012813 actionline

A Recap of the January 28, 2013 Regular Board Meeting At the January 28 Regular Board Meeting, the Volunteer Report
Board approved the following routine personnel ac- The Board acknowledged the contributions of more than 150 parent and community volunteers in our schools. Resignations/Retirements
Nancy Sue Holland, aide, TEMS, effective Under Priority Discussion/Action
Michele McMonagle, paraeducator, VFMS, ef- Preliminary Budget 2013-2014
Mr. McDonnell presented the Preliminary Budget Carol Wittschieben, teacher, CHS, effective for the 2013-14 School Year. The Board considered two recommendations on the budget. At the recom- Dawn Zrebiec, school nurse, CHS, effective last mendation of the Finance Committee, the Board unanimously rejected a recommendation to apply Appointments
for Act 1 referendum exceptions for pension and David Anderson, Long Term Substitute, CHS special education costs. Following Board discussion Joseph Becker, Long Term Substitute, TEMS and an opportunity for public comment, the Board Loryn Benedict, substitute teacher, District unanimously approved a resolution to keep the Stephanie Berger, substitute teacher, District 2013-14 tax rate at or below the Act 1 index of Christopher Blenheim, homework club teacher, 1.7%. This action returns the District to the original budget timeline. A preliminary budget will be ap- Maria Carini, homework club teacher, BES proved at the May 13, 2013 Regular Board meeting. Salvatore Colosi, Long Term Substitute, CHS The Board will continue to refine the budget docu- Sandi Darlington, substitute teacher, District ment throughout the budget process until final 2013- 14 budget adoption on June 17, 2013. The Board will provide further 2013-14 budget detail during its Patrick Foley, homework club teacher, DES Reconsideration of Action on District Safety
Kristen Gilman, substitute teacher, District Consultant
Mindy King, homebound tutor, District Daniel Kinkade, substitute teacher, District The Board reconsidered a recommendation that pre- Jaclyn Klunder, status change to Temporary Pro- viously was approved by the Board in a public meet- ing on January 7, 2013. The recommendation au- Iris Mander, homework club teacher, VFES thorized the District to consult with Andy Chambers Marybeth McGowan, change of FTE aide, CHS on a contracted basis to conduct an audit of District safety practices and protocols. After Board discus- Cecilia Rudman, homework club teacher, VFES sion and public comment, the recommendation was Teresa Santivasci, IEP Driven Tutor, District approved by a vote of 7 to 2. Dr. Brake and Mrs. Crowley cast the dissenting votes. The District will Probationary Period Wage Adjustment
continue to achieve consensus agreement from the Christine Shaftic, Secretary “C”, VFMS two local police chiefs on any suggested enhance- ments to District safety protocols prior to implemen- Tru Green, Inc. for grass cutting and string trim- Safety Update to the Community
Berwyn Glass for replacement of window/door District Safety Coordinator and Conestoga High School Assistant Principal Andy Phillips presented an update on safety enhancements to District facili- Authorization of Conestoga Diploma
The Board approved a CHS diploma for a student who has fulfilled all requirements for graduation as Under the Consent Agenda, the Board took the
following actions:
Educational Services Agreements
Approval of Minutes of the January 7, 2013 Spe-
cial Board Meeting

Contract with Elwyn Davidson School
Receive Financial Reports
Contract with the Melmark School
Supervisory and Confidential Employee Com-
Adoption of Policies, Second Reading
pensation Plan, Compensation Adjustments for
The Board adopted the following policies: 2013-14 and January 2013 One-Time Bonuses
 Revised Policy 1220: Tredyffrin/Easttown Diver- Administrator Compensation Plan, Compensa-
tion Adjustments and January 2013 One-Time

 Revised Policy 1311: Classroom Visits Requested Contracted Services
 Revised Policy 3185: Fund Balances Management Acceptance of Gifts
 Revised Policy 6111: School Calendar The Board accepted with pleasure and appreciation  Revised Policy 6152: Teacher, Instructional Team the following gifts to District schools and programs. $13,456 for the purchase and installation of a  Revised Policy 9310: Regular Monthly Meetings new PA system in the cafeteria at DES from its PTO; Under Other Recommended Action, the Board
Construction of a School Garden at NEES to be approved several policies on a first reading basis
maintained by the PTO Garden Committee to as ready for adoption and repeal at the next regu-
lar meeting.
$12,500 to be used to replace and add protective  Revised Policy 1124: Distribution of Promotional wall pads to the three gym areas at TEMS  Revised Policy 1410: Conducting Educational Re- search Studies and Student Surveys, First Reading Successful Bids
The Board awarded contracts to the following suc-
 Revised Policy 5422: Student Accident and Inju- ries – Treatment and Reporting, First Reading Gaudelli Bros., Inc.; Greg A. Vietri, Inc. and  Repeal of Policy 8050: Accident Prevention and Donald E. Reisinger, Inc. for mechanical re- Gaudelli Bros., Inc.; Wescott Electric Co. and Public Comment
Donald E. Reisinger, Inc. for mechanical The Board received comments from 7 members of the public regarding the following:  Recognition of the Board for School Director Rec- Updated information on meeting dates, locations and cancellations is available by contacting the  Use of the Consent Agenda for Board approval of T/E Information Hotline: 610-240-1970
 Budget development and approval process To enroll in the T/E email notification program, send  Property tax and millage increases notification1@tesd.net
 Future financial commitments associated with de- Future Board Meetings
 Budget projection models for 2013-14  Recognition of student academic achievement Meetings are held in Room 200 of the T/E Admini-  Increasing cost of public education stration Offices, 940 West Valley Road, Suite 1700, Wayne, PA at 7:30 p.m.  Impact of increasing taxes on mortgage payments  Legislative relief from pension crisis Monday, February 25, 2013, Regular Board Meeting  Board’s option to seek Act 1 referendum excep- Monday, March 4, 2013, Budget Workshop I Monday, March 18, 2013, Regular Board Meeting  Criticism of the Board’s decisions Board Committee Meetings
 Board and District transparency in the operation of Finance Committee, 7:00 p.m., February 11, 2013 in  Appointment and qualifications of District Safety Legislative Committee, 12 noon, February 12, 2013 in TEAO. Education Committee, 1:00 p.m., February 12, 2013 in TEAO.  Vetting of consultants for the District  Safety enhancement to District facilities Policy Committee, 6:30 p.m., February 21, 2013 in TEAO.  Communication about new District safety and se- Facilities Committee, 2:00 p.m., February 22, 2013 in TEAO. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 p.m.
Board business meetings are video recorded and broadcast on TETV Comcast Channel 14 and Veri-zon Channel 20. Please visit the District web site for program schedules. Meeting schedules, agendas and minutes for Board business and committee meetings are available on the District website: Web Site: www.tesd.net

Source: http://www.tesd.net/cms/lib/PA01001259/Centricity/Domain/56/Jan28actline.pdf


SUCHT UND SUBSTANZGEBRAUCHSSTÖRUNG ALS BIO-PSYCHO-SOZIALE PHÄNOMENE Suchterkrankungen, suchtartiges Verhalten und Substanzgebrauchsstörungen haben nun seit einigen Jahren berechtigterweise Aufnahme in die Standarddiagnosen von ICD und DSM gefunden und somit wird ihnen „Krankheitswertigkeit“ zuerkannt. Dies ist von enormer Bedeutung, da bis vor einigen Jahrzehnten diese pathologisch


Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 91:459–477 (2004)Pathological and Molecular Mechanisms of ProstateCarcinogenesis: Implications for Diagnosis, Detection,Prevention, and TreatmentAngelo M. De Marzo,* Theodore L. DeWeese, Elizabeth A. Platz, Alan K. Meeker, Masashi Nakayama,Jonathan I. Epstein, William B. Isaacs, and William G. NelsonDepartments of Oncology, Pathology, Radiation Oncology, Urolo

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