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2nd of its kind in the world, a patients’ account of a serious eye disease Dr Debraj Shome blames excessive use of antibiotics for modern day bacteria turning immune to the strongestPriyanka Bhosale Mumbai, May 2: Little did 25-year-old software engineer Rajesh Sawant know that a seemingly
insignificant boil on his lower eyelid would cost him his vision. In just two days Rajesh had lost his
sight in the left eye completely. The eye had turned red and there was a discharge and severe
swelling of the lids. It had also been paining constantly.
It was only when he went to Dr Debraj Shome, head of ophthalmic and facial plastic surgery department, Aditya Jyot Eye Hospital that he discovered that he was suffering from necrotising
fasciitis, an acute condition where an organism enters the skin and affects the underlying,
subcutaneous tissues. Sawant’s case is the second such case to be reported in the world, said Dr
“As necrotising fasciitis is a life threatening disorder, we removed the dead tissue immediately
while the live tissue was cleaned with betadine solution. The patient was then admitted and was
started on broad-spectrum intra-venous antibiotics.” But, all was not wel for Sawant who did not
respond to antibiotics for 48 hours. At this stage, the doctors suspected a multi-drug resistant bug.
“ I wanted the pain to subside as soon as possible because I didn’t want to stay away from work for
The microbiology report confirmed the doctors’ fears. It was a strain of Community Acquired
Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (CAMRSA), which means that the bacteria was resistant
even to the latest and strongest antibiotics. “We first tried augmentin, the strongest drug possible.
But the bacteria showed resistance to it. Based on the culture sensitivity report, which assesses the
effect of certain drugs on the organism, we tried vancomycin, a relatively older but highly toxic
Sawant recovered rapidly thereafter and in a week, had regained normal vision in his eye. He was
discharged about a week ago. “I am extremely grateful to Dr Debraj Shome who has saved me
from certain blindness and even death. I have learnt my lesson. I will never neglect even the
smallest boil on the face again,” says Sawant, whose life is back to normal now. Dr Shome blames the unhindered use of antibiotics for an increase in the number of multi drug
resistance cases. “ Patients and doctors want a cure as soon as possible. This leads to more and
more new antibiotics being used even for smal ailments,” said Shome. He stressed on the need
for more awareness among consumers and healthcare professionals, “Patients need to understand
that certain illnesses take time to cure and hence, they must allow the drug to complete its full
course or else, more and more bugs will get resistant. For instance, a drug like ciplox killed almost
every bacteria, but that was five years ago. Today, not many doctors use it as bacteria is resistant
This case, due to the rarity of the offending organism and the success of the therapy employed,
has been accepted for publishing in the critical y acclaimed American Journal of Ophthalmology.
Summary of the 7th annual NOREPOS workshop Hurdalsjøen, 20 - 21 September 2012 This year’s workshop was organized by the Oslo group and the venue was Hurdalsjøen Hotel and Conference Center in Akershus. Twenty-seven researchers from across Norway interested in epidemiologic osteoporosis research met for two days and discussed research results and future plans. Professor Karl Michaëlsson f
Michael P. Manns, MD (* 16 November 1951) Professor and Chairman Dept. of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Endocrinology Hannover Medical School Carl-Neuberg-Str. 1, D-30625 Hannover, Germany Tel: +49 511 532-3306 Fax: +49 511 532-4896 Curriculum vitae 2005-2009 Chairman, Center of Internal Medicine, 1970–1976 Medical School, University of Vienna, 2005 - 2009 Steering committ