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Iowa Department of Human Services, Iowa Medicaid Enterprise
Smoking Cessation Program for IowaCare Recipients
Effective: February 1, 2008 Effective February 1, 2008, the smoking cessation program that began January 1, 2007 for Iowa Medicaid members will be expanded to include coverage for IowaCare members. IowaCare is a healthcare program that covers limited inpatient and outpatient services. Prescriptions for smoking cessation products for IowaCare members can be filled only at Broadlawns Medical Center and the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, once prior authorization criteria are met for the over-the-counter nicotine replacement patches and gum. Bupropion 150mg sustained-release products that are FDA-indicated for smoking cessation (generic Zyban®) will be available without prior authorization (PA) and may also be filled only at by Broadlawns Medical Center and the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics. NOTE: When submitting a PA request form, please complete all the required fields down to the dotted line on the fax referral form. Smoking Cessation Program A. Program Description
• Effective February 1, 2008, the IowaCare Program will cover select over-the-counter nicotine
replacement patches and gum, and generic bupropion sustained-release products that are FDA-indicated for smoking cessation (generic Zyban®).
• Bupropion 150mg sustained-release products that are FDA-indicated for smoking cessation
(generic Zyban®) will be available without prior authorization (PA).
• Over-the-counter nicotine replacement patches and gum will be covered with a prior authorization
for members 18 years of age or older with a diagnosis of nicotine dependence and confirmation of enrollment in the Quitline Iowa program for counseling.
• The maximum allowed duration of therapy is 12 weeks within a 12-month period. The initial
dispensing limitations will be set at 14 units of nicotine replacement patches or 110 pieces of nicotine gum to assess patient tolerance of the medication delivery system (a two week supply).
B. PA Process
• IowaCare members who want assistance in quitting smoking will need to be referred to Quitline
Iowa by their healthcare provider. Provider questions regarding the smoking cessation program may also be directed to Quitline Iowa at 1-800-QUIT NOW (784-8669) or visit their website,
• If it is determined that the member would benefit from using over-the-counter nicotine
replacement patches and/or gum, a Nicotine Replacement Therapy Prior Authorization form will need to be completed by the member and the prescriber before being faxed to Quitline Iowa at 1-800-261-6259. If the member would benefit from generic Zyban®; no prior authorization is required. The prescriber would also need to write the appropriate prescriptions for the IowaCare member to present to the dispensing pharmacy.
• Quitline Iowa will follow up with the member and assess the member’s smoking cessation needs.
• Following this initial consultation, Quitline Iowa will submit a prior authorization request to the
Iowa Medicaid PA Unit for coverage of the necessary smoking cessation products.
• In the event that the member chooses to disenroll from the Quitline Iowa program, all approved
prior authorizations will be cancelled and notification will be faxed to the provider and pharmacy, while a letter will be mailed to the member.
C. Prior Authorization Criteria for Nicotine Replacement Therapy
Nicotine Replacement
Prior Authorization is required for over-the-counter nicotine replacement
patches and nicotine gum. Requests for authorization must include:
1) Diagnosis of nicotine dependence and referral to the Quitline Iowa
program for counseling. 2) Confirmation of enrollment in the Quitline Iowa
counseling program is required for approval. 3) Approvals will only be
granted for patients eighteen years of age and older. 4) The maximum
allowed duration of therapy is twelve weeks within a twelve-month period.
5) A maximum quantity of 14 nicotine replacement patches and/or 110
pieces of nicotine gum may be dispensed with the initial prescription.
Subsequent prescription refills will be allowed to be dispensed as a 4-week
supply at one unit per day of nicotine replacement patches and /or 330
Use Nicotine Replacement pieces of nicotine gum. Following the first 28 days of nicotine replacement Therapy form
therapy, continuation is available only with documentation of ongoing participation in the Quitline Iowa program.
D. Payable OTC Products Drug Name OTC MAC Rate
Nicoderm CQ 7mg/24h Patch 14.00 GlaxoSmithKline
SM Nicotine Dis 7mg/24hr 14.00 Mckesson Valu-Rite
Nicoderm CQ Clear 14mg/24h Patch 14.00 GlaxoSmithKline
Nicoderm CQ 21mg/24h Patch 14.00 GlaxoSmithKline
Nicoderm CQ Clear 21mg/24h Patch 14.00 GlaxoSmithKline
Nicorelief Gum 2mg 110.00 Major Pharmaceuticals
Nicorelief Gum 2mg 110.00 Major Pharmaceuticals
Nicorette Gum 2mg 110.00 GlaxoSmithKline
Nicorette Mint Gum 2mg 110.00 GlaxoSmithKline
Nicotine Gum 2mg 110.00 Leader Brand Products
Nicotine Pol Gum 2mg 110.00 Mckesson Valu-Rite
Nicorette Gum 4mg 110.00 GlaxoSmithKline
Nicorette Mint Gum 4mg 110.00 GlaxoSmithKline
Nicorelief Gum 4mg 110.00 Major Pharmaceuticals
Nicorelief Gum 4mg 110.00 Major Pharmaceuticals
Nicotine Gum 4mg 110.00 Leader Brand Products
Nicotine Pol Gum 4mg 110.00 Mckesson Valu-Rite
Nicotine Pol Gum 4mg 110.00 Mckesson Valu-Rite
E. Payable Prescription Products Drug Name
Buproban 150mg Tab Teva Pharmaceuticals 00093-5703-01 Important Contacts
Iowa Medicaid Website * To view the Nicotine Replacement Therapy PA Criteria and PA Form.
Iowa Medicaid Member Services 1-800-338-8366 515-725-1003 * For questions or issues regarding Iowa Medicaid member benefits.
Iowa Medicaid Providers
8:00 am to 5:00 pm (after hours on call available) * For provider questions regarding the Iowa Medicaid smoking cessation program, covered products, or PA form completion.
Quitline Iowa 1-800-QUIT * For information on the counseling hotline.
The IME appreciates your partnership as we work together to serve the needs of Iowa Medicaid members within federal requirements. If you have any questions, please contact IME Provider Services at 1-800-338-7909, locally at 515-725-1004 or by e-mail at:
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