
Adr: GB-KT22 7YG Leatherhead; Tel: ++44/01372/; A: 1980; Eff: 175; Dev: GBP and Euro; Cap: 40.002000 (GBP); Act: Measuring; Eff: 5; Dev: £; TO: 132000; Act: and testing equipment; Decid: R. Fernando (Director International and national organisations. Public General); Add: Manufacturers, Distributors.
administration; Decid: B. Blunden (President).
AstraZeneca PLC
Adr: 15 Stanhope Gate, GB- London W1K 1LN; Tel: Adr: Admiral Way, Doxford International Business +44/(0)20/7304 5000; Fax: +44/(0)20/7304 5151; Inet: Park, GB- Sunderland SR3 3XP; Tel: +44/(0)191/; A: 1999; Eff: 64.200; 5204000; Fax: +44/(0)191/5204001; Inet: http:// Dev: £, SEK, US$, Euro; Cap: 14.418.000.000 US$;; A: 1997; Vat No: 176095050; Dev: TO: 16.456.500.000 €; Act: The principal activity of £, Euro; Cap: 471.700.000 £; TO: 1.751.100.000 £; the group is the research, development, production Act: Arriva is a leading European transport services and marketing of medicines for serious health organisation. With some 30.000 employees the Group conditions. The group’s operation is focused on six provides transport services - including bus, rail, therapy areas: Cardiovascular, Gastrointestinal, vehicle rental, water buses and demand responsive vehicles - in Denmark, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Inflammation and Infection. The group’s key products include Atacand, Crestor, Exanta, Plendil, Seloken/Toprol-XL, Zestril, Losec/Prilosec, Nexium, Diprivan, Board of Directors: Sir Richard Broadbent (Non- Naropin, Seroquel, Xylocaine, Zomig, Arimidex, Executive Chairman), Bob Davies (Chief Executive), Casodex, Faslodex, Iressa, Nolvadex, Zoladex, David Martin (Group Managing Director - Operations Accolate, Oxis, Pulmicort, Rhinocort, Symbicort and & Deputy Chief Executive), Steve Clayton (Group Managing Director - Corporate Affairs), Steve manufacturing sites located in 19 countries. The Lonsdale (Group Managing Director - Finance), group’s geographic operations are located in the Michael Allen (Non-Executive Director), Simon Batey United Kingdom, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, (Non-Executive Director), Veronica Palmer (Non- Spain, Sweden, the Netherlands, Canada, Puerto Rico, the United States of America, Australia andJapan; Decid: David Brennan (Board of Dir./CEO),Simon Lowth (Board of Dir./CFO), John Patterson(Board of Dir./Executive Dir.), Louis Schweitzer(Board of Dir./Non-Executive Chairman), HåkanMogren (Board of Dir./Non-Executive Vice-Chair-man); Bw: AstraZeneca UK Limited (UK),AstraZeneca Insurance Company Limited (UK),AstraZeneca Treasury Limited (UK), NV AstraZenecaSA (Belgium), AstraZeneca Dunkerque ProductionSCS (France), AstraZeneca SA (France),AstraZeneca GmbH (Germany), AstraZeneca Hol-ding GmbH (Germany), AstraZeneca SpA (Italy),AstraZeneca Farmaceutica Spain SA (Spain),AstraZeneca AB (Sweden), AstraZeneca BV (The ARTEMIDE GB LTD
Netherlands), AstraZeneca Canada Inc. (Canada), Adr: 106 Great Russell Street, GB-WC1B 3N London; IPR Pharmaceuticals Inc. (Puerto Rico), AstraZeneca Tel: +44-20 7631 5200; Fax: +44-20 7631 5222; E- LP (USA), AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP (USA), Zeneca Holdings Inc. (USA), AstraZeneca Pty Limited; A: 1980; Eff: 15; Dev: GBP and (Australia), AstraZeneca KK (Japan).
Euro; Cap: 650000 (GBP); TO: 5234185; Act:Electrical and electronic equipment; Decid: M. Parker AVIVA PLC
Chief Executive Officer; Add: Manufacturers.
Adr: St Helen’s, 1 Undershaft, GB- London EC3P Great Britain - Großbritannien - La Grande-Bretagne


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