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University of Ioannina Ioannina 45 110 GREECE



University of Ioannina, Department of Physics, PhD in Medical Biophysics, Department of Medical Biophysics, Medical School, University of Manchester, U.K.
Present appointment:
Prof. in Medical Physics,
Medical School, University of Ioannina, Creece.
Head of Medical Physics Department
Dean of School of Health Sciences, University of Ioannina (2013 - )

of Division of Clinical & Basic Morphological Sciences,
Medical School, University of Ioannina, Greece (2006-2009)
Vice Dean of Medical School, University of Ioannina (2009-2011)
Dean of Medical School, University of Ioannina (2011-2013 )
Alexandros Onasis Organization PhD fellowship (Manchester University, UK) British Council fellowships to carry on postdoc research in Medical Biophysics Department, Manchester University, UK 2001 NATO Senior Fellowship one month duration

Additional Responsibilities

Principal Editor
of the International Journal “TheScientificWorldJOURNAL” (Microscopy
Domain, Biometrics Domain), Until Summer 2011

Member of the Editorial Board
of the International Journal “MICRON”, until 2010
Editorial Board Member of International Journal of Biological Engineering and
TheScientificWorldJOURNAL (Biophysics Domain)
Representative of UNESCO Chair in Life Sciences in Greece in the field of Biophysics
Reviewer of 20 International Scientific Journals
Evaluator: European Commission, INTAS, Greek Ministry of Research and Technology,
Greek Ministry of Education, Italian Ministry for Education University and Research (MIUR),
Slovak Republic, Czech Republic
Visiting Professor of Belgrade University, Serbia
Current Teaching Responsibilities
Organization and teaching of Medical Physics and Biophysics to Medical students, Ioannina

PhD supervisor for 7 students

Books for students

Medical Physics, ISBN 978-960-01-1341-9, Published by Gutenberg, Athens, 2010
Optics: Applications in Life Sciences, Ιoannina University Press, 1998
Bioelectricity (with Medical Orientation), Ioannina University Press, 2008
Biophysics, Ioannina University Press, 1993
Electron Microscope, Ioannina University Press, 1994
Other Activities
1) Prof. M.Tzaphlidou has established in 1981 in the Department of Medical Physics,
Ioannina University, the Biophysics Lab which has produced about 100 publications and
contributed to over 100 Conferences. The strength of the Lab has been the collaborative links
which have been established.
The activities of the Lab cover a wide variety of subjects related to research and development in : 1) Health Sciences: connective tissues in health and disease, drugs action, electron microscopy(TEM, SEM), image analysis, protein modeling, body composition studies, trace/major Electromagnetism: biological effects, dosimetry, electronics, 3) Medical Engineering:
electronics in medicine, medical biotechnology, 4) Informatics: data bases, data mining,
human network, 5) Biometrics and 6) International Education, teaching methods, e-learning
2) Prof. M. Tzaphlidou has been acting as a “Guest Editor” for six special issues:

Four special issues of the International Journal MICRON entitled:
a) Collagen: Image Processing and Quantitative Ultrastructural Studies, vol.32 (3), 221-
b) Biological Effects of Radiation: Role of Electron Microscopy, vol.33 (2), 115-225, 2002
c) Morphological and Functional Changes in Aging Skin, vol. 35 (3), 153-227, 2004
d) Bone Structure in Health and Disease, vol.36 (7-8), 565-720, 2005
Two special issue of the International Journal TheScientificWorldJOURNAL entitled:
a) Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation, vol. 4, Issue S2, 1-104, 2004
b) Biometrics Applications: Technology, Ethics, and Health Hazards, vol. 11, 458-531,

Since 1998 Prof. M. Tzaphlidou is involved in the activities of UNESCO CHAIR IN LIFE
She took part as a lecturer in two seminars organized by the above School entitled: “Modern
Cellular and Molecular Biophysics” (1998), and “Cellular Mechanism of Beneficial and Harmful
Effects of Electromagnetic Fields” (2000).
She also took part in the establishment of distance education system at UNESCO LSIHES
in which mainly are involved countries from Black Sea area, Pacific Ocean and Asia. Also she
is one of the scientists involved in MSc and PhD educational program of LSIHES.
4) She is a member of 11 Scientific Societies.
Invited Lecturer at 26 Universities and Research Institutes around the world in which
she has given 37 lectures

Contribution to International Conferences
She has contributed to 100 International Conferences either by abstracts or by full papers. Publications
1) M. Tzaphlidou, J.A. Chapman and K.M. Meek. A study of positive staining for electron
microscopy using collagen as a model system. I. Staining by phosphotungstate and
tu n gs t at e i o ns . Micron, 13, 119-131, 1982.
2) M. Tzaphlidou, J.A. Chapman and M.H. Al-Samman. A study of positive staining for
electron microscopy using collagen as a model system. II. Staining by uranyl ions.
Micron, 13, 133-145, 1982
3) M. Tzaphlidou. The effects of fixation by combination of glutaraldehyde/dimethyl
suberimidate. Use of collagen as a model system. J. Histoch. Cytoch. 31, 1274-1278,
4) M. Tzaphlidou and R.A. Hardcastle. A computer method for the comparison or the
quantitative similarity between normal and abnormal collagen or between sequence data
and experimental data. Int. J. Bio-
M. Tzaphlidou and J.A. Chapman. A study of positive staining for electron microscopy using collagen as a model system. III. The effects of suberimidate fixation. Micron Microscopica Acta, 15, 69-76, 1984 6) M. Tzaphlidou. Negative staining electron microscopy of collagen fibrils. "Invited
Article" Micron Microscopica Acta, 17, 201-213, 1986
7) M. Tzaphlidou and J.A. Chapman. A study of staining for electron microscopy using
collagen as a model system. IV. Phosphotungstate/tungstate negative staining patterns
and their correlation with sequence data. Micron Microscopica Acta, 17, 269-280, 1986
M. Tzaphlidou. A study of staining for electron microscopy using collagen as a model system. V. The effect of suberimidate fixation on negative Micron Microscopica Acta, 17, 281-287, 1986 9) M. Tzaphlidou. Collagen cross-linking produced by dimethyladipimidate. Its
comparison with dimethylsuberimidate. Micron Microscopica Acta, 18, 55-58, 1987

10) M. Tzaphlidou and J.A. Chapman. A study of staining for electron
using collagen as a model system. VI. Uranyl nitrate negative staining patterns and their
correlation with sequence data. Micron Microscopica Acta, 18, 147-151, 1987

D.P. Matthopoulos and M. Tzaphlidou. Tissue culture fixation with diimidoesters. I.
Comparison of structure obtained with diimidoesters and formaldehyde. Micron
Microscopica Acta, 18, 273-279, 1987
12) M. Tzaphlidou and D.P. Matthopoulos. Diimidoesters: Role in electron and light
microscopy. "Invited Article" Micron Microscopica Acta, 19, 1-12, 1988 M. Tzaphlidou. Staining for electron microscopy by vanadyl sulfate. Use of collagen as a model system. Micron Micoscopica Acta, 19, 141-145, 1988 M. Tzaphlidou and D.P. Matthopoulos. Penetration rate of dimethyladipimidate. Use of gelatin gels as model system. Micron Microscopica Acta, 19, 137-139, 1988


D.P. Matthopoulos and M. Tzaphlidou. Tissue culture fixation with diimidoesters. II. The development of the vimentin type filament network of monkey kidney CV1 cells. Micron Microscopica Acta, 19, 13-17, 1988 D.P. Matthopoulos and M. Tzaphlidou. The effect of elevated temperature on the aggregation of African green monkey kidney cells. Cell Biol. Int. Rep., 12, 413-424, 1988
J.A. Chapman and M. Tzaphlidou. A study of staining for electron microscopy using collagen as a model system. VIII. Simulation of the negative staining patterns. Micron Microscopica Acta, 20, 75-87, 1989 18) D.P. Matthopoulos and M. Tzaphlidou. Tissue culture fixation with diimidoesters.
III. Influence of adipimidate on cell size, thermal and mechanical
19) J.A. Chapman, M. Tzaphlidou, K.M. Meek and K.E. Kadler. The collagen fibril - A
model system for studying the staining and fixation of a protein. Electron Microscopy
Reviews, 3, 143-182, 1990

D.P. Matthopoulos and M. Tzaphlidou. Tissue culture fixation with diimidoesters. IV.
A comparison between adipimidate and aldehydes of their effects on cell size and
morphology. Micron Microscopica Acta, 21, 69-76, 1990
21) M. Tzaphlidou. The negative staining pattern of collagen fibrils as studied by electron
microscopy. The effect of fixation. Micron Microscopica Acta, 22, 371-382, 1991

M. Tzaphlidou, K.C. Siamopoulos and D. Glaros. Abnormal collagen fibril structure
of skin in chronic haemodialysis patients: An electron microscopic study. Micron
Microscopica Acta, 22, 1-8, 1991
M. Tzaphlidou. The positive staining pattern of skin collagen in chronic haemodialysis patients. Micron Microscopica Acta, 22, 17-19, 1991

M. Tzaphlidou, I. Leontiou and D. Glaros. The effect of gamma irradiation on the
organization of mouse skin collagen fibrils. The positive staining
MIcroscopica Acta, 22, 207-212, 1991

M. Tzaphlidou, C. Cummings and J.A. Chapman. A study of staining for electron
microscopy using collagen as a model system. IX. The effect of tannic acid fixation.
Micron Microscopica Acta, 23, 25-35, 1992


M. Tzaphlidou. Abnormal collagen fibril structure as studied by electron microscopy. Electron Microsc. Rev., 5, 25-35, 1992
27) I. Leontiou, D.P. Matthopoulos, M. Tzaphlidou and D. Glaros. The effect of gamma
irradiation in collagen fibril structure. Micron, 24, 13-16, 1993.
28) E. Kounadi, M. Tzaphlidou and D. Glaros. An electron microscopic study of collagen
fibril structure after lithium treatment - I. The effect of different lithium doses on mouse skin collagen. Micron, 25, 233-240, 1994. 29) E. Kounadi, M. Tzaphlidou, G. Fountos and D. Glaros. An electron microscopic study of
collagen fibril structure after lithium treatment - II. The effects of low lithium dose and short
treatment on mouse skin collagen. Micron, 26, 113-120, 1995.
30) D.P. Matthopoulos, M. Tzaphlidou and I. Leontiou. Morphological alterations caused by
lithium in various cell lines. Cell Biol. Int., 19, 499-506, 1995.
31) M. Tzaphlidou, E. Kounadi, I. Leontiou, D.P. Matthopoulos and D. Glaros. The influence
of low doses gamma irradiation on mouse skin collagen fibrils. International Journal of
Radiation Biology, 71, 109-115,1997.
32) G. Fountos, E. Kounadi, M. Tzaphlidou, D. Glaros and S. Yasumura. Changes in the
skeletal Ca/P ratio and collagen morphology in rabbits fed a diet low in Ca, P, and vitamin
D, or made osteopenic by inflammation
The FASEB Journal, 11, 2240, 1997.
33) E. Kounadi, G. Fountos and M. Tzaphlidou. The influence of inflammation-mediated
osteopenia (IMO) on the structure of rabbit bone and skin collagen fibrils. Connective
Tissue Research, 37, 69-76, 1998.
34) M. Tzaphlidou and E. Kounadi. The effect of lithium treatment on collagenous tissues:
an electron microscope study. Micron, 29, 235-248, 1998.

G. Fountos, E. Kounadi, M. Tzaphlidou, S. Yasumura and D. Glaros. The effects of
inflammation-mediated osteoporosis (IMO) on the skeletal Ca/P ratio and on the structure of rabbit bone and skin collagen. Appl. Radiat. Isot., 49, 657-659, 1998. 36) G. Fountos, M. Tzaphlidou, E. Kounadi and D. Glaros. In vivo measurement of radius
calcium/phosphorus ratio by X-ray absorptiometry. Appl. Radiat. Isot., 51, 273-278, 1999.
37) M. Tzaphlidou. Image processing of collagen: role in medicine.
Folia medica 41 , 11-14, 1999.
38) M. Tzaphlidou. Side effects of lithium treatment on collagenous tissues.
Folia medica 41 , 15-19, 1999.
39) H. Kafantari, E. Kounadi, M. Fatouros, M. Milonakis and M. Tzaphlidou. Structural
alterations in rat skin and bone collagen fibrils induced by ovariectomy. Bone, 26, 349-353,
40) M. Tzaphlidou and H. Kafantari. Influence of nutritional factors on bone collagen fibrils
in ovariectomized rats. Bone, 27, 635-638, 2000.
41) M. Tzaphlidou, G. Fountos and D. Glaros. Bone Hydroxyapatite/Collagen Ratio: In
Vivo Measurements by X-ray Absorptiometry. Annals of The New York Academy of
Sciences, 904, 284-286, 2000.
42) M. Tzaphlidou, E. Kounadi and H. Kafantari. Influence of lithium on mouse bone
collagen fibrils. J. Trace and Microprobe Techniques, 18, 321-326, 2000.
43) M. Tzaphlidou. Diameter distributions of collagenous tissues in relation to sex. A
quantitative ultrastructural study. Micron, 32, 333-336, 2001. 44) M. Tzaphlidou. Measurement of the axial periodicity of collagen fibrils using an image
processing method. Micron, 32, 337-339, 2001.
45) B. Eyden and M. Tzaphlidou. Structural variations of collagen in normal and
pathological tissues: role of electron microscopy. Micron, 32, 287-300, 2001.
46) M. Tzaphlidou. Collagen as a model for the study of radiation induced side effects. Use
of image processing. Micron, 33, 117-120, 2002.
47) M. Tzaphlidou and P. Berillis. Structural alterations caused by lithium in skin and liver
collagen using an image processing method. J. Trace Microprobe Tech., 20, 493-504, 2002
48) V. Zaichick and M. Tzaphlidou. Determination of calcium, phosphorus, and the
calcium/phosphorus ratio in cortical bone from the human femoral neck by neutron
activation analysis. Applied Rad Isot., 56, 781-786, 2002.
49) M. Tzaphlidou and V. Zaichick. Neutron activation analysis of calcium/phosphorus ratio
in rib bone of healthy humans. Applied Rad Isot., 57, 779-783, 2002.
50) M. Tzaphlidou. Side effects of lithium on rat cranial arachnoid and dura mater collagen.
A quantitative ultrastructural study. J Trace Elem. Exp. Med., 16, 17-26, 2003.
51) V. Zaichick and M. Tzaphlidou. Calcium, phosphorus concentrations and the
calcium/phosphorus ratio in trabecular bone from the femoral neck of healthy humans as
determined by neutron activation analysis. Appl. Rad. Isotop., 58, 623-627, 2003.

M. Tzaphlidou and V. Zaichick. Calcium, Phosphorus, Calcium-Phosphorus ratio in rib
bone of healthy humans. Biol. Trace Elem. Res., 93, 63-74, 2003.
53) M. Tzaphlidou and V. Zaichick. Sex and age related Ca/P ratio in cortical bone of iliac
crest of healthy humans. J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem., 259, 347-349, 2004.
54) M. Tzaphlidou. The role of collagen and elastin in aged skin: an image processing
approach. Micron, 35, 171-175, 2004.

M. Tzaphlidou and M. Zervakis. Aged skin: detection of alterations of major collagen
types ratio by image processing of electron-optical data. Micron, 35, 219-223, 2004.
56) M. Tzaphlidou and P. Berillis. Effect of lithium administration on collagen and breaking
pressure of the rat thoracic descending aorta. J. Trace Elem. Exp. Med., 17, 151-160,
57) M. Tzaphlidou. Collagenous tissues upon lithium treatment: A quantitative
ultrastructural study. TheScientificWorldJOURNAL 4, 605-621, 2004.
58) M. Tzaphlidou and E. Fotiou. The effects of 910-MHz electromagnetic field on rat
cranial arachnoid and dura mater collagen. The axial periodicity of collagen fibrils.
TheScientificWorldJOURNAL 4 (S2),70-74, 2004.
59) M. Tzaphlidou, E. Fotiou, Ch. Gousias and D.P. Matthopoulos. Development of a
TheScientificWorldJOURNAL 4 (S2), 100-104, 2004.
60) V. Kyriazis and M. Tzaphlidou. Skeletal calcium/phosphorus ratio measuring techniques
and results, part I: microscopy and microtomography. TheScientificWorldJOURNAL 4,
1027-1034, 2004.
61) M. Tzaphlidou, R. Speller, G. Royle, J. Griffiths, A. Olivo, S. Pani and R. Longo. High
resolution Ca/P maps of bone architecture in 3-D synchrotron radiation microtomographic
images. Appl. Rad. Isotop., 62, 569-575, 2005.
62) R. Speller, S. Pani, M. Tzaphlidou and J. Horrocks. MicroCT analysis of
calcium/phosphorus ratio maps at different bone sites. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in
Physics Research A, 548, 269-273, 2005.
63) A. Iglic, M. Tzaphlidou, M. Remskar, B. Babnik, M. Daniel and V. Kralj-Iglic. Stable
shapes of thin anisotropic nano-strips. Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures,
13, 183-192, 2005.
64) V. Kyriazis and M.Tzaphlidou. Skeletal calcium/phosphorus ratio measuring
techniques and results: neutron activation analysis and x-ray absorptiometry.
J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem., 265, 519-525, 2005 .
65) M. Zervakis, V. Gkoumplias and M. Tzaphlidou. Analysis of fibrous proteins from
electron microscopy images. Medical Engineering and Physics, 27, 655-667, 2005.
66) V. Gkoumplias, M. Zervakis and M. Tzaphlidou. An automated approach for analyzing
D-periods in collagen fibril images. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 52,
1345-1347, 2005.

M. Tzaphlidou. The role of collagen in bone structure: an image processing approach.
Micron, 36, 593-601, 2005.

M. Tzaphlidou and P. Berillis. Collagen fibril diameter in relation to bone site. A
quantitative ultrastructural study. Micron, 36, 703-705, 2005.
69) M. Tzaphlidou, P. Berillis and D. Matthopoulos. Bone calcium, phosphorus detection by
Auger electron spectroscopy. Micron, 36, 706-709, 2005.
70) M. Tzaphlidou, R. Speller, G. Royle and J. Griffiths. Preliminary estimates of the
calcium/phosphorus ratio at different cortical bone sites using synchrotron microCT.
Physics in Medicine and Biology, 51, 1849-1855, 2006.
71) P. Berillis, D. Emfietzoglou and M. Tzaphlidou. Collagen fibril diameter in relation to
bone site and to calcium/phosphorus ratio. TheScientificWorldJOURNAL, 6, 1109-1113,
72) M. Tzaphlidou. Bone architecture: Collagen structure and calcium/phosphorus maps.
Journal of Biological Physics, 34, 39-49, 2008.
73) W. Kaabar, O. Gundogdu, M. Tzaphlidou, M. Janousch, D. Attenburrow, and D.A.
metacarpophalangeal joint using a synchrotron radiation micro x-ray fluorescence technique. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1017, 18-24, 2008. 74) N. Kourkoumelis, and M. Tzaphlidou. Spectroscopic assessment of normal cortical
bone: differences in relation to bone site and sex. TheScientificWorldJOURNAL,10, 402–
412, 2010.
75) N. Kourkoumelis, and M. Tzaphlidou. Medical safety issues concerning the use of
incoherent infrared light in biometrics. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Ethics and
Policy of Biometrics) Ajay Kumar, David Zhang (Eds.), Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg,
121-126, 2010.
76) N. Kourkoumelis, and M. Tzaphlidou. Multivariate statistical evaluation of bone site
and sex as parameters for the Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic study of normal
bone. Spectroscopy, 24, 99-104, 2010.
77) I. Balatsoukas, N. Kourkoumelis and M. Tzaphlidou. Auger electron spectroscopy for
Journal of Applied Physics, 108, 074701-074701-6, 2010. 78) N. Kourkoumelis and M. Tzaphlidou. Eye safety related to near infrared radiation
exposure to biometric devices. TheScientificWorldJOURNAL,11, 520–528, 2011.
79) L. Astrakas, C. Gousias and M. Tzaphlidou. Electric field effects on chignolin
conformation. Journal of Applied Physics, 109, 094702-1 – 094702-5, 2011.
80) N. Kourkoumelis, I. Balatsoukas, and M. Tzaphlidou. Ca/P concentration ratio at
different sites of normal and osteoporotic rabbit bones evaluated by Auger and energy
dispersive x-ray spectroscopy.
Journal of Biological Physics, 38, 279-291, 2012.
81) L. Astrakas, C. Gousias and M. Tzaphlidou. Structural destabilization of chignolin
under the influence of oscillatingelectric fields.
Journal of Applied Physics, 111, 074702-1 – 074702-8, 2012.
82) G. Gaitanis, P. Spyridonos, K. Patmanidis, V. Koulouras, G. Nakos, M. Tzaphlidou and
I. D. Bassukas. Treatment of toxic epidermal necrolysis with the combination of infliximab
and high-dose intravenous immunoglobulin. Dermatology, 224, 134-139, 2012.
83) N. Kourkoumelis, A. Lani and M. Tzaphlidou. Infrared spectroscopic assessment of the
Inflammation Mediated Osteoporosis (IMO) model applied on rabbit bone.
Journal of Biological Physics, 38, 623-635, 2012
84) A. Hadjipanteli, J. Huang, P. Fromme, N. Kourkoumelis, A. Olivo, M. Tzaphlidou and
R. Speller. Development of a new technique for the investigation of the 3d spatial
distribution of the calcium/phosphorus ratio effect in osteoporosis
Osteoporosis International, 23, S605, 2012.
85) N. Kourkoumelis, A. Polymeros and M. Tzaphlidou. Background estimation of
biomedical Raman spectra using a geometric approach. Spectroscopy, 27, 311-317, 2012.
86) D.E. Ziogas, C.S. Katsios, M. Tzaphlidou and D.H. Roukos. Targeted therapy:
overcoming drug resistance with clinical cancer genome.
Expert Rev Anticancer Therapy, 12, 861-864, 2012.
87) D.E. Ziogas, G. Baltogiannis, J. Spiliotis, M. Tzaphlidou and D.H. Roukos. Genome-
based diagnostics and predictive tools: a new epoch for breast cancer management. Future
Oncol., 8, 1211-1214, 2012.
88) C.S. Katsios, C. Papaloukas, M. Tzaphlidou and D.H. Roukos. Next-generation
sequencing-based testing for cancer mutational landscape diversity: clinical implications?
Expert Rev. Mol. Diagn., 12(7), 667-670, 2012.
89) C.S. Ku, D.N. Cooper, D.E. Ziogas, E. Halkia, M. Tzaphlidou and D.H. Roukos.
Research and clinical applications of cancer genome sequencing. Curr Opin Obstet
Gynecol, 25, 3-10, 2013.
90) D.H. Roukos, C. Papaloukas and M. Tzaphlidou. From targeted monotherapy to
combined BRAF-MEK inhibitors and integrated genome analysis for melanoma treatment.
Future Oncol., 9 (1), 5-8, 2013.
91) P. Spyridonos, G. Gaitanis, I.D. Bassukas and M. Tzaphlidou. Gray Hausdorff distance
measure for medical image comparison in dermatology: Evaluation of treatment
effectiveness by image similarity. Skin Research and Technology, 19, e498-506, 2013.
Editorial Articles
M. Tzaphlidou. Collagen: Image Processing and Quantitative Ultrastructural Studies.
Micron, 32 (3), 221, 2001

M. Tzaphlidou. Biological Effects of Radiation: Role of Electron Microscopy. Micron,
33 (2), 115, 2002

M. Tzaphlidou and J. Hatzis. Morphological and Functional Changes in Aging Skin.
Micron, 35 (3), 153, 2004
4. M. Tzaphlidou and Z. Somosy. Biological effects of electromagnetic radiation.
TheScientificWorldJOURNAL, 4(S2), 1-3, 2004
M. Tzaphlidou. Bone Structure in Health and Disease. Micron, 36 (7-8), 565, 2005

M. Tzaphlidou and F.N. Pavlidou. Biometrics applications: technology, ethics, and
health hazards. TheScientificWorldJOURNAL, 11, 529-531, 2011
Book Review
M. Tzaphlidou and D. Matthopoulos. Hair science and technology. Micron, 35 (3), 227,
Articles in Books
1) M. Tzaphlidou. Role of the collagen fibril positive staining pattern in determining lithium
side effects on collagen. In: ‘Lithium - 50 years: Recent advances in biology and medicine’, Lucas, K.C., Becker, R.W., Gallicchio, V.S. eds. Weidner Publishing Group, 2) M. Tzaphlidou. Role of cross-linking in collagen structural alterations brought about by
lithium. In: ‘Lithium - 50 years: Recent advances in biology and medicine’, Lucas, K.C., Becker, R.W., Gallicchio V.S. eds. Weidner Publishing Group, Chesire, Connecticut, pp. 117-122, 1999. 3) M. Tzaphlidou. Computer-aided Techniques for the Ultrastructural Study of a Protein.
In: ‘Modern Problems of Cellular and Molecular Biophysics’, Ayrapetyan, S.N., North,
A.C.T. eds. Noyan Tapan-Armenia by UNESCO Chair-Life Sciences International
Educational Center, pp. 325-331, 2001.
4) M. Tzaphlidou. The Collagen Fibril – A Model System for Studying Structural
Properties, as well as Staining and Fixation of a Protein. In: ‘Modern Problems of Cellular
and Molecular Biophysics’, Ayrapetyan, S.N., North, A.C.T. eds. Noyan Tapan-Armenia
by UNESCO Chair-Life Sciences International Educational Center, pp. 333-342, 2001.

M. Tzaphlidou. Side effects of lithium on various tissues: Use of collagen as a model
system. In: ‘Trends in Physiological Sciences. Cells to Systems’, Mohammad Fahim ed.,
Serials Publications, Delhi-India, pp. 1-16, 2002.
M. Tzaphlidou and E. Fotiou. Collagen as a target for electromagnetic fields. Effects of 910-MHz on rat brain. In: ‘BIOELECTROMAGNETICS Current Concepts’NATO Series – B:
Physics and Biophysics, S.N. Ayrapetyan and M.S. Markov (eds.), Springer, The
Netherlands, pp. 183-193, 2006.
7) M. Tsipouras, D. Tsalikakis, L. Astrakas, S. Konitsiotis, M. Tzaphlidou and A. Tzallas.
Automated Epileptic Seizure Detection Methods: A Review Study. In: “Epileptic Seizures
Book edited by: Dr. Dejan Stevanovic, INTECH Open Access Publisher, Croatia, 2012 M. Tzaphlidou, C. Papaloukas and D.H. Roukos. Integrating NGS and third-generation sequencing technologies into clinical genomic medicine. Chapter 1, Future Medicine 2012,


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Tacrofort 5 mg pi.cdr

médico se você apresentar algum desses sintomas. O tratamento com carboidratos (668 Kcal, 85% de carboidratos) fez com que a AUC e randomizados. O grupo controle ativo foi tratado com regime de Tacrofort irá diminuir a sua imunidade e você estará sujeito a contrair Cmáx médias decrescessem 28% e 65%, respectivamente. Em imunossupressão baseado em ciclosporina. Ambos estudos utilizaram

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