
Newsletter of HH the Dalai Lama’s Central Tibetan Relief Committee About CTRC
New Vice Chairman of Central Tibetan Relief Committee:-
His Holiness the Dalai Lama’sCentral Tibetan Relief The Chairman of KashagProf. Samdhong Rinpoche community particular thoseliving in India, Nepal and of Home and is the new Vice Chairman of Central Tibetan Relief Committee. We welcomethe new Vice Chairman of CTRC and look forward to working dedicately under his leadership and guidance. We bid farewell to Honorable Lobsang Nyima La and wishhim luck in his future endeavours.
Model Co-operative Society:-
Co-operative Society of Mundgod settlement is selected to create itself into a model
Co-operative Society, so that other Co-operatives can replicate similar activities and
become essential institution that helps in preserving the people within the settlements.
Kalon Reshuffle
NCA has funded Rs. 580,000 out of the total budget of Rs. 1,000,000 for this project.
Model Cooperative Society 1
Model Agriculture Settlement 1

Model Agriculture Settlement:-
Activtites Carried out 2
In view of the new agricultural policy of the CTA, it was felt necessary to create a Ongoing Project List 2
Model Agriculture Settlement among the Tibetan Agricultural settlements in exile, to Staff Update 3
speed up transition for shifting the agriculture practices from conventional farming to Maio Tibetan Settlement 3
organic farming method. The objective of creating a model agriculture settlement is to Project needing Fund 4
create a sustainable and ecologically sound agricultural production and processingsystem by training, demonstration and practicing organic farming system having allthe salient features to serve as a model for other Tibetan settlements by 2007.
The identification of the model settlement is complete and Dhondeling settlement, Advisors:
Kollegal in Karnataka State was selected to be the model settlement. The announcementof the settlement being selected as Model Settlement was done at different meetings of various groups of settlement people. The second round of meetings with the Foundation, Bangalore.
The cost of the project Editorial Board:
for 1st year is Rs.
1,015,000 and is funded Activities carried out by CTRC
Agriculture and Co-operative Development conference:-
Renovation of Weaver’s Quarter, Shimla:-
The 5th annual conference on Agriculture and Co-operative The weaver’s quarter at Shimla was renovated in December, Development was held from 12th to 19th August 2004, at 2004 with funding grant of Rs. 1,078,992 from E.C.H. Eversdijk Lugsum Settlement, Bylakuppe. 62 participants representing Smulders Stichting, The Netherlands.
CTRC, Settlement Officers, Cooperative Secretaries, Co-operative Board of Directors, Agriculture Extension officers Construction of Staff Quarter, Bir Tibetan Society:-
took part in the conference. Thorough discussions were held Staff quarters at BTS was constructed in January 2005 with exchanging and sharing experiences and ideas for the joint funding grant of Rs. 1,079,193 from E.C.H. Eversdijk improvement of agriculture works and activities of the Co- Smulders Stichting, German Aid to Tibetans, and Tibet Charity.
operative societies in the settlements.
Construction of Community Hall, Chowkur:-
Computerised tally accounting & budget control training:-
A multi-purpose community hall at Chowkur, Bylakuppe was Computerised Tally Accounting and Budget Controlling constructed in January 2005 with joint funding grant of Rs.
training was organized for the chief accountants of various 703,521from AET, France and German Aid to Tibetans.
Tibetan Co-operatives from 7-18th January, 2005 at RegionalInstitute of Cooperative management, Bangalore with grant Construction of Guest House, Tezu:-
funding of Rs. 454,000 from SOIR-IM, Sweden.
A guest house at Tezu settlement was constructed in February2005 with grant funding of Rs. 389,500 from Tibet Fund, New Co-operative Management and Accountancy Training:-
Co-operative Management and Accountancy training wasorganised for the Assistant Accountants of various Tibetan Waste Management Project :-
Co-operatives from 22-28th Feb, 2005 for one week at RICM, A waste management project was undertaken in the southern Bangalore with funding grant of Rs.246,000 from NCA, Norway.
Tibetan settlements of Hunsur, Kollegal and Dickyi Larsoewith an objective to generate health and environmental Co-operative Management Training:-
awareness. This project was carried out with grant of Rs. 628,851 A 9 month training on Cooperative Mangement was pro- vided to 3 cooperative secretaries at RICM, Bangalore with agrant funding of Rs. 116856 from Tove Larsen, Norway.
Tractor for Co-operative Society, Miao:-
A tractor with hydraulic trailer was purchased for the co-
Catholic Relief Service Program:-
operative society at Miao with funding grant of Rs. 510,785 CRS food commodities consumed from 1st May 2004 to 28th February2005 under the different programs: Integrated Soil and Water Management Project, Miao:-
Commodity ECDC SF
This is the IInd phase of the project. The activities include restructuring field contour bunds, gully plugging and bore- well drilling for irrigation. This project was carried out with afunding grant of Rs. 1,770,000 from NCA, Norway.
Roof Water Harvesting Project, Mundgod:-
CTRC at the CRS CP-Meetings on DAP -III (2007-2012):-
This is a model project intended to demonstrate rainwater Mr. Ngawang Dhondup Asstt. CP of CTRC’s CRS program harvesting system to preserve ground water by harvesting with dealing staff Mr. Tsering Lhundup attended the CRS -CP rainwater. This system has been installed at the Low Cost meeting on DAP-III (Developemet Activity Plan) preparation Building Center in the settlement. This project was carried out with a funding grant of Rs. 204,000 from NCA, Norway.
Ongoing Projects details:
P r o j e c t T i tl e
1 C o n s t ru c t io n o f S t a ff Q u a rt e r, M a i n p a t & B i r D e g e 1 , 4 8 7 , 3 4 0 E . C . H S m u ld e rs s t it c h i n g , N e t h e rla n d s 2 C ro p P ro t e c t io n P ro j e c t , K o l le g a l 3 N u rs e ry & D e m o n s t ra t i o n P ro je c t , O ri s s a 1 , 3 7 5 , 5 9 2 S O IR -IM , S w e d e n 4 B e e -K e e p in g a t T e n z i n g a n g 5 G re e n H o u s e & V e g e t a b le C u lt iva t i o n , S o n a d a 6 O rg a n ic F a rm in g P ro j e c t , H e rb e rt p u r 7 R e h a b i la t a t io n P ro j e c t , K h a ra p a t h a r S h im la 4 4 7 7 1 3 3 G O I, E . C . H S m u ld e rs S t i t c h i n g 8 H o u s i n g R e n o va t i o n o f 8 3 H o u s e s , B o n p o 1 , 9 6 3 , 6 4 1 V e re in T ib e t F re u n d e & E C H S m u ld e rs 9 G a u va O rc h a rd P ro je c t , K h a s o d a O ris s a 2 , 5 9 7 , 7 7 2 S O IR -IM , S w e d e n 1 0 B h u t a n H o u s i n g R e n o va t io n 2 , 9 0 8 , 2 6 2 B o z e n G o vt . S o u t h T y ro l 1 1 H o u s i n g R e n o va t i o n , M a io 8 7 0 , 2 5 2 V irt u e G e n e ro s e , It a ly 1 2 C o n s t ru c t io n o f E ld e r's H o m e , K a lim p o n g 1 , 6 2 7 , 0 0 0 O t t a w a F rie n d s o f T i b e t , C a n a d a 1 3 C o n s t ru c t io n o f E ld e r's H o m e , C h a u n t ra 1 , 4 1 0 , 1 4 8 H e l p T i b e t , U K 1 4 1 7 7 a c re s o f F ru i t P la n t a t io n , O ri s s a 1 5 Ill it e ra c y E ra d ic a t io n P ro je c t , L a d a k h 5 5 5 , 4 8 3 V e re in T ib e t F ru e n d e 1 6 S u s t a in a b le L ive li h o o d P ro g ra m , N o rt h e a s t e rn S e t t le m e n t 1 0 , 2 6 0 , 0 0 0 Iri s h G o vt . t h ro u g h T H T , U . K .
1 7 F ie ld B u n d in g R e c o n s t ru c t i o n , H u n s u r 1 8 S u s t a in a b le A g ri c u lt u re D e ve l o p m e n t P ro j e c t It a l ia n G o ve rn m e n t t h ro u g h C O S P E 1 9 R e h a b i la t a t io n o f 5 6 fa m i lie s a t D a lh o u s ie 1 1 , 7 7 0 , 0 0 0 N a ra P ro d u c t i o n , T ib e t F u n d , V e re i n T i b e t F re u n d e , E . C . H S m u l d e rs s t it c h in g & G O I N o t e : T P C is T o t a l P ro j e c t C o s t ; T F R is T o a t l F u n d R a i s e d ; E C D is E s t im a t e d C o m p le t io n D a t e Irrigation project, Tashi khyil Clement Town:-
Settlement Profile: Choephelling Tibetan Settlement,
Irrigation facility on 10 acres of land at Tashi Khyil Monastery Miao. In 1962, a temporary Settlement was set up in Changlang was provided with the grant funding of Rs.630,000 from SOIR- IM, for about 1500 refugees. Government of India perceiving the difficulties faced by the settlers, later shifted this settlement Agricultural Training-cum-work in Israel:-
to Miao in 1975. The settlement falls under protected area This unique program of combining training with work was started and free movement of foreigners is not permitted in this through the initiative of the Israeli Friends of Tibetan People (IFTIP) and the Arava International Center for Agriculture Training in Location.
conjuction with CTRC in 1998. Between September 1998 and March2005 a total of 209 young Tibetan farmers have received training in Situated at a distance of 120 Kms from Tinsukia town.
Israel and there are still 50 Tibetan farmers in Arava going through Located at Maio in Changlang district of Arunachal Pradesh. Total area of the settlement is 2000 acres.
Poverty Alleviation Program:-
Nearest railway station: Tinsukia, 120 km from the settlement
The CTRC has started Poverty Alleviation Program and is currentlyidentifying and classifying the poor Tibetans. Identified Nearest airport : Diprugarh Airport, 135 km
beneficiaries will be provided with stipend, medical expenses, loans Communication: Telefax: +91-03807-222229
and accommodation in elder ’s homes as per their needs.
Altitude, Temperature and Rainfall.
Youth Empowerment Support (YES):-
Altitude is 500 ft. above sea level. Average temperature is YES aims to eradicate unemployment and sustain self-reliance inthe Tibetan community. YES provides relevant skill training to 20.43 degrees Celsius. Average rainfall in the area is 3713 youths and provides soft start-up loans to set up business enterprises. Till March 2005, 60% of the 436 youths provided with Livelihood.
skill training through YES have either been placed at jobs or are self Majorities of the settlers are engaged in farming. Total of employed. YES has a significant success rate of 92% with its soft 1371acres of land are under cultivation. They cultivate maize, start up loan program to set up business enterprises. YES is runwith the help of NCA, Norway; AET France; Tibet Charity Denmark; millet, barley, potatoes and chilli. Due to low per capita land Verien Tibet Freunde Switzerland; TRF UK and others.
holding, lack of irrigation facilities and poor technical know-how, yield are very low and do not fetch enough income.
Chemi Gompo, from Orissa did a 3 months hairdressing course in Apr Some of the settlers also do carpet weaving in the settlement carpet center to supplement their living.
employed at Bangalore CenturyClub with basic salary of Rs 2000 There are 5 villages with an average of 80 families in each Facilities.
The settlement has crèches, pre-primary school and a primary course and is waiting for theresult. His salary will double if school. It also has a small health clinic center providing modern allopathic medical treatment to the settlers as well asa Tibetan traditional medical center. There is one monasteryand one old People’s Home. A Multipurpose Co-operative Staff Update
Society is operational in the settlement which include tractor We welcome following new staff and wish all of them very workshop, flour mill, carpet center and general store sections.
fulfilling tenure with us:-1. Mr. Tseten Gyurmae joined as our Additional Secretary.
2. Mr. Ngodup Dorji joined as head of the Agriculture Div.
The main problems are shortage of drinking water, need for 3. Mr. Ngawang Dhondup joined as head of the Welfare housing renovation, poor sanitation, poor agricultural practices and lack of irrigation facilities. Alternative and 4. Mrs. Tashi joined as our Chief Accountant.
sustainable source of income and employment within the 6. Mr. Tashi Dhondup joined as Accountant for YES.
7. Mr. Ngawang Gyaltsen joined in Planning & Dev. Div.
8. Ms. Ngawang Choekyi joined in Housing & Estate Div.
9. Mr. Lobsang Tsering joined in Agriculture Division.
10. Mr. Dawa Tashi as our Usher boy.
We wish the following outgoing staff every success in theirfuture endeavours:1. Mr. Thudop Dorji transferred to the Kashag Secretariate.
2. Mr. Ngodup Dorji transfered to Department of Education.
3. Mrs. Yeshi Choedon transfered to the Reception Center.
4. Mr. Tsering Tashi tranfered to Welfare Office, Dalhousie.
5. Mr. Sangyal transferred to Bir Tibetan Society .
6. Mrs. Tsamchoe Lhakhang transfered to THC, Mcleodganj.
7. Ms. Tamdin Dolma resigned from the service.
Rehabilitation of 56 families at Dalhousie, H.P.:-
This project is to rehabilitate 56 families of Tibetan refugees living in
and around Dalhousie. This is an ongoing project. The total cost of the project is Rs. 15,670,000 and we still need Rs. 3,900,000 for completion ofthe project. (If any one is interested in sponsoring one or more home, it Housing renovation, Bonpo:-
To renovate 83 houses by replacing old and rusted iron sheets with new
4. Volunteer for transfer of technology and ones. This is an ongoing project. The total cost of the project is Rs.
4,604,195 and we still need Rs. 1,116,700 to complete the project. (If any one is interested in sponsoring renovation of one or more homes, it will cost US$ 900 per home.)
Construction of Elder People’s Home, Kalimpong:-
To construct an Elder people’s home at Kalimpong for 50 elders. Thetotal cost of the project is Rs. 10,210,000 and we still need Rs. 8,583,000 7. Raise fund for CTRC’s projects.
to complete this project.
Office and Staff Quarter Construction, Kalimpong:-
To construct a two-storey building, which will provide space for office,
quarters for the staffs and a multi-purpose room. A partial funding of International Money Order or by Wire Transfer.
If you prefer to pay directly into our bank Housing Renovation Project, Miao:-
account, the number is 01100055034, State To renovate 392 houses of the residents of Miao settlement. The total Bank of India, Kotwali Bazar Dharamsala - cost of the project is 6,964,664 (If anyone is interested in sponsoring 176215, Kangra District, H.P, India.
renovation of one or more homes, it will cost US$ 415 per home.) Donations made to CTRC are tax deductable Youth Empowerment Support (YES):-
under section 80-G of Indian Tax Act of 1961 YES aims to eradicate unemployment and sustain self-reliance in theTibetan community. YES provides relevant skill training to youths and provides soft start-up loans to set up business enterprises. To impart relevant skill training in various fields cost Rs 30,000/youth. Sponsoringlimited number of youths is recommended.
CTRC take this opportunity to express its sincere gratitude and appreciation foryour continuous support and well wishes. We wish you all the best and hope to Visit us at:
We were unable to publish our newsletter since August 2003.
This issue covers events from May 2004-March 2005.
Executive SecretaryCentral Tibetan Relief CommitteeCentral Tibetan AdministrationGangchen KyishongDharamsala - 176215District Kangra, HPINDIA



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Professional experience

Curriculum Vitae James Michael Simmons, Jr. (Mike) EDUCATION Graduate: Butler University, M.B.A, Leadership/Marketing Concentration, Indianapolis, IN, 2002 Undergraduate: Wabash College, B.A. English, Minors in Psychology and Business, Crawfordsville, IN, 1984 – 1988 Professional Development Graduate, AACSB Bridge Program, October 2008 Indiana University, School of

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