Videx flyer idt

The vIDix Suite is a comprehensive, totally integrated suite of products designed to help you in securing your workplace. This suite of products includes Photo Identification (ID image), Access Control (ID axxess), and Visitor Management (ID visitor) systems. The vIDix suite is designed to help you mange who has access to your facility, and give you the ability to differentiate between people that belong and those who do not. Aside from the locks on your doors, the functionality pro- vided by the vIDix suite is your first line of defense in establishing a solid facility security plan. vIDix ID axxess
vIDix ID visitor
vIDix ID image
The need to secure the workplace has never been Paper guest books have been around forever. They Your organization is exposed to many different faces greater. Your organization encounters many different are cheap and easy to use, but the data collected is every day. We don’t think twice about current employ- people each day, some with intentions contrary to the usually incomplete, often difficult to read, and impossi- ees and invited guests, but what about those unfamil- interests of your organization. Do you know who and ble to analyze. With guest books, confidential informa- iar faces? How do you differentiate between people when these people are entering your building? Con- tion about who has recently visited your facility is out that belong and those who do not? Aside from the trolling access is your primary line of defense in estab- in the open and readily available to anyone who wants locks on your doors, photo identification badges are to flip through the book's pages. More importantly, a your first line of defense in establishing a solid facility visitor ID badge allows you to differentiate between ID axxess is a comprehensive Windows based appli- invited visitors and unauthorized strangers. cation for controlling who has access to various areas Producing a high quality photo identification badge is of your facility. With the task-oriented user interface ID visitor is an electronic visitor management program. easy with ID image. Connect a digital or CCD camera you will quickly become proficient at adding users, With ID visitor, visitors electronically scan their ID to a PC, snap a picture, and ID image software does assigning schedules, and granting access privileges. (business card or driver's license), and all relevant the rest. The images automatically appear on the ID axxess lets you select individual doors or groups of information about them is captured in a secure data- screen, so you can preview and approve photos BE- doors when granting access. This flexibility enables base file, including their photo (optional), the name of FORE printing them. Then just enter the ID informa- you to limit who has access to restricted areas (e.g. the person being visited, the reason for the visit, and tion into the system and in seconds your badge is computer room, accounting area, inventory, etc.) the time of the meeting. In thirty seconds or less, the person is professionally checked in and a high quality The feature rich ID axxess software will enforce access privileges and help you to achieve a safer, “Securing the Workplace”


Approach to the Patient with Prediabetes Med Star Clinical Research Center, Washington, D.C. 20003 Prediabetes consists of impaired fasting glucose and/or impaired glucose tolerance and is a significant risk factor for the development of type 2 diabetes, microvascular, and macrovascular disease. The values used to define prediabetes are arbitrary, because prediabetes represents an intermediary

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