Objectifying the contribution of the Arab-Muslim world to the history of sciences and ideas: the sources and resources of medieval encyclopaedism" ( is a project which seeks to explore medieval encyclopaedism in the East and the West in order to provide unbiased information and quantifiable benchmarks that can help us better understand the extent of what Europe owes to the scholars of Islam. The comparative study of encyclopaedias in Islam, Byzantium, the Latin and the Romance-speaking West has been at the core of our investigations ever since our group 'Cyclopes' was founded in 2003. The current project will run until at least 2017. In addition to five topics of inquiry that have been specifically defined for PhD students and post-doctoral fellows (3 of them already appointed), the project includes, among other activities, a yearly seminar and the participation in at least one international conference on issues at the heart of the present investigation.
In attachment to the present email, please find a detailed presentation of the two topics for which the present announcement is made, namely: 1) "Between the East and the West: the sources and scopes of the Byzantine Suda (10th C.)" (PhD; supervisor: F. Van Haeperen) 2) "A comparison of the Oriental and Occidental traditions with respect to the Wonders of the Word" (Post-doc; supervisor: G. de Callatay) The fellowships: The fellowship for doctoral research ("Suda") is for a 45-month tenure, to start in October 2013. The net monthly allowance for PhD students amounts to c. 1,500-1,700 euros. The fellowship for post-doctoral research ("Wonders") is for a 24-month tenure, to start in October 2013. The net monthly allowance for post-doc fellows amounts to 2,000-2,300 euros. Applicants for these fellowships should not have stayed or worked in Belgium for more than 24 months during the three years that precede the appointment. They should not have obtained their PhDs more than 6 years prior to this appointment. The deadline for applications is 15 June 2013. As full-time employments, it is implied that the recipients will reside in Belgium during the entire tenure of the respective fellowships (both doctoral and post-doctoral). Applications should be made electronically at the following address: They should include: - An up-to-date CV, including a full list of publications (no published or ready-to-be-published material should be sent). - The name and address, with email address, of 2 (for the doctoral fellowship) or 3 (for the post-doctoral fellowship) scholars of international reputation that we may address to obtain a reference. - A letter of motivation (in English or French, maximum 5 pages in all) in relation with one of the above-defined topics of inquiry, containing the following elements: 1) an outline of the proposed research, expounding as clearly as possible the plan, method and aim of the research project; 2) an exposition of the reasons why the applicant believes he/she has the appropriate qualifications for conducting this particular research and for completing it in due time; 3) the applicant's view on how he/she conceives of his/her own interaction with the other fields of inquiry and with the project as a whole. Applications not related to the above-defined topics will not be considered. Schedule: Receipt of each fully completed application will be acknowledged as soon as possible. Final decision and notification of results are expected for 15 July 2013. ARC: Speculum Arabicum
Institut INCAL -- College Erasme, Faculte' de Philosophie, Arts et Lettres Place Blaise Pascal, 1 -- B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium) Godefroid de Callatay (FIAL/INCAL) -- Baudouin Van den Abeele (FIAL/INCAL) -- Mattia Cavagna (FIAL/INCAL) -- Francoise Van Haeperen (FIAL/ INCAL) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [9]. DATABASE ACCESSIBLE ONLINE: "ARTEFACTS AND RAW MATERIALS IN BYZANTINE ARCHIVAL DOCUMENTS" / "OBJETS ET MATERIAUX DANS LES DOCUMENTS D'ARCHIVES BYZANTINS" Da: Aisbnews ( The database "Artefacts and Raw Materials in Byzantine Archival Documents / Objets et materiaux dans les documents d'archives byzantins" is now accessible online at, On this page -- Byzantine Resources, click Typika. In this database are collected all the terms related to artefacts and raw materials encountered in published Byzantine archival documents. Each occurrence of a particular term is accorded an individual record. This record as a rule contains a brief discussion explaining the particularities of the specific use of the term. In addition, each term is also the subject of a synthesis record, where a general commentary on the term can be found, often accompanied by relevant bibliographical references. This is still very much a work-in-progress and the database needs to be completed and improved. We would, therefore, invite and welcome suggestions and corrections, especially from colleagues with expertise in the various areas covered by the database. Instructions on how to use the database (howto.pdf) as well as a "Help" menu are accessible at the database's home page. A contact address ( may be used for reporting problems regarding the operation of the database and for submitting comments and questions. To cite the database: Ludovic Bender, Maria Parani, Brigitte Pitarakis, Jean-Michel Spieser, Aude Vuilloud, "Artefacts and Raw Materials in Byzantine Archival Documents / Objets et materiaux dans les documents d'archives byzantins", URL: Proposed abbreviation: "ByzAD". L. Bender, M. Parani, B. Pitarakis, J.-M. Spieser, A. Vuilloud -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Asian Countries as Capital Exporters: Studies of Prospective International Capital Ownership Patterns Across the Pacific at the Turn of the Century INTRODUCTION In 1988, the current account surplus of Japan was and about 2.8 percent of its GNP. On the other hand, the current account 2.8 percent of its GNP. The bilateral current account surplus of the Japan had accumulated net as
A hypothesis for the minimal overall structure of the mammalian plasma membrane redox system Running head: A. de Grey: A hypothesis for the structure of the mammalian PMRS A. D. N. J. de Grey*Department of Genetics, University of Cambridge, Cambridge. *Correspondence and reprints: Department of Genetics, University of Cambridge, Downing Street,Cambridge CB2 3EH, UK. Email: