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TITLE: Federal Child Nutrition Act Wellness Policy

Purpose. This Policy complies with requirements of the federal Child Nutrition and WIC
Reauthorization Act of 2004.1 In accord with those requirements, this Policy has been developed
in consultation with parents, students, representatives of the school food services authority,
school administrators and the public. The Policy encourages life-long patterns of healthy eating
and regular physical exercise among all students.
Policy Statement. It is the policy of the Windham Southeast Supervisory Union to establish
goals for nutrition education, physical activity and other school based activities that are designed
to promote student wellness and maintain fiscal responsibility. With the objective of promoting
student health and reducing childhood obesity, the district will also establish nutrition guidelines
for all foods available at school during the school day.
I. Goals for Physical Education and Activity.
A. The school goal is to provide physical education classes for all students as required by Vermont School Quality Standards (minimum of twice weekly K-8 and offer 4 years of study 9-12). B. The curriculum uses developmentally appropriate components of a health-related fitness program (for example, Fitnessgram, Physical Best, President’s Challenge) and offers multiple opportunities to gain knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for lifelong physical activity. C. Whenever possible, all K-8 students participate in a supervised unstructured active play (recess) a minimum of 20 minutes daily. Supervising staff will make every effort to encourage active play and participate where appropriate. D. Whenever possible, opportunities are provided for students in grades K—8 to be physically active before, during and after the school day, in a safe environment, beyond the physical education class. Activities may include adult-supervised open time in the gymnasium, walking programs or aerobic activities. E. Wherever reasonable, recess and other physical activity shall not be taken away as a form of discipline unless doing so is directly related to a student’s behavior during recess.
II. Goals for Nutrition Education.
A. Nutrition education is integrated within the health education program and into other core curricula areas such as science and family and consumer science. Nutrition education focuses on developing healthy eating behaviors, is based on theories and methods proven effective by research, and is consistent with health education standard 3.5. ______________________________ 1 Section 204 of Public Law 108-265. June 30, 2004 TITLE: Federal Child Nutrition Act Wellness Policy
III. Goals for the Food Service Program
A. Menus are planned to conform to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans and the nutrient standards established in the regulations of the National School Lunch Program (7CFR 210) and the School Breakfast Program (7CFR 220).
B. Whenever possible, students and staff have adequate space to eat meals in pleasant
surroundings and adequate time to eat and relax. At a minimum, lunch periods are at least 20 minutes long. Sufficient transition time is also provided. C. The state and the district shall provide training opportunities as appropriate for food service and other staff members in areas of nutrition and wellness. D. Compatible with federal regulations for such purchase, the food service program establishes procedures to include locally grown foods and beverages, whenever possible,
in the development of purchasing bids or procedures. Procedures to promote the
purchase of locally grown products may include:
a. purchasing partnerships with local farms and farmers, manufacturers, and small b. taking advantage, where possible, of local products that are already available through distribution channels in the state such as eggs, milk and dairy products, apples and other produce; c. asking local distributors to carry Vermont products in their inventory to allow for d. writing bid contracts that allow districts to buy local products “off bid” when financially possible, if primary vendors cannot or will not sell them.

IV. Nutrition Guidelines
A. No foods of minimal nutritional value, as listed in 7 CFR 210, Appendix B and 7 CFR 220, Appendix B shall be sold in food service areas during breakfast and lunch periods.3 B. Nutritious and appealing foods shall be available wherever and whenever food is sold or otherwise offered at the District. Nutritious foods are nutrient dense foods including whole grains; low-fat or non-fat dairy products; fresh, frozen or canned fruits and vegetables; lean meats, poultry, fish and beans.

2 The Federal law requires that local wellness policies include “nutrition guidelines selected by the local educational
agency for all foods available on each school campus…during the school day with the objectives of promoting
student health and reducing childhood obesity.” Include locally established guidelines as appropriate.
3 Required by schools participating in National School Lunch and Breakfast programs.
TITLE: Federal Child Nutrition Act Wellness Policy
C. The sale of foods during meal periods in food service areas shall be allowed only if all income from the sale, including the sale of approved foods or drinks from vending machines, accrues to the benefit of the school, the school food service program, or the student organizations sponsoring the sale.4 D. To the extent practicable, the district shall ensure that foods offered at school other than through the National School Lunch or School Breakfast programs, including foods sold through vending machines, shall comply with the A la Carte and Vending Guidelines established by the Vermont Departments of Health and Education as outlined in Appendix A, B and C. E. Food shall not be used in district schools as a reward or punishment.
V. Policy Implementation
A. The superintendent or his or her designee shall monitor district programs and curriculum to ensure compliance with this policy and any administrative procedures established to carry out the requirements of this policy. B. The superintendent or his or her designee shall report at least annually to the board on the district’s compliance with law and policies related to student wellness. The report shall include an assurance that district guidelines for reimbursable meals are not less restrictive than regulations and guidelines issued for schools in accordance with federal law. Brattleboro Town School District – November 29, 2006 Dummerston Town School District - October 24, 2006 Guilford Town School District – September 18, 2006 Putney Town School District – September 14, 2006 Vernon Town School District – October 9, 2006 Dates Revised: Legal Reference(s): 16 V.S.A. §§131 & 906(b)(3). Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act, 42 U.S.C. 1751 et seq. Child Nutrition Act of 1966, 42 U.S.C. 1771 et seq. Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004, Section 204 of Code of Federal Regulations, 7 CFR Part 210 and Part 220. 4 Required by cited federal regulations. Resources
Windham Southeast Supervisory Union
Wellness Policy

Physical Activity
VT Dept. of Education- State Board of Education Manual of Rules and Practices National Association for Sports and Physical Education
Food Service Program
U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Food and Nutrition Service Appendix A – Definitions

A la carte food: A la carte food includes all foods sold by the food service program that are not
part of a reimbursable meal.
Intramurals: Competitive and non-competitive programs that are provided by the school for
students enrolled in the school.
Nutritious foods: Nutritious foods are nutrient-dense foods including whole grains; low-fat or
non-fat dairy products; fresh, frozen or canned fruits and vegetables; lean meats, poultry, fish,
and beans. Nutritious foods exceed the nutrient levels of Foods of Minimal Nutritional Value,
which have been identified by the United States Department of Agriculture (7 CFR 210,
Appendix B).
Appendix B – A La Carte Food and Beverage Standards

“A la carte” refers to foods and beverages sold by the food service program in addition to the
USDA reimbursable school meals. These food sales are intended to provide students with some
additional food choices and to raise revenue to support the school food service program. Studies
show that students who consume reimbursable school meals have better overall nutrient intakes
than those who consume foods from any other source. A la carte foods are:
priced to encourage students to select meals rather than a la carte foods; designed to supplement, not replace, school meals.
Grades K-6
Eliminate foods that are sold outside of the breakfast and lunch programs. If the school offers a morning or afternoon break/snack, individual items sold meet the a la carte food standards. The morning snack or break occurs at least 1.5 hours before the lunch meal. Grades 7-12 Standard
Limit foods that are sold outside of the breakfast and lunch programs to items that are a supplement to, rather than in competition with, the meal. Entrees that would qualify as a meal component for the reimbursable school breakfast or school lunch program is not available as an a la carte item. Individual items sold meet the a la carte food standards. • Juice beverages must contain at least 50% fruit or vegetable juice, and the • Water shall contain fewer than 20 calories per serving without artificial • Low or nonfat white or flavored milk, or drinkable yogurt shall be offered in portion sizes no larger than 16 oz. and contain no more than 340 total calories. • Whole grains and naturally occurring grains with minimal amounts of added fat and sugar may be served. Whole grains will have at least 1 gram of fiber per serving. • Other products will contain no more than 5 grams of fat per 1 ounce serving and no more than 2 grams of saturated fat and/or trans fat per 1 ounce serving. • No more than 25 grams of total carbohydrate per serving (includes natural • Portion sizes are limited to 2 oz. for most products, 3 oz. for baked goods such Grades 7-12
• Regular cheese – portion size no larger than 1½ oz. • Reduced fat cheese – • Yogurt – portion size no larger than 8 oz. 8 oz. should be equal to or less than 200 calories per serving 6 oz. should be equal to or less than 150 calories per serving 4 oz. should be equal to or less than 100 calories per serving • Frozen desserts, including ice cream, are limited to a portion size of no more • If any foods are sold a la carte, fresh, frozen, canned and/or dried fruits and • Portion sizes for fried vegetables (french fries, onion rings, for example) will be ½ cup or less, and no larger than the portion of the same vegetable served in the school lunch program. • Total fat – no more than 5 grams of fat per 1 ounce serving with the exception of nuts, seeds, and nut butters. • Saturated fat and trans fat – no more than 2 • Portion sizes are limited. For example: trail mix, nuts, seeds, jerky – no larger
Grade K-6: The rationale for the elementary school recommendation is that young children should only be presented with opportunities to make healthy food choices at school and healthy choices should be modeled throughout the school environment. Sugar: Excess sugar adds unnecessary calories to the diet and contributes to tooth decay. This includes added sugars that do not naturally occur in food. Added sugars are sugars and sweeteners (white, brown, and raw sugars; fructose, honey, molasses, anhydrous dextrose, and crystal dextrose), and syrups (corn, malt, pancake, maple, and high fructose corn). Naturally occurring sugars present in milk and fruit, such as lactose and fructose are not considered added sugars. Fats: Higher intakes of saturated and trans fats, and dietary cholesterol raise low density lipoprotein (LDL or "bad") cholesterol in the blood. An elevated LDL cholesterol increases the risk of developing coronary heart disease (CHD). To decrease LDL cholesterol and the risk of CHD, substitute monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats for saturated and trans fats and decrease the intake of cholesterol. Trans fat can be found in vegetable shortenings, some margarines, crackers, candies, cookies, snack foods, fried foods, baked goods, and other processed foods made with partially hydrogenated vegetable oils. Small amounts of naturally occurring trans fat can be found in some animal products, such as butter, milk products, cheese, beef, and lamb. Labeling of trans fats on food labels will be required starting January 1, 2006. Sodium: Schools should be aware of the sodium content of foods served and sold. According to the FDA foods labeled healthy must contain less than or equal to 360 mg per serving for an individual food and 480 mg per serving for meal-type products. Caffeine: Caffeine is a central nervous stimulant that in children may cause nervousness, anxiousness, fidgetiness or other similar behaviors. FDA requires that caffeine be listed on ingredient labels although herbal forms may not be recognized as caffeine sources. Herbal products containing kola (cola or kola nut), cacao (cocoa), guarana, mate, and green tea are known sources of caffeine. Beverages: Beverages are included that provide nutritional value. Fruit and vegetable juices contain a variety of nutrients including Vitamin C; low fat and nonfat milk include calcium and Vitamin D and Vitamin A, while not adding excess calories from fat; water without added ingredients provides hydration without any calories. Flavored milks may be offered as long as they are low or non-fat and do not contain excess calories from added sugar. If soy beverages are sold they must be fortified with Vitamin A, Calcium and Vitamin D to a level equivalent to cow’s milk, other dairy alternatives of low nutritional value are not recommended. Serving sizes are limited to reduce consumption of excess calories. According to the food guide pyramid serving sizes are 6 oz. for fruit juices and 8 oz. for milk. Snacks: Recommendations for snacks include those that are lower in calorie and contain nutrients. For all foods ingredient labels list items in the order of highest content in the food. If sugar or fat is listed first or second it is more likely that the item contains little nutritional value. Nuts and seeds are exempt from the fat restriction as they are high in monounsaturated fat, which can help lower LDL “bad” cholesterol and maintain HDL “good” cholesterol. There are not standard portion sizes for snacks but smaller portions are preferred to avoid excess calories from one food item. Best practice would be to include “whole” foods (close to their original state prior to processing, such as: fruits, vegetables, yogurt, cheese and nuts) whenever possible, which contain not only all the original nutrients but also health promoting phytochemicals and other biologically active substances. Appendix C – Vermont Vending Guidelines References
Grades K-6
Eliminate the sale of foods outside of the school meal program during the entire school day. Vending may be permitted after school hours and must follow the guidelines for secondary education. Grades 7-12
Best Practice
Acceptable Practice
fruit or vegetable juice. Package fruit or vegetable juice. Package size size no larger than 8 oz. calories per serving without artificial sweeteners Recommendations for snacks include:
Regular Cheese Serving size should be 1½ oz. or smaller Reduced Fat Cheese Serving size should be 2 oz. or smaller No larger than 8 oz. 8 oz. should be equal to or less than 200 calories per serving 6 oz. should be equal to or less than 150 calories per serving 4 oz. should be equal to or less than 100 calories per serving Non-Dairy Snack Foods Fat: Limit to less than 5 grams of total fat per each 1 oz. serving. (Nuts and seeds are exempt from the fat restriction.) Saturated Fat/Trans Fat: Limit to less than 2 grams of saturated or trans fat per each 1 oz. serving. Total Carbohydrates: Limit to less than 25 grams of total carbohydrates per each 1 oz. serving. (Fresh, dried or canned fruits are exempt from the carbohydrate restrictions) Snack Portion Size: Serving size for snacks should be 2 oz. or less. Smaller portions are preferred. All foods served and sold should be administered by the school food service. Contracts should include language allowing for purchase of items from another company if not sold by the contracted company.


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