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WASHINGTON COUNTY VOLUNTEER FIRE AND RESCUE ASSOCIATION The regular meeting of the Washington County Fire and Rescue Association was held on October 18, 2007, at Engine 4 hosted by Company 59. The meeting was called to order at 1930 by President Glenn Fuscsick. Chaplain Leonard Horst gave the invocation and lead in the pledge to the flag. ROLL CALL - All member companies were present. All officers were present except the 1st VP and Assistant Secretary. GUEST Dale Fishack, MSFA Exec. Comm, reported the following: A. The Committee studying the due’s increase has recommended that the dues be increased by $75.00 per year. This would make the yearly dues $200.00. This will be voted on at the next Convention. B. The committee studying the Executive Director position recommended that an Executive Director be hired. The Executive Committee approved pursuing what the job description will be and how the position will be funded. The committee will determine how the position will be funded. Lee Sachs, chairman of the committee said the due’s increase is not related to this position. C. Dale will be in Frederick next month. Roger Powell, 2nd VP MSFA, thanked the Association for their support. He also expressed a need for Committee members. He brought Directories and Trumpets. Doug Mullendore, Sheriff, reported the following: A. Notice to all Chefs. Fire Police letters must be signed by the Chief. Include full name, age, address, gender, and race. B. MOUs have been completed with all surrounding jurisdictions except Berkeley County and Pennsylvania which are being worked on, to enable Washington County Fire Police to operate in these jurisdictions. Brigitte Heller, DFES EMS Specialist, had a written report. The report included: A. Request for Continuing Ed Courses thru July 2008 must be in by November 30. B. The current Infection Control Policy is dated 2007. C. Volunteer Ambulance Inspections will be done in November. Fire Companies wishing to participate must have their request in by November 1, 2007. D. Company’s 4, 6, 7, 12, 35. HFD, and Eng 4 have not provided contact information for Infectious Control officers. ( The Association has names and contact information for Companies 4, 6, 7, and 12. This information will be forwarded to the DFES. - SM). E. Protocol roll out - a mandatory update is required before July 1, 2008. F. Company QA training will be held on November 7, at EOC, 33 W. Washington Street at 1830 hours. G. Fax number for EMS reports to ER 301-790-9437. Cardizem has been secured and replaces Verapamil. All ALS providers must have knowledge of using and administering Cardizem. H. Triage Tag & Documentation Standard has been approved by the EMS Committee and affects all licensed and certified providers regardless of the company affiliation. (This was never approved or mentioned in an Association meeting. SM). I. ALS Funding for several courses. J, Several Training courses are scheduled, see report. John Latimer, DFES Director, had a written report which included: A. The Communication System is progressing. B. A financial accountability of the 508 moneys is due to DFES by EOB on November 26. A copy of the information required is included in the report. C. An extensive supplemental application for the fire and rescue insurance bid is attached to the report. THIS MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE COUNTY BY THE EOB NOVEMBER 5. THE COMPLETION OF THIS APPLICATION IS EXTREMELY INVOLVED AND WILL REQUIRE A SIGNIFICANT COMMITMENT OF TIME. PLEASE DO NOT FAILTO COMPLETE THIS INFORMATION. See the report for address to of where to send the completed report. Questions can go to Becky Maginnis at 240-313-2352. D. Consolidated dispatch is being discussed. The city of Hagerstown and the County are very involved. E. The EMS Master Plan is being worked on. F. The hazardous material exercise at the water plant went well. A critique was held on October 17. Roger Bennett, MEMA West, had a written report. A. Threat Assessment in Schools course will be held October 23 in Salisbury. B. The 4th Annual All-Hazards Forum will be held on November 6-8 at the Baltimore Convention Center. C. 2008 Hazardous Material Emergency Preparedness (HMEP) planning and training grants are available. D. ICS Train-the-Trainer Course will be held in Cambridge on December 11-14. Kingsley Poole, MFRI, submitted a written report. A. Eight classes are due to start between now and November 17. B. Spring schedules of classes will be on the website in a few days. Printed copies will be distributed in about two weeks. MINUTES The minutes of the September meeting were accepted as written. TREASURER’S REPORT: The treasurer reported that the checking account balance is $18948.50. The audit of te books for 2006-2007 should be available in a few weeks. WCVFRA October 18, 2007 Page 2 OFFICER AND COMMITTEE REPORTS President: A. The Association was dismissed from the law suit. 2nd VP: A. The training equipment from the training center has been moved to the office. B. LOSAP: All information must be submitted to the Association by October 25. New applications are required form current pensioners if they have completed another year of eligibility. C. Fire reports are coming in fairly well. MEMA is reviewing all companies for compliance and may withhold monies. Chaplain: A. Sarah Rosenberry passed. She was a member of Company 29. B. Donnie Koons is in a nursing home. Budget and Finance: Budget requests are due in writing by the end of November. Chief’s Committee: Next meting will be held at Company 13 on October 24. Computer: The antenna has been installed on the Office building. This will enable streaming the radio channels on the website. The current channels should be available in a few weeks. Fire Police: A written report was submitted. The Fire Police will have a float in the Mummers Parade. Photo Team: A. The calendar project has been put on hold for this year. B. Request for DVDs for banquets must be submitted by the end of this month thru the middle of next month. Training: A. The Association committed to pay for First Responder. However, there were 15 students and MFRI provided the course. B. The Association is committed to pay for FOI to be taught at the Hagerstown EOC on Church Street. The class will start on Monday evening November 12. C. FFS&S will be taught at Company 1 on November 17-19. There is one spot open. D. Strategy and Tactics is scheduled to start on November 17, but has only 4 people preregistered. E. Votech is going well at Company 10. OLD BUSINESS: A. Utility reports are due to the treasurer as received. B. A sample letter will be sent to each Treasurer. A copy of the financial report should be printed and the letter attached to it. This will prevent anyone from changing the information after it is submitted. C. Charles Shindle made a motion, seconded by Dr. Metzner, to approve the Driver Training Standard presented at the last meeting. By roll call vote the motion was approved 23 for, 1 opposed, and 2 abstentions. D. Captain Sprecher of Eng 2 announced that Special Unit 32 was in the parking lot. He also announced that the Recruitment campaign of the Hagerstown departments was going well. NEW BUSINESS: A. The nominating committee presented their slate: President: Glen Fishack; 1st VP: Clint Stouffer; 2nd VP: Skip Menzies; Secretary: Sam Murray; Assistant Secretary: Open; Treasurer: Rick Blair; Assistant Treasurer: Rick Hemphill; Chaplain: Leonard Horst. The President then opened each office for additional nominations and received the name of Clarence Weber for 2nd VP. No additional nominations were received for the other offices. B. Final slate: President: Glen Fishack; 1st VP: Clint Stouffer; 2nd VP: Skip Menzies and Clarence Weber; Secretary: Sam Murray; Assistant Secretary: Open; Treasurer: Rick Blair; Assistant Treasurer: Rick Hemphill; Chaplain; Leonard Horst. GOOD OF THE ASSOCIATION: A. Stoyan Russell will be contacting each Company for Shelter and Resources EOC. He needs Year, Serial Number, Pump Size, Tank Size and Large diameter Hose available. He will make an appointment with each Company. B. Dale Fishack has Proceedings books available. C. The Senator Amos 508 money accountability is due November 26. NEXT MEETING: NEXT MEETING AT COMPANY 79 ON NOVEMBER 15, 2007. Respectfully submitted, Sam Murray Secretary


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CLOZARIL: Starting a Patient 1. Call the CLOZARIL National Registry (CNR) to obtain a rechallenge number and to confirm that you and your pharmacy are registered. 2 . Obtain a baseline WBC with ANC from patient. If within normal limits, WBC ≥ 3500/ mm3, ANC ≥ 2000/ mm3, prescribe CLOZARIL tablets. 3. Submit WBC and ANC information to the registered pharmacy. 4. Please be pre

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