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Time of Abraham begins
Mesopotamian and Egyptian civilization in flower
Time of Isaac begins Time of Jacob begins Joseph sold into slavery Joseph welcomes his family to Egypt Israelites enslaved in Egypt
Egyptian cities of Pithom and Ramses are built
Time of Moses begins Torah given at Mt. Sinai Conquest of Promised Land Time of the Judges begins
Phillistines occupy coastal area of Israel
Saul annointed king Time of King David begins King Solomon begins his rule First Temple completed Israel split into two kingdoms Assyrians overrun Northern Israel; Ten Tribes are lost Sennacherib attacks Jerusalem Babylonians conquer Israel and destroy Temple Jews return to Israel from Babylonian Exile Miracle of Purim Construction of Second Temple begins Time of the Great Assembly begins Greeks conquer Israel Torah is translated into Greek; Greeks persecute Jews Revolt of Maccabees begins Miracle of Chanukah Romans invade Israel Herod the Great begins his rule Time of Hillel and Shammai The Great Revolt of Jews against Rome begins Jerusalem conquered by the Romans, 17th of Tamuz Temple destroyed by Romans, Rebellion of Bar Kochba Rabbi Akiva martyred Mishna compiled by Rabbi Yehudah HaNasi Constantine converts Roman Empire to Christianity
Fall of Rome and Rise of Byzantine Empire
Islamic Conquest of Jerusalem Time of Rashi begins Time of Crusades begins Time of Maimonides begins First Blood Libel The Great Disputation; Time of Nachmanides The Black Plague The Inquisition begins Jews expelled from Spain; Columbus discovers America
Ottoman Empire takes over the Middle East
Protestant Reformation; Time of Martin Luther Jews invited into Poland Time of the Ari and the Kabbalists Chmielnicki Massacres in Eastern Europe Time of Shabbtai Tzvi, false messiah First Jews arrive in America Time of the Ba'al Shem Tov begins; the Chassidic Movement Time of the Misnagdim and Vilna Gaon
The Enlightenment; American & French Revolutions
Emancipation of the Jews begins in Europe Jews herded into the Pale of Settlement in Reform Movement begins in Germany Jews made scapegoats of Tzar of Russia First Aliyah to Israel Conservative Movement founded in America Dreyfuss Affair in France First Zionist Congress British Mandate begins in Palestine; Balfour Declaration Country of Jordan created by the British on the East Bank of the Jordan Hitler comes to power in Germany Final Solution formulated by the Nazis Partition of Palestine by the UN State of Israel Declared War of Independence PLO founded Six Day War and Reunification of Jerusalem
SENIOR BULLETIN: MEDICAID – Non-Institutional New prescription drug review and authorization system (“TCS”) begins February 1st for certain Medicaid clients What is happening? Beginning February 1, 2002, Medicaid will require a complete drugprofile review before certain prescriptions can be filled. Pharmacies maydispense an “emergency” supply while the review takes place. Pa
LISTA DVD c1 - c57 [V14 2 TIB - DVD c1] Tibet, un paese nel cuore : vita di un popolo in esilio Renzo Garrone. - Ass. RAM, 1991, 30'. Le immagini mostrano la condizione dei tibetani rifugiati in India: il loro esilio, i vil aggi dove vivono, il loro artigianato. [V04 3 BUD - DVD c1] Sui sentieri del Dharma Piero Farina. - RAI, 50'. Panorama sui diversi rami del buddismo in Italia.