6. Payment.
100% payment shall be made after receipt of items at NIT Srinagar as per specification.
The drugs should have a minimum of one year shelf life remaining on the date of supply. All otherItems shall carry comprehensive standard warranty of one year.
Settlement of disputes.
Settlement of any dispute will be made under the jurisdiction of Srinagar court.
9. Liquidated Damages.
If the bidder after accepting the purchase order of goods/equipments or services, fails to deliver anyor all of the items/equipments or to perform the services with in the specified period, a penalty of15 paisa per hundred per day shall be charged. The maximum penalty can be limited to 10% of thecost. Once maximum is reached NIT Srinagar may proceed on its own to consider the terminationof the supply order.
10. Submission of Bids.
(a) Bids should be properly sealed.
(b) Enquiry No.& date, and Quotation for supply of Medicines/Surgical/Laboratory Reagents.
(c) Bids should be addressed to Chairman Central Purchase unit NIT Srinagar.
(d) Bidders not from Srinagar shall dispatch bids sufficiently well in advance s as to reach the destination one day prior to bid opening.
31.07 .2013 up to 2.30 P.M.
11. Bid opening
(a) The bids will be opened on next working day.
(b) Interested bidders can attend the bid opening.
12. Not withstanding above the purchaser reserves the right to reject any or all the bids.
13. We look forward for your quotation.

1. Before preparing your valuable bid kindly go through the document fully and take care of all the 2. Bidders from outside Srinagar may please send their Bids much in advance so that they are Annexure-A
List of Drugs;
Brief description
of the goods
List of Laboratory items;
S. No Brief description
of the goods
From M/S……………………………… ……………………………………….
Chairman,Central Purchase unit, NIT Srinagar.
With reference to above invitation for bids we would like to say that we have gonethrough your bid document thoroughly and hence offer our competitive Technical/PriceBid in two covers for the supply of various goods/equipment listed in your document.
The following documents constitute our Bid.
Price Bid schedule in the requisite format Authorization dealer ship certificate from the manufacturer Technical literature for the goods/equipment Names of organization where this equipment has been supplied. (Applicable forequipment whose unit price exceeds Rs.2.00 lacks Bid security as mentioned in the schedule of requirements in the form of CDR infavour of the Chairman Central Purchase Unit, NIT Srinagar.
Contact No:-………………………………….
Kindly feel free for any enquiries and clarifications.


The effect of insulin detemir in combination with liraglutide and metformincompared to liraglutide and metformin in subjects with type 2 diabetesThis trial is conducted in Europe and North America. The aim of this clinical trial is to assess and compare the effect of insulindetemir in combination with liraglutide and metformin versus liraglutide andmetformin in subjects with type 2 diabetes

Unprecedented diversity of catalytic domains in the first four modules of the putative pederin polyketide synthase

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