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Conducting performance reviews (second edition)
PMI Risk Management Professional (PMI-RMP®) Your ability as a project risk manager to identify project risks along with plans to mitigate threats and capitalize on opportunities both on the job and through professional certification is becoming a necessary part of project
management in today's fast-paced and highly technical workplace filled with risks. In this course, you will apply the generally recognized practices of project risk management as acknowledged by the Project Management Institute
(PMI®) to successfully manage risks in projects.
Courses (11) Understanding Project Fundamentals Overvi ew/Description
As a pro ject risk management professional, you will be working with a wide variety of projects across many domains
and org anization styles. Project risks vary based on the type of projects and organization styles. While managing
risks within a project, an understanding of the nature of the project and organizational i nfluences gives you a better idea of t he types and nature of risks involved. This will enhance your skills at maximizing opportunities and
ing threats to the successful completion of a project.
Expected Duration Ident ifying Project Processes ew/Description
Managing a project is no simple task. Following well-defined processes to manage and execute a project can
significantly boost the chances of its successful completion. Knowledge of these processes and how they are app lied to a proj ect will help you plan the project efficiently and ensure smooth execution.
ted Duration Initiating a Project Overvi ew/Description
At the s tart of a project, maximum opportunities for managing risks are available. A project risk that is identified and
managed during an early phase will have a low impact on the project overall. The same risk when identified later in
the project will have a high impact. The more you know about the project scope, schedule, costs, and activities, the more lik
ely you are to make a good assessment of risks in the project and identify ways to control those risks.
ted Duration An Overview of Project Risk Management Descr iption
Unexp ected events can upset your work plan or bring your project to a screeching halt. As a project risk
manager, you will have to plan to manage potential risks in your projects. Risk analysis and planning allow you
to be proactive, identifying and circumventing potential issues, rather than scrambling to respond to problems. Your r
isk management plan will help identify and neutralize risks before they can affect the project.
cted Duration Planning Risk Management Description
Because projects differ in size, scope, and importance, the way in which risks are handled varies with each project.
As a project risk manager, you will have to create a risk management plan that enables you and your team to define
an approach to be followed for risk management in a project. A risk management plan helps in tailoring the risk manage ment processes to suit the context of the project and the organization.
ted Duration
Ident ifying Risks Description
Identify ing risks and triggers helps you avoid or reduce surprises. Mastering the tools and techniques to identify
project risks and triggers ensures that you are prepared to take appropriate action. Expected Duration 5 Hours Performing Qualitative Risk Analysis Overview/Description In this co
urse, you will apply the generally recognized practices of project risk management as acknowledged by the
anagement Institute (PMI®) to successfully manage risks in projects. Risks can be rated in different ways.
Some project managers may consider all risks at the same level. Such an approach may lead to putting too much
effort on responding to risks that ultimately have very little impact on the project. The perform qualitative risk analysis p rocess allows you to rank each risk according to its prior ity so that you can focus on getting the major threats ou t of the way.
Expected Duration ming Quantitative Risks Overview/Description Though the results you obtained from qualitative analysis help you assess a project's compl iance with the organiz
ation's requirements, you will need numerical data to get an accurate picture of the impact of time - and
cost-related risks. There are several tools and techniques that will help you obtain numerical data.
Expected Duration Develo p a Risk Response Plan Description
In this course, you will apply the generally recognized practices of project risk management as acknowledged by the Project M
anagement Institute (PMI®) to successfully manage risks in projects. As a risk mana gement professional,
ing risks early enough and planning responses to each risk to ensure that your project has a better chance of
successful completion become part of your job description.
Expected Duration 3 Hours 35 Minutes Monitoring and Controlling Risk Description As a risk management professional, one of your key responsibilities is to keep a close watch for triggers and be proactive in taking steps to avoid risks from occurring or to minimize the impact of risks if they occur. Monitor ing and controlling risks will enable you to keep the project well under control. Expected Duration 2 Hours 10 Minutes Examining Enterprise-wide risk management Description manage risks in projects. As a project risk management professional, you will be working with a wide variety of projects across many domains and organization styles. Project risks vary based on the type of projects and
organization styles. While managing risks within a project, an understanding of the nature of the project and organizational influences gives you a better idea of the types and nature of risks involved. This will enhance your skills at maximizing opportunities and minimizing threats to the successful completion of a project. Expected Duration 2 Hours 15 Minutes
St Augustine’s Coatbridge Sunday Bulletin: Good Shepherd Sunday The Fourth Sunday of Easter Year B: 3 May 2009: Web Site: Charity Number: SCO 11041 FIRST HOLY COMMUNION Sundays 10th and 17th May First Holy Communion will be celebrated at the 10 AM and 12 Noon Masses on the above Sundays of May. The children and families concerned have already been given notice o
ZUIVEL WETENSCHAPPELIJK GEZIEN 1. Algemene inleiding: Situatieschets Vele mensen kunnen geen melk drinken zonder vervelende verteringsproblemen te ervaren. Dit kanveroorzaakt worden door een allergie aan koemelk of door de onmogelijkheid om het primaire suikerin koemelk, lactose, te verteren. Als iemand tot deze laatste categorie behoort, wordt hij lactose intolerant genoemd. Buikpijn en dia