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17.tezawe 5772

9. ADAR 5772, SCHABBAT SACHOR PARASCHAT TEZAWE 02.03.2012 ARWIT 18.45 03.03.2012 SCHACHARIT 10.00 Kleider machen Leute Drei Freunde sind schwimmen gegangen. Nach einer Weile merken sie, dass sie die einzigen mit Badehose sind. Sie überlegen kurz was zu tun ist, sind der Meinung: „When in Rome do as the Romans do“, und entschliessen sich, die Badehose auszuziehen. Zwe


Activated carbon, for hangovers, 246–47Allergies. See also Food allergiesAcustimulation wrist bands, for nausea, 131ADD. See Attention deficit disorderAntifungal herbs, for athlete’s foot, 56Anti-inflammatory foods, for carpal tunnel Antioxidants. See Vitamin A; Vitamin C; www.jerrybaker.com Bedstraw, for bloating, 99Bee stings. See Insect bites and stingsBenzoyl peroxide, f

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1.- El derecho en general. Concepto. Aspectos subjetivos y objetivos. 2.-Derecho positivo: Derecho público y privado. Diferencias. Ramas del derecho. Derecho natural. Moral y derecho. 3.- El Derecho Civil. Relación con las restantes ramas del derecho. 4.-Fuentes del derecho: la ley, la jurisprudencia (unificación de jurisprudencia), la doctrina, la costumbre. 5.- El Código Civil. Sus fuentes

Tendonitis guide

Tendonitis Healing Plan – based on the personal experience of pianist Noah Kellman 1. Make a list of everything you use your arms and hands for daily. Most of us don’t realize the extent to which we use our arms. This includes everything from making yourself breakfast to driving. For a musician, this might include hours of practicing, composing by writing or typing, and even things l


MEDIDA CAUTELAR. ACTOS DEL CONSEJO DE LA MAGSITRATURA. REVISIÓN. INTERÉS LEGÍTIMO A LA INTEGRACIÓN DE LA TERNA. FALTA DE MOTIVACIÓN. SUSPENSIÓN. PROCEDENCIA. A y S, tomo 26, pág. 88/101Santa Fe, 7 de noviembre de 2011. VISTOS: Estos autos caratulados “GALVÁN, Noemí Matilde Zulema contra PROVINCIA DE SANTA FE -R.C.A.- sobre MEDIDA CAUTELAR ” (Expte. C.C.A.1 n° 142, año 2011), veni


A política orçamental como instrumento anticíclico as contas públicas: a redução das receitas segunda forma de actuação estabilizadora, resse público, podendo traduzir-se por des-provenientes dos impostos induzidos pelo foi de há muito promovida a instrumento perdício ou distorções na despesa pública N nacional, ao mesmo tempo que rendimento e o aumento das despesas em anti


One Step Forward, Two Steps Back: a Charter Analysis of s.39 of Nova Scotia’s Involuntary Psychiatric Treatment Act Jacquelyn Shaw BSc, MSc, LLB, LLM (cand) Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada in light of disadvantages aff ecting psychiatric patients, I ask if Abstract rmative action, under s.15(2) of the Charter , immunizing it from challenge. If not, does s.39 violate the

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BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR PURIM Norman Berman Children Library Jewish Public Library PICTURE BOOKS Adelson, Leone. The mystery bear : a Purim story. New York : Clarion Books, 2004. Ashlag, N. L'histoire de pourim. Marseille : Ashlag-Yallouz, 1993. Blitz, Shmuel The ArtScroll children's megillah = רתסא תלגמ. Brooklyn, N.Y. : Mesorah, 2003. Cohen, Barbara. Here come the Puri

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R ONALDO B RESSANE 10 POEMAS O IMPOSTOR Jornal de Poesia — Alguns poemas de Ronaldo Bressane DESNOITE. O que está fora, sou. Meu rosto é meu formão. Braços, bocas, de outros – se os houve – meu caráter. Os livros lado a lado na estante nada mais que o dia-a-dia em que me intacto. Sou eu quem realiza destas pétalas o cheiro cortado e medido sobre a


Dictámen Nro: 0070/09 - - Expediente Nro: 23643/09 Fecha Dictámen: 2009-04-20 Carátula: M.; R. C. s/ Acción de Amparo Materia: Amparo Mandamus - - Fuero: Originarias TEXTO DICTAMEN A fs. 42 V.E. corre vista de las presentes actuaciones a este Ministerio Publico a fin de que me expida sobre la acción instaurada y sustanciada en autos. El Sr. R.; C. M., con el patrocinio letra

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1 Het was na deze gebeurtenissen dat David Hasjem raadpleegde 2 en vroeg: „Zal ik optrekken naar één van de steden van Jehoeda?” En Hasjem antwoordde hem: „Trek op.” Hierop vroeg David: „Waar-heen zal ik optrekken?” En Hij antwoordde: „Naar Chevron.” 2 En zotrok David daarheen en ook zijn twee vrouwen Achinoam uit Jizreëlen Avigajil, de [voormalige] vrouw van Naval uit Karmel.


Curriculum Vitae 1. Name in Full : Professor Sudha Mahajan Cowsik, FAMS 2. Date of Birth : 3. Present Designation and address: Professor, School of Life Sciences, Jawaharlal 4. Nationality: Indian 5. Citizenship: Indian 6. Qualifications : Academic career and professional attainments : Degree/ Diploma University/Institution Year BSc (Hons. Sch) Punja

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Bedenkingen over het EVC en EVK debat naar aanleiding van het OESO-rapport over de erkenning van niet-formeel en informeel In 2005 schreef de Vlaamse Jeugdraad al een advies over jeugdwerk en EVC. In dit advies stelden we dat EVC kansen biedt voor de jeugdsector, maar ook serieuze bedreigingen. We zijn nu drie jaar verder. Er zijn ondertussen enkele EVC-proefprojecten afgerond in de je

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Effects of Caffeine on Cardiac and Skeletal Muscle Stimulation: A Non-invasive Study Based on a Single Dose of Caffeine Kira Arno, Logan Schlosser, Chris Boyd, Aleisha Gardner Abstract According to previous research, caffeine is a known stimulant, which affects the nervous system through interactions with both A1 and A2A adenosine receptors as a competitive antagonist. The objective of

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Today’s Therapist International Trade Journal - Issue 43 Nov Dec 2006 The Bowen Technique Knock on effects of pain relief The effects of sorting out one physical problem can often have other happy consequences in a person’s state of health 13 April 2006: one week later, he came for his second Bowen and well being. This was illustrated very well in the case of treatment. He rep

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Os nervos de Deus não são neurônios Neuroteologia e psicanálise Antes do pai: biologia como figura do materialismo A reportagem de capa da revista Forbes 1 celebra o encontro das neurociências com o marketing produzido uma nova disciplina, o neuromarketing. Existe também a neurofilosofia, que advogando a tese de naturalizar conceitos como desejo, intencionalidade, consciênc

Review week 3

Review Week 3 According to the federal Controlled Substances Act, a prescription for Tylenol no. 3 would be filed in which schedule? a. anxiety b. hyperkinesis isorder c. depression d. insomnia Which of the following names are correctly matched? A patient presents the following prescriptions from a primary physician: K-dur 20 mEQ qd, Nitro-Dur 0.2mglhr patch 1 qd for 12 hr, Nitrostat 0.4

Senate bill no.1136 (2013) - synthetic drug listing

RELATING TO UNIFORM CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES; AMENDING SECTION 37-2705, IDAHOCODE, TO REVISE A LISTING OF SYNTHETIC DRUGS; AND DECLARING AN EMER-Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Idaho:SECTION 1. That Section 37-2705, Idaho Code, be, and the same is herebySCHEDULE I. (a) The controlled substances listed in this sec-Any of the following opiates, including their isomers, esters,eth

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Journal of Kathmandu Medical College, Vol. 2, No. 2, Issue 4, Apr.-Jun., 2013Sanjaya Mani Dixit, Lecturer, Department of Pharmacology, Kathmandu Medical College Teaching Hospital, Kathmandu, Nepal Abstract Background: AL

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NEW CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT THIS AGREEMENT made this day of , between , a New York corporation having an office at , (“Seller”) and , residing at (“Purchaser”). 1. PREMISES. The Seller agrees to sell and the Purchaser agrees to purchase all that parcel or piece of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon or to be constructed thereon, situate and being in the County of , To

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DRAFT: Please do not quote or cite without permission of author s Cultural and Collective Interpretations of Regular Marijuana Use Impact on Work and School Performance: An Ethnographic Inquiry Jan Moravek, Bruce D. Johnson, Eloise Dunlap National Development and Research Institutes, New York Abstract Objective: To compare users’ reports on how their cannabis consumption affects th


HOLDING THE NEWS MEDIA ACCOUNTABLE: A STUDY OF MEDIA REPORTERS AND MEDIA CRITICS IN THE UNITED STATES J & MC The last decade has witnessed a significant, albeit understudied,increase in media reporting and media criticism in the U.S. newsmedia. An exploratory study of leading media reporters and media Q critics in the United States indicates that these journalists have co


At the conclusion of the symposium, faculty members fielded questions from nurses in attendance. Excerpts from the session are highlighted here. In terms of the first patient case study (C. L.), when be effective for appetite stimulation, because data the patient had increased nausea and vomiting shows that dronabinol can have a 24-hour effect for early on, instead of increasing the do


NOTES TO NON-CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS March 31, 2000 and 1999 KAWASAKI STEEL CORPORATION 1 Basis of Presenting Non-Consolidated Financial Statements Kawasaki Steel Corporation (the “Company”) maintains its accounts and records inaccordance with the provisions set forth in the Commercial Code of Japan (the “Code”) andthe Securities and Exchange Law and in conformity wit

Accm-7 the 7th asian-australasian conference on composite materials november 15-18, 2010

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Review Article Psychological characteristics associated with tobacco smoking behavior* Regina de Cássia Rondina1, Ricardo Gorayeb2, Clóvis Botelho3 Abstract This article is a literature review of the psychological aspects of smoking behavior, highlighting personality characteristics of the smoker as an obstacle to smoking cessation. It describes the relationship between smoking behav

It cover front

Access to health care is a basic human right that isThe above is done with a view to ensuring a greaterentrenched in the Constitution of South Africa. Indegree of efficiency and to improve the quality of healthaddition, access to basic healthcare is a critical measureservice. Consequently the Gauteng Provincialof the quality of life, more so for a developmental cityGovernment (GPG) is curre


J. Astron. Space Sci. 23(3), 167–176 (2006) THE PEAK ENERGY–DURATION CORRELATION AND POSSIBLE IMPLICATIONS ON GAMMA RAY BURST PROGENITOR Heon-Young Chang Department of Astronomy and Atmospheric Sciences, Kyungpook National University1370 Sankyuk-dong, Buk-gu, Daegu 702-701, Korea (Received June 26, 2006; Accepted July 19, 2006) ABSTRACT We investigate the correlation between the

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511 | J App Pharm 01(04): 511-523 (2012) Kumar et al., 2012 Original Article STUDIES ON CORE IN COAT GASTRORETENTIVE TABLETS USING POROUS CARRIERS WITH CELLULOSIC POLYMERS AND NATURAL GUMS Putta Rajesh Kumar*, Hiremath Doddayya and S. Rajendra Reddy Department of Pharmaceutics, N.E.T. Pharmacy College, Raichur -584103, Karnataka, India. ABSTRACT The present study


LETTERS TO THE EDITOR low dopamine neurotransmission. This keeps prolactin levelsHowever, as I argued in detail in my recent book (2), family,normal, spares cognition, and obviates extrapyramidal signs. twin, and adoption studies do indeed suffer from “strong andThis letter provides data on the off-rates of additionalconsistent methodologic biases operating across study de-newer atypica


APP Cold Application Specifications Three-Ply Cold Application, Base Sheet-Fastened Modified Bitumen Mineral-Surfaced Roofing System. For use over Johns Manville (JM) insulation, approved substrate or other approved insulations on inclines up to 6" per ft (500 mm/m). Materials per 100 ft 2 (9.29 m2) of roof area Base Ply: TRICOR S*, BICOR S*, JM APP Base or PermaPly


Surveillance study on endocrine disrupters in Sewer (Purpose) At present, the problem of hormone-disruptive chemicals is attracting many people’s attention in various fields. In May 1998, the “Environmental Estrogen Strategic Plan SPEED ‘98” was released, wherein 67 substances are enumerated as chemicals having a risk of endocrine-disrupting activity. In this examination, we examine


JASON WINN WORK EXPERIENCE Software Engineer Intern, Zynga, Toronto, May 2013 - August 2013 • Acted as the sole developer in creating C# framework bindings to connect Unity through C to C++ (script-generated bindings), and finally to native • Worked with Google’s IABv3, Amazon IAP, and a slew of other payment providers, in order to unify IAP into a convenient API for game te

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Ü ber Wirtschaft, Manipulation, Krankheit, Gesundheit und Selbstheilungskräfte Sowie von Vogelgrippen, Ozonlö cher und andere Erfindungen der Pharmakonzerne (Ein Referat von © Jonathan Dilas, 2005, V2.0) Es gibt einige Dinge, die man über Krankheiten, Gesundheit und Verdienstmöglichkeiten wissen sollte. Vielleicht helfen folgende Informationen dem Leser, sein eigenes Leben in


Jim Dotson RICK KILLIAN RUSSELL MEDIA BOISE, IDAHO Printed in the United States of America. All rights reserved under International Copyright Law. Contents and/or cover may not be reproduced in whole or in part in any form without the express written Published in Boise, Idaho by Russell Media Manuscript prepared by Rick Killian, Killian Creative, Boulder, Colorado. All Scripture

An0102_rev032202.qxd (page 2)

VYDAC® Columns for USP and Pharmaceutical Analyses The VYDAC SELECTAPORE™ is recommended for USP analyses. The Penicillin V contributes stability and long column life. analysis. Variations in selectivity based onThe specially treated base silica minimizestailing for alkaline analytes, and the 300 Åpore size provides uniform surface accessfor large multi-ring molecules. Performance

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Client: Schering Plough CLARINEX KIOSK GAME (ATTRACTION LOOP) This is just a suggested visual concept to attract passersby. If you’re planning to run a sequence from the game or a flashing screen, etc. The PATIENT lines could be used in voice overs instead. Visual idea—close-ups of people’s faces calling out to the passersby. They look and sound congested or itchy. You


Contending Issues of Intellectual Property Rights Protection and Indigenous Knowledge of Pharmacology in Africa South of the Sahara www.chikaforafrica.com; www.beforewesetsail.com; chikadyke@gmail.com Executive Director, African Centre for Education Research and Transformation Washington D.C.; Director, African Institute for Research in Abstract Indigenous knowledge is beginning


CURRICULUM VITAE MARCEL L. CORSTJENS Address: INSEAD Boulevard de Constance F-77305 Fontainebleau Cedex France Date of Birth : 02 September 1949 Nationality: Belgian Civil Status : Married, two children GRADUATE EDUCATION AND PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYMENT 1975-78 Ph D Business Administration (Marketing), UC Berkeley. First Prize, Doctoral Dissertation Competition, Assistan


Vacuum Erection Device Use in Elderly Men: APossible Severe Complication Robert L. Bratton, MD, and Harvey D. Cassidy, MD Erectile dysfunction affects up to 30 million Amer-erectile dysfunction. The patient had used a vac-ican men and their partners. Between the ages of 40uum erection device for the last 5 years withoutand 70 years, the probability of complete erectilecomplications. We rece


Jamal Mohamed College (Autonomous), Tiruchirappalli-20 RESUME (as on 31.07.2012) Department of Chemistry (Aided) 3. Designation 4. Date of birth 5. Address: Residential Phone No.: 0431- 2713664, Mobile : 9865560226 Official 6. Educational Qualification a. B.Sc. Chemistry 1985 b. M.Sc. Chemistry 1989 c. M.Phil. Chemistry 1997 d. Ph.D., Chemistry 2003 7. E

041. 13890301- _edited_

PLANT ECOPHYSIOLOGY Plant Ecophysiology 3 (2009) 129-133 Effect of leaf clipping on yield and quality traits of three corn cultivars S. Hamzi Alvanagha, A.M. Modarres-Sanavia*, M. Aghaalikhanib, F. Khazaeib, and H. Heidari- aDepartment of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran. bSeed and Plant Certification and Registration Institute, Karaj, Iran.

Les graisses

V. Principaux dispositifs de graissage LES GRAISSES X. INTRODUCTION XI. CONSTITUTION DES GRAISSES 1.L'huile de base ou la base lubrifiante 2.Les épaississants 3.Les additifs a) Les additifs solubles dans l'huile b) Les additifs solides XII. PROPRIETES - CARACTÉRISTIQUES ET CLASSIFICATIONS DES GRAISSES 1.Aspect et texture des graisses 2.Classifications


Combination Leflunomide and Methotrexate (MTX)Therapy for Patients with Active Rheumatoid ArthritisFailing MTX Monotherapy: Open-Label Extension of aRandomized, Double-Blind, Placebo Controlled TrialJOEL KREMER, MARK GENOVESE, GRANT W. CANNON, JACQUES CALDWELL, JOHN CUSH, DANIEL E. FURST, MICHAEL LUGGEN, ED KEYSTONE, JOAN BATHON, ARTHUR KAVANAUGH, ERIC RUDERMAN, PATRICIA COLEMAN, DAVID CURTIS, ELL


HEALTHY SINGING A resource for singing students by Judy Gosler We are constantly made aware by the media of our lifestyle choices, what we eat, drink and how We are all individuals and it comes down to the decisions we choose to make. This handout gives you some insight into certain factors that can affect your voice. WATER. One of the most important, beneficial things we can do as a sing

Microsoft word - issue 26 february 2013.doc

February 2013 Issue 26 An independent newsletter for people working in Aged Care In this issue: “So - Rewrite the Manual!” The following is a must read letter written by the wife of a gentleman with dementia. She • So - re-write the hits the nail on the head and should make us all think. Things happen now – life is not predictable. Rules do not matter, ti


Journal of Microbes and Infection, September 2009, Vol. 4, No. 3 Advances in mechanisms of bacterial resistance to linezolid and related detection methods 1. No. 263 Hospital of Chinese People s Liberation Army, Beijing 101149, China; 2. Dalian Medical University, Abstract: Linezolid is an antibacterial belonging to the oxazolidinone class of antibiotics. The importance of linezolid as an


A CASE OF PRIMARY INTRAPULMONARY MENINGIOMA Takashi Oide1, Michiyo Kambe2, Kenzo Hiroshima1, Sou Tamura3, Yasumitsu Moriya3, Hidehisa Hoshino3, Kiyoshi Shibuya3, Ichiro Yoshino3, Mari Mino-Kenudson4, Eugene J. Mark4, and Yukio Nakatani1, 2 1 Department of Diagnostic pathology, 3 Department of Thoracic Surgery, Graduate School of Medicine, Chiba University, 2 Department of Pathology, Chiba Univ


BRIEF REPORTS Possible Leukopenia Associated with Long-termUse of Echinacea David Eric Kemp, MD and Kathleen N. Franco, MD Americans spend between $3.5 and $5 billion an-mune stimulant when administered short term bothnually on herbal treatments,1 and nearly 50 millionin vivo and in vitro, it is contraindicated in patientsindividuals currently report use of botanical sup-with autoimmune


E-PostEr PE-001 trAtAMENto CIrÚrGICo DE AAA CoM PrEsErVAÇÃo DE bandagem de baixa elasticidade e orientações quanto aos exercícios linfomioci- ENXErto rENAL néticos, todo o protocolo foi realizado no membro acometido e no contra-lateral. RODRIGO AGUIAR GUEDES; THIAGO CHARAMBA DUTRA; JOSE NESTOR RESULTADOS: No grupo 1 houve diferença cirtométrica significativa (p<0,05) AGUIA


[Congressional Record Volume 159, Number 41 (Wednesday, March 20, 2013)] [Senate] [Pages S2021-S2022] From the Congressional Record Online through the Government Printing Office Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, I have been privileged to serve Vermonters for many years as a voice on foreign policy matters, and I am always reminded that my work is a reflection of the outward looking posture of the people


lymphocyte function-associated molecule-1(LFA-1)1. Arai K, Hotokebuchi T, Miyahara H, Mohtai M, Kitadai HK, Sugioka Y, Kaibara N. Successful long-term storage of rat limbs. The use of simple immersion in Euro-Collins solution. Int Orthop. 1993 Dec;17(6):389-96 2. .Arai K, Hotokebuchi T, Miyahara H, Arita C, Mohtai M, Sugioka Y, Kaibara N. Limb allografts in rats immunosuppressed with FK506. I.


A B S T R A C T Objective To find out efficacy of laparoscopy in evaluation and treatment of chronic pelvic pain (CPP) ingynecologic patients in terms of arriving at diagnosis. Study design Place & Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Baqai Medical University Karachi, from July 2006 Duration of study Patients and A total of 30 patients were selected


Date: / / Name of Family Physician: Patient Name: Marital Status: Sex: M F Home Address: Apartment/Lot #: City: State: Zip Code: Home Phone: ( ) Cell Phone: ( ) Social Security Number: Date of Birth: Age: Employer: Phone Number: ( ) Spouse/Guardian Name: Social Security Number: Address (if different from patient): Date of Birth: Home Phone: ( ) Cell Phone: ( ) Employer: Phone Number: ( ) Patient


Biology 697: Introduction to Computational Data AnalysisWelcome to your mid-term! I hope you enjoy. Note, in all of the questionsbelow, there are easy not so code intensive ways of doing it, and there are longermore involved, yet still workable ways to answer them. I would suggest thatbefore you dive into analyses, you do the following. First, breathe. Second,think about the steps you need to ex

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TERMINOS Y CONDICIONES DE COMPRA (AUTOMOTIVE EXPERIENCE) Última revisión el 1 de junio de 2008 Estos Términos serán aplicables cuando se haga referencia a los mismos en una orden de compra del Comprador o 1. Oferta; Aceptación; Exclusividad de los Términos; Identidad del Comprador; Suplemento de País. Toda orden de compra o revisión de orden de compra emitida por el Compr

Central retinal vein occlusion associated with sildenafil citrate (viagra)

CENTRAL RETINAL VEIN OCCLUSION AFTER SILDENAFIL CITRATE (VIAGRA) USE Bassam Nawaiseh, MD*, Ahmed Shobaki MD*, Ahmad Hassouneh, MD*, Issam Bataineh, MD*, Mohamed Al-Jaar, MD* This is a report of a 31-year old male patient who presented with poor vision of his left eye of one-week duration after the use of two tablets of Sildenafil citrate (Viagra) approximately 24 hours before a


Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy (2009) 64, 1018 – 1023doi:10.1093/jac/dkp339Advance Access publication 16 September 2009Effects of interactions of antibacterial drugs witheach other and with 6-mercaptopurine on in vitro growth ofMycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosisManju Y. Krishnan, Elizabeth J. B. Manning and Michael T. Collins*Department of Pathobiological Sciences, Schoo


Voeding en aftrainen In het judo en jiujitsu worden tijdens wedstrijden met gewichtsklassen gewerkt. De sporter zal er steeds voor moeten zorgen dat hij niet te zwaar wordt. Als hij voor een wedstrijd toch te zwaar is, zal hij moeten afvallen. Dit wordt meestal aftrainen genoemd en ook wel 'gewicht maken'. De term aftrainen wordt overigens ook gebruikt wanneer de sporter met zijn wedstrijdcarr


The online version of this article can be found at: can be found at: Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine Additional services and information for J O U R N A L O F T H E R O Y A L S O C I E T Y O F M E D I C I N EAnticholinergic side-effects of drugs in elderly peopleJacobo Mintzer MDOld age is accompanied by an increased likelihood of illness,Peters5 identi®ed 22 categori

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