

1. Agent: Chlamydia trachomatis.
2. Identification:
a. Symptoms: A sexually transmitted
primarily as urethritis and in females as 3. Incubation: Poorly defined, probably 7-14
Complications of male urethral infections include epididymitis, and 4. Reservoir: Humans.
5. Source: Genital secretions from infected
inflammation and mucopurulent
discharge. Some women with 6. Transmission: Sexual activity; perinatal
uncomplicated cervical infection
transmission from genital tract of mother 7. Communicability: People should be
considered infectious until 7 days after 8. Specific Treatment
a. Adults and Adolescents:
conjunctivitis, occurring 5-12 days after four times a day for 7 days.**
b. Infant Treatment:
** Pregnant women – all pregnant women
b. Differential Diagnosis: Clinical
need to return for repeat testing 3 weeks manifestations may be after treatment to ensure therapeutic cure. CDC’s Sexually Transmitted Disease 9. Immunity: Susceptibility is general. No
c. Diagnosis: Chlamydial urogenital
3. Due to high rates of re-infection, re-testing Report within 1 week of identification of case or suspected case (Title 17, Section 2500, 4. Annual screening is recommended for all sexually active teens and young adults up CONTROL OF CASE & CONTACTS
Universal precautions as 5. Presumptive treatment of partners is appropriate for clinical settings. Appropriate noninfectious. Patients should refrain from sexual intercourse for 7 days after treatment to prevent ongoing transmission to others. To screening of adolescent and young adults avoid re-infection abstain from sex with previous sexual partner(s) until 7 days after DIAGNOSTIC PROCEDURES
Concurrent disinfection: Care in disposal of
San Joaquin County Public Health Laboratory services are available. Refer to the Laboratory CONTACTS:
Sex partners should be evaluated, tested and For more detail on diagnosis and treatment of treated if they had sexual contact with the chlamydia and other STDs see the CDC’s patient during the 60 days preceding onset of Sexually Transmitted Disease Treatment
symptoms or of the date of diagnosis if the Guidelines 2006 (MMWR, Aug 4, 2006; Vol.
55, RR-11).
treatment of sexual partners is recommended. evaluated and treated even if the time of the Mothers of infants diagnosed with chlamydia and the sex partners of these mothers should Neonates born to mothers with an untreated chlamydia infection should be monitored to ensure prompt treatment if infection develops. PREVENTION-EDUCATION

Patients should refrain from sexual intercourse for 7 days after both the patient and current sexual partners have completed treatment. 2. Pregnant women – all pregnant women must return for repeat testing 3 weeks after treatment to ensure therapeutic cure.


Microsoft word - donor eligibility document.doc

Aultman Blood Center Donor Eligibility This list is not complete. Medical professionals are available at each blood collection center and details of each donor's health and activities are discussed in a confidential setting prior to blood donation. The final determination of eligibility is made at that time. Some donor eligibility rules are specified by the Food and Drug Administration for eve


Rabbit anti-CD163 Cat. No. and Size: 503-3964 : 1 ml rabbit monoclonal antibody purified by protein A/G in PBS/1% BSA buffer pH 7.6 with less than 0.1% sodium azide. 503-3961 : 7.0 ml pre-diluted rabbit monoclonal antibody purified by protein A/G in TBS/1% BSA buffer pH 7.6 with less than 0.1% sodium azide. Intended Use: For research use only. Not for use in

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