Thomas J. Maccarone
Born August 26, 1974, Haverhill, Massachusetts, USA
University of SouthamptonSouthampton, Hampshire
Compact object populations, especially in globular clusters; accretion physics; time series analysis
Southampton, United KingdomReader in Astronomy (responsibilities and career track equivalent to associate professor in the Amer-ican nomenclature)
Lecturer in Astronomy (responsibilities and career track equivalent to assistant professor in the Amer-ican nomenclature)
Permanent appointment confirmed July 2008University of AmsterdamAmsterdam, The NetherlandsPostdoctoral researcher
SISSA (Scuola Internazionale di Studi Avanazti/International School for Advanced
Studies)Trieste, ItalyPostdoctoral researcher
Yale UniversityNew Haven, Connecticut USAResearch Assistant
Jet Propulsion LaboratoryPasadena, California USASummer Undergraduate Research Fellow
Yale University, New Haven, CT USADepartment of Astronomy
Dissertation Title: “Constraints on Black Hole Emission Mechanisms”Advisor: Paolo S. Coppi
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California USA
Dirk Brouwer Prize from Yale University for “a contribution of unusual merit to any branch of
astronomy,” 2003Harry A. Smith Fellowship in Astronomy from Yale University, 1997-8Dorris A. Perpall Speaking Award, Caltech, 1995Dutton Memorial Scholarship, Caltech, 1993-6Steven David Jochnowitz Scholarship, 1992-3Swampscott War Memorial Scholarship, 1992-3
Chandra Galactic Bulge Survey (X-ray based survey with substantial multi-wavelength follow-
up of a 12 square degree region above just far enough from the Galactic Center to avoid major
Vista Variables in the Via Lactea (Galactic infrared variability survey), involved with the X-raysource groupThunderKAT (radio transient survey using the MeerKAT observatory), mostly involved withthe transients in nearby galaxiesCerenkov Telescope Array (group supporting efforts for a new major ground-based gamma-rayobservatory)LOFT (Large Observatory for X-ray Timing) Science Working Group, served on Red Team reviewof US LOFT proposal
Andrea Dieball (jointly supervised with Christian Knigge from April 2009-October 2011); currentlya temporary lecturer at the University of SouthamptonPiergiorgio Casella (Marie Curie fellow), June 2009-September 2011, currently a permanent researchastronomer at the Rome Observatory
PhD studentsMark Peacock (finished April 2010), currently a postdoctoral fellow at Michigan State UniversityAnna Kapi ´nska (began thesis with Christian Kaiser and continued with Phil Uttley, both of whomleft the university while she was a student), currently a postdoctoral fellow at the University ofPortsmouth (finished June 2012)Pablo Cassatella (riginally supervised by Phil Uttley before Phil left for Amsterdam) currently se-nior research fellow at the National University of Singapore in renewable energy research (finishedOctober 2012)
Currently supervising PhD theses of Tana Joseph, Dave Zurek (jointly with Christian Knigge)
Co-supervisor of European Union Initial Training Network student Yi-Jung Yang at the Universityof Amsterdam (primary supervisor is Rudy Wijnands), and de facto co-supervisor for David Cseh atUniversity of Paris VII (primary supervisor is St´ephane Corbel), finished September 2012, currentlypostdoctoral fellow at Radboud Universiteit in Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Thesis committee member for Mike Young at Indiana University (supervisor: Kathy Rhode)
Providing significant informal outside supervision to Mohamed Ali at the University of Leeds
Master’s thesisSupervised master’s thesis project of Michiel Smits at the University of Amsterdam
Supervised summer undergraduate research project by Lindley Lentati on polarization from Comp-ton scattering
Supervised summer undergraduate research project by Zac Williamson to look for the faintest γ-raybursts with INTEGRAL
Supervised summer undergraduate research project by Kavitha Arur on hard X-ray emission inType I X-ray bursts
Additional undergraduate supervisionSupervised numerous bachelor’s and master’s thesis projects and dissertations (3rd year indepen-dent reading projects)
University of Southampton Lecturer/course coordinator Physics 1005: Introduction to Astronomy and Space Science Physics 1009: Astronomy for Poets Physics 3016: BSc Projects - coordinator of projects for all final year bachelor’s degree students Physics 3018: Stellar Evolution Physics 6017: Computer Techniques in Physics Laboratories Demonstrator for second year lab course, and examiner for third year laboratory course Tutorials: Led tutor groups for first year physics courses – responsibilities consist of acting as the academic advisor for groups of four physics students and having weekly meetings to discuss their progress in their first year physics courses University of Amsterdam Guest Lecturer Taught portion of third year undergraduate level Compact Objects course Project Supervisor Supervised second-year research project on black hole formation done by three students, and third year project for one student on deep radio surveys of fields with multi-wavelength coverage. International School For Advanced Studies Guest Lecturer Taught X-ray binaries portion of graduate level high energy astrophysics course Yale University Guest Lecturer
Astronomy 110. Birth, Death, and Life of StarsAstronomy 130. Life in the UniversePhysics 301. Introduction to Mathematical Methods of Physics
Astronomy 130. Life in the Universe.
Astronomy 110. Birth, Death, and Life of Stars. Astronomy 120. Galaxies and the Universe. Summer Science Course 110. Elements of Computing
Member of American Astronomical Society, Royal Astronomical Society, International Astronomi-
Black Hole Universe 2012 June 18-22, Bamberg, Germany, Scientific Organizing Committee Member
X-ray Binaries: 50 Years Since the Discovery of Sco X-1, Chandra X-ray Center science workshop, July17-19, 2012, Cambridge, MA, Scientific Organizing Committee member
Signal processing and inference for the physical sciences, Royal Society Discussion Meeting, one of twoorganizers (with Nick Jones at Imperial College), 26-7 March 2012, London, and a satellite meeting28-9, March, 2012, Buckinghamshire
LOFT and the Variable X-ray Sky, Royal Astronomical Society Specialists Meeting, lead organizer, 9December 2011
Black hole astrophyiscs: Tales of power and destruction, member of Scientific Organizing Committeeand Local Organizing Committee, July 18-22, 2011, Winchester, UK
“A Population Explosion: The Nature and Evolution of X-ray Binaries in Diverse Environments,” ScientificOrganizing Committee member, October 28-November 2, 2007, St. Petersburg, Florida
“From X-ray Binaries to Quasars: Black Hole Accretion on All Mass Scales,” held July 13-15, 2004 Chairof Scientific Organizing Committee and Local Organizing Committee for meeting of about 55 par-ticipants, hosted by the University of Amsterdam, editor of proceedings
SESSION CHAIRING Black hole astrophysics: tales of power and destruction, chaired session on accretion disks
High Energy View of Accreting Objects, Agios Nikolaos, Greece, October 11-14, 2010, session chair forafternoon extragalactic population of X-ray binaries session
Intermediate-Mass Black Holes: from First Light to Galactic Nuclei, Beckman Center of the NationalAcademies, Irvine, CA, April 1-3, 2009, session chair for “Active galactic nuclei” session
Formation and evolution of globular clusters, Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, Santa Barbara,January 12-16, 2009, Session Chair for session on extragalactic globular clusters
“A Population Explosion: The Nature and Evolution of X-ray Binaries in Diverse Environments,” sessionchair for extragalactic X-ray populations session, meeting scheduled for October 28-November 2,2007, St. Petersburg, Florida
X-ray group meetings, University of Amsterdam, Winter 2004-Summer 2005, coordinator of monthlymeetings of X-ray astronomers from the University of Amsterdam and other institutions in TheNetherlands
Editor of “From X-ray Binaries to Quasars: Black Holes on All Mass Scales,” 2005, Springer:Dordrecht
Have served as referee for the Astrophysical Journal and Astrophysical Journal Letters, Astronomy& Astrophysics, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, New Astronomy, Science, andthe Astronomical Journal
Referee for PPARC/STFC Observational Astronomy grants panel, PPARC/STFC Fellowships panel,grant agency of Czech Academy of Sciences, STFC Panel for the Allocation of Telescope Time(PATT), British Council science grants program, Nederlandse Organisatie voor WetenschappelijkOnderzoek (Dutch Science Foundation) grants program, Taiwanese CFHT time allocation panel,Canadian JCMT time allocation panel
Proposal referee for VLA and VLBA, term from 2009-2010
Thesis examiner: Internal examiner for the PhD theses of Elizabeth Barlow, Andrew Barnes, Vanessa McBride, Manuela Molina, Omar Jamil, Tony Wilkinson, Helena Uthas and Sadie Jones
Internal examiner for the MPhil thesis of Simone Scaringi
External examiner for the PhD thesis of Natasha Jackson (University of Birmingham)
External examiner for the PhD thesis of Lindsey Shaw Greening (Open University)
Member of Ph.D. jury for Matthieu Servillat (University of Toulouse)Rapporteur (member of the reading committee and oral defense jury) for PhD thesis of David Cseh(University of Paris VII)
“Advisor” – a role in the Southampton astronomy group in which two faculty members other than the thesissupervisor help monitor the progress of each PhD student, similar to a thesis committeeServed as advisor for Dan Calvelo-Santos, Pablo Cassatella (before taking over as his thesis advi-sor), Tony Wilkinson, Ilja Klees, Helena Uthas, Omar Jamil, Elm´e Breedt, Vanessa McBride, KatrineRogers and David Russell
Currently serving as advisor for Dan Plant
Boards, panels, and committeeseVLBI Science Advisory Group, 2010-present
RoboNet Consortium Advisory Board Member, 2006-2008
Judge for Royal Astronomical Society’s science writing contest, 2005 and 2006 contests
Member of Time Allocation Committee for NASA Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer Cycle 10
Member of Time Allocation Committee for NASA Chandra X-ray Observatory Cycles 7,9, 12 and 14
Member of Time Allocation Committee for ESA XMM-Newton Observatory Cycles 6,7 and 12
Member of MERLIN (Multi-Element Radio Linked Interferometer Network) Time Allocation Group,term from 2007-2010
Chair of INTEGRAL compact objects time allocation panel (AO-9 and AO-10 – 2011 and 2012)
Administrative roles within the School of Physics & AstronomyStaff Student Liaison Committee member for School of Physics and Astronomy 2006-present
Educational Policy Committee member for School of Physics and Astronomy 2008-present – in-cludes service on sub-committee to re-evaluate first year courses
Year 3 Director of Studies – responsible for ensuring uniform academic standards in 3rd yearphysics and astronomy courses, 2008-9, 2010-present
Careers tutor – responsible for working with both the university Careers Service and Southamptonphysics and astronomy undergraduates to ensure that the students are well-informed about theirpost-graduation options and take appropriate steps to find future employment and/or postgradu-
Administrative roles within the University of SouthamptonServed as academic representative for hiring of new media relations staff member, February 2009
PUBLIC OUTREACH University of Southampton
Coordinator of Southampton Science Caf´e, a series of monthly public lectures on topics of scientificinterest: September 2008-June 2010Coordinator of astronomy exhibit volunteers for university science week: 2006-7Presenter on visit days for secondary students aimed at widening participation in higher educa-tion: 2005-6Lectures presented to:Astronomy Club at St. George’s School, Southampton, February 2006Vectis Astronomical Society (Isle of Wight), February 2007Farnham Astronomical Society, May 2007“Earth and space” class at Our Lady’s Convent School, Hackney, London, May 2007Ousedale School “Astronomy Day,” Milton Keynes, July 2007Eastbourne Astronomical Society, December 2007Cardiff Astronomical Society, December 2008GCSE level Astronomy course, Cantell School, Southampton, March 2009Southampton Astronomical Society, Southampton, May 2009Bishop Wordsworth’s School, GCSE physics classes, Salisbury, England, September 2009Andover Astronomical Society, October 2009Cody Astronomical Society (Farnborough), December 2009Solent Astronomical Society, March 2010Lowell Regional Physics Alliance (a group of high school physics teachers), hosted at University ofMassachusetts-Lowell, April 2010Solent Astronomical Society, July 2011Southern Area Group of Astronomical Societies, summer event on “Developments in Astrophysicsand Cosmology”, July 2012Salisbury Chapter of the Institute of Physics, public seminar series, November 2012Vectis Astronomical Society, November 2012
University of Amsterdam University Open Day presenter 2003-4 Yale University Campus Observatory Open House Volunteer 1996-2001 Campus Observatory Open House Coordinator 1999 Lecture presented at Greater Hartford Academy of Math and Science 2001
1. Leigh N., B ¨oker T., Maccarone T.J., Perets H., “Gas Accretion onto Stellar-mass Black Holes,
and the Consequences for Multiple Star Formation Episodes in Massive Star Clusters”, MonthlyNotices of the Royal Astronomical Society, in press
2. Madej O., Jonker P.G., Groot P.J., van Haaften L., Nelemans G., Maccarone T.J., “Time-resolved
X-shooter spectra and RXTE light curves of the UCXB 4U 0614+091,” Monthly Notices of theRoyal Astronomical Society, in press
3. Ratti E.M., van Grunsven T.F.J., Jonker P.G., Britt C.T., Hynes R.I., Steeghs D., Greiss S., Torres
M.A.P., Maccarone T.J., Groot P.J., Knigge C., Villar V.A., Collazzi A.C., Mikles V.J., GossenL., 2012, “CXOGBS J174444.7-260330: a new long orbital period cataclysmic variable in a lowstate”, 2012, accepted to MNRAS
4. Hynes R.I., Wright N.J., Maccarone T.J., Jonker P.G., Greiss S., Steeghs D., Torres M.A.P., Britt
C.T., Nelemans G., “Identification of Galactic bulge Survey X-ray Sources with Tycho-2 Stars”,2012, accepted to ApJS
5. Maccarone T.J., Patruno A., “Are the very faint X-ray transients period gap systems?”, 2012,
6. Peacock M.B., Zepf S.E., Kundu A., Maccarone T.J., Rhode K.L., Salzer J.J., Waters C.Z., Cia-
rdullo R., Gronwall C., Stern D., “Spatially Resolved Spectroscopy of the Globular ClusterRZ 2109 and the Nature of its Black Hole”, 2012, The Astrophysical Journal, in press
7. Cassatella P., Uttley P., Maccarone T.J., “Accretion flow diagnostics with X-ray spectral-timing:
the hard state of SWIFT J1753.5-0127”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, inpress
8. Strader J., Chomiuk L., Maccarone T.J., Miller-Jones J.C.A., Seth A., 2012, “Two black holes in
the globular cluster M22”, Nature, in press
9. Maccarone T.J., Torres M.A.P., Britt C., Greiss S., Hynes R.I., Jonker P.G., Steeghs D., Wijnands
R., Nelemans G., “Radio sources in the Chandra Galactic Bulge Survey”, 2012, Monthly Noticesof the Royal Astronomical Society, in press
10. Miller-Jones, J.C.A., Wrobel J.M., Sivakoff G.R., Heinke C.O., Miller R.E., Plotkin R.M., Di Ste-
fano R., Greene J.E., Ho. L.C., Kong A.K.H.,”The absence of radio emission from the globularcluster G1” Maccarone T.J., 2012, Astrophysical Journal Letters, 755, 1
11. Degenaar N., Wijnands R., Cackett E.M., Homan J., in ’t Zand J.J.M., Kuulkers E., MaccaroneT.J., van der Klis M., “A 4-year XMM-Newton/Chandra monitoring campaign of the GalacticCentre: analysing the X-ray transients”, 2012, accepted to Astronomy & Astrophysics
12. Peacock M.B., Zepf S.E., Maccarone T.J., “Limits on [O III] 5007 emission from NGC 4472’s
globular clusters: constraints on planetary nebulae and black hole X-ray binaries in globularclusters”, 2012, Astrophysical Journal, 752, 90
13. Thomson G.S., Knigge C., Dieball A., Maccarone T.J., Dolphin A., Zurek D.R., Long K.S., Shara
M., “A multi-wavelength survey of NGC 6752: X-ray counterparts, two new dwarf novae,and a core-collapsed radial profile”, 2012, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,423, 2901
14. Strader J., Chomiuk L., Maccarone T.J., Miller-Jones J.C.A., Seth A.C., Heinke C.O., Sivakoff
G.R., “No evidence for intermediate-mass black holes in globular clusters: strong constraintsfrom the EVLA”, 2012, Astrophysical Journal Letters, 750L, 27
15. Farrell S., Servillat M., Pforr J., Maccarone T.J., Knigge C., Godet O., Maraston C., Webb N.,
Barret D., Gosling A., Belmont R., Wiersema K., “A Young Massive Stellar Population Aroundthe Intermediate Mass Black Hole ESO 243-49 HLX-1”, 2012, The Astrophysical Journal Letters,747L, 13
16. Maccarone T.J., Zurek D.R., “Novae from isolated white dwarfs as a source of helium for sec-
ond generation stars in globular clusters”, 2012, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical So-ciety, 423, 2
17. Saito R., et al, including Maccarone T.J., “VVV DR1: The First Data Release of the Milky Way
Bulge and Southern Plane from the Near-Infrared ESO Public Survey VISTA Variables in theVia Lactea”, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2012, 537, 107
18. Rushton A., Miller-Jones J.C.A., Campana R., Evangelista Y., Paragi Z., Maccarone T.J., Pooley
G.G., Tudose V., Fender R.P., Spencer R.E., Dhawan V., “A weak compact jet in a soft state ofCygnus X-1”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2012, 419, 3194
19. Actis M., et al., including Maccarone T.J., “Design concepts for the Cerenkov Telescope CTA:
an advanced facility for ground-based high energy gamma-ray astronomy”, 2011, Experimen-tal Astronomy, 32, 193
20. Maccarone T.J., “Concluding remarks”, Proceedings of Science, (invited concluding remarks pre-
sentation from “Extreme and Variable High Energy Sky” conference), 2011, Proceedings ofScience (Extremesky 2011), 063
21. Maccarone T.J., “Jets from Galactic Binaries”, Proceedings of Science, (invited review at the “Ex-
treme and Variable High Energy Sky” conference), 2011, Proceedings of Science (Extremesky2011), 014
22. Froning C.S., Cantrell A.G., Maccarone T.J., France K., Khargharia J., Winter L., Robinson E.L.,
Hynes R.I., Broderick J.W., Markoff S., Torres M., Garcia M., Bailyn C.D., Prochaska J.X., WerkJ., Thom C., B´eland C., Danforth C., Keeney B., Green J.C., “Multiwavelength Observationsof A0620-00 in Quiescence”, 2011, The Astrophyical Journal, 743, 26
23. Steele M., Zepf S.E., Kundu A., Maccarone T.J., Rhode K.L., Salzer J.J., Stern D., “Velocity
structure and Variability of [O III] Emission in Black Hole Host Globular Cluster RZ 2109”,The Astrophysical Journal, 2011, 739, 95
24. Curran P.A., Chaty S., Zurita Heras J.A., Tomsick J.A., Maccarone T.J., “Discovery of the IR
counterpart to the X-ray point source in the field of IGR J17448-3232”, Monthly Notices of theRoyal Astronomical Society Letters, 417L, 26
25. Feroci M., et al. (including Maccarone T.J.), “The Large Observatory for X-ray Timing”, ac-
26. Armas-Padilla M., Degenaar N., Patruno A., Russell D.M., Linares M., Maccarone T.J., Homan
J., Wijnands R., “X-ray softening in the new X-ray transient XTE J1719-291 during its 2008outburst decay”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 417, 659
27. Russell D.M., Miller-Jones J.C.A., Maccarone T.J., Yang Y.J., Lewis F., Fender R.P., “Testing the
Jet Quenching Paradigm With an Ultradeep Observation of a Steadily Soft State Black Hole”,The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 2011, 739L, 19
28. Miller-Jones J.C.A., Jonker P.G., Maccarone T.J., Nelemans G., Calvelo D.E., “A deep radio
survey of quiescent black hole X-ray binaries”, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 2011, 739L, 18
29. Peacock M.B., Zepf S.E., Maccarone T.J., Kundu A., “Testing Stellar Population Models with
Sloan Digital Sky Survey Colors of M31’s Globular Clusters”, The Astrophysical Journal, 2011,737, 5
30. Joseph T.D., Maccarone T.J., Fender R.P., “The bright radio transient in M82: an SS 433 ana-
logue?”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2011, 415L, 59
31. Longmore A., Kurtev R., Lucas P., Froebrich D., De Grijs R., Ivanov V., Maccarone T.J., Borissova
J., Ker L., “Mercer 5: A probable new Globular Cluster in the Galactic Bulge”, Monthly Noticesof the Royal Astronomical Society, 2011, 416, 465
32. Paolillo M., Puzia T., Goudfrooij P., Zepf S., Maccarone T., Kundu A., Fabbiano G., ”Probing
the GC-LMXB Connection in NGC 1399: A Wide-Field Study with HST and Chandra”, TheAstrophysical Journal, 2011, 736, 90
33. Maccarone T.J. & Peacock M.B., “On the reliability of proxies for globular cluster collision
rates”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2011, 415, 1875
34. Jonker P.G., Bassa C., Nelemans G., Steeghs D., Torres M.A.P., Maccarone T.J., Hynes R.I.,
Greiss S., Clem J., Dieball A., Mikles V.J., Britt C.T., Gossen L., Collazzi A.C., Wijnands R., in’t Zand J.J.M., Mendez M., Rea N., Kuulkers E., Ratti E.M., van Haaften L.M., Heinke C., ¨
F., Groot P.J., Verbunt F., “The Galactic Bulge Survey: Outlines and X-ray Observations”, TheAstrophysical Journal Supplement, 194, 18
35. Ho. W.C.G., Maccarone T.J., Andersson N.A., “Cosmic recycling of millisecond pulsars”, 2011,
Astrophysical Journal Letters, 730L, 36
36. Maccarone, T.J,, Uttley, P., van der Klis, M., Wijnands, R., Coppi, P.S. , “Coupling between
QPOs and broadband noise components in GRS 1915+105”, 2011, Monthly Notices of the RoyalAstronomical Society, 413, 1819
37. Maccarone T.J., Warner B., “Strong [O III] and [N II] emission lines in globular clusters from
photoionized R Corona Borealis star winds,” 2011, Monthly Notices of the Royal AstronomicalSociety, 410L, 32
38. Farrell S.A., Servillat M., Wiersema K., Barret D., Godet O., Heywood I., Maccarone T.J., Oates
S.R., Plazolles B., Webb N.A., “Exploring the Nature of the Brightest Hyper-luminous X-raySource”, 2011, Astronomische Nachschriften, 332, 392
39. Maccarone T.J., Kundu A., Zepf S.E., Rhode K.L., “Fading of the X-ray flux from the black hole
in the NGC 4472 globular cluster RZ 2109”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,2011, 410, 1655
40. Peacock M.B., Maccarone T.J., Dieball A., Knigge C., “The ultraviolet colour of globular clus-
ters in M31: a core density effect?” 2011, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 411,487
41. Maccarone T.J., Kundu A., Zepf S.E., Rhode K.L., “A new globular cluster black hole in NGC 4472,”
2011, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 410, 1655
42. Curran P., Maccarone T.J., Casella P., Evans P.A., Landsman W., Krimm H.A., Brocksopp C.,
Still M., “Black hole candidate XTE J1752-223: Swift observations of canonical states duringoutburst”, 2011, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 410, 541
43. Wiersema K., Farrell, S., Webb N., Servillat M., Maccarone T.J., Barret D., Godet O., “A Redshift
for the Intermediate Mass Black Hole Candidate HLX-1: Confirmation of its Association withthe Galaxy ESO 243-49”, 2010, Astrophysical Journal Letters, 721L, 102
44. Shih I.C., Kundu A., Maccarone T.J., Zepf S.E., Joseph T.D., “A Variable Black Hole X-ray
Source in a NGC 1399 Globular Cluster,” 2010, The Astrophysical Journal, 721, 323
45. Calvelo D.E., Fender R.P., Russell D.M., Gallo E., Corbel S., Tzioumis A.K., Bell M.E., Lewis
F., Maccarone T.J., “Limits on the quiescent radio emission from the black hole binaries GROJ1655-40 and XTE J1550-564,” Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2010, 409, 839
46. Peacock M.B., Maccarone T.J., Kundu A., Zepf S.E., “A systematic study of low mass X-ray
binaries in the M31 globular cluster system,” Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,2010, 407, 2611
47. Wu Y.X., Yu W., Li T.P., Maccarone T.J., Li X.D., “Orbital Period and Outburst Luminosty of
Transient Low Mass X-ray Binaries,” 2010, Astrophysical Journal, 718, 610
48. Maccarone T.J., Long K.S., Knigge C., Dieball A., Zurek D.R., “Large amplitude variability
from the persistent ultracompact X-ray binary in NGC 1851,” Monthly Notices of the RoyalAstronomical Society, 2010, 406, 2087
49. Casella P., Maccarone T.J., O’Brien K., Fender R., Russell D., van der Klis M., Pe’er A., Maitra
D., Altamirano D., Belloni T., Kanbach G., Klein-Wolt M., Mason E., Soleri P., Stefanescu A.,Wiersema K., Wijnands R., “Fast infrared variability from a relativistic jet in GX 339-4,” 2010,Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Letters, 404, L21
50. Minniti D., et al, “VISTA Variables in the Via Lactea (VVV): A public near-IR survey of the
Milky Way,” 2010, New Astronomy, 15, 433
51. Migliari S., Tomsick J.A., Miller-Jones J.C.A., Heinz S., Hynes R.I., Fender R.P., Gallo E., Jonker
P.G., Maccarone T.J., “The complete spectrum of a neutron star X-ray binary,” 2010, Astrophys-ical Journal, 710, 117
52. Peacock M.B., Maccarone T.J., Knigge C., Kundu A., Waters C.Z., Zepf S.E., Zurek D., “The
M31 globular cluster system: ugriz and K-band photometry and structural parameters,” 2010,Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 402, 803
53. Gnedin O., Maccarone T.J., Psaltis D., Zepf S.E., “Shrinking the braneworld: black hole in a
globular cluster,” 2009, Astrophysical Journal Letters, 705, 168L
54. Zurek D., Knigge C., Maccarone T.J., Dieball A., Long K.S., “An ultracompact X-ray binary in
the globular cluster NGC 1851,” 2009, The Astrophysical Journal, 699, 1113
55. Dieball A., Knigge C., Maccarone T.J., Long K.S., Hannikainen D.C., Zurek D., Shara M., “Blue
hook stars in globular clusters,” 2009, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 394L,56
56. Maccarone T.J., Fender R.P., Knigge C., Tzioumis A.K., “Constraints on accretion in V Puppis,”
2009, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 393,1070
57. Peacock M.B., Maccarone T.J., Waters C.Z., Kundu A., Zepf S.E., Knigge C., Zurek D., “WF-
CAM Survey of M31 globular clusters: low mass X-ray binaries,” Monthly Notices of the RoyalAstronomical Society Letters, 2009, 392, L55
58. Bandhyopadhyay R., Silk J., Taylor J.E., Maccarone T.J., “On the Origin of the 511 keV Emission
in the Galactic Centre”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2009, 392, 1115
59. Zepf S.E., Stern D., Maccarone T.J., Kundu A., Kamionkowski M., Rhode K.L., Salzer J.J., Cia-
rdullo R., Gronwall C., “Very broad [O III] 4959/5007 emission from the NGC 4472 globularcluster RZ 2109 and implications for the nature of its black hole X-ray source,” 2008, Astro-physical Journal Letters, 683, 139
60. Maccarone T.J., Servillat M., “Radio observations of NGC 2808 and other globular clusters:
constraints on intermediate mass black holes,” 2008, Monthly Notices of the Royal AstronomicalSociety, 389, 379
61. Maccarone T.J., “Stellar jets,” invited review for RS Ophiuchi (2006) meeting, 2008, AstronomicalSociety of the Pacific Conference Series, 401, 191, ASP: San Francisco, A. Evans, M.Bode, T.J. O’Brien, M.J. Darnley editors
62. Miller-Jones J.C.A., Gallo E., Rupen M.P., Mioduszewski A.J., Brisken W., Fender R.P., Jonker
P.G., Maccarone T.J., “Zooming in on a sleeping giant: millisarcsecond HSA imaging of theblack hole X-ray binary V404 Cyg in quiescence”, 2008, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronom-ical Society, 388, 1751
63. Soderberg A. and 43 co-authors including Maccarone T.J, “An extremely luminous X-ray out-
burst marking the birth of a supernova,” 2008, Nature, 453, 469
64. Shih I.C., Maccarone T.J., Kundu A., Zepf S.E., “Multi-epoch spectroscopy of the globular clus-
ter black hole in NGC 4472,” 2008,Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 386, 2075
65. K. Belczynski, V. Kalogera, F. Rasio, R. Taam, A. Zezas, T. Builik, T. Maccarone, N. Ivanova,
“Compact Object Modeling: STARTRACK Population Synthesis Code,” 2008, AstrophysicalJournal Supplement, 174, 223
66. Maccarone T.J. & Knigge C., “Compact objects in globular clusters,” 2007, Astronomy & Geo-
67. Zepf S.E., Maccarone T.J., Bergond G., Kundu A., Rhode K.L., Salzer J. J., “[O III] 5007 Emission
From the Black Hole X-ray Binary in an NGC 4472 Globular Cluster,” 2007, AstrophysicalJournal Letters, 669, L69
68. Russell D.M., Maccarone T.J., K ¨ording E., Homan J., “Parallel tracks in infrared versus X-ray
emission in X-ray binary outbursts: a hysteresis effect?”, 2007, Monthly Notices of the RoyalAstronomical Society, 379, 1401
69. Kundu A., Maccarone T.J., Zepf S.E., “Probing the formation of low mass X-ray binaries in
globular clusters and the field”, 2007, Astrophysical Journal, 662, 525
70. M. Hempel, S. Zepf, A. Kundu, D. Geisler, T. Maccarone, “Near-infrared Observations of Glob-
ular Clusters in NGC 4472, NGC 4594, NGC 3585 and NGC 5813 and Implications for theirAges and Metallicities,” 2007, Astrophysical Journal, 661, 768
71. Maccarone, T.J., Kundu, A., Zepf, S.E., Rhode K.L., “A black hole in a globular cluster,” 2007,
72. Rasio F. A., Baumgardt H., Corongiu A., D’Antona F., Fabbiano G., Fregeau J. M., Gebhardt
K., Heinke C. O., Hut P., Ivanova N., Maccarone T. J., Ransom S. M., Webb, N. A., “ NeutronStars and Black Holes in Star Clusters,” 2007, Highlights of Astronomy, Volume 14, 215
73. Maccarone, T.J. & K ¨ording E., “Jets:black holes and beyond,” 2006, Astronomy & Geophysics, 47,
74. Smits M., Maccarone T.J., Kundu A., Zepf S.E., “The globular cluster mass/low mass X-ray
binary correlation:implications for kick velocity distributions from supernovae,” 2006, As-tronomy & Astrophysics, 458, 477
75. Gallo, E., Fender, R.P., Miller-Jones, J.C.A., Jonker, P.G., Heinz, S., Merloni, A., Maccarone,T.J., van der Klis, M., “A radio-emitting outflow in the quiescent state of A0620-00: impli-cations for modelling low-luminosity black hole binaries,” 2006, Monthly Notices of the RoyalAstronomical Society, 370, 1351
76. Migliari, S., Tomsick, J.A., Maccarone, T.J., Gallo, E., Fender, R.P., Nelemans, G., “Infrared syn-
chrotron emission from the compact jet of a neutron star X-ray binary: 4U 0614+091 detectedwith Spitzer,” 2006, Astrophysical Journal Letters, 643, L41
77. Wijnands R., in ’t Zand J.J.M., Rupen M., Maccarone T., Homan J., Cornelisse R., Fender R.,
Grindlay J., van der Klis M., Kuulkers E., Markwardt C.B., Miller-Jones J.C.A., Wang Q.D.,“The XMM-Newton/Chandra monitoring campaign on the Galactic center region: Descrip-tion of the program and preliminary results”,2006, Astronomy & Astrophyiscs, 449, 1117
78. Kundu A., Zepf S.E., Hempel M., Morton D., Ashman K.M., Maccarone T.J., Kissler-Patig M.,
Puzia T.H., Vesperini E., “The Ages of Globular Clusters in NGC 4365 Revisited with DeepHST Observations”, 2005, Astrophysical Journal Letters, 634, L41
79. Maccarone T.J., “An explanation for long flares from extragalactic globular cluster X-ray sources,”
2005, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 364, 971
80. Maccarone T.J., Kundu A., Zepf S.E., Piro A.L., Bildsten L., “The discovery of X-ray binaries in
the Sculptor Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy,” 2005, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyLetters, 364L, 61
81. Fender, R.P., Maccarone, T.J. & van Kesteren, Z., “Kinetic Power Output from X-ray Binary
Jets and Its Effects on the Interstellar Medium,” 2005, Monthly Notices of the Royal AstronomicalSociety, 360, 1085
82. Maccarone, T.J., “ Constraints on jet X-ray emission in low/hard state X-ray binaries,” 2005,
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Letters, 360, L68
83. Maccarone, T.J., Jonker, P.G. & Sills, A.I., “Lithium enhancement in X-ray binaries due to stellar
rotation,” 2005, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 436, 671
84. Maccarone, T.J., “Using radio emission to detect isolated and quiescent accreting black holes”,
2005, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Letters, 360, L30
85. Maccarone, T.J., Miller-Jones, J.C.A., Fender, R.P. & Pooley, G.G., “Was the Narrow Line Seyfert
1 Galaxy RGB J0044+193 ever really radio loud?,” 2005, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 433, 531
86. Portegies Zwart, S.F., Dewi, J. & Maccarone, T.J., “Formation and evolution of intermediate
mass black hole X-ray binaries,” 2005, to appear in From X-ray Binaries to Quasars: Black HoleAccretion on All Mass Scales, ed. T. J. Maccarone, R. P. Fender, and L. C. Ho, (Dordrecht:Kluwer)
87. Maccarone, T.J., Fender, R.P. & Tzioumis, A.K., “Finding Faint Intermediate-mass Black Holes
in the Radio Band,” 2005, Astrophysics and Space Science, 300, 237
88. Treister, E., Castander, F.J., Maccarone, T.J., et al., “The Cal´an-Yale Deep Extragalactic Re-
search (CYDER) Survey: Optical Properties and Deep Spectroscopy of Serendipitous X-RaySources,” 2005, The Astrophysical Journal, 621, 104
89. Maccarone, T.J. & Schnittman, J.D., “The Bicoherence as a Diagnostic of QPO Models,”, 2005,
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 357, 12
90. Maccarone, T.J., Fender, R.P. & Tzioumis, A.K., “Upper Limits on Central Black Hole Masses of
Globular Clusters from Radio Emission and a Possible Intermediate Mass Black Hole Detec-tion in the Ursa Minor Dwarf Galaxy,” 2005, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyLetters, 356, 17
91. Gallo, E., Fender, R., Maccarone, T. & Jonker, P., “Towards a Unified Description of the Jet-
Accretion Coupling in Stellar and Super Massive Black Holes,” Progress of Theoretical PhysicsSupplement, 2004, 155, 83
92. Portegies Zwart, S., Dewi, J. & Maccarone, T.J., “Intermediate Mass Black Holes in Accreting
Binaries: Formation, Evolution and Observational Appearance,” 2004, Monthly Notices of theRoyal Astronomical Society, 355, 413
93. Maccarone, T.J, “Radio Emission as a Test of the Existence of Intermediate Mass Black Holes
in Globular Clusters and Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies,” 2004, Monthly Notices of the Royal As-tronomical Society, 351, 1049
94. Maccarone, T.J, Kundu, A. & Zepf, S.E., “An explanation for metallicity effects on X-ray Binary
properties,” 2004, Astrophysical Journal, 606, 430
95. Gallo, E., Corbel, S., Fender, R.P., Maccarone, T.J. & Tzioumis, A.K., “A Transient Large Scale
Relativistic Jet from GX 339-4,” 2004, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 347, L52
96. Treister, E., Castander, F.-J., Maccarone, T.J., Herrera, D., Gawiser, E., Maza, J. & Coppi, P.S.,
“An X-Ray Selected AGN at z=4.6 Discovered by the CYDER Survey,” Astrophysical Journal,2004, 601, 36
97. Fender, R.P. & Maccarone, T.J., “High Energy Emission from Microquasars,” 2004, invited
review chapter in the book, Cosmic Gamma-Ray Sources, eds. K.S. Cheng & G.E. Romero(Dordrecht:Springer-Verlag)
98. Maccarone, T.J, Gallo, E. & Fender, R., “The Connection Between Radio Quiet AGN and the
High/Soft State of X-Ray Binaries,” 2003, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 345,L19
99. Maccarone, T.J., “Do X-Ray Binary State Transition Luminosities Vary?,” 2003, Astronomy &
100. Rezzolla, L., Yoshida, S.-I., Maccarone, T.J. & Zanotti, O., “A New Simple Model for High
Frequency Quasi Periodic Oscillations in Black Hole Candidates,” 2003, Monthly Notices of theRoyal Astronomical Society, 344L, 37
101. Castander, F. J., Treister, E., Maza, J., Coppi, P. S.,Maccarone, T. J., Zepf, S. E., Guzman, R. &
Ruiz, M. T., “The CYDER survey: first results,” 2003, Astronomische Nachschriften, 324, 40
102. Kundu, A., Maccarone, T.J., Zepf, S.E., & Puzia, T.H., “Some Constraints on the Effects of Age
and Metallicity on the Low-Mass X-Ray Binary Formation Rate”,2003, Astrophysical JournalLetters, 589, 81
103. Butt, Y., Maccarone, T.J & Prantzos, N., “Jet Induced Nucleosynthesis in Misaligned Micro-
quasars,”, 2003, Astrophysical Journal, 587, 748
104. Maccarone, T.J. & Coppi, P.S., “Spectral Fits to the 1999 Outburst Data for Aql X-1”, 2003,
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 399, 1151
105. Castander, F.-J., Treister, E., Maccarone, T.J., Coppi, P.S., Maza, J., Zepf, S.E. & Guzm´an, R.,
“High Redshift X-Ray Selected Quasars: CXOCY J125304.0-090737 joins the club”, 2003, As-tronomical Journal, 125, 1689
106. Maccarone, T.J., Kundu, A. & Zepf, S.E., “The Low Mass X-ray Binary-Globular Cluster Con-
nection in NGC 4472 II: X-ray Source Properties and Source Catalogs,” 2003, AstrophysicalJournal, 586, 814
107. Maccarone, T.J. & Coppi, P.S., “Hysteresis in the Light Curves of Soft X-ray Transients”, 2003,
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 338, 189
108. Gonzalez, A.H. & Maccarone, T.J., “A Test of Photometric Redshifts for X-ray Luminous Galax-
ies”, 2002, Astrophysical Journal, 581, 155
109. Maccarone, T.J., “On the Misalignment of Jets in Microquasars”, 2002, Monthly Notices of theRoyal Astronomical Society, 336, 1371
110. Maccarone, T.J. & Coppi, P.S., “Higher Order Variability Properties of Accreting Black Holes”,
2002, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 336, 817
111. Maccarone, T.J. & Coppi, P.S.,“Short Timescale Correlations Between Line and Continuum
Fluxes in Cygnus X-1”, 2002, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 335, 465
112. Kundu, A., Maccarone, T.J. & Zepf, S.E., “The Low Mass X-ray Binary-Globular Cluster Con-
nection in NGC 4472”, 2002, Astrophysical Journal Letters, 574, 5L
113. Krawczynski, H., Coppi, P.S., Maccarone, T.J., & Aharonian, F.A, “An X-ray/TeV gamma-ray
study of Mkn 501 during its extraordinary outburst of 1997,” 2001, X-RAY ASTRONOMY:Stellar Endpoints,AGN, and the Diffuse X-ray Background. Edited by Nicholas E. White,Giuseppe Malaguti, and Giorgio G.C. Palumbo. Melville, NY: American Institute of Physics,2001. AIP Conference Proceedings, 599, 694
114. Maccarone, T.J., Coppi, P.S., & Poutanen, J., “Time Domain Analysis of Variability in Cygnus
X-1: Constraints on the Emission Models”, 2000, Astrophysical Journal Letters, 107, 537L
115. Krawczynski, H., Coppi, P.S., Maccarone, T.J., & Aharonian, F.A, “X-Ray/TeV γ-ray Observa-
tions of Several Strong Flares of Mkn 501 during 1997 and implications,” 2000, Astronomy &Astrophysics, 353, 97
116. Maccarone, T.J., & Coppi, P.S., “Short Timescale Variability in Mkn 501,” 1999, Astroparticle
117. Maccarone T.J., “Neutron stars and black holes,” invited review article for “Planets, Stars and Stellar
Systems” reference volume, Springer-Verlag, volume editor: Martin Barstow, series editor: TerryOswalt, article accepted, volume likely to be published in 2012
118. Maccarone T.J., Russell D.M., Lewis F., “The rapid, extreme fading of GX 339-4”, Astronomer’s Tele-
119. Maccarone T.J., Bandyopadhyay R., Kennea J., Britt C., Hynes R., Jonker P., Steeghs D., Greiss S.,
Nelemans G., Lucas P., “A Swift detection of AX J1754.2-2754: renewed activity, or evidence ofpersistent accretion?”, Astronomer’s Telegram, 4109
120. Maccarone T.J., Kalamkar M., Rushton A., “4U 0614+091 observed at low variability, soft state”,
121. Charles P.A., Rajoelimanana A., Maccarone T.J., “Swift J053041.9-665426, the new LMC X-ray tran-
sient, has a variable optical counterpart”, Astronomer’s Telegram, 3751
122. Greiss S., Steeghs D., Maccarone T., Hynes R.I., Britt C.T., Jonker P.G., Torres M.A., Masetti N., Rojas
A., Heinke C., Kaur R., Bird T., Search for the NIR and Optical counterpart to IGR J17407-2808 inquiescence”, Astronomer’s Telegram, 3868
123. Greiss S., Steeghs D., Maccarone T., Jonker P.G., Torres M.A.P., Gonzalez O., Masetti N., Rojas A.,
and the VVV consortium, “Search for the NIR counterpart to IGR J17498-2921 in quiescence”, As-tronomer’s Telegram, 3562
124. Bandyopadhyay R., Lucas P., Maccarone T.J., “Search for an infrared counterpart to the newly dis-
covered transient Swift 1822.3-1606”, Astronomer’s Telegram, 3502
125. Coriat M., Tzioumis T., Corbel S., Fender R., Borcksopp C., Broderick J., Casella P., Maccarone T.,
“Radio detection of MAXI J0556-332 with the ATCA”, Astronomer’s Telegram, 3119
126. Rushton A., Dhawan V., Fender R., Garrett M., Maccarone T., Miller-Jones J., Paragi Z., Pooley G.,
Spencer R., Tudose V., “RXTE-ASM detects the start of a possible state transition in Cygnus X-1,”Astronomer’s Telegram, 2174
127. Bozzo E., Ferrigno C., Coe M.J., den Hartog P., Bird A.J., Lubinski P., Maccarone T.J., Beckman V.,
Ubertini P., Watanabe K., ”IGR J01054-7253: a new INTEGRAL source discovered in the SMC,”Astronomer’s Telegram, 2079
128. Miller-Jones J.C.A., Sivakoff G., Migliari S., Koerding E., Rupen M., Remillard R.A., Dhawan V.,
Russell D.M., Maitra D., Fender R.P., Markoff S., Heinz S., Sarazin C.L., Maccarone T.J., “Radioactivity in H1743-322,” Astronomer’s Telegram, 2062
129. Beswick R.J., Muxlow T.W.B., Pedlar A., Fenech D., Fender R., Maccarone T., “Observations of the
bright radio transient in M82: a new radio supernova?,” Astronomer’s Telegram, 2060
130. Hunstead D., Campbell-Wilson D., Maccarone T., Casella P., Hannikainen D., “MOST Observations
of GX 339-4,” Astronomer’s Telegram, 1960
131. Bassa C., Jonker P.G., Nelemans G., Steeghs D., Torres M.A.P., Kuiper L., in ’t Zand J.J.M., Rea
N., Maccarone T., Kuulkers E., Grindlay J., Wijnands R., Mendez M., “The faint neutron star andprobably ultracompact transient AX J1754.2-2754: quiescent after a (long) outburst,” Astronomer’sTelegram 1575
132. Argo M.K., Beswick R.J., Garrington S.T., Muxlow T.W.B., Spencer R., Thomasson P., Fender R.P.,
Maccarone T.J., “MERLIN radio upper limits on the optical transient in M82,” Astronomer’s Telegram,1522
133. Maccarone T.J., Fender R., Beswick R., Garrington S., Spencer R., Muxlow T., Thomasson P., “X-ray
upper limits from the M82 optical transient,” Astronomer’s Telegram, 1503
134. Kong A.K.H., Soderberg A., Berger E., Rea N., Maccarone T., “Swift UVOT Observations of the X-ray
transient in NGC 2770,” Astronomer’s Telegram, 1356
135. Kong A.K.H., Maccarone T.J., “A Giant X-ray Flare in NGC 2770,” Astronomer’s Telegram, 1355
136. Wijnands R., Kuulkers E., Muno M., Cackett E., in ’t Zand J., Maccarone T., Fender R., Grindlay J.,
Homan J., Rupen M., Cornelisse R., Miller-Jones J., van der Klis M., Markwardt C., Wang D., “Re-newed activity of the very faint X-ray transient CXO GC J174535.5-290124 and continued activityof the neutron-star X-ray transient SAX J1747.0-2853,” Astronomer’s Telegram, 892
137. Gallo E., Tomsick J., Fender R., Tzioumis T., Sault R., Maccarone T., Belloni T., “Follow-up radio and
X-ray observations of 4U 1630-47,” Astronomer’s Telegram, 685
138. Wijnands R., Miller-Jones J., van der Klis M., Rupen M., in ’t Zand J., Wang Q.D., Grindlay J.,
Steeghs D., Fender R., Cornelisse R., Maccarone T., Kuulkers E., Markwardt C.B., Homan J., Cack-ett E., Astronomer’s Telegram, “Further Chandra observations of SAX J1747.0-2853 and the regionaround Sgr A*,” 638
139. Wijnands R., Miller-Jones J., van der Klis M., Rupen M., in ’t Zand J., Wang Q.D., Grindlay J.,
Steeghs D., Fender R., Cornelisse R., Maccarone T., Kuulkers E., Markwardt C.B., Homan J., CackettE., Astronomer’s Telegram, “Renewed activity of the neutron star X-ray transient SAX J1747.0-2853,”637
140. Wijnands R., Maccarone T., Miller-Jones J., van der Klis M., Rupen M., in ’t Zand J., Wang Q.D.,
Grindlay J., Steeghs D., Fender R., Cornelisse R., Kuulkers E., Markwardt C.B., Homan J., “Newoutbursts of two faint X-ray transients (GRS 1741.9-2853 and XMM J174457-2850.3) located in theGalactic center region,” Astronomer’s Telegram, 512
Press releases
“Spitzer Reveals Jets Around a Dead Star,” Linda Vu, for Spitzer Science Center Newsroom, basedon Migliari et al. 2006 paper, and Spitzer data of which TJM was PI. Additional releases weremade by the University of Southampton; University of California, San Diego; and the RadboudUniversiteit. “Black hole boldly goes where no black hole has gone before,” press release on paper “A black holein a globular cluster,” issued by ESA, with additional press releases by the University of Southamp-ton, Michigan State University and Wesleyan University. Story covered in original articles by UPI,BBC, Christian Science Monitor, Der Spiegel, and New Scientist, and carried by majormedia outlets in at least ten languages“Most Black Holes Might Come in Only Small and Large,” Jet Propulsion Laboratory press releaserelated to the paper by Zepf, Stern, Maccarone et al. 2008 paper. Additional release made byMichigan State University. Reports appeared on BBC,, UPI, and many other mediaoutlets. “Extreme X-ray source supports new class of black hole,” University of Leicester press releastedrelated to the Wiersema et al. 2010 paper. Reports appeared on the websites including those of theBBC, US News & World Report,UPI, La Repubblica, The Daily Mail. “Black hole came from a shredded galaxy” press release issued by University of Sydney, NASA,Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, University of Leicester, and University of Southamp-ton, related to Farrell et al. 2012 paper. Reports appeared in US, British, Australian, Indian, German,Spanish, Romanian, Polish and Hungarian media outlets. Press releases related to “Two stellar-mass black holes in the globular cluster M22,” issued byMichigan State University, the University of Southampton, the National Radio Astronomy Univer-sity, and the Curtin University of Technology. Reports appeared in US, British, Australian, Indian,German, Spanish, Brazilian, Belgian, Lithuanian, Italian, Russian, Japanese, Korean, Ukrainian,Mexican, and Austrian media outlets. Media appearances Serveral brief segments on BBC Radio Solent Mid-morning show with Jon Cuthill to discuss Southamp- X-ray/γ-ray
• Maccarone T.J. , Warner B., Ho W.C.G., Pooley G.G., Fryer C.L., “The mysterious X-ray emis-
sion and optical flash of Zeta Lyrae”, XMM-Newton Cycle 11, 7 ksec
• Uttley P., Casella P., O’Brien K., Maccarone T.J., Russell D.M., Fender R., Charles P.A., Mu ˜
Darias T., “Measuring the disc-jet correlation in SWIFT J1753.5-0127”, XMM-Newton Cycle11, 33 ksec
• Farrell S., Servillat M., Maccarone T.J., Barret D., Webb N., Maraston C., Pforr J., Godet O., “The
Stellar Population Around the Intermediate Mass Black Hole ESO 243-49 HLX-1”, XMM-Newton Cycle 11, joint proposal for 186 ksec with XMM + 10 orbits of time with HST
• O’Brien K., Maccarone T.J., Casella P., Mu ˜
noz-Darias T., Russell D.M., Fender R., Charles P.A.,
Mazin B., Uttley P., “Fast multi-wavelength variability from a black hole”, XMM-NewtonCycle 11, 100 ksec
• Maccarone T.J., Kundu A., Zepf S., Rhode K., Steele M., “Understanding the variability of the
first globular cluster black hole”, Chandra Cycle 12, 20 ksec + Gemini time
• Maccarone T.J., Kundu A., Zepf S., Fender R., “Low luminosity AGN and low mass black holes
in nearby dwarf galaxies”, Chandra Cycle 12, 70 ksec
• Uttley P., Wilms J., Pottschmidt K., Maccarone T.J., Casella P., Charles P., Wilkinson A.,R.,
Cassatella P.M., Hanke M., B ¨ock M., ”Decoding disc-corona-jet variability in hard state blackhole X-ray binaries,” XMM-Newton, Cycle 9, 66 ksec for 2 targets of opportunity
• Maccarone T.J., Kundu A., Zepf S.E., Rhode K.L., “A new look at the X-ray binary richest
• Dieball A., Maccarone T.J., Knigge C., Long K.S., Hannikainen D., Webb N., Zurek D., “Deep
X-ray observations of the globular cluster M15: A complete census of the interacting binarypopulation,” Chandra Cycle 10, 100 ksec
• Kundu A., Maccarone T.J., Rhode K.L., Zepf S.E., “Low mass X-ray binaries in spiral galaxies,”
• Maccarone, T.J., 4×1 kilosecond observations with Swift to monitor the Cygnus X-1 combined
with VLBA as it approaches a state transition
• Maccarone T.J., 3×1 kilosecond obserrvations of H1743-322 combined with VLBA observations
• Maccarone T.J, “V Puppis: a black hole triple?” 1 kilosecond, Chandra Director’s Discretionary
• Maccarone, T., Fender, R., Knigge, C., Tzioumis, A., Swift Target of Opportunity for V Puppis,
• Dieball A., Knigge C., Maccarone T.J., Webb N., Cornelisse R., Connelly J., Zurek D., Shara
M., Long K., Hannikainen D., Charles P., Servillat M., “A Complete Census of the InteractingBinary Population in the Centre of the Globular Cluster NGC 6681”, 70 ksec, Chandra Cycle10
• Maccarone, Thomas J., Fender, Rob, Beswick, Rob, Garrington, Simon, Spencer, Ralph, Muxlow,
Tom, Thomasson, Peter, Swift Target of Opportunity for M82 Optical Transient, 5 ksec, May2008
• Maccarone T.J., Bandhyopadhyay R., Bird A.J., McBride V.A., Shaw S.E., Silk J., Taylor J., “Deep
observations of 47 Tuc and the SMC”, INTEGRAL, AO-6 Key Program, 2 Megaseconds
• Maccarone T.J., XMM-Newton Target of Opportunity, 5 ksec of Director’s Discretionary Time
• Maccarone T.J., Swift Target of Opportunity, 6 ksec for XMMU J122939.7+075333, December
• Zepf S.E., Maccarone T.J., Kundu A., “Understanding the Low-Mass X-ray Binaries in the
Sculptor Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy,” Chandra Cyle 9, 50 ksec + 1 night Gemini optical spec-troscopy
• Virani, S., et al., INTEGRAL, “A Complete AGN Census at High Energies with INTEGRAL,”
1 MSec in priority A, 1 Msec in priority C, Cycle 5
• Tomsick, J., et al., INTEGRAL, Cycle 5, “Jets and disks in X-ray binaries,” data rights for 14
• Tomsick J., Belloni T., Gallo E., Migliari S., Maccarone T.J., Vrtilek S., RXTE, Cycle 12, “Spectral
Energy Distributions of Galactic X-ray Binaries”, 123 kiloseconds
• Casella P.G., et al., RXTE, Cycle 12, “Coordinated fast X-ray, optical and IR variability of Low-
mass X-ray binaries: TOO observations of black-hole transients during spectral transition,”460 kiloseconds
• T.J. Maccarone, C. Kaiser, C. Brocksopp, J. Sokoloski, K. Gunn, R. Fender, “A Large Scale X-ray
Jet from GRS 1915+105,” Chandra Cycle 7, 30 ksec
• Urry, C.M., Treister, E., Maccarone, T.J., Coppi, P.S. & Castander, F.-J., “An INTEGRAL Way to
Solve the X-ray Background Problem”, INTEGRAL, Cycle 3, 2000 ksec
• Maccarone, T.J., Fender, R.P., Kundu, A. & Zepf, S.E., “A Deep Look at the Ursa Minor Dwarf
Spheroidal Galaxy,” XMM-Newton, 52 ksec, Cycle 4
• Maccarone, T.J., Wijnands, R., Zezas, A., Fender, R.P. & Miller-Jones, J.C.A., ”Simultaneous
X-ray/VLA monitoring of NGC 253,” XMM-Newton, Cycle 4, 65 ksec
• Wijnands, R. et al., ”Monitoring Observations of the Galactic Center Region”, XMM-Newton,
Cycle 4, 111 ksec (with simultaneous Chandra time)
• Fender, R.P., et al., “Simultaneous VLA/Chandra Observations of A0620-00”, Chandra X-rayObservatory, Cycle 6, 40 ksec (Joint proposal including 24 hours of VLA time)
• M.A. Nowak, A. Juett, N. Schulz, R. Fender, J. Wilms, S. Markoff, T. Maccarone, E. Gallo,
“Resolving the Fe Line, Warm Absorber, and Scattering Halo of GX 339-4”, Chandra X-rayObservatory, Cycle 6, 60 ksec (Joint proposal with RXTE)
• Maccarone, T.J., Rhode, K.L., Kundu, A. & Zepf, S.E., “The Formation and Evolution of X-ray
binaries in Elliptical Galaxies,” X-ray Multiple Mirror-Newton Observatory Cycle 3, 103 ksec
• Wilms, J., et al., “XMM-Newton Observations Of Cyg X-1,” X-ray Multiple Mirror-Newton
• Wilms, J., et al., “Simultaneous INTEGRAL and XMM-Newton Observations Of Cyg X-1,”
INTEGRAL Gamma-Ray Observatory Cycle 2, 320 ksec
• Maccarone, T.J., Bildsten, L., Kundu, A., Piro, A. & Zepf, S.E., “Using the Sculptor Dwarf
Spheroidal Galaxy to Constrain X-ray binary Production in Population II,” Chandra X-rayObservatory Cycle 5, 126 ksec (Joint proposal also includes 1 night with the CTIO 1.3 meter formonitoring observations in the optical and infra-red)
• Jonker P.G., Hynes R., Nelemans G., Steeghs D., Ratti E., Torres M.A.P., Maccarone T., Bassa
C., Greiss S., “The Galactic Bulge Survey: determining accurate neutron star and black holemasses and constraining binary evolution models”, ESO Cycle 87A, 54 hours VLT with VI-MOS, 3 nights VLT with FORS2, 4 nights NTT with EFOSC2
• Casella P., Maccarone T.J., O’Brien K., Mu ˜
noz-Daris T., Cantrell A., Bailyn C., Dhillon V.,
Marsh T., “Flaring and Flickering in low accretion rate X-ray binaries”, ESO Period 86A, 10hours VLT time in fast timing mode with ISAAC, 2 nights NTT time with ULTRACAM
• Maccarone T.J., Shearer A., Casella P., O’Brien K., “A search for pulsed emission from the
brightest Southern pulsar”, ESO Period 86A, 7 hours of fast timing mode data with ISAAC
• Farrell S., Knigge C., Maccarone T., Gosling A., Servillat M., Wiersema K., Webb N., Barret D.,
Godet O., “The Ultraviolet and Optical Counterparts of the Intermediate Mass Black HoleCandidate ESO 243-49 HLX-1” HST, Cycle 18, 3 orbits
• Hynes R.I., Britt C., Jonker P., Nelemans G., Steeghs D., Maccarone T.J., Bassa C., “Eclipsing
and Variable X-Ray Binaries in the Galactic Bulge Survey,” 2010A, NOAO, 8 nights, BlancoTelescope
noz-Darias T., Casella P., Casares J., Maccarone T.J., Durant M., Gandhi P.,
Shahbaz T., Dhillon V., Marsh T., “Flaring and Flickering in X-ray binaries: opening a windowon correlated, multi-wavelength variability around compact objects,” 3 simultaneous nightson New Technology Telescope and VLT (ISAAC), Period 85
• Jonker P.G., Hynes R.I., Nelemans G., Steeghs D., Ratti E., Torres M., Maccarone T.J., Bassa C.,
“The Galactic Bulge Survey: determining accurate neutron star and black hole masses andconstraining binary evolution models,” 69 hours, VLT (VIMOS) and 6 nights NTT, Period 85
• Maccarone T.J., Kundu A., Zepf S.E., Fender R., Barmby P., “ Understanding the nature of the
possible intermediate mass black hole in the Ursa Minor dwarf spheroidal galaxy,” Gemini-North, 1.4 hours, 2010A
• Hynes R.I., Jonker P., Nelemans G., Steeghs D., Maccarone T.J., Bassa C., Heinke C., “Spec-
troscopic identification of X-ray binaries in the Galactic Bulge Survey,” 15.5 hours Band 2, 7hours Band 3
• Casella P., Maccarone T., Migliari S., Russell D., 2009, Spitzer Space Telescope, “Rapid variabil-
ity of jets in X-ray binaries: a new tool”, 4 hours
• Zepf S.E. et al., including TJM, winter 2009, 2 nights Gemini-South for spectroscopy of RZ2109,
the globular cluster hosting a black hole
• Casella P., Maccarone T.J., Soleri P., Russell D., Maitra D., Altamirano D., Fender R., O’Brien K.,
“Solving the puzzle of the jet contribution to the infrared/optical emission of Galactic blackholes,” 8 hours, Director’s Discretionary Time, Very Large Telescope, summer 2008
• Zepf S.E., Maccarone T.J., Stern D., Kundu A., Rhode K.L., Salzer J.J., Ciardullo R.B., Gronwall
C., “ The Nature of the Black Hole in a NGC 4472 Globular Cluster and the Origin of Its Broad[OIII] Emission,” HST Cycle 17, 16 orbits
• Casella, P.G., et al., “Coordinated fast X-ray and IR variability of low-mass X-ray binaries:
testing the jet power of neutron stars,” 10 hours, VLT, spring 2008
• Casella, P.G., et al., “Infrared Polarization and rapid time variability in transient X-ray binary
systems harboring black hole candidates”, VLT, spring 2008
• Zepf, S.E., et al., “Determining the Structural Parameters of the First Globular Cluster Found
to Host an Black-Hole X-ray Binary”, Hubble Space Telescope, cycle 16, 10 orbits
• Migliari, S., Tomsick, J., Gallo, E., Maccarone, T.J., Fender, R., Nelemans, G., Jonker, P., “Multi-
wavelength observations of compact jets in a neutron star X-ray binary,” Spitzer Space Tele-scope, Cycle 3 (Joint Spitzer/VLA proposal)
• P.G. Jonker, D.Steeghs, C. Bassa, G. Nelemans, T. Maccarone, “Imaging the Galactic Bulge”,
• T. Maccarone, C. Knigge, A. Kundu, S. Zepf, D. Zurek, “An infrared survey of M31,” 3 hours
• Maccarone T.J., S. Migliari, E. Gallo, J. Tomsick, G. Nelemans, R. Fender, “Probing accreting
neutron star jets with infrared observations of ultracompact binaries,” Spitzer Space Telescope,Cycle 2, 1.7 hours
• T. Maccarone, R. Fender, A. Kundu, S. Zepf, “Deep photometry of the Ursa Minor Dwarf
Spheroidal galaxy,” 4 hours, WHT, spring 2005
• Eracleous, M. & Maccarone, T.J., “Using Lines to Fish for the ULX in M82,” 6 hours on Hobby-
• Puzia, T.H., et al., “Resolving Globular Clusters in NGC 1399,” Hubble Space Telescope Cycle
• Zepf, S.E., Ashman, K., Kissler-Patig, M., Kundu, A., Maccarone, T.J., Puzia, T.H. & Vesperini,
E., “The Age and Mass Function of the Intermediate Age Globular Cluster System of NGC4365,” Hubble Space Telescope Cycle 12, 6 orbits
• Castander, F.J. et al., multiple proposals on various Chilean telescopes (mostly Las Campanas
4m and the VLT) as part of the Calan-Yale Deep Extragalactic Redshift (CYDER) survey
• Tudose V., Miller-Jones J., Rushton A., Uttley P., Maccarone T.J., “Tracing the radio/X-ray rela-
tionship over a full orbit of Cyg X-1”, European VLBI network, spring 2011
• Rushton A., Spencer R., Laing R., Maccarone T., Conway J., Black J., “Resolving the emission
mechanisms in SS 433”, 19.5 hours, EVLA
• Woudt P., Fender R., et al., including Maccarone T.J., “ThunderKAT: The Hunt for Dynamic
and Explosive Radio Transients with MeerKAT”, 3000 hours, MeerKAT Large Survey Project
• Russell D., Maccarone T.J., Miller-Jones J.C.A., Fender R.P., “Testing the requirements for jet
production in accreting black holes,” 3 hours, EVLA, summer 2010
• Miller-Jones J.C.A., Jonker P.G., Maccarone T.J., Nelemans G., “Resolving the jets in the X-ray
binary SWIFT J1753.5-0127”, 8 hours, High Sensitivity Array, spring 2010
• Miller-Jones, J.C.A., Jonker P.G., Maccarone T.J., Calvelo D., “Testing the radio/X-ray correla-
tion in quiescent black hole X-ray binaries,” 10.5 hours, EVLA, Resident Shared Risk Observ-ing mode, summer 2010
• Maccarone T.J., Gallo E., Miller-Jones J.C.A., Joseph T., Dwelly T., “An accurate position for
the radio source in G1,” 7 hours High Sensitivity Array, Autumn 2009
• Rushton A., Miller-Jones J., Dhawan V., Maccarone T.J., Paragi Z., Pooley G., Spencer R.,
Tudose V., “The June 2009 Cygnus X-1 outburst,” 4×8 hour target of opportunity proposal
• Beswick R. and a large number of collaborators, “Legacy e-MERLIN Multi-band Imaging of
Nearby Galaxies Survey (LeMMINGS),” E-Merlin Legacy program, 810 hours
• Maccarone T.J., Miller-Jones J.C.A., Koerding E., Fender R., Migliari S., Casella P., “High Fre-
quency Radio Observations of Cygnus X-1,” 12 hours, Green Bank Telescope
• Miller-Jones J.C.A., Kaiser C., Maccarone T.J., Brocksopp C., Sokoloski J.L., “Investigating the
non-thermal filament in IRAS 19132+1035,” summer 2008, 2 hours, VLA
• Maccarone, T.J., Deller A., Brisken W., Stappers B., Ransom S., “VLBI Astrometry of M28 pul-
sars,” Fall 2007, European VLBI Network, 2 hours
• Maccarone, T., Brisken, W., McLaughlin, M., Stappers, B., “Searching for giant pulses from
M82 pulsars,” Green Bank Telescope, Spring 2007
• Maccarone, T.J., et al., “Searching for radio emission from the possible IMBH in G1” Wester-
bork Radio Observatory, 26 hours, Winter 2006
• Maccarone, T.J., et al., “Simultaneous X-ray/ATCA monitoring of NGC 253,” 60 hours, Aus-
tralia Telescope Compact Array, December 2005-January 2006
• Maccarone, T.J., Brisken, W., Miller-Jones, J. & Jonker, P.G., “Imaging faint sources toward the
globular cluster M15,” NRAO High Sensitivity Array (VLA+Arecibo+Green Bank), 4 hours,Winter 2005
• Jonker, P.G., Chatterjee, S., Gaensler, B., Fender, R., Maccarone, T., Pooley, G., “Milliarcsecond
scale imaging of the jet of a neutron star,” NRAO High Sensitivity Array, 6 hours, Winter 2005
• Gallo, E., Maccarone, T.J., Jonker, P.G. & Fender, R.P., “Triggered observations of Cyg X-1 in
the thermal dominant state,” Very Large Array, 6 hours, Winter 2005
• Maccarone, T.J., Brisken, W.F., Yu, W., Fender, R., van der Klis, M., Mendez, M., “Catching Aql
X-1 at its Radio Peak”, VLA, 5 hours, Fall 2003
• Maccarone, T.J., Fender, R.P., Tzioumis, A.K. & Gallo, E., “The Radio Source in the Ursa Minor
Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy,” Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope, 13 hours, Fall 2004
• Maccarone, T.J., Fender, R.P. & Tzioumis, A.K., “Searching for an Intermediate Mass Black
Hole in Omega Cen,” Australian Telescope Compact Array, 24 hours, Fall 2003
• Maccarone, T.J., Fender, R.P. & Pooley, G.G., “The Formerly Radio-Loud Narrow Line Seyfert
1 RGB J0044+193 in Quiescence,” Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope, 26 hours, Spring 2003
• Maccarone, T.J., Nowak, M.A., Bailyn, C.D., Brisken, W.F., & Jain, R.K., “Searching for Out-
flows in Aql X-1,” Very Large Array, 5 hours, spring 2001
ACCEPTED GRANT Co-I on numerous US & UK grants, totalling about 2.5 million pounds, including many observingPROPOSALS
proposal-related grants where I was PI, and the Southampton astronomy group’s rolling grantsPI of travel grant from UK-Netherlands Partnership Program in Science, 2005PI of Royal Society Equipment grant, 2007, 7000 poundsPI of Royal Astronomical Society grant for summer student, 2007, 1360 poundsPI of Royal Astronomical Society grant for summer student, 2010, 1080 pounds (for student ElectraPanagoulia to work with Marie Curie fellow Piergiorgio Casella)PI of Royal Astronomical Society grant for summer student Kavita Arur, 2011, 1080 poundsCo-I of European Union Initial Training Network, 2008-2012, approx 1 million eurosPI of Panel for the Allocation of Telescope Time linked travel grant for Southampton astronomygroup, 2009-2011, approx. 21000 poundsPI of Panel for the Allocation of Telescope Time linked travel grant for Southampton astronomygroup, 2011-2013, approx. 11000 poundsPI for Marie Curie Fellowship for Piergiorgio Casella, approx. 150000 euros
Astronomy/astrophysics colloquia
University of Amsterdam, November 2002University of Utrecht, November 2002MIT, December 2002Michigan State University, September 2003University of Durham (UK), December 2003University of Florida, March 2004University of Southampton (UK), November 2004Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, March 2005ASTRON, Dwingleoo, The Netherlands, March 2005SRON/University of Utrecht combined colloquium, Utrecht, The Netherlands, June 2005University of Leicester, October 2005Imperial College, November 2005University of Birmingham, November 2005University of Sussex, March 2006Oxford University, April 2007Open University, May 2007University of Florida, November 2007Keele University, January 2008University of Warwick, June 2008Mullard Space Sciences Laboratory, University College London, June 2008University of Leeds, October 2008Space Research Organization of the Netherlands, Utrecht, February 2009Radboud University, February 2009Centre d’ ´Etude Spatiale des Rayonnements, Toulouse, France, July 2009University of Leicester, February 2010Queen’s Universty, Belfast, May 2010Indiana University, September 2010University of Durham, December 2010Institute for Cosmology and Gravitation, University of Portsmouth, February 2011University of Amsterdam, February 2011University of Birmingham, December 2011University of Bristol, January 2012Rome Observatory, April 2012Michigan State University, August 2012Institute de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planetologie, Toulouse, France, December 2012(scheduled)
Other seminars
High Energy Astrophysics Division, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, December2002Theoretical Astrophysics group, Northwestern University, September 2003High Energy Astrophysics group, Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics, October 2003General relativity group, School of Mathematics, University of Southampton, October 2006Lunchtime seminar, Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge University, August 2006Physics department colloquium, West Virginia University, April 2007Physics department colloquium, Georgia Institute of Technology, Februrary 2008Astronomy department Thursday seminar, Columbia University, September 2008Leader of two discussions at KITP program on “Formation and Evolution of Globular Clus-ters”, March & April 2009 – one on black holes in globular clusters and one as a report on the“Intermediate Mass Black Holes” conference held in Irvine in April 2009
Physics and astronomy department colloquium, University of Alabama, April 2009Theoretical astrophysics group, Northwestern University, September 2010Physics department colloquium, Texas Tech University, September 2012
Invited Conference Talks and Related Presentations Globular Clusters: Formation, Evolution and the Role of Compact Objects, January 2003, KITP, SantaBarbara, California: “LMXBs in Early-Type Galaxies”Science with 5@5, November 2003, Ringberg Castle, Ringberg, Germany: “The Disk-Jet Connec-tion in Microquasars, and When We Should Look with γ-ray Telescopes”MODEST-6 (Modelling Dense Stellar Systems), August 2005, Evanston, Illinois: “X-ray Sources inExtragalactic Globular Clusters”IAU General Assembly, Joint Discussion 6, August 2006, Prague, Czech Republic: “X-ray Source -Globular Cluster Association in Elliptical Galaxies”RS Ophiuchi (2006), June 2007, Keele, UK: “Stellar Jets”Kinetic Modeling of Astrophysical Plasmas, October 2008, Krakow, Poland: “Observations of jetsfrom X-ray binaries”Formation and evolution of globular clusters, January 2009, Santa Barbara, CA, USA: “Observa-tional evidence for black holes in globular clusters”The EVLA Vision: Stars on and off the main sequence, May 2009, Socorro, New Mexico, USA: “Com-pact binaries and related objects”American Astronomical Society Meeting, June 2009, Pasadena, CA, USA, member of panel to dis-cuss uses of WIYN One Degree Imager, representing the community outside WIYN institutionsHigh Energy View of Accreting Objects: AGN and X-ray Binaries, Agios Nikolaos, Greece, October2010: “Globular cluster X-ray sources”The Future of Gamma-ray Astronomy and the CTA, Leicester, October 2010: “Non-thermal emissionfrom X-ray binaries”12 Years of Chandra, meeting-in-a-meeting at summer American Astronomical Society meeting,Boston, May 2011: “Compact Object Formation in Globular Clusters, the Milky Way and Exter-nal Galaxies”Optical/IR Galactic Plane Surveys Meeting including The 2nd VVV Science Meeting, Hatfield, UK,July 2011: ”High energy and radio complements to the VVV” (solicited)The formation and evolution of intermediate mass black holes: the case of HLX-1 in ESO 243-49,Toulouse, France, September 2011: “Intermediate mass black holes in globular clusters: for-mation scenarios and detection techniques” (solicited)The Extreme and Variable High Energy Sky, Chia Laguna, Italy, September 2011: invited reviewtalk on “Jets from Galactic Binaries”, and conference summary talk at the same meetingCompact Binaries in Globular Clusters, keynote talk on “Ultraluminous sources in globular clus-ters”, Lorentz Center meeting in Leiden, September 2012Second LOFT Science Meeting, “Observatory Science”, Toulouse, September 2012The Physics of Accretion onto Black Holes, workshop at International Space Sciences Institute, twoinvited talks, one on “Observational Tests of the Picture” and the “Overview and Outlook” talkto end the meeting
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