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MD, Associate Professor of Pediatrics at
Northwestern University Feinberg School of
Medicine, loves team endeavors. Selecting the
medical center environment as his home field,
he thrives on the multidisciplinary approach
needed to deliver the best care for children
with brain tumors. “It’s the ultimate team
challenge,” he explains. “To this day, I still
thoroughly enjoy being part of an effort that
requires input from so many specialists to
Medical Director and Gus Foundation Chair
of Neuro-Oncology at the Ann & Robert H.
Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago, Goldman
focuses his clinical practice and research activities
on pediatric brain tumors: specifically, brain
stem gliomas. These difficult-to-treat tumors
result in progression of 50 percent of patients
within nine months leading to death in more
than 90 percent in 18 months. Faced with this
poor prognosis for his patients, Goldman long
ago turned to advancing research in the field.
He serves as the Chicago Principal investigator
for the Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium
as well as the Children’s Oncology Group’s
Developmental Therapeutics Consortium site
at Lurie Children’s. As Director of the Clinical
Trials Research Center at Children’s Hospital
of Chicago Research Center, he is involved in
developing and teaching new treatments for
The Journal of the Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University, Vol. XV
“It’s exciting to be able to contribute to the
neighborhood doctor.” While earning his
care of these patients through novel therapies—
medical degree at Loyola University’s Stritch
School of Medicine in Maywood, Illinois, he
consortium and collaborations with others
became enamored with pediatrics during a
around the world,” says Goldman, who is also
clinical rotation and completed a pediatrics
Interim Division Head of Pediatric Hematology,
residency followed by a pediatric oncology
fellowship at the University of Chicago. “I fell
at Feinberg, and the Center for Cancer and
in love with the subspecialty because I felt it
Blood Disorders at Lurie Children’s. “At Lurie
would allow me to be a tertiary care primary
Children’s we offer therapies that can’t be
care physician,” he says, “There were also
wonderful opportunities to see cancer care
improvements in the future for patients and
Goldman and his team recently wrapped up
their families.” After completing his subspecialty
a Phase I study on the drug Xerecept. The
training, Goldman joined the University of
trial focused on the drug’s ability to enhance
Chicago faculty, where among other leadership
the lives of patients with brain stem gliomas.
roles he served as director of the very fellowship
While not a treatment for attacking the tumors
program that had shaped him as a pediatric
themselves, Xerecept helps control symptoms
oncologist. Married to Dee, a nurse, and the
with fewer of the severe side effects of the
parent of three children, this Oak Park resident
currently used steroid-based drug Decadron.
Goldman has been partnering with colleagues in
Northwestern’s Department of Medical Social
Nurturing team members is another aspect
Sciences on the outcomes research aspects
of Goldman’s passion for the power of teams.
of the brain tumor survivorship study. The
He takes great pleasure in helping develop
investigators hope to soon move to a Phase III
future specialists in pediatric neuro-oncology
trial to hasten the drug’s commercial availability.
and neurosurgery through Northwestern’s
He says, “Even while these life-threatening
and Lurie Children’s fellowship program.
tumors grew, patients and their families still
“We’ve really been blessed to train terrific and
experienced better quality of life with Xerecept
compassionate rising stars who are going to
than they would have had without it. Finding
be great leaders in the field both nationally
a cure is always our hope but improving the
and internationally,” says Goldman, who
lives of these kids in the meantime is important,
serves as Clinical Practice Director of Pediatric
Hematology-Oncology at Lurie Children’s.
Several of his former fellows have stayed on,
Another brain stem clinical trial recently
joining the faculty at Northwestern.
launched at Lurie Children’s has Goldman
excited about opportunities to better tailor
In addition to infusing the pediatric neuro-
treatment. Investigators hope to use molecular
oncology team with new talent, Goldman looks
markers identified via brain stem biopsies to
forward to further strengthening ties with the
individualize therapy in children and young
downtown campus now that Lurie Children’s
adults with newly diagnosed diffuse intrinsic
has opened. “The new hospital has greatly
pontine gliomas. “Lurie Children’s is the
enhanced our ability to interact more closely
second site of some 17 ultimate sites that is
with our adult neuro-oncology colleagues and
currently up and running, and we are leading
basic scientists at the Lurie Cancer Center and
in enrollments,” says Goldman, who admits he
develop programs together,” he says. “This is
does have a bit of a competitive streak.
definitely a case of one plus one equaling more
Goldman in check as kids growing up in the
Chicago area. Goldman attended the University
of Iowa in Iowa City, where he earned his
become a therapist. Several stints as an EMT in
Illinois and Iowa, however, eventually pointed
him in the direction of becoming a family
medicine practitioner. “I was going to be your
The Journal of the Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University, Vol. XV
• hcsp FACT sheet • Hepatitis C Support Project • www.hcvadvocate.org western medicine due to the lack of evidence-based research tosupport safety and efficacy. Couple this with the potential harmthese substances can inflict and it is easy to see why physiciansare reluctant to endorse herb use. Some patients are interestedin alternative methods to use with or instead of the treatmentt
Gesunde Körper – kranke Gesellschaft? Medizin im Zeitalter der Biopolitik In den aktuellen Debatten um die moderne Medizin, ihre wissenschaftlichen Fortschritte und ihre sozialen Folgen fehlt etwas. In Ethikräten, Enquetekommissionen und den Pressefeuilletons sind naturwissenschaftliche, juristische, philosophische und theologische Positionen in der Regel sehr gut vertreten, wen