
Centro Salute e Movimento s.r.l.
Specialista in Anestesia Rianimazione Specialista in Terapia del Dolore CURRICULUM VITAE SPECIALITÀ: ANESTESIA TERAPIA INTENSIVA TERAPIA DEL DOLORE License to practice in: Medicina e chirurgia Laurea in Medicina Università di Padova Anestesia Rianimazione Terapia del Dolore Università di Verona Massimo dei voti con lode. Ordine dei Medici e dei Chirurghi di Vicenza, Italia Centro Salute e Movimento s.r.l.
(Courses and postgraduate training attended over the last 8 years) Name and location (city of Subject or speciality & Level of course Department/Clinic Anaesthesiology and Intensive management of pain Care Milano (National comittee for continuous trainings S-908) 2005 National Course : Roma Tor The management of Certificate vergata university (national Neurophatic pain comitee 2007 Italian Association of Pain The clinical use of Certificate 2008 Workshop certified by the Ultrasound in regional Certificate Anesthesiology and Intensive therapy. S.Kapral Phd Care Medicine Centro Salute e Movimento s.r.l.
blocks with ultrasound guidance. A.Behr PhD Course: “The Clinical Certificate Governance” Forensic medicine, medical interventional cadaver university of Gdansk CLINICAL SKILLS, TECHNIQUES AND EXPERIENCE: Clinical skill, technique, or type of (ecoguided since 2006) PAC (ecoguided since 2006) Centro Salute e Movimento s.r.l.
(spasticity)(ecoguided) Pain therapy nerve blocks ecoguided 250 Employer (Hospital, xxx, Section) Location (City) Position (type of Volunteer resident in OR and Critical care Centro Salute e Movimento s.r.l.
De Lellis General hospital Schio Schio.-Vicenza Clinical consultant Vicenza Name of the publication and name of Congress. - Teacher for the regional refresh course for general practioners: “Artificial Nutrition at home” (2002); - Teacher for the regional course n° 4503-68186 named: “The operative management of the patient with pain. A clinical path for the general practioner. (LA GESTIONE EFFICACE DEL PAZIENTE CON DOLORE: UN PERCORSO INTEGRATO PER IL MEDICO DI MEDICINA GENERALE” ) 2006 - Teacher for the clinical course named: “ Ultrasound guided central venous catheter. A pratical course for anaesthetists and nephrologists. 2009 - Teacher for the clinical coursed named: “ Ultrasound guided periphereal nerve blocks” 2009-2010 - Speaker at The congress of pain therapy (triveneto terapia del dolore) Asolo may 2010 “neurolyitics ultrasound guided block in spasticity” - Member of the executive Boaed of SUA (Society for Ultrasound Anaesthesia) - “A preliminary study on analgesic efficacy od Ropivacaine on post-operative pediatric pain. V.Rigo, P.Seraglio et al. International Monitor on Regional Anaesthesia vol 9 n°3,1997; Centro Salute e Movimento s.r.l.
- Ropivacaine and cervical plexus blockade in carotid endarterectomy. Comparison with Bupivacaine. V.Rigo,P.Seraglio et al. International Monitor on Regional Anaesthesia vol 11 n°3 1999; - Spinal Anaesthesia with Ropivacaine 1%. Evalutation of motor blockade and cardiovascular effects. P.Seraglio et al International Monitor on Regional Anaesthesia vol 11 n°3, 1999; - Ropivacaina in anestesia e analgesia pediatrica. V.Rigo, P.Seraglio et al. ALR, 8 (supp. Al n°3):38;1999; - Ropivacaina versus Bupivacaina nel blocco del plesso cervicale per la chirurgia carotidea. V.Rigo, A.Bartoloni, P.Seraglio et al. ALR,8 (suppl AL N°3):86;1999; - Anestesia subaracnoidea con Ropivacaina 1%: confronto con Bupivacaina 0.5% isobarica. V.Rigo, P.Seraglio et al. ALR,8 (suppl al n°3):85;1999; - Ropivacaina 1% vs Bupivacaina 0.5% nel blocco del plesso brachiale secondo Alemanno nella chirurgia dell’arto superiore: dati preliminari. G.Finco,F.Alemanno,G.Capozzoli, P.Seraglio et al. Minerva Anestesiologica vol 65 suppl 2 n9 settembre 1999; - Epidural Analgesia with continuous Ropivacaine infusion for vaginal delivery of a parturient with miastenia gravis V.Rigo,G.Finco,P.Seraglio et al. Minerva Anestesiologica vol 67 suppl1 n°5 2001; - Continuous Spinal Anaesthesia with Ropivacaine in patients undergoing orthopaedic surgery. Preliminary report. F.A.Compostella,P.seraglio. anaesthesia,London 2001; - Tranexamic acid in total hip replacement surgery: evalutation in reducing perioperative blood loss. P.Seraglio,F.A.Compostella. anaesthesia,London 2001; - Blocco del plesso cervicale e blocco peridurale continuo con Ropivacaina per la chirurgia carotidea: confronto fra le due metodiche. P.Seraglio. Minerva Anestesiologica vol 67 suppl.1 n°9 settembre 2001; - Analgesia per il travaglio di parto: infusione peridurale continua di Bupivacaina 0.125% più fontanile vs Ropivacaina 0.150% più fontanile. F.A Compostella, P.Seraglio 8th ESRA Italian Chapter Centro Salute e Movimento s.r.l.
Congress libro degli abstracts Bologna 2001; - Neurolisi fenolica del plesso simpatico lombare e ipogastrico superiore TC guidata: nostra esperienza. FA Compostella, P.Seraglio et al. XI congresso nazionale società italiana dei clinici del dolore. Abano Terme 2001. - Ultrasound-guided phenol neurolysis of the muscolocutaneous nerve P.Seraglio G.Zaro et al. ESRA 2009 I was Guest phisicyan at the Department of Anaesthesiology and Pain therapy of the INSELSPITAL of BERN for ultrasound guided Regional Anaesthesia from may 3, 2010 until May 21 2010 ;

Source: http://www.centrosaluteemovimento.it/wp-content/uploads/cv/PaoloSeraglio.pdf


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