Regular 1.24


The Board of Education of Erie Community Unit School District No. 1 met in regular session on
January 24, 2011, at 6:30 P.M. in the Administrative Office. The following members answered
roll call: Charles Brown, Mike Heun, Rhonda Pannier, Thomas Pons, Patrick Ryan, Tammy
Tegeler, and Gail Young.

Member Brown, seconded by Member Young made the motion to approve the December 13,
2010, Truth in Taxation hearing, regular and closed minutes, acceptance of the Treasurer’s
Report, payment of bills, and acceptance of activity accounts.
Roll Call: Brown, yea; Heun, yea; Pannier, yea; Pons, yea; Ryan, yea; Tegeler, yea; Young, yea.

III. PUBLIC COMENTS: President Ryan welcomed the public. Adam Maas from the
Technology Department introduced himself to the board.


Administrative Reports: Superintendent Cox updated the Board on the following
subjects: (1) turbine – it is has been down quite a bit. This is an Exelon problem that they have been working on to try and remedy, the turbine itself is in 100% working order; (2) Exelon negotiations – reported that we still have a few years in our negotiated assessment agreement with them, but others that are currently in the negotiation process are finding that Exelon is trying to decrease their assessment value; (3) Prophetstown has indicated that their Ag Teacher would have free time to possibly come to Erie and teach one or two classes; (4) bus parking during the games seems to working as most of the time the buses are parking at the Annex parking lot, except for one instance that will be addressed with the AD; (5) Member Pons reported that he had talked to Heyvearts and Moses regarding the formation of TIF district and neither were interested. Al Stichter has shown some interest and would like to meet sometime to discuss it and obtain more information. If he decides not to be interested, Morines will be contacted. Presidents: None


A. Needs Assessment: Superintendent Cox distributed a list of needs identified by the
building principals. The Board discussed some of the issues on list. The Building Principals will
be in attendance at the February meeting at which time will be discussed further.

B. Board Retreat Agenda: Superintendent Cox asked the Board for items to be discussed
at their Board Retreat that will be held on Saturday, February 5, at 8:00 a.m. at the Exelon
meeting center. He stated that 60-90 minutes of the meeting would be completing the Board
Self-Evaluation with the IASB representatives. Items suggested were:
Community Center - Member Brown stated that the name needed to be changed to Athletic
Center or something else as district going to build and community not happy with this. He
continued that something needs to be done to make the district grow.
Curriculum - Member Brown stated that this should be high on the list.
Gifted program -
How to grow the district - Member Young stated that 1st Army is moving into the arsenal soon,
so need to get info to someone about the district to possibly attract people to Erie School District.
Member Tegeler stated that a DVD/CD should be made that could be given to these places to
promote Erie.

C. Summer Building & Grounds Work: Superintendent Cox reported on the Buildings
and Grounds meeting. A couple major issues that will be addressed are the better utilization of rooms at the elementary and the need for more parking at the Middle School for football games and track meets. President Ryan asked how that would affect the irrigation system that was recently put in and also how many spaces this area would produce. Superintendent Cox stated that it would not affect the irrigation system and that would increase the parking by approximately 100-120 spaces. He indicated that it would be done in two phases with the first being done fairly soon with gravel being placed and then this spring/summer coating it with asphalt. President Ryan asked what the dollar figure would be for this and Superintendent Cox stated that to date it had not been bid, so did not have a dollar figure. D. District Technology: Superintendent Cox stated that their are 3-4 major areas to
discuss. The middle school would like to include 5th grade in having laptops, grade 3-4 would
have to ability to use mobile laptop labs, younger students in grades K-2 would have the
availability of iPads that would be used in “centers.” President Ryan would like to know what
the % of usage in classroom is before making a decision on purchasing more laptops.
Superintendent Cox stated that he would have the principals report this information at the
February board meeting. President Ryan stated that he would also like this information from the
technology department regarding whether more laptops need to be purchased if there are some
that aren’t being used.

E. HS Golf: Superintendent Cox reported that Prophetstown has expressed an interest in a
coop in golf for next year. Following some discussion on numbers that Erie has, location of
practices, competition, etc. it was the consensus of the board that Erie was probably not
interested. Superintendent Cox stated that he would get more information on numbers, etc. and
report to the board at the next meeting.

Closed Session to Discuss Employment & Compensation of Personnel.
Member Pannier, seconded by Member Tegeler made the motion to go into Closed Session for
the stated reasons.
Time: 7:07 P.M.
Roll Call: Heun, yea; Pannier, yea; Pons, yea; Ryan, yea; Tegeler, yea; Young, yea; Brown, yea.
Member Young, seconded by Member Tegeler made the motion to come out of Closed Session.
All members voted in agreement. Time: 8:25 P.M.


A. Approval of High School Curriculum Changes.
Member Brown, seconded by Member Young made the motion to approve the High School
Curriculum changes as presented.
Roll Call: Pannier, yea; Pons, yea; Ryan, yea; Tegeler, yea; Young, yea; Brown, yea; Heun, yea.
B. Approval of Technology Department Job Description.
Member Brown, seconded by Member Tegeler made the motion to approve the Technology
Department Job Description as presented.

Roll Call: Pons, yea; Ryan, nay; Tegeler, yea; Young, yea; Brown, yea; Heun, yea; Pannier, yea.

A. Approval of Audit Firm for 2010-2011 Audit.
Member Pannier, seconded by Member Tegeler made the motion that the Board approve Gorenz
and Associates of Peoria, IL, as the Audit Firm for the 2010-2011 Audit as recommended.
Roll Call: Ryan, yea; Tegeler, yea; Young, yea; Brown, yea; Heun, yea; Pannier, yea; Pons, yea.
B. Approval of Maternity Leave Request.
Member Pannier, seconded by Member Young made the motion to approve the maternity leave
request of Mrs. Rachel Pratt as presented.
Roll Call: Tegeler, yea; Young, yea; Brown, yea; Heun, yea; Pannier, yea; Pons, yea; Ryan, yea.
C. Approval of 2011-2012 School District Calendar.
Member Pons asked that discussion take place sometime on reducing the SIP days to 1 per
month instead of the every other Wednesday. Superintendent Cox stated that he has had nothing
but positive feedback on these days and that the 2 a month is less disruptive than the ½ day
inservices that the district had previously. Member Tegeler asked if consideration could be
given to having an Open House before the first day of school for students to meet the teachers,
bring their supplies, see classroom, etc. Superintendent Cox reported that they were planning
one earlier this year right after school starts, but would not be before the first day.
Member Pannier, seconded by Member Tegeler made the motion that the Board approve the
2011-2012 School District Calendar as presented.
Roll Call: Young, yea; Brown, yea; Heun, yea; Pannier, yea; Pons, nay; Ryan, yea; Tegeler, yea.
D. Approval of Reassignment of District Personnel.
Member Pannier, seconded by Member Brown made the motion that the Board approve to
reassign Adam Maas and Vinus Williams to the position of Technology Technician as
Roll Call: Brown, yea; Heun, yea; Pannier, yea; Pons, nay; Ryan, nay; Tegeler, yea; Young, yea.

IX. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Gary Farral addressed the board regarding the following: what
will happen to the prairie grass if parking lot put in, getting district information to Alcoa as
people being hired for big project, bus sitting running at athletic events for many hours, parking
at high school during events; would be hard for emergency vehicles to get in if were needed, and
discussed the degrading of the family unit with people going in every direction.
Member Tegeler addressed the prairie grass issue and stated that it was discussed to move it to
around the turbine.
President Ryan thanked him for his comments.


Member Pannier, seconded by Member Young made the motion to adjourn. All members voted
in agreement. TIME: 8:38 P.M


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